Evo pošto je sad u trendu po forumu otvarati razne enciklopedije, domislih se jedne koja će nekome sigurno koristiti.
U ovim toplim danima kada vani prži sunce a u kući komp sigurno se ponekad nađete s prijateljima ili imate braću/sestre i neznate što biste igrali.
Ova tema donosi odgovor na tu dilemu.
Sastaviti ću popis svih Co-op igara izašlih iza 2000. godine.
PRAVILO 1:Igra mora imati podršku za Co-Op kampanju da bi bila na popisu.
PRAVILO 2:Co-op bora biti dostupan preko lokalne veze (LAN kabel, ruter) bez povezivanja na internet.
U zagradi piše do koliko je igraća co-op podržan
Nadam se da će biti korisno :)
P.S. Molim forumaše da kada recenziraju igru, da se najviše osvrnu na co-op komponentu igre...
Starlancer (4) - Action
Icewind Dale (6) - RPG
Diablo 2 (8) - Action RPG
Serious Sam (16) - FPS
Codename: Outbreak (2) - FPS
Serious Sam : The Second Encounter (16) - FPS
Carnivores Cityscape (2) - FPS
Dungeon Siege (4) - Action RPG
Neverwinter Nights (4) - RPG
Icewind Dale 2 (6) - RPG
Line of Sight : Vietnam (2) - Action
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield (8) - FPS
Will Rock (2) - FPS
Star Trek Elite Force 2 (HZM Co-op Script Mod) (12) - FPS
Baldur's Gate II (6) - RPG
Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King (2) . Action, Hack n Slash
Sacred (4) - Action RPG
Joint Operations : Typhoon Rising (64) - Tactical FPS
Soldiers : Heroes of World War II (4) - RTS
Conflict : Vietnam (4) - FPS
MechWarrior 4 (5) - Mech Simulation
Hidden and Dangerous 2: Sabre Squadron (4) - Tactical FPS
Joint Operations: Escalation (64) - Tactical FPS
Alien Swarm (MOD) (4) - Action
Doom3 : Last Man Standing (MOD) (16) - FPS
SWAT 4 (8) - Tactical FPS
Dungeon Lords (8) - Action RPG
Dungeon Siege 2 (8) - Action RPG
Serious Sam 2 (6) - FPS
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (2) - Action-Adventure
Half Life (Sven Co-Op Mod) (32) - Action
Conflict Global Storm (4) - Action
Titan Quest (6) - Action RPG
Neverwinter Nights 2 (4) - RPG
Rainbow Six : Vegas (4) - Tactical FPS
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (2) - Action-Adventure
Doom3: Open Co-Op (MOD) (8) - FPS
Synergy (HL2 mod) (16) - FPS
Killing Floor (MOD) (6) - Survival Horror
Loki (6) - Action RPG
Gears of War (2) - Action
Kane & Linch: Dead Men (4) - Action
Unreal Tournament 3 (4) - FPS
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2) - Action Adventures
The Mark (2) - FPS
Sins of Solar Empire (4) - RTS
Conflict: Denied Ops (2) - FPS
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (4) - FPS
Armed Assault (2) - Tactical FPS
Call of Duty : World at War (4) - FPS
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (4) - Action RPG
Left 4 Dead (4) - FPS
Lego Batman : The Video Game (2) - Action-Adventure
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (2) - Action-Adventure
Warrior Epic (6) - Action RPG
Saint's Row 2 (2) - Action
Lord of the Rings: Conquest (2) - Action
Men of War (4) - RTS
Tom Clancy's HAWX (4) - Flight
Al War (8) - RTS
Killing Floor (6) - FPS
Damnation (2) - Action
ArmA II (4) - FPS
Raven Squad (2) - First person / RTS
Resident Evil 5 (2) - Survival Horror
Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising (4) - Tactical FPS
Borderlands (4) - Action
Borderlands - The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (DLC) (4) - Action
Borderlands - Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot (DLC) (4) - Action
Painkiller Resurrection (4) - FPS
Left 4 Dead 2 (4) - FPS
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (16) - FPS
GREED (3) - Action RPG
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (2) - Action-Adventures
Sol Survivor (4) - Tower Defense
Din's Curse (32) - Action RPG
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (16) - FPS
Fairytale Fights (4) - Action RPG
Aliens: Colonial Marines (4) - FPS
Lost Planet 2 (2) - Action RPG
Borderlands - The Secret Armory of General Knoxx (DLC) (4) - Action
Lego Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2) - Action-Adventure
U izradi
Diablo 3 (4) - Action RPG
To je to, ako sam nešto izostavio, napišite (obratite pozornost na pravila!). Recenzirajte, a ja ću nadopunjavati temu.