Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

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14 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain


-Nije PS4 exclusiva i trailer je bio PC footage

-MGS:Ground Zeroes koji izlazi na PC,ps3 i x360 je prequel za MGSV

-Koristit ce Fox Engine

Normality is a paved road.It is comfortable to walk but no flowers grow on it. - Vincent van Gogh
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13 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Odlicno da dolazi na pc , i dan danas nema bolje SP igre od MGS serijala.

twice the pride double the fall
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14 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Eh koliko sam puta, u vidno pijanom stanju kad bih ostao "suv", držao propvijed zašto je MGS najbolja igra ikad napravljena. 


Napokon su se sjetili i piceka! Možda naprave port za trojku i četvorku.

I'm very large!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 27.3.2013 21:23 (Nos).
1 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
hari85 kaže...


-Nije PS4 exclusiva i trailer je bio PC footage

-MGS:Ground Zeroes koji izlazi na PC,ps3 i x360 je prequel za MGSV

-Koristit ce Fox Engine


Kako znaš da dolazi na PC kad na linku piše da dolazi na X360 i PS3?

14 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Trebao si pogledati live conference, nisu najavljene oficijalne platforme za mgsv, ali su gameplay i trailer bili s PC verzije.


Edit : Oh, tek sad vidim da su stavili update prije 10 min.

Normality is a paved road.It is comfortable to walk but no flowers grow on it. - Vincent van Gogh
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 27.3.2013 22:29 (hari85).
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15 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain


Evo ga oficijalno je izasao trailer.


Fora je vidjet da ce se radnja dogadjat u periodu kada ce Big Bossu uzeti tissue sample da bi napravili 3 klona, Solid,Liquid, Solidus.





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13 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
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14 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Tonight's MGSV:TPP Preview Show revealed; with a twist of METAL GEAR SOLID humour, that MGSV: THE PHANTOM PAIN and GROUND ZEROES will be available on STEAM, release date yet to be disclosed. The event featured a surprise message from Kiefer Sutherland; the voice of ‘Snake’, announcing an exclusive gamescom pre-order deal. Fans who attended received vouchers offering a 5 EURO discount on the PlayStation®4 and Xbox One versions of MGSV:TPP. This pre-order deal is also available at the KONAMI booth (Hall 7.1) – so if you’re planning to visit gamescom, be sure to swing by! We’ll be announcing more pre-order deals over the next few months, stay tuned.

Watch the whole MGSV:TPP Preview Show here: | You are a Faraday cage dreaming of being a man. Break your path to ground and learn to float.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 13.8.2014 19:36 (hari85).
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12 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Yep odlicna vijest koja ce uskoro bit potvrđena nadam se :)

Jedva cekam igru
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 13.8.2014 19:51 (Arnold Layne).
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14 godina
Re: Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
Arnold Layne kaže...

Yep odlicna vijest koja ce uskoro bit potvrđena nadam se :)

Jedva cekam igru

Ma mora biti

Kept you waiting, huh? Kept you waiting, huh? | You are a Faraday cage dreaming of being a man. Break your path to ground and learn to float.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 13.8.2014 19:55 (hari85).
16 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
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12 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

ne znam zakaj su to drzali u tajnost do sada
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13 godina
Re: Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
doktor1 kaže...


twice the pride double the fall
14 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain | You are a Faraday cage dreaming of being a man. Break your path to ground and learn to float.
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12 godina
Re: Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
hari85 kaže...

Bit ce govora i o silent hill igri :)
14 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain | You are a Faraday cage dreaming of being a man. Break your path to ground and learn to float.
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12 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

jos samo datum izlaska :)

Ground Zeros ce valjda uskoro doc
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10 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain



   Samo za ovaj trailer bih platio punu cjenu igre, genijalno, jedva cekam.

0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Sve je to savršeno... Samo fali jedna stvar... David Hayter :D
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3 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

velik sam Fan MGS-a, ali iskreno meni on ne fali niti namjanje



Mislim da ce se Kiefer savrseno uklopit, a to su traileri vec djelomicno dokazali
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14 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Bit ce jako cudno igrati MGS na PCu ali jedva cekam. Hvala Kojima.

