Fifa 11

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Ova tema je sadržajno povezana sa sljedećim temama: FIFA 11 ruši rekorde
15 godina
Fifa 11

eo objavljeno je na a to je sluzbena


There you go FIFA PC fans, now confirmed that #FIFA11 PC will use a Next-Gen engine. I can hear the cheers from here.


naci cu i na eng barem prijevod :D


Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 3
15 godina
RE: Fifa 11

Ako je ovo istina, idem se napit. Iznenađen

8 bita ispod mora, to je stari bilo fora.. a ne što danas nude nam.. Lijepe kutije i knjige, a za priču kog je brige..što bit će dalje ja ne znam..
14 godina
Fifa 11

lectronic Arts announced today that the football engine that drives the award-winning EA SPORTS FIFA gameplay on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 has arrived for FIFA 11 PC. Two years in development, the console game engine has been optimised for PC, delivering next-generation console-quality gameplay, game modes and visuals to FIFA 11 PC.

"The EA SPORTS FIFA franchise is committed to investing and innovating for PC and this is a watershed moment," said Executive Producer Kaz Makita. "We are delivering to FIFA 11 PC the high-quality gameplay, innovative game modes and stunning graphics that have made FIFA the highest-rated sports game on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and winner of over 50 sports game of the year awards."

The physics-based, data-driven technology behind the EA SPORTS football engine has been optimised for PC to deliver true freedom on the pitch with individuality of player control and movement, sophisticated ball touches, and physical interaction between players. FIFA 11 PC will feature the market-leading true 360° dribbling system that gives players precise control of the ball and next-generation animation technology that delivers Skilled Dribbling, enabling skilled dribblers to face defenders and use highly responsive lateral dribbling to skip past them.  Plus, Physical Play has been improved using collision sharing, creating a varied, less predictable, and extended fight for possession between players.

FIFA 11 PC features and game modes will be revealed in the coming weeks and months.

FIFA 11 will be available in stores on 1 October across Europe and Asia for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and PS


2 0 hvala 1
16 godina
Fifa 11

Konačno! Od kad sam igral kod frenda na X360 Fifu, ne igram ni jedan nogomet na PC-u. Eh još da nam puknu na PC next gen NHL...

5 0 hvala 0
14 godina
RE: Fifa 11
Shai Hulud kaže...

Konačno! Od kad sam igral kod frenda na X360 Fifu, ne igram ni jedan nogomet na PC-u. Eh još da nam puknu na PC next gen NHL...

nece jer to nije bas najprodanija igra..

16 godina
Fifa 11

Ma znam, al to mi je želja kad volim hokej, a NHL na konzolama owna. Još bolje kaj su prestali izdavati za PC ono smeće ala verzija iz 2006.

0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Fifa 11

ne mogu vjerovati, konacno neki dobar potez od EA-a

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
RE: Fifa 11

evo ovdje imate i prevedeno, nadam se da će brzo nakon izlaska netko napraviti alate za editiranje da HNL Patch bude brzo gotov.

15 godina
Fifa 11

Evo link sa ea sports facebook stranice na englesku vijest



Što imaš više sira, imaš više rupa. Što imaš više rupa, imaš manje sira. ?????????????
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Fifa 11

Kako se veselim ovome, zadnje dvije godine igram ovaj poluproizvod od PES-a i vise mi ga je muka. Al ako ispadne kak se prica imat cemo dvije odlicne igre ove godine. Kolko sati cu samo online provest Smijeh

Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Fifa 11

Aj fala bogu napokon! fifa koja valja na pcu!!!!

igram kod frenda na ps3 fifu 10 ono zakon je :D sad ce i na pcu bit super jeeeee

Da nije bilo Nikole Tesle sada bi ste spamali po forumu u mraku!
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Fifa 11

FIFA je 5. na x360,a PES nije niti u top 20.A ove godine to će se dogoditi na PC.DOMINACIJA

1 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Fifa 11

Isuse Bože!!.....nevjerovatno....ja sam se zaljubio........:DDD

ovo je najbolje do sada!!!.......nemogu vjerovati......

pa ko če čekati dva mjeseca da izađe ta fifa 11 pc........ima da demopo igra dođe čim prije!!!

i ja bi se mogao napiti....:DDDD

Španjolska prvak Svijeta!!!

Antonio Boltek
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Fifa 11

Ako bude pravi Next Gen onda našoj sreći nema kraja.Pod pravi next gen mislim da bude gameplay, grafika, ma svi elementi igre da budu kao sa konzole, pa i bolje od nje.A ako to bude samo dizanje grafe na next gen razinu onda bude igra za kiflu jer bude gameplay banana kak je u ostalim fifa pc naslovima.Čeka se demo pa da vidimo.

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Fifa 11

ma gameplay trebaju poboljsat golmana najvise igram fifu 10 imam jedno 300h a golman je najčešći razlog da primim gol on samo stoji i gleda..i naravno faulovi mozes ga skrsit kak oces nece biti ni faul a kamoli karton

0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
RE: Fifa 11
SolidSnakeCRO kaže...

