Football Manager 2014

poruka: 459
čitano: 94.492
moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
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15 godina
Football Manager 2014

Evo i službeno najavljen novi FM


Evo i prvi SS-ovi:



0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Football Manager 2014

The developers list the following as highlights of the upcoming release:

  • An improved 3D Match Engine
  • A tactical overhaul
  • More realistic transfers and contracts
  • More sophisticated board interaction
  • More complex interaction between staff, players and rival managers
  • A revamped news system
  • An enhanced user interface
  • Evolution for Classic mode
  • Additional community features
  • Extensive tech improvements
Nobody Cares!
3 0 hvala 1
14 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
Square Enix kaže...

The developers list the following as highlights of the upcoming release:

  • An improved 3D Match Engine
  • A tactical overhaul
  • More realistic transfers and contracts
  • More sophisticated board interaction
  • More complex interaction between staff, players and rival managers
  • A revamped news system
  • An enhanced user interface
  • Evolution for Classic mode
  • Additional community features
  • Extensive tech improvements

Evo nekih slika ovdje ;)

Zan klo van dam
15 godina
11 godina
Football Manager 2014

Igra izlazi 30.10.2013.

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Football Manager 2014


Ovde mozete nabavit fm dosta jeftinije

Mene je izaslo 159 kn   cca 21 €


Trik je da morate pristiupit stranici sa brazilskog proxy servera  kad kupujete igru.


Steam   key se dobiva na dan izlaska igre   znaci NEMA BETA pristupa

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014

Minor FM 2014 features:

  • Reserve teams can now have their own assistant manager and coaches - 10 new reserve team staff roles, in fact
  • Managers can advertise for jobs even when at maximum staff limit
  • Brazilian Paraná State Championship final goes to penalties if points are level after both legs
  • Revamped handling of club debt
  • New press conference questions based on style of play data
  • Improved stadium sponsorship scaling
  • Full ineligibility information when hovering over 'INE' icon

  • Player Report immediately available for player that Director of Football has made a bid for
  • Tooltips on Finance screen explaining various financial terms
  • Turkish league fair play awards

  • Swedish "artist tax" implemented
  • Make a positive or negative comment to the press about a player if you've sold them or left the club
  • Contract length calculation now calculated in weeks
  • Press conference question if increased transfer funds request is granted / rejected by chairman
  • New pop up when adding a player to "Development List"
  • "Out in the cold" news item mentions the last international game a player featured in
  • Admire and declare interest specifically for players you have on loan
  • New training overview panel

  • Improved MLS transfer AI
  • Updated Greek FA penalties
  • Prompt to set Staff Responsibilities in initial meeting with chairman
  • Player status panel shows all unavailability statuses

  • International managers can respond to player refusing international call up
  • Host server rules available when joining an online game
  • New press conference questions based on goal analysis data
  • Honours panel added to Club / Nation information screen in FMC
  • Shorter contracts for players owned by third parties where appropriate to better model South American transfers
  • Watch list / shortlist tab on MLS draft screen
  • U21 information appears on Player Information screen
  • Naughty newgens going onto social media to complain about various club issues
  • Press conference question asking about ambitions for next season after promotion

  • On Player Coach report - Clicking on position in player's Position Panel updates the Position Rating Panel
  • Breakdown "Total Cost of Transfer" to "Total Cost of Transfer Per Year" to help with FFP when buying players
  • 1368x768 windowed mode now supported in-game
  • Players have Head of Youth Development and Director of Football as desired careers when retired
  • Merchandise sales boost for high reputation clubs touring abroad
  • Request that Reserves or Under 18 manager plays a player in certain position
  • Ability to select/deselect all subscriptions on a per category basis
  • Training facilities grading revamp
  • Improvements to change of Squad Status advice
  • Talk to players who are out on loan

