Kako se može obrisati sve s mobitela? Znam da može i factory reset, no kako pobrisati da se ne može ništa restora-ati, s nekim programom za povratak podataka.
Kako se može obrisati sve s mobitela? Znam da može i factory reset, no kako pobrisati da se ne može ništa restora-ati, s nekim programom za povratak podataka.
Napuni ga "do vrha" pa factory reset pa ponovo napuni pa factory reset....par puta tako i mislim da bi to trebalo biti to.
Evo, našao sam ovo:
1. CNet recommends that you encrypt your device before wiping it, which can be done in the ‘Security’ section of the ‘Settings’ menu.
2. Next you’ll want to perform a factory reset, which is done in the ‘Backup & reset’ section of the Settings menu.
3. For added protection you then need to load your phone with ‘dummy’ data, such as stock photos and video, so people can’t steal your identity.
4. Now perform another factory reset, erasing the dummy data. Repeat this three times or more to be as secure as possible.
5. Your data is not only now buried beneath dummy content, but if someone does get that far into your phone they’ll find it is encrypted as well.