Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1 izdvojena tema

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14 godina
Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Kru te yebo koji gnjev 

Simply lovely! Batllelog: sudy_freak | Steam: sudy_freak | PUBG: slav_baba_yaga
5 mjeseci
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Tvoji komentari su tipični fanboyevski. Kod mene toga nema jer ne navijam za nikoga. Možda simpatiziram Ferrari kao legendu, a predugo sam u ovome, još tamo od Hunta i Laude. Mene samo jebe nedosljednost onih koji odlučuju o kaznama i to je sve. Zaboli me za Maxa i Landa. Ja bi htio neizvjesnost borbe za prvaka do kraja, a toga ipak neće biti.
5 mjeseci
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Da prestizali su ga dok je imao 100 bodova prednosti. Sad kad više nema svemirski brod i naizgled mu je titula došla u pitanje vraća se starim navikama.
16 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
deepshitcro kaže...
Max je masina za Landa, sljedece sezone ce ga i Piastri pojest.

 F1 2024 head-to-head qualifying record: McLaren

Lando Norris 16-3 Oscar Piastri
Sprint qualifying: Lando Norris 3-1 Oscar Piastri



F1 2024 head-to-head race record: McLaren

Lando Norris 12-7 Oscar Piastri
Sprint: Lando Norris 2-2 Oscar Piastri


Ubija ga Piastri, pogotovo u kvalifikacijama 

A i u utrkama bi bio skor još povoljniji za Landa da nije morao prepustiti pobjedu u Mađarskoj i da mu timski kolega nije zabio nož u leđa na početku utrke u Monzi.

14 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Krellac kaže...
Tvoji komentari su tipični fanboyevski. Kod mene toga nema jer ne navijam za nikoga. Možda simpatiziram Ferrari kao legendu, a predugo sam u ovome, još tamo od Hunta i Laude. Mene samo jebe nedosljednost onih koji odlučuju o kaznama i to je sve. Zaboli me za Maxa i Landa. Ja bi htio neizvjesnost borbe za prvaka do kraja, a toga ipak neće biti.

Ja svoje komentare potkrijepim dokazima koji su dostupni po internetovima i pokazuju ono što su suci gledali, dok su donosili određene presude koje se očito ne sviđaju većini.

Oko nedosljednosti bismo se mogli složiti, ali razgovarati s bukvama mogu i na svježem zraku dok planinarim.

Neki uporno pokušavaju dokazati pojedine slučajeve iz totalno nekonzistentnih kadrova, snimki, ne bi li nešto nedokazivo dokazali.

Totalno nebitno.


EDIT: Btw ako tvrdiš da si u tome od Hunta/Laude, onda bi trebao dobro znati kako su se svi velikani svog vremena utrkivali.

I zašto su na kraju postajali prvaci.


Vidimo se na kraju u Abu Dhabiju kad Lando s najbržim bolidom bude 3. u poretku, a Max s 3. najbržim bolidom osvoji svoj 4 naslov.

Simply lovely! Batllelog: sudy_freak | Steam: sudy_freak | PUBG: slav_baba_yaga
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 23.10.2024 12:59 (sudy_freak).
5 mjeseci
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Znam kako su se velikani utrkivali. Nije bilo većih govana na stazi od Senne, Schumija, Hamiltona, a pogotovo Maxa i svi su oni manje više prolazili nekažnjeno jer su “velikani”. I što sad, ja bih to trebao prihvatiti zdravo za gotovo?! Ja ću se i dalji nervirati zbog toga iako je to idiotski jer nema smisla.
14 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Krellac kaže...
Znam kako su se velikani utrkivali. Nije bilo većih govana na stazi od Senne, Schumija, Hamiltona, a pogotovo Maxa i svi su oni manje više prolazili nekažnjeno jer su “velikani”. I što sad, ja bih to trebao prihvatiti zdravo za gotovo?! Ja ću se i dalji nervirati zbog toga iako je to idiotski jer nema smisla.

Razlika između velikana i ovih koji su samo najbolji među probranim vozačima i imaju sreću da se utrkuju u F1 je što ovi prvi znaju i exploitaju pravila.

Uvijek na rubu.

Ali zato i jesu najbolji.

Ostali koji to nemaju, skupe pokoju pobjedu u karijeri i to je to.


Max se čeličio 2021. protiv višestrukog prvaka Hamiltona koji je imao neprekinut niz 4 WDC-a. I puno žešća i žustrija borba je bila.

Da cijeli paddock i britanski mediji nisu natovarili Himalaju na Landa, možda bi ova sezona bila i napetija. Ovako se tobožnji pretendent na prvaka raspada.



Pravila su takva kakva jesu, mi ih mijenjati ne možemo. Ono što možemo i radimo je diskutirati u nedogled.

