Potpuno autonomna vožnja je SAE level 5, Tesla je unatoč obmanjujućem nazivu zbog kojeg su morali dodati Supervised, tako da glasi Full Self-Driving (Supervised), autonomna vožnja SAE level 2.
Tesla Admits Current ‘Full Self-Driving Beta’ Will Always Be a Level 2 System: Emails
Nakon toga su stavili i na službene stranice;
FSD Beta is an SAE Level 2 driver support feature that can provide steering and braking/acceleration support to the driver under certain operating limitations. With FSD Beta, as with all SAE Level 2 driver support features, the driver is responsible for operation of the vehicle whenever the feature is engaged and must constantly supervise the feature and intervene (e.g., steer, brake or accelerate) as needed to maintain safe operation of the vehicle.
U međuvremenu, već od kraja ove godine u Zagrebu će voziti SAE level 5 robotaksiji;
Rimac Automobili inzistiraju da će robotaksiji biti spremni do kraja 2024.: 'Proizvodit će se u RH, izvozit ćemo velike količine'