2 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
WindEmperor kaže...

Bit ce jako cudno igrati MGS na PCu ali jedva cekam. Hvala Kojima.

Da to me iznenadilo jako

Ah gamepad u ruke i deri :D

Samo da mi hakeri ne sjebu igru kao dark souls :\ :(
10 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Ima li multiplayer?

Find me here |||: Steam: |CRO|Vitaly™ ||| Origin: MasterNerdx ||| Uplay: CRO_Vitaly ||| Proud to be Mrcina "" multigaming clan
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10 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Objavljeni sistemski zahtjevi!


OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2GB) or better (DirectX 11 card Required)
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 28 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 (3.60GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (DirectX 11 graphic card required)
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 28 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Surround Sound 5.1)



Dem CPUs doe.

0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
IvanDado kaže...

Objavljeni sistemski zahtjevi!


OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2GB) or better (DirectX 11 card Required)
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 28 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 (3.60GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (DirectX 11 graphic card required)
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 28 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Surround Sound 5.1)



Dem CPUs doe.


Gotovo identicni zahtjevi ko MGS:GZ koji radi na na svemu i svacemu tako da nema brige.

twice the pride double the fall
10 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Istina.Mada pocinjemi vec polako ici na zivce ovaj i7  kao preporuceni proc,a bome i i5 4460 nije tako slab da bude pod mimimum

0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain
IvanDado kaže...

Istina.Mada pocinjemi vec polako ici na zivce ovaj i7  kao preporuceni proc,a bome i i5 4460 nije tako slab da bude pod mimimum


Ma jasno slažem se taj i5 može gurati više manje sve danas ali ti zahtjevi kao i na vecini igri su cisti marketing.



twice the pride double the fall
16 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

IGN - 10

   The Phantom Pain is the kind of game I thought would never exist - one where every minute gameplay detail has true purpose. Its lack of story focus is sure to be divisive for the Metal Gear faithful, but the resulting emphasis on my story, my tales of Espionage Action, easily make it my favorite in the series. There have certainly been sandbox action games that have given me a bigger world to roam, or more little icons to chase on my minimap, but none have pushed me to plan, adapt, and improvise the way this one does. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain doesn’t just respect my intelligence as a player, it expects it of me, putting it in league that few others occupy.

Destructoid - 9.0

   Despite the fact that I hit a few snags along the way, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain feels like a simultaneous celebration of the series, and a decidedly new chapter. It's equal parts tough and flashy, and it's fitting that if this is Kojima's last Metal Gear, he goes on a high note.

Gamespot - 10

   Every fan of Metal Gear has their favorite game in the series. For some, it's the unique gameplay quirks, memorable set pieces, or specific plot points that dictate their adoration for one game over another. When defining the best Metal Gear game, things get trickier, but with The Phantom Pain, that problem is finally resolved. There has never been a game in the series with such depth to its gameplay, or so much volume in content. The best elements from the past games are here, and the new open-world gameplay adds more to love on top. When it comes to storytelling, there has never been a Metal Gear game that's so consistent in tone, daring in subject matter, and so captivating in presentation. The Phantom Pain may be a contender for one of the best action games ever made, but is undoubtedly the best Metal Gear game there is.

Kotaku (Impressions)

   I've Played 30 Hours Of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain And It's Friggin' Great

Game Informer - 9.25

   Hideo Kojima’s original Metal Gear was a top-down, screen-by-screen stealth title. Compared to the massive and ambitious world of The Phantom Pain, it’s hard to believe both games are products of the same creative mind. A series can’t survive this long without evolving, and The Phantom Pain is a testament to the importance of taking risks. An open world, a customizable base, a variable mission structure – these are not traditional aspects of Metal Gear, but they are what makes The Phantom Pain such an exceptional game. The gameplay, storytelling, and protagonists in Metal Gear may shift with each new installment, but Kojima’s ability to surprise and enthrall gamers remains unchanged.