Simply lovely! Batllelog: sudy_freak | Steam: sudy_freak | PUBG: slav_baba_yaga
15 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Krellac kaže...
Znam kako su se velikani utrkivali. Nije bilo većih govana na stazi od Senne, Schumija, Hamiltona, a pogotovo Maxa i svi su oni manje više prolazili nekažnjeno jer su “velikani”. I što sad, ja bih to trebao prihvatiti zdravo za gotovo?! Ja ću se i dalji nervirati zbog toga iako je to idiotski jer nema smisla.

 Hemača izbaci on je jedan od najkorektnijih vozača na gridu.

16 godina
Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Hamilton je bio istinsko đubre od vozača gotovo cijelu karijeru. Uvijek je gurao sve žive protivnike u prvom zavoju. Nicu Rosberga je uvijek napastovao sve dok mali plavokosi nije odlučio jednom reći da neće ići i dopustio da se sudare na stazi. Massu je znao gađati onako perfidno. Usavršio je onaj hit po stražnjoj gumi da protivnik odleti, kasnije je to postalo poznato kao "Potez za Albona".


Ajde spomenuti Buttona kao gospodina je jedno, ali Hamiltona, e tu već neće ići.

9 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Ma hamilton je kruzer, nije trkac. Vise sluzi za marketing i modne piste dok je Max cistokrvni trkac. Zao mi je samo sto je dosao u crveni tabor, bolji od Sainza nije, blagi downgrade u svakom pogledu.
Hardware: the parts of a computer that can be kicked.
16 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Danas je kruzer, ali nije bio ranije.

5 mjeseci
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
deepshitcro kaže...
Ma hamilton je kruzer, nije trkac. Vise sluzi za marketing i modne piste dok je Max cistokrvni trkac. Zao mi je samo sto je dosao u crveni tabor, bolji od Sainza nije, blagi downgrade u svakom pogledu.

 A slušaj, ipak je bio pravi trkač dok je bio u McLarenu koji osim njegove prve dvije sezone više mu nikad nije dao ni približno najbolji bolid na gridu. U Mercedesu mu nije bilo potrebno utrkivati se već samo krstariti. Ne može mu se oduzeti prva sezona koju je odvozio nevjerojatno i napuhanog Alonsa strpao u džep, a samo greškom pitwalla u Kini nije postao prvak. Očigledno ga ne voliš, ali jebiga... sedmerostruki je prvak svijeta, po meni i osmerostruki da nije bilo Massija, a to ne može biti slučajno. Ja ipak nekako naginjem starim prvacima. Ovi novi mi ne pašu. To su vjerojatno... godine.

14 godina
Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Ne znam čitate li vi boomerčine twittere i reddite ili je GP1 prozor u svije F1, ali evo zanimljive činjenice o bezgrešnom Hamiltonu.

Sve promjene pravila koje su proizašle iz stila i načina utrkivanja LH od početka karijere.

Izvor By request, I also compiled all the F1 rules changed or clarified solely because of Lewis Hamilton since 2007 : r/formula1


After yesterday's compilation of F1 rules changed or clarified due to Max Verstappen's actions, several users requested I do a similar list for Lewis Hamilton.

First, I want to emphasize that the intention of my previous post was not to single out Verstappen negatively. In fact, I respect Verstappen as an exceptional talent who pushes the boundaries of the sport.

So, by request, here's a deep dive into the rules that have been changed or clarified solely because of Lewis Hamilton's actions.

1. Gaining an Advantage Off-Track Clarification

Race: 2008 Belgian Grand Prix

Incident: Hamilton cut the chicane while battling Kimi Räikkönen, allowing him to overtake. He let Räikkönen back past but immediately overtook him again at the next corner.

Rule Clarification: The FIA clarified that if a driver gains an advantage by leaving the track, they must not only give back the position but also ensure they do not retain any lasting advantage. Immediate re-overtaking or benefiting from a better position due to going off-track is prohibited. This clarification aimed to ensure fairness in racing duels.

2. Emphasis on Honesty with Officials

Race: 2009 Australian Grand Prix

Incident: Hamilton and his McLaren team were found to have provided misleading information to the stewards regarding an incident under the safety car involving Jarno Trulli. Initially, Hamilton told the stewards he did not deliberately let Trulli pass, leading to Trulli's penalty. Later, radio transmissions revealed that Hamilton had been instructed to let Trulli pass.

Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced the requirement for absolute honesty in all communications with the stewards. Providing misleading information resulted in more severe penalties, including disqualification.

3. Ban on Excessive Weaving to Defend Position

Race: 2010 Malaysian Grand Prix

Incident: Hamilton weaved multiple times on the straight to break the tow from Vitaly Petrov, who was attempting to overtake. This was deemed dangerous and unsportsmanlike.