  • New player and staff retirements
  • All games in versus mode take place at a neutral stadium
  • Added detail to highest average distance analysis
  • Newgens are now created in non-MLS clubs in the Academy division
  • Rule update on free agents signing outside of MLS transfer window
  • Press conference question about a player breaking a record

  • 3 year projected transfer budget on the finance screen
  • Player Wage Projection if Team is promoted
  • Warning message when manager bids for a player who will be ineligible
  • Fans react more to manager fielding youngsters
  • German clubs are now 51% supporter owned, with the chairman voted for by those supporters - any takeover is for 49% of the club
  • Players able to opt out of the MLS re-entry draft
  • Promise to offer a player a new contract at the end of the season
  • Belgian cup updates
  • Wages Expenditure Account Split
  • Press conference question on whether the board's expectations are acceptable and realistic
  • Agents and investors can now make offers to co-own %'s of players in leagues that allow 3rd party ownership
  • Affiliate clubs now send you a list of players that you can loan from them
  • Kill job speculation

  • Expand Contract Offer screen to include FFP information
  • Assistant manager automatically handles post match press conference if you're serving a touchline ban
  • AI teams quick shortlist replacement players when selling a key player
  • Press conference question if new contract request is rejected by chairman
  • Select game start date in FMC
  • Higher attendances post-league title win despite playing lower reputation teams
  • Added Financial Fair Play tab on the finances screen
  • Turkish young player contracts more realistic, with no youth contracts
  • Training overview includes how many weeks training has taken place in certain areas

  • Updated Australian maximum transfer fees
  • Danish work permit revamp
  • Expand Transfer Embargo News Item
  • Transfer clauses to state the amount of total appearances overall to meet the clause
  • Guaranteed contract buyout in MLS
  • More realistic season expectations
  • View Job Advert button on club screen

  • When conducting 'Trial days' teams play in First Teams formation
  • Choose own realistic Feeder Club
  • Update to Norwegian domestic home grown rule
  • Transfer to and start date information when hovering over 'TRN' icon

  • Option for clubs to auto-extend contracts by up to 3 years in contract negotiations
  • Improved player recommendations for potential signings
  • Kit sponsorship revamp
  • Players open to signing for rivals, unless they dislike the club bidding
  • Presidential elections for clubs who have an election based system to elect a "chairman"
  • Change Transfer Type for players on the Unwanted list and Transfer Targets list
  • Use of Bonuses / Clauses should lower and raise the overall transfer budget
  • Improved team report summary

  • Net transfer income appreciated by board
  • Ability to select / deselect all subscriptions on a per category basis
  • Updated MLS disciplinary system
  • MLS Trade screen update
  • French clubs receive indemnity for international call ups
  • Expand Monthly Board Confidence update to include financial fair play
  • Multi-select players on transfer panels

  • Multiple news stories now combined when players are injured, withdrawn or used as replacements
  • Newgen staff now get non player traits (the staff equivalent of player preferred moves)
  • Club badges on the Next Match panel of the Manager profile are now hyper-linked
  • Levy on all transfer spending by football league clubs invested into youth development
  • Press can suggest a specific player is not the team's best player and is overrated
  • News item explaining league contract rules when joining MLS / A-League team

  • Separate staff budget
  • Where appropriate, supporter owned clubs won't sell to businessmen
  • Press conference question on chairman's future when looking to sell the club
  • Save custom database set-ups
  • Recommended player button added in news items for new staff signings
  • "Ungentlemanly Conduct" renamed "Unsporting Behaviour"

