F1 2011 (Codemasters)

poruka: 1.765
čitano: 284.915
moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
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15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

F1 2011 okupira nove platforme - Izvor


Codemastersovci obećavaju da F1 2011 neće biti samo nadogradnja u vidu novih staza i vozača sukladno novoj sezoni Formule 1. Pored toga, F1 brand planiraju proširiti (odnosno eksploatirati još više) browser igrom te zasebnim naslovom namijenjenim nešto mlađoj publici.

Dakle, F1 igre bit će dostupne na gotovo svim platformama, pa čak i dvjema novim handheld konzolama, kažu u Codemastersu. Jedna od njih zasigurno je 3DS, a druga je vrlo vjerojatno još jedna naznaka za PSP2.


Obečali su stavit u igru Safety Car,mehaničke kvarove i popravit neke bugove...




  • KERS and DRS avaiable and full manual
  • IMPROVED HANDLING (more reactive , you "feel" the car into corners )  FLEXIBLE BODYWORK (body , wings , mirrors can flect)
  • IMPROVED DAMAGE (increased damage sensivity)
  • MECHANICAL FAIULURES (engine , drs , kers , brakes)
  • NEW A.I (more challenging and realistic drivers , brake late into corners)
  • 24 CARS ONLINE (16 players+8 bots)
  • OSD: the osd is vastly improved and more complete
  • CO-OP ONLINE CAREER MODE (Play throughout a season online with a friend)


Minimum Specifications

• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9.0c
• Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 5400+
• 2GB Ram
• Graphics Card: GeForce 7800/Radeon X1800 or higher
• DirectX Compatible Soundcard or onboard audio
• Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive
• 12.5 GB Hard Drive Space

Recommended Specifications for DX11

• Windows 7
• DirectX 11
• Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II x4
• 4GB Ram
• Graphics Card: GeForce GTX460 or ATI Radeon HD 5850
• DirectX Compatible Soundcard or onboard audio
• Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive
• 12.5 GB Hard Drive Space


Igra izlazi 23.09.2011.


Patch 1:



Patch 2:


سمندری ڈاکو
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 28.5.2012 17:47 (pirat).
Moj PC  
18 0 hvala 18
14 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

mlada publika? znaci li to arkadno igranje? nadam se da ne...nego da ce jos vise pokusati izsimulirati...

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
13 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Safety car,mehanicke kvarove <3

Aj nek mi se desi ko rajkonenu  nurburgring 2005...ako se iko sjeca :D,ILI trulli Abu dhabi 2010,

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
13 godina
RE: F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Za sada se čini da će bit Ludilo :D

15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Evo liste želja F1 communitya za F1 2011:


    * Safety car
    * Formation/recon/parade/victory laps
    * Interactive podium
    * Driver/helmet editor
    * Dedicated servers
    * 24 cars online
    * Full pit lane driving control
    * Online practice sessions
    * Improve/tweak weather and damage systems
    * Improve/tweak handling, tunings, sounds, graphics, etc.
    * Helicopter view (circle the track) of each track pre-race
    * Show wrecks/cars being removed by from track (by crane?)
    * Small crowds during practice, medium during qualifying, and FULL crowds during races
    * Cameras flashing at start of races
    * Pitboard crew members leaning over walls during race
    * Full mechanical failures, as realistic as possible
    * Splitscreen multiplayer
    * Share setups online
    * Replay editor w/'save to PC/Console' ability [for YouTube upload]
    * Use something other than "Games For Windows Live"

سمندری ڈاکو
Moj PC  
10 0 hvala 7
15 godina
RE: F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Evo,našao sam nešto.

EDIT:Mislim da bi osim SplitScreen Multiplayera trebali uvesti i SplitScreen normalne utrke.

Gimnazija Antuna Gustava Matoša
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 13.1.2011 18:53 (emerik).
14 godina
RE: F1 2011 (Codemasters)
insomniac kaže...

Safety car,mehanicke kvarove <3

Aj nek mi se desi ko rajkonenu  Räikkönenu nurburgring 2005...ako se iko sjeca :D,ILI trulli Abu dhabi 2010,

Jel mislis na ono kad mu je zadnji zavoj prije cilja pukla guma?


Nego ovo bi moglo bit jako dobro.....

13 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Da li ima datuma u prici :D

0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Po meni gotovo da će (i trebaju) kopirat F1 2010, malo dezajnirat AI, dodat SC i prašinu na autima, ubacit one custom patcheve odnosno modove i samo dodati info iz nove sezone.