Rule Change: The FIA expanded the rules on defensive driving, stating that drivers are allowed only one move to defend their position per straight and prohibiting excessive weaving to impede another car. This was introduced to enhance safety and ensure fair competition during overtaking maneuvers.

4. Restrictions on Helmet Design Changes

Implemented: 2016 Season

Incident: Hamilton frequently changed his helmet designs, making it harder for fans, commentators, and officials to identify drivers quickly.

Rule Change: The FIA introduced a rule starting in 2016 limiting drivers to one helmet design per season, with exceptions for special occasions. This aimed to improve driver recognition.

(Edit: as pointed out by several users, the rule on helmet restrictions was primarily driven by the actions of Sebastian Vettel, rather then Hamilton)

5. Reinforcement of Pit Entry and Exit Regulations

Race: 2018 German Grand Prix

Incident: Hamilton aborted a pit stop entry by cutting across the grass to rejoin the track, crossing the pit entry line, which was against the rules.

Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced existing rules prohibiting crossing the pit entry and exit lines, emphasizing safety concerns. Drivers must commit to the pit entry once they cross the commitment line and cannot rejoin the track. This clarification ensured consistent enforcement of pit lane regulations.

6. Podium Attire Regulations and Political Messaging

Race: 2020 Tuscan Grand Prix

Incident: Hamilton wore a T-shirt on the podium that read "Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor," highlighting social justice issues.

Rule Change: The FIA updated podium and pre-race regulations to prohibit drivers from wearing clothing with political or personal statements during official activities. Drivers must wear their race suits fully zipped up during podium ceremonies and official interviews. The aim was to maintain political neutrality during official events.

7. Jewelry Ban Enforcement

Race: 2022 Miami Grand Prix

Incident: Hamilton wore jewelry, including piercings and necklaces, while driving, despite existing regulations prohibiting jewelry for safety reasons.

Rule Enforcement: The FIA decided to strictly enforce the existing ban on wearing jewelry during competition, requiring drivers to remove all jewelry before sessions. This emphasized safety concerns, as jewelry can hinder medical procedures or pose additional risks during accidents.

8. External Assistance Rule Change

(suggested by u/EndiKopi)

Race: 2007 European Grand Prix

Incident: During the race, Lewis Hamilton crashed and required assistance to be lifted back onto the track using a tractor.

Rule Change: Following this incident, the FIA changed the rules regarding external assistance during races. Drivers are prohibited from receiving outside help (such as tractors or other vehicles) to get back onto the track after a crash. Any external assistance provided during a race would result in penalties, emphasizing that drivers must recover on their own or with help from their team within the pit lane.

It's interesting to note that despite his 18 years driving in Formula 1 (so far), it looks like only three rule changes or clarifications have been made solely as a result of Lewis Hamilton's driving.

Feel free to discuss or point out any additional rules I might have missed!

Simply lovely! Batllelog: sudy_freak | Steam: sudy_freak | PUBG: slav_baba_yaga
16 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
sudy_freak kaže...

Sve promjene pravila koje su proizašle iz stila i načina utrkivanja LH od početka karijere.

4. Restrictions on Helmet Design Changes

6. Podium Attire Regulations and Political Messaging

7. Jewelry Ban Enforcement


Uz ovo si još mogao i naći da je imao previše promjena boje gaća tokom GP vikenda ili da je pasmina njegovog psa bila loša za utrkivanje.


A i sve ostalo osim broja 2 nema veze s vezom, a i broj 2 je najvjerovatnije rezultat instrukcija ekipe kakvu izjavu treba dati.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 24.10.2024 11:21 (Widowmaker).
15 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
sudy_freak kaže...


 Evo kad si tako slucajno zaboravio, da ja zalijepim za Verstappena:

1. Minimum Age Requirement for F1 Super Licence
Race: -
Incident: Max Verstappen was signed by Toro Rosso for the 2015 season at just 16 years old, making his F1 debut at 17 years and 166 days—the youngest driver in Formula 1 history.
Rule Change: The FIA introduced new Super Licence requirements effective from the 2016 season. Drivers must be at least 18 years old to be eligible, have accumulated at least 40 points over the previous three seasons in specified lower categories, and have completed a minimum number of kilometers in testing, along with holding a valid road driver's licence.
2. The "Verstappen Rule" – Moving Under Braking
Race: 2016 Japanese Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen aggressively defended against Lewis Hamilton by moving under braking into the chicane, forcing Hamilton to take evasive action.
Rule Change: The FIA prohibited drivers from changing direction under braking in a way that could cause an avoidable collision. Drivers must not move unpredictably or change direction under braking when defending, and must leave at least one car's width between their own car and the edge of the track when defending.
3. Expansion of the "Verstappen Rule" – Dangerous Defensive Maneuvers
Race: 2016 Belgian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen made aggressive defensive moves against Kimi Räikkönen, including moving under braking and weaving on straights, leading to safety concerns.
Rule Change: The FIA expanded the rule to penalize any dangerous defensive maneuvers. Drivers are not allowed to make more than one change of direction to defend a position. Any movement that impedes another driver in a dangerous manner is prohibited, and stewards were given increased authority to penalize unsportsmanlike conduct.
4. Use of Alternate Lines and Track Limits
Race: 2017 United States Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen overtook Kimi Räikkönen for third place on the final lap by going off-track and cutting inside the track limits at Turn 17.
Rule Clarification: The FIA provided clarifying definitions of track limits and enforced consistent penalties. The track is defined by the white lines; drivers must keep at least one wheel within these lines at all times. Overtaking or gaining a lasting advantage by leaving the track is prohibited. Stewards were instructed to apply penalties uniformly for track limit violations.
5. Driver Conduct and Physical Altercations
Race: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: After a collision with Esteban Ocon, Verstappen confronted and physically pushed Ocon multiple times in the FIA weigh-in area.
Rule Change: The FIA strengthened regulations against unsportsmanlike conduct off the track. Drivers must conduct themselves professionally and with respect. Physical altercations can result in penalties such as community service, fines, or suspension, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the sport's integrity.
6. Formation Lap Overtaking Clarification
Race: 2021 Emilia Romagna Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen overtook Lewis Hamilton during the formation lap before the race start.
Rule Clarification: The FIA clarified rules regarding formation lap conduct. Drivers must maintain their grid positions during the formation lap unless a car is delayed leaving the grid. Overtaking is only permitted if a car is delayed and others cannot avoid passing it without unduly delaying the remainder of the field. Procedures were clarified to ensure all drivers understand acceptable behavior before the race start.
7. Clarification on Forcing a Driver Off-Track
Race: 2021 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen defended his position by pushing Lewis Hamilton wide at Turn 4, causing both cars to leave the track.
Rule Clarification: The FIA issued clearer guidelines on overtaking and defending. If an overtaking car is significantly alongside, the defending driver must leave at least one car's width of space. Drivers must not deliberately force another driver off the track. Detailed criteria were provided for stewards to assess incidents consistently.
8. Technical Regulations on Rear Wings and Parc Fermé
Race: 2021 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: After qualifying, Verstappen touched and inspected Hamilton's rear wing in parc fermé conditions.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced rules regarding parc fermé conditions. Drivers and team personnel are prohibited from touching or examining rival cars during parc fermé. Strict penalties, including fines and sporting penalties, can be applied for violations. Security measures were enhanced, with increased monitoring and enforcement.
9. Double Yellow Flag Compliance
Race: 2021 Qatar Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen failed to sufficiently slow down for double-waved yellow flags during qualifying.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced the importance of yellow flag compliance. Stricter penalties were introduced for Verstappen's failing to respect yellow flags.
10. Brake Testing and Sudden Deceleration
Race: 2021 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen braked suddenly in front of Hamilton while attempting to let him pass, leading to a collision.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced rules against dangerous driving behaviors. Sudden deceleration or "brake testing" that endangers other drivers is strictly prohibited. Procedures for safely yielding positions were clarified, including proper communication protocols between teams and race control. Stricter penalties were introduced to deter such actions.
11. Restrictions on Post-Race Celebrations and dangerous driving over the Finish Line
(edit - suggested by u/SomewhereAlarmed9985)
Race: 2021 Styrian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen slowed down and performed burnouts or drifted over the finish line to celebrate his victory, which was deemed potentially dangerous.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced regulations prohibiting dangerous driving after the chequered flag, including burnouts and drifting over the finish line. Drivers are required to proceed safely to parc fermé after finishing the race. Post-race celebrations must not endanger other drivers, marshals, or spectators.
12. Safety Car Restart Procedure Change
Race: 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen often drew alongside the car ahead during safety car restarts, notably during the controversial 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix where he pulled alongside Lewis Hamilton before the restart.
Rule Change: The FIA updated the safety car restart procedures: Drivers must remain in a single line without overlapping until the race resumes. Overtaking or drawing alongside another car before crossing the start/finish line after the safety car has pulled into the pits is prohibited. Drivers cannot gain an advantage by positioning themselves alongside the car ahead during a restart.
13. Clarification of Pitlane Exit Rules
(*edit- suggested by user u/Buffythedragonslayer)
Race: 2023 Monaco Grand Prix
Incident: During the race, Max Verstappen appeared to cross the pit exit line when rejoining the track, leading to controversy over whether he violated the rules.
Rule Clarification: The FIA tweaked the pitlane exit rules to clarify that drivers must not cross any part of their car over the pit exit line when rejoining the track. The updated rule specifies that touching or crossing the line with any part of the car constitutes a violation.