  • Player position labels link to position section
  • Revamp to conversation with concerned player over their asking price
  • Agent fees and pro-rated loyalty bonuses come out of your transfer budget, while contract bonuses come out of your wage budget
  • MLS reserve league update
  • Support multiple contract end dates
  • 8 new player roles: Half back, target flank man, limited FB, complete wing back, enganche, regista, false no.9, shadow striker
  • News revamp
    • Important dates are now in calendar form and not just text
    • When a team makes a bid for your player, you can negotiate immediately
    • When it shows your teams results, it also shows some stats such as how many shots on target and your possession percentage
    • Scout reports are now more detailed, showing the minutes the opposition usually score, where they assist on the pitch, and best formations
    • When offered a player by an agent, you can see all their stats and a bit of their history without having to click on the player
    • Match analysis reports have now been plugged into match results
    • When a manager is sacked, there are now next manager odds, which show who is most likely to take over; you can see the odds for the next manager to get sacked
    • You can accept and reject multiple offers straight from your inbox
    • You can now meet your squad once you meet your assistant manager
    • You will receive emails from your medical staff when a player you loaned out has picked up an injury, giving you the chance to recall them from loan
    • The season review now picks up key moments off the campaign for various teams and is much more detailed
    • When multiple players return from loan spells, it will all appear in one item
    • When a player retires, in your mail box you have the option to keep the player's history
  • Press conference question on new chairman after a takeover
  • Your team is already picked for you when taking over a club in FMC
  • Ability in training calendar to split days into Rest and Match Preparation

  • Preview news item on next round of league fixtures
  • Conditional loan repayments such as "repayble on Promotion to top division"
  • Request fixture rearrange or postponement if multiple players are called up for international duty
  • Streamlined Continental Qualification seeding news stories
  • Full access to shortlists regardless of which team managed or if unemployed
  • Press conference question on Chairman's ambitions for the club, if any requests are rejected
  • MLS first round draft picks ask for either a Senior or SEL contracts

  • One news story generated if multiple players withdraw from international squad
  • More realistic fan reaction to losses against superior opposition
  • Increased attendances for friendlies at new stadiums
  • Relevant press conference questions when joining struggling side mid-season
  • More information displayed on Manager and Staff screen in FMC
  • Player suitability delivered in one report in Backroom Advice

  • Streamlined first level "Add to Shortlist" menu option on Player Screen
  • Press conference question if stadium improvements or new stadium request is granted / rejected by chairman
  • Regional refs for regional competitions, such as Conference North
  • Privately congratulate player on winning 1st cap or scoring 1st international goal

  • MLS Transfer revamp
  • Marker in financial projection graph to indicate where the club are in relation to the budget
  • Split 1st and 2nd half shot analysis
  • Refs now retire, and new ones appear
  • PIK loans added
  • Train players to develop as leaders
  • Improved explanation of how Director of Football works in FM and FMC
  • Transfer budget takes all clauses and bonuses into account
  • Leak interest in vacant position to press
  • Make players available for youth squads, as well as reserves

  • Hyperlinks to division names in season summary
  • 'Where Are They Now' button available on transfer history screen
  • New player-roles, including a shadow striker and a regista ("a deeper deep-lying playmaker")
  • Define favorite formation when adding a new manager

  • Improved scouting assignments generating more reports
  • Team records News item available at welcome meeting
  • Fixture list includes potential opponents in next round of cup competition
  • Captains aren't always well behaved - so they can be reprimanded after poor behavior and reminded that they should be a role model
  • Difficulty rating for Challenges depending on what team you manage
  • Can assign Assistant Manager to take control of training
  • Added MLS Waiver Draft in November
  • Check contract details for players you've agreed future transfers for
  • Captains can be asked to resolve conflicts between two team mates
  • Viareggio Club World Football Tournament Coppa Carnevale now featured
  • Schedule to play at a bigger stadium in some European cup competitions if home stadium is too small
  • Ask a player to sack his agent

  • TV money payment revamp
  • 'Insert value' pop-up when adding a player to "Unwanted List"
  • Position history graph when picking a team to manage

  • Going on pre-season tours abroad boost shirt sales
  • Captains can be asked to determine the mood/togetherness of the dressing room to help you know when you should have a team meeting
  • Captain / Vice can be asked to help out a team mate having personal problems
  • Director of Football suggests changing transfer values following unsuccessful attempts to sell
  • You can now apply for work permits for your own players without having to offer them a new contract
  • Testimonials for star players after having been at the club for a certain period of time or when they announce their retirement