Obavezno posjeti : www.l2-semper-fidelis.com/catchem.php?id=38769
4 0 hvala 0
14 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Poučen iskustvom od ove igre ne očekujem ništa!

Osim hrpe bugova,naravno

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 9.2.2011 14:54 (Kill Frenzy).
Moj PC  
4 14 hvala 0
13 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Da li se negdje spominju datumi oko izlask ili tako nesto...

0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: F1 2011 (Codemasters)
Kill Frenzy kaže...

Poučen iskustvom od ove igre ne očekujem ništa!

Osim hrpe bugova,naravno

to je jako tesko, jer su f1 2010 s patchem ispravili bugove nebi se s novom igrom unazadili od patchirane one


nikakvih bugova poslije patcha falabogu nije bilo

Što imaš više sira, imaš više rupa. Što imaš više rupa, imaš manje sira. ?????????????
13 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Dali neko zna kako snimiti utrku ili jedan krug  da se može poslije gledati.

0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: F1 2011 (Codemasters)
davorxxx kaže...

Dali neko zna kako snimiti utrku ili jedan krug  da se može poslije gledati.

ne moze se jer igra jos nije izasla.

15 godina
Re: F1 2011 (Codemasters)
davorxxx kaže...

Dali neko zna kako snimiti utrku ili jedan krug  da se može poslije gledati.

skini fraps program  i snimaj ako hočeš svoj jedan krug ili cijelu utrku

15 godina
Re: F1 2011 (Codemasters)
pirat kaže...



 te zasebnim naslovom namijenjenim nešto mlađoj publici.






RuskeGTT kaže...

mlada publika? znaci li to arkadno igranje? nadam se da ne...nego da ce jos vise pokusati izsimulirati...

Treba malo pažljivije čitati.

I'll be back
15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Call For Questions


Today we're pleased to announce that F1 2011 will be coming out on the 23rd September. Not only that but we want the Community to get involved. Submit a YouTube video with your F1 2011 questions and you could win the chance to win a VIP visit to the F1 2011 studios to ask your question in person, play the game and feature in our Developer Diaries.

سمندری ڈاکو
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 5
15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Da malo osvježimo temu,evo par informacija...

Što se trenutno zna o igri:

  • Inclusion of DRS and KERS
  • Atleast 2 stops during a race(20% or higher)
  • A harder AI
  • An easy OSD
  • Improved car handling
  • More than 8 online players(many people already know how many)...ovi u zagradi koji znaju su oni koji su imali priliku probat igru(post gore)
  • An improved career mode
  • improve handling and posible force feedback
  • improve the sound engine


Što se trenutno misli da se zna o igri:

  • improve engineer
  • 16 players + 8 I.A online
  • team mates online
  • improve the change of wet-rain (tyres)
  • improve lights and colours
  • NO tv style(to je potvrđeno)
  • podium
  • formation lap
  • improve all tracks
  • improve abs
  • drive with TC is slower
  • rewritted pit lane 


I dečkići su vozili jednu utrku koja će bit prikazana na E3:

Citat iz jednog dijela utrke...


I started to make very slight mistakes as I heard them closing the gap. Not only was I keeping an eye on the gap information I was noticing them on the mini-map and... toughest of all to deal with, hearing them downshifting and braking into corners I’d just exited... that starts to distract you! I was starting to drive more conservatively but this was costing me time each lap. The gap was decreasing and Mainsail and Burger wanted the lead back... they needed it if their aggressive strategies were going to deliver results today.

Lap 20/33 and... SECRET FEATURE(Safety Car?)... meant I knew it was time to stop, the crew were ready but I wanted to drag another lap out of these tyres. Burger had got the gap down to a couple of seconds now and coming off the back straight he was undoubtedly going to be able to use DRS on me after Eau Rouge. He was on my gearbox and feeling pretty confident that I wouldn’t be able to defend my lead position on my shot tyres... I dived into the pits and his planned escape from Mainsail had vanished...

I went onto the Option tyre and smoked it out of the pit-lane, rejoined the track and revelled in the amazing grip through Eau Rouge. These tyre’s were going to have to carry me for more than ten laps to the finish on lap 33. The car was lighter at this stage of the race and I’d seen Mainsail stop on lap 9 so my theory showed promise, or so I thought.