14 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
passat kaže...
sudy_freak kaže...


 Evo kad si tako slucajno zaboravio, da ja zalijepim za Verstappena:

1. Minimum Age Requirement for F1 Super Licence
Race: -
Incident: Max Verstappen was signed by Toro Rosso for the 2015 season at just 16 years old, making his F1 debut at 17 years and 166 days—the youngest driver in Formula 1 history.
Rule Change: The FIA introduced new Super Licence requirements effective from the 2016 season. Drivers must be at least 18 years old to be eligible, have accumulated at least 40 points over the previous three seasons in specified lower categories, and have completed a minimum number of kilometers in testing, along with holding a valid road driver's licence.
2. The "Verstappen Rule" – Moving Under Braking
Race: 2016 Japanese Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen aggressively defended against Lewis Hamilton by moving under braking into the chicane, forcing Hamilton to take evasive action.
Rule Change: The FIA prohibited drivers from changing direction under braking in a way that could cause an avoidable collision. Drivers must not move unpredictably or change direction under braking when defending, and must leave at least one car's width between their own car and the edge of the track when defending.
3. Expansion of the "Verstappen Rule" – Dangerous Defensive Maneuvers
Race: 2016 Belgian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen made aggressive defensive moves against Kimi Räikkönen, including moving under braking and weaving on straights, leading to safety concerns.
Rule Change: The FIA expanded the rule to penalize any dangerous defensive maneuvers. Drivers are not allowed to make more than one change of direction to defend a position. Any movement that impedes another driver in a dangerous manner is prohibited, and stewards were given increased authority to penalize unsportsmanlike conduct.
4. Use of Alternate Lines and Track Limits
Race: 2017 United States Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen overtook Kimi Räikkönen for third place on the final lap by going off-track and cutting inside the track limits at Turn 17.
Rule Clarification: The FIA provided clarifying definitions of track limits and enforced consistent penalties. The track is defined by the white lines; drivers must keep at least one wheel within these lines at all times. Overtaking or gaining a lasting advantage by leaving the track is prohibited. Stewards were instructed to apply penalties uniformly for track limit violations.
5. Driver Conduct and Physical Altercations
Race: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: After a collision with Esteban Ocon, Verstappen confronted and physically pushed Ocon multiple times in the FIA weigh-in area.
Rule Change: The FIA strengthened regulations against unsportsmanlike conduct off the track. Drivers must conduct themselves professionally and with respect. Physical altercations can result in penalties such as community service, fines, or suspension, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the sport's integrity.
6. Formation Lap Overtaking Clarification
Race: 2021 Emilia Romagna Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen overtook Lewis Hamilton during the formation lap before the race start.
Rule Clarification: The FIA clarified rules regarding formation lap conduct. Drivers must maintain their grid positions during the formation lap unless a car is delayed leaving the grid. Overtaking is only permitted if a car is delayed and others cannot avoid passing it without unduly delaying the remainder of the field. Procedures were clarified to ensure all drivers understand acceptable behavior before the race start.
7. Clarification on Forcing a Driver Off-Track
Race: 2021 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen defended his position by pushing Lewis Hamilton wide at Turn 4, causing both cars to leave the track.
Rule Clarification: The FIA issued clearer guidelines on overtaking and defending. If an overtaking car is significantly alongside, the defending driver must leave at least one car's width of space. Drivers must not deliberately force another driver off the track. Detailed criteria were provided for stewards to assess incidents consistently.
8. Technical Regulations on Rear Wings and Parc Fermé
Race: 2021 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: After qualifying, Verstappen touched and inspected Hamilton's rear wing in parc fermé conditions.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced rules regarding parc fermé conditions. Drivers and team personnel are prohibited from touching or examining rival cars during parc fermé. Strict penalties, including fines and sporting penalties, can be applied for violations. Security measures were enhanced, with increased monitoring and enforcement.
9. Double Yellow Flag Compliance
Race: 2021 Qatar Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen failed to sufficiently slow down for double-waved yellow flags during qualifying.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced the importance of yellow flag compliance. Stricter penalties were introduced for Verstappen's failing to respect yellow flags.
10. Brake Testing and Sudden Deceleration
Race: 2021 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen braked suddenly in front of Hamilton while attempting to let him pass, leading to a collision.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced rules against dangerous driving behaviors. Sudden deceleration or "brake testing" that endangers other drivers is strictly prohibited. Procedures for safely yielding positions were clarified, including proper communication protocols between teams and race control. Stricter penalties were introduced to deter such actions.
11. Restrictions on Post-Race Celebrations and dangerous driving over the Finish Line
(edit - suggested by u/SomewhereAlarmed9985)
Race: 2021 Styrian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen slowed down and performed burnouts or drifted over the finish line to celebrate his victory, which was deemed potentially dangerous.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced regulations prohibiting dangerous driving after the chequered flag, including burnouts and drifting over the finish line. Drivers are required to proceed safely to parc fermé after finishing the race. Post-race celebrations must not endanger other drivers, marshals, or spectators.
12. Safety Car Restart Procedure Change
Race: 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen often drew alongside the car ahead during safety car restarts, notably during the controversial 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix where he pulled alongside Lewis Hamilton before the restart.
Rule Change: The FIA updated the safety car restart procedures: Drivers must remain in a single line without overlapping until the race resumes. Overtaking or drawing alongside another car before crossing the start/finish line after the safety car has pulled into the pits is prohibited. Drivers cannot gain an advantage by positioning themselves alongside the car ahead during a restart.
13. Clarification of Pitlane Exit Rules
(*edit- suggested by user u/Buffythedragonslayer)
Race: 2023 Monaco Grand Prix
Incident: During the race, Max Verstappen appeared to cross the pit exit line when rejoining the track, leading to controversy over whether he violated the rules.
Rule Clarification: The FIA tweaked the pitlane exit rules to clarify that drivers must not cross any part of their car over the pit exit line when rejoining the track. The updated rule specifies that touching or crossing the line with any part of the car constitutes a violation.