15 godina
Football Manager 2014

Radi ekscesa sa zadnjim managerom, tj. sa nedolaskom cracka, odlucio sam da cu kupiti novi manager original. E sad, poznanik mi je ponudio da on uzme preko interneta, te onda dobije link za instalaciju, i predlozio mi je da uzmemo po pola te da mi se on, kada dobije link, spoji na moj komp i da ga instalira i meni. Pošto je moje jedino iskustvo sa original igricama ono da ih kupim u algoritmu, ne znam jel ovakva "prevara" moguca, i jel bi obojica mogli imati original instaliran istovremeno tim putem. Ako netko zna jel to moguce, nek mi pojasni, cijenim svaku pomoc. Hvala unaprijed!!

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
abcde kaže...

Radi ekscesa sa zadnjim managerom, tj. sa nedolaskom cracka, odlucio sam da cu kupiti novi manager original. E sad, poznanik mi je ponudio da on uzme preko interneta, te onda dobije link za instalaciju, i predlozio mi je da uzmemo po pola te da mi se on, kada dobije link, spoji na moj komp i da ga instalira i meni. Pošto je moje jedino iskustvo sa original igricama ono da ih kupim u algoritmu, ne znam jel ovakva "prevara" moguca, i jel bi obojica mogli imati original instaliran istovremeno tim putem. Ako netko zna jel to moguce, nek mi pojasni, cijenim svaku pomoc. Hvala unaprijed!!

Može se.. Preko Steama.. S tim da će jedan uvijek morat bit u offline modu dok je u Steamu

15 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014

znači, moram imat steam instaliran da bih mogao instalirati FM, nema neka opcija da samo link dobijes i skines? a što bi se dogodilo ako bismo obojica bili spojeni na internet?

16 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
abcde kaže...

znači, moram imat steam instaliran da bih mogao instalirati FM, nema neka opcija da samo link dobijes i skines? a što bi se dogodilo ako bismo obojica bili spojeni na internet?

  Pogledaj moj post malo povise to ti je cijena vise nego u pola

21€ u odnosu na 50 €


i sve 5


ovde imas listu brazilskih proxy-a


sve se odradi u 15 min.

16 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
insomniac_cro kaže...
abcde kaže...

znači, moram imat steam instaliran da bih mogao instalirati FM, nema neka opcija da samo link dobijes i skines? a što bi se dogodilo ako bismo obojica bili spojeni na internet?

  Pogledaj moj post malo povise to ti je cijena vise nego u pola

21€ u odnosu na 50 €


i sve 5


ovde imas listu brazilskih proxy-a


sve se odradi u 15 min.

Daj molim te objasni na brzinu kako se spaja preko proxy-a na neku web stranicu, da ne googlam. Moram u postavkama browsera štimat ili?

16 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
Maximus kaže...
insomniac_cro kaže...
abcde kaže...

znači, moram imat steam instaliran da bih mogao instalirati FM, nema neka opcija da samo link dobijes i skines? a što bi se dogodilo ako bismo obojica bili spojeni na internet?

  Pogledaj moj post malo povise to ti je cijena vise nego u pola

21€ u odnosu na 50 €


i sve 5


ovde imas listu brazilskih proxy-a


sve se odradi u 15 min.

Daj molim te objasni na brzinu kako se spaja preko proxy-a na neku web stranicu, da ne googlam. Moram u postavkama browsera štimat ili?

  Samo u postavkama browsera podesi da koristi neki od proxy-a na toj listi


Ali prvo ajde na stranicu i otvori svoj account (brze je sve 10x bez proxya) i onda s proxijem ajde na link od igre i kupi je .