Press Start - 9.0

   Metal Gear Solid V is a game that always had a lot of potential. A great deal of this rests on the game’s replayability, as the player can return and approach missions from a range of different angles. I must also praise Kojima for offering up a game that is not simply engaging and cinematic, but is one that also grants the player some agency in how the story plays out. From the start, I was hooked, despite this being my first foray into the Metal Gear franchise. That being said, while the game serves as a sequel to Ground Zeroes, it works equally just as well as a standalone.

Polygon (Impressions)

   The Phantom Pain's story is, like other Metal Gear Solid games, complex — and frustrating in that complexity. It can be clumsy, silly and puerile, but we're still hooked. There are dozens of audio tape conversations we've listened to to flesh out the backstory, with dozens more still to soak in. Without a doubt, this game has series creator Hideo Kojima's touch throughout, a fact we're reminded of the dozens of times the game says The Phantom Pain was directed and produced by Kojima.

EGM - 9.5

   Even Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’s missteps show a certain boldness that is absent from the big budget games space. It is unafraid to experiment, not just on the franchise’s structure, but on mechanics readily established as standards in the industry. Delivering the most realized open-world stealth game to date in addition to the customizability for players to approach every challenge however they see fit, The Phantom Pain not only changes the rules of the Metal Gear Solid series, ultimately altering the trajectory of the franchise, if it does continue, while simultaneously changing the idea of what can be accomplished with an open world game, both narratively and mechanically.

Daily Dot - 5/5

   Aside from being a mildly engrossing troop management feature, Mother Base acts as a narrative precursor to Big Boss’ Outer Heaven fortress. It’s just one of a number of key elements in The Phantom Pain that adds gravitas to the events that preceded this chapter in Big Boss’ stor—and the known Metal Gear-related incidents that have yet to come. It takes talent to make the player think that a game director is “phoning in” a story only to realize later that every narrative beat had some degree of meaning. It’s only when I completed the story that I realized that every scene that made me rub my chin in puzzlement is a proverbial breadcrumb that offers a new perspective upon second viewing. A couple revelations are even significant enough to make one rethink the series as a whole. This is one of those rare instances where marathoning a game series is more meaningful after the latest sequel is released, not before.

Time Magazine impressions

   If I had to grade it now, 30 hours in, with 80% of the story yet to come, most of the equipment still locked away, my base still a nascent thing, and only a handful of the side missions complete, I’d give The Phantom Pain full marks, easy. But if you want to see whether another 30 or more hours changes my mind, I’ll be back with a full review before the game launches Sept. 1.

Respawn Ninja - 100%

   Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain is quite possibly (more than likely) the last hurrah from Kojima in this franchise and from the level of detail, the brilliant cinematography style missions to the massive expansion of gameplay with Mother Base management – he’s going out with a bang. The introduction of the game was really powerful and basically took that level of momentum throughout the entire campaign. It’s incredible to see the amount of work gone into this title and you can see Kojima and the team really poured their soul into this game to give it character. This is simply one of the best games I’ve played this year.

Gamesradar, (review in progress)

   What do I think, at this stage, as vaguely lunatic fan? It's incredible. For me MGS5 is the densest, most considered, open-world stealth game ever, with a sense of physical space to rival Red Dead Redemption, but precise, deep controls that only the greatest Japanese action games seem to understand.


Videogamer, (review in progress)

   I've still not finished MGS5, despite pouring nearly 40 hours or so into it. Its low points are few yet jarring, and while they come nowhere close to cancelling the highs – of which there are many – they nonetheless stick out. Still, I'm confident in calling Metal Gear Solid 5 the best game of the year, a vast undertaking where Kojima's reach hasn't exceeded his grasp, a game where a big story doesn't happen to you.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 24.8.2015 11:10 (doktor1).
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3 0 hvala 1
16 godina
Re: Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Očekivao sam dobru igru, ali ovome se nisam nadao... Baš mi je toplo oko srca i jedva čekam da zaigram.

Koristite blage riječi i jake argumente
16 godina
Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain

Ja sam u pripremi za peticu...

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