Drago mi je da nas ima još koji čitamo reddit.

A odakle si izvukao da sam slučajno zaboravio ću ostaviti na slobodu izbora.

Simply lovely! Batllelog: sudy_freak | Steam: sudy_freak | PUBG: slav_baba_yaga
15 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
sudy_freak kaže...

Drago mi je da nas ima još koji čitamo reddit.

A odakle si izvukao da sam slučajno zaboravio ću ostaviti na slobodu izbora.

 Pa kad si mu kao odvjetnik u ovoj temi 


Al jokes asside, jedva cekam Mexico. Nadat je se samo da ce Ferrari, RB i McLaren biti blizu po performansama kao u amuriki.

9 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
passat kaže...
sudy_freak kaže...


 Evo kad si tako slucajno zaboravio, da ja zalijepim za Verstappena:

1. Minimum Age Requirement for F1 Super Licence
Race: -
Incident: Max Verstappen was signed by Toro Rosso for the 2015 season at just 16 years old, making his F1 debut at 17 years and 166 days—the youngest driver in Formula 1 history.
Rule Change: The FIA introduced new Super Licence requirements effective from the 2016 season. Drivers must be at least 18 years old to be eligible, have accumulated at least 40 points over the previous three seasons in specified lower categories, and have completed a minimum number of kilometers in testing, along with holding a valid road driver's licence.
2. The "Verstappen Rule" – Moving Under Braking
Race: 2016 Japanese Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen aggressively defended against Lewis Hamilton by moving under braking into the chicane, forcing Hamilton to take evasive action.
Rule Change: The FIA prohibited drivers from changing direction under braking in a way that could cause an avoidable collision. Drivers must not move unpredictably or change direction under braking when defending, and must leave at least one car's width between their own car and the edge of the track when defending.
3. Expansion of the "Verstappen Rule" – Dangerous Defensive Maneuvers
Race: 2016 Belgian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen made aggressive defensive moves against Kimi Räikkönen, including moving under braking and weaving on straights, leading to safety concerns.
Rule Change: The FIA expanded the rule to penalize any dangerous defensive maneuvers. Drivers are not allowed to make more than one change of direction to defend a position. Any movement that impedes another driver in a dangerous manner is prohibited, and stewards were given increased authority to penalize unsportsmanlike conduct.
4. Use of Alternate Lines and Track Limits
Race: 2017 United States Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen overtook Kimi Räikkönen for third place on the final lap by going off-track and cutting inside the track limits at Turn 17.
Rule Clarification: The FIA provided clarifying definitions of track limits and enforced consistent penalties. The track is defined by the white lines; drivers must keep at least one wheel within these lines at all times. Overtaking or gaining a lasting advantage by leaving the track is prohibited. Stewards were instructed to apply penalties uniformly for track limit violations.
5. Driver Conduct and Physical Altercations
Race: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: After a collision with Esteban Ocon, Verstappen confronted and physically pushed Ocon multiple times in the FIA weigh-in area.
Rule Change: The FIA strengthened regulations against unsportsmanlike conduct off the track. Drivers must conduct themselves professionally and with respect. Physical altercations can result in penalties such as community service, fines, or suspension, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the sport's integrity.
6. Formation Lap Overtaking Clarification
Race: 2021 Emilia Romagna Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen overtook Lewis Hamilton during the formation lap before the race start.
Rule Clarification: The FIA clarified rules regarding formation lap conduct. Drivers must maintain their grid positions during the formation lap unless a car is delayed leaving the grid. Overtaking is only permitted if a car is delayed and others cannot avoid passing it without unduly delaying the remainder of the field. Procedures were clarified to ensure all drivers understand acceptable behavior before the race start.
7. Clarification on Forcing a Driver Off-Track
Race: 2021 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen defended his position by pushing Lewis Hamilton wide at Turn 4, causing both cars to leave the track.