سمندری ڈاکو
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 27.5.2011 12:02 (pirat).
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 2
15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Bit će zakon koristiti DRS i KERS{#}

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
14 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

steta za tv style, al vjerujem da ne mogu stvarno, cak niti moderi nemogu probiti taj kod igre

LOL: Dmanz
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: F1 2011 (Codemasters)
dmanz kaže...

steta za tv style, al vjerujem da ne mogu stvarno, cak niti moderi nemogu probiti taj kod igre

Ma meni ne smeta previše,ionak pol toga izgasim.

سمندری ڈاکو
14 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Hoce li pokazat kakav gameplay na E3 sajmu?

BBC2 nick: reader562
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: F1 2011 (Codemasters)
mitchell kaže...

Hoce li pokazat kakav gameplay na E3 sajmu?


سمندری ڈاکو
14 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

a cem sluzi nego da pokazu gameplay lol

LOL: Dmanz
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

kad je E3 sajam? čuo sam da će biti prijenos na gamespotu.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: F1 2011 (Codemasters)
antimadridista kaže...

kad je E3 sajam? čuo sam da će biti prijenos na gamespotu.


سمندری ڈاکو
15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Par slikica iz F1 2011.

سمندری ڈاکو
Moj PC  
4 0 hvala 10
15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

Evo i jedan preview(znam 3 post za redom al jbg)


There are two new tracks, improved handling, oscillating bodywork, improved damage, revamped pit stops, 2011 rule additions, enhanced garage visuals, a new press feedback system and a dynamic cloud system. Whilst these are minor additions in the grand scheme of things, Codemasters' Stephen Hood is quick in assuring us that this is "not just a small update".

The follow-up to the fastest selling F1 game of all time will build on its 9/10 worthy predecessor with more than just tweaks and tuning. F1 2011 is a fully justified sequel.

The experience can be divvied up into the studios' three-part development/marketing mantra: be the driver, live the life and go compete. In terms of be the driver, Codemasters offers a myriad of bullet points for the back of the box. Buddah International and Nürburgring have joined the circuit roster, with a bevy of graphical improvements to the existing 18 tracks. There's enhanced damage and failures, improved feedback for the driver (a voice explaining to the driver what else is happening on the track), heightened circuit fidelity and everything else I mentioned up at the top there.

Avid followers of the sport will be pleased to hear that KERS and DRS have been included to compliment this season's FIA rules. For the less avid followers, KERS stands for kinetic energy recovery system (which converts kinetic energy recovered from the rear axle during braking into a usable burst of energy) and the DRS (drag reduction system) reduces drag. Neither of these acronyms I had to look up on Wikipedia, I promise.

In F1 2010, live the life introduced innovation to the genre in the form of paddock interactions. Journalists would pester you for comments after a race, which - depending on who you might slag off - would affect the action on the track. This year's offering welcomes a revised paddock and garage, and new parc fermé animations - which didn't make the cut in 2010 due to time constraints.

Go compete sees the biggest feature additions to the game; multiplayer is a much bigger focus this time around. F1 2011 allows two players to team up and start a co-op career. Whilst this might seem a co-operative affair on the surface, the rivalry between team mates is at the heart of the F1 experience. Who qualifies the furthest up the grid? Who has the better lap times? Who crosses the finish line first? I'll be answering each of these questions with "me" when I inevitably start a career with my F1-obsessed father when the game launches.

Contributing to the split-screen reconnaissance the industry has seen over the last year or so, F1 2011 will allow two players to play on the same screen at the same time. It's like 1997 all over again. As well as this, online play now supports a full grid of 24 cars. The game can only support 16 players, however, so the remaining eight cars will be driven by AI drivers.

When asked, Hood also revealed that something along the lines of Autolog might be heading to the game, but wouldn't elaborate as to what. Such a feature is crucial if Codies hopes to remain on equal footing with other driving games, but Hood has expressed concern about feature, claiming that it's "overstated". How the developer therefore chooses to approach social integration is one of the biggest questions remaining about F1 2011.

F1 2011 is due for release in September, for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC


Ako vam se neda sve čitati evo ukratko:

F1 2011 allows two players to team up and start a co-op career


As well as this, online play now supports a full grid of 24 cars. The game can only support 16 players, however, so the remaining eight cars will be driven by AI drivers.


Split-screen - F1 2011 will allow two players to play on the same screen at the same time.


Bit će awesome. 


I Eurogamer preview:



-Mechanical breakdowns will now feature in the game


CVG_UK preview:


سمندری ڈاکو
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 3.6.2011 14:21 (pirat).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 7
14 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)

too sve super, ali split screen {#}

Dirt 3 -&amp;gt; Dino Bzik
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
F1 2011 (Codemasters)
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
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