Budi strpljiv , bit ce sporo sve , treba cca 15 min za sve odradit

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 2.10.2013 14:38 (insomniac_cro).
16 godina
Football Manager 2014

Kupio sam, valjda će bit ok sve ... {#}

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 5.10.2013 8:18 (Maximus).
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
abcde kaže...

Radi ekscesa sa zadnjim managerom, tj. sa nedolaskom cracka, odlucio sam da cu kupiti novi manager original. E sad, poznanik mi je ponudio da on uzme preko interneta, te onda dobije link za instalaciju, i predlozio mi je da uzmemo po pola te da mi se on, kada dobije link, spoji na moj komp i da ga instalira i meni. Pošto je moje jedino iskustvo sa original igricama ono da ih kupim u algoritmu, ne znam jel ovakva "prevara" moguca, i jel bi obojica mogli imati original instaliran istovremeno tim putem. Ako netko zna jel to moguce, nek mi pojasni, cijenim svaku pomoc. Hvala unaprijed!!

Kakvim nedolaskom cracka? Crack je došao nedugo nakon no bio je nevaljao. Pravi, crack koji radi bez problema je izašao u 5 mjesecu. 

16 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014

Editor Party

12 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
Maximus kaže...

Editor Party

Nikakava editor party... nego je negdje 2018 receno da ce Bosna mozda uci u EU i tako je slozeno u FM.u... isto tako je bilo i sa Hrvatskom, Srbijom i jos nekima za koje se znalo da ce uci u EU kad-tad...

13 godina
Football Manager 2014

Evo ovdje je pristojna cijena pa ga ne bi bilo loše uzeti:

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
Galiante kaže...

Evo ovdje je pristojna cijena pa ga ne bi bilo loše uzeti:

Naručio sam tu i tokom narudžbe mi je pisalo da će me zovnit na mob da potvrdim kupovinu. Nitko nije nazvao i sad mi stoji status Processing. Je li to u redu? Nisam nikad s ove stranice prije kupovao.

Zdravi i veseli bili :)
14 godina
Football Manager 2014

Prednaručen box edition. Mislio sam uzet samo key, ali nije strasno par desetaka kuna razlike za imat tu svetu kutiju na polici. Inaće, beta izlazi sljedeći četvrtak navodno. {#}

0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Football Manager 2014

evo friski video danas objavljeno


Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
Hojs kaže...

Prednaručen box edition. Mislio sam uzet samo key, ali nije strasno par desetaka kuna razlike za imat tu svetu kutiju na polici. Inaće, beta izlazi sljedeći četvrtak navodno. {#}

Ej gdje si naručio box?

14 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
Yoseep kaže...

Ej gdje si naručio box?

Svijet igara. Uglavnom je kod nas svugdje ista cijena (299kn). Nađe se vani koju deseticu jeftinije, ali treba čekati dostavu.

14 godina
Football Manager 2014

AAA kad će više!!!Jedva čekam vidjet Malokua,Pašalića,Kouassija :)) Morali bi bit izvanredni !

Moj PC  
2 3 hvala 0
11 godina
Football Manager 2014
Gdje ima najjeftinije za uzeti ključ?
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Football Manager 2014

Ja sam za sada našao ovdje:


slobodno neka netko ubaci ako gdje ima jeftinije za uzeti {#}

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Football Manager 2014

Uzimo sam od njih ranije ove godine Dead Space 3 sve pet bilo, brza isporuka.
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014

Beta je vani.. Ajde ko je pre order-al FM da stavi dojmove kad će stić..

Ja čekam plaću pa se bacam na FM14 :)

16 godina
Re: Football Manager 2014
soja kaže...

Beta je vani.. Ajde ko je pre order-al FM da stavi dojmove kad će stić..

Ja čekam plaću pa se bacam na FM14 :)

Upravo se skida :) pa javim nocas nekakve dojmove :D

We have different opinions and mine is the one that counts because you work for AS and I am the coach of Madrid.
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