Rule Clarification: The FIA issued clearer guidelines on overtaking and defending. If an overtaking car is significantly alongside, the defending driver must leave at least one car's width of space. Drivers must not deliberately force another driver off the track. Detailed criteria were provided for stewards to assess incidents consistently.
8. Technical Regulations on Rear Wings and Parc Fermé
Race: 2021 Brazilian Grand Prix
Incident: After qualifying, Verstappen touched and inspected Hamilton's rear wing in parc fermé conditions.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced rules regarding parc fermé conditions. Drivers and team personnel are prohibited from touching or examining rival cars during parc fermé. Strict penalties, including fines and sporting penalties, can be applied for violations. Security measures were enhanced, with increased monitoring and enforcement.
9. Double Yellow Flag Compliance
Race: 2021 Qatar Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen failed to sufficiently slow down for double-waved yellow flags during qualifying.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced the importance of yellow flag compliance. Stricter penalties were introduced for Verstappen's failing to respect yellow flags.
10. Brake Testing and Sudden Deceleration
Race: 2021 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen braked suddenly in front of Hamilton while attempting to let him pass, leading to a collision.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced rules against dangerous driving behaviors. Sudden deceleration or "brake testing" that endangers other drivers is strictly prohibited. Procedures for safely yielding positions were clarified, including proper communication protocols between teams and race control. Stricter penalties were introduced to deter such actions.
11. Restrictions on Post-Race Celebrations and dangerous driving over the Finish Line
(edit - suggested by u/SomewhereAlarmed9985)
Race: 2021 Styrian Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen slowed down and performed burnouts or drifted over the finish line to celebrate his victory, which was deemed potentially dangerous.
Rule Clarification: The FIA reinforced regulations prohibiting dangerous driving after the chequered flag, including burnouts and drifting over the finish line. Drivers are required to proceed safely to parc fermé after finishing the race. Post-race celebrations must not endanger other drivers, marshals, or spectators.
12. Safety Car Restart Procedure Change
Race: 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
Incident: Verstappen often drew alongside the car ahead during safety car restarts, notably during the controversial 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix where he pulled alongside Lewis Hamilton before the restart.
Rule Change: The FIA updated the safety car restart procedures: Drivers must remain in a single line without overlapping until the race resumes. Overtaking or drawing alongside another car before crossing the start/finish line after the safety car has pulled into the pits is prohibited. Drivers cannot gain an advantage by positioning themselves alongside the car ahead during a restart.
13. Clarification of Pitlane Exit Rules
(*edit- suggested by user u/Buffythedragonslayer)
Race: 2023 Monaco Grand Prix
Incident: During the race, Max Verstappen appeared to cross the pit exit line when rejoining the track, leading to controversy over whether he violated the rules.
Rule Clarification: The FIA tweaked the pitlane exit rules to clarify that drivers must not cross any part of their car over the pit exit line when rejoining the track. The updated rule specifies that touching or crossing the line with any part of the car constitutes a violation.

 Vecina ovog dokazuje zapravo koliko je veliko Verstappenovo znanje o pravilniku i kako ga oskoristavati najbolje 

13 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Ma obican bully..
12 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Da je toliko bolji vozač, ne bi mu trebalo ništa od ovoga nabrojenog....
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 25.10.2024 16:01 (Darko150).
16 godina
Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Meni je baš Max drag zbog svoje osobnosti. Njega bih volio vidjeti u Ferrariju i to više od Hamiltona i Leclerca zajedno. 

Max ima vibe kakav je imao Schumacher. Nema popuštanja, uvijek na rubu života i smrti. Sve je dopušteno, brutalni potezi, pobjeda ili smrt.

15 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Korny1603987 kaže...

Meni je baš Max drag zbog svoje osobnosti. Njega bih volio vidjeti u Ferrariju i to više od Hamiltona i Leclerca zajedno. 

Max ima vibe kakav je imao Schumacher. Nema popuštanja, uvijek na rubu života i smrti. Sve je dopušteno, brutalni potezi, pobjeda ili smrt.

 lol tako možemo svi voziti

jedino ispravno mišljenje

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 26.10.2024 11:47 (loky4i4).
16 godina
Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Uvijek me smeta ta nekakva fama o "prljavim" vozačima. Ti prljavi vozaču su rejseri. To je ono što se traži. To želimo gledati. Ne shvaćam zašto u čemu je problem.

Nisu problem prljavi vozači već vozači koji su glupi.  Montoya je bio brz i također imao zanimljive poteze, njegov je problem bila glupost i činjenica da nije znao upravljati rizicima. To ga je često koštalo.

Ekipa kao Schumacher su brutalni vozači koji će težiti dominaciji  na bilo koji način, ali naravno uvijek u glavi imaju ideju za što se bore i neke dugoročne ciljeve (bodovi i pozicija u šampionatu). Glupi vozači ne vide dalje od idućeg zavoja i spremni su riskirati sve samo da izađu kao vodeći u tom jednom zavoju, bez obzira na strategiju u utrci, ideju da se obično ne boriš protiv svih vozača već da se iskristaliziraju protivnici za koje moraš mariti.


Postoji razlika između raznih Maldonada i raznih Schumachera. Prosječnom promatraču neki potezi djeluju slično, ali se obično radi o sasvim drugačijem procesu odlučivanja u glavi vozača.

10 godina
Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Rade se razne teorije i fantazije, izgurao ga, ovaj ga pretekao van staze, šta bi bilo kad bi bilo.... a meni je još uvijek nejasno čemu se Lando nadao napadom s vanjske strane u konkretnom zavoju. Ako se nadao da će proći Maxa (ili bilo kojeg drugog vozača) izvana - onda živi u deluzijama, a proći zavoj uporedo je nemoguće. Lando se jednostavno prekočio (Max je to namjerno napravio jer može - specifikum staze) i sad se pokušava vaditi na tehnikalije.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 26.10.2024 18:46 (miki_the_pirat).
16 godina
Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Evo dva centa i od Josh Revella po ovom pitanju:




We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
5 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Korny1603987 kaže...

Meni je baš Max drag zbog svoje osobnosti. Njega bih volio vidjeti u Ferrariju i to više od Hamiltona i Leclerca zajedno. 

Max ima vibe kakav je imao Schumacher. Nema popuštanja, uvijek na rubu života i smrti. Sve je dopušteno, brutalni potezi, pobjeda ili smrt.

 Ali je smećar sto se tice kulture. Nikad ne cestita nikome. 

10 godina
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

To nisam primjetio... baš ću obratiti pažnju.

Vidiš, što se tiče osobnosti, kod njega mi se sviđa što nije kao ostali vozači. On je "svoj"... pitaš ga i on će reći što misli - bez PR vratolomija.

Što se tiče njega kao vozača - prljav je i ne volim ga. Neki će reći da je pametan i proračunat... meni je prljav. To je isto kao ono "nije škrt već štedljiv" ili "nije pohlepan već ambiciozan"... zajebi radnju... Max je prljav vozač, istinabog zna neke granice. Za ovaj incident krivim isključivo Landa jer se uopće zatekao u toj situaciji sa gotovo sekundu bržim bolidom u tom dijelu utrke. I još mu blesavi tim (indirektno) veli da ne vraća poziciju... mislim koja budalaština. Da je vratio mogao se nadati da će Max dobiti 5sec - ovako je  morao znati da će on dobiti 5sec 100%... ali išao je na to da će napraviti prednost koja će poništiti tu kaznu i preračunao se... nije se smio dovesti u tu situaciju. Maxov potez je bio prljav ali, budimo realni - očekivan... mogao je to Lando izvući da je vratio poziciju (što mi fakat nije jasno kojem biseru je palo na pamet ostati ispred - doslovno vežeš ruke sucima).

5 mjeseci
Re: Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1
Korny1603987 kaže...

Meni je baš Max drag zbog svoje osobnosti. Njega bih volio vidjeti u Ferrariju i to više od Hamiltona i Leclerca zajedno. 

Max ima vibe kakav je imao Schumacher. Nema popuštanja, uvijek na rubu života i smrti. Sve je dopušteno, brutalni potezi, pobjeda ili smrt.

 Fangiu to nije trebalo da postane po mnogima najbolji vozač svih vremena.

16 godina
Kutak za ljubitelje Formule 1

Biće zanimljiva utrka, Piastri za kojeg neki stručnjaci tvrde da je bolji od Norrisa naravno nije nigdje kada je najvažnije za ekipu.

vrh stranice