Ako bude pravi Next Gen onda našoj sreći nema kraja.Pod pravi next gen mislim da bude gameplay, grafika, ma svi elementi igre da budu kao sa konzole, pa i bolje od nje.A ako to bude samo dizanje grafe na next gen razinu onda bude igra za kiflu jer bude gameplay banana kak je u ostalim fifa pc naslovima.Čeka se demo pa da vidimo.

Bit će pravi NG jer igru za PC rade u istom enginu kao i za konzole...

Ali kao što kažeš čeka se DEMO...

14 godina
RE: Fifa 11

Bit će sve kao i Na Ps3 i Xbox360 ali istina....jedva čekam demo!!..:DD

Antonio Boltek
14 godina
Fifa 11

Sada barem znamo zašto nije bilo World Cupa za pc......jer su se Ian Darvis i Kaz Makita pomučili da naprave boom-boom igru za pc....:DD

Antonio Boltek
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Fifa 11

Isss, ovo je super vijest.

Neki dan kod frenda na partyju nekom, i već oko 4-5h, svijet se razilazi, i mi izvadimo xbox i deri po FIFI10. moram reći da sam ostao zapanjen koliko je bolja od PES-a.

Sorry PES, na mom hardu ima mjesta za samo jedan nogomet, a ove godine će to (ako sve prođe kako treba) biti FIFA.

Kažu da imamo dva uha i samo jedna usta, kako bi pričali samo pola onoga što čujemo....
Moj PC  
5 0 hvala 0
16 godina
RE: Fifa 11
milanji kaže...

eo objavljeno je na a to je sluzbena


There you go FIFA PC fans, now confirmed that #FIFA11 PC will use a Next-Gen engine. I can hear the cheers from here.


naci cu i na eng barem prijevod :D


 Na to samo mogu povikat: HALELUJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be back
14 godina
Fifa 11

Vjerojatnost je velika da ce FIFA 11 PC biti port od FIFA-e 10 sa konzola.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
RE: Fifa 11

koga briga......glavno da je next-gen i da sliči fifi 10!!!..:DD

Antonio Boltek
14 godina
Fifa 11

Mislim što uopće fali fifi 10 ps3 i xbox360.......nema veze ako če fifa11 pc biti port fife 10

Antonio Boltek
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
RE: Fifa 11

neće biti port fife 10 nego 11 sa istim game modovima.

15 godina
Fifa 11

Mene boli briga jer ču FIFU igrat na xbox-u.

0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
RE: Fifa 11
ogmix333 kaže...

neće biti port fife 10 nego 11 sa istim game modovima.

pa i to je superr......meni je sve jedno....jer su oba dvije igre predobre....=)

Antonio Boltek
15 godina
RE: Fifa 11
ogmix333 kaže...

neće biti port fife 10 nego 11 sa istim game modovima.

kakav genijalac ajde prosvijetli me di si to na to naisao... inace je objavljen clanak i to ovaj


The professor answers questions
News - FIFA 11 (Author: Magister | July 13, 2010)

The site EA Russia Mr Cyril Rita aka Ukaros (product manager) decided to answer visitors' questions forum, with regards to the new football simulator. Below are the most interesting questions and answers.

Question: how fifa is ported NextGen, with 10 or 11?
Answer: with FIFA 10.

Question: NextGen PC will be the same as in the console?
Answer: Yes, exactly like on the PS3.

Question: What will be commentators?
Answer: will Rozanov and Soloviev. Port of comments from the PS3 + dopopolnitelnyemi recording of Russian content (names of players, teams).

Q: Will more news and screenshots from the PC?
A: The only existing at the moment screenshot from the PC did for the producer of the tour on July 19, there will be another announcement, for this and did. Until that date and show hint I can not, then the announcement will not be. Screenshot - render, that is slightly edited the studio, but it's a PC screenshot.

Q: The new information will appear on July 19 or after 21?
A: The embargo until 21 July. Therefore, all new information to the masses go only after the lifting of the embargo.

Q: What are the system requirements to play?
A: I have teh.trebovaniya, but accurate data at this time to voice can not. I can only say that this is about to be dual-core CPU (~ 2,4 GHz), GeForce 8800 video with support for shader 3.

Question: FIFA 11 on the consoles will differ from PC-brother or they will be identical in gameplay?
A: The console version of the game is always at least will go a step forward, otherwise we will fail in sales of console games. But the difference between versions is not as fatal as for FIFA 10 on PC and NG.

Q: I appear in the game the opportunity to be judge and judge matches?
Answer: This is something of a kind of fantasy. We can offer a mode of "Be a spectator, you sit and watch how to play your friends.

Q: Custom Audio System will be available for PC or is it too only for consoles?
The answer: only for the console yet ...


i da te pitam kako moze biti port od fife 11 kad jos nije gotova... biti ce port od 10 s nekim elementima fife 11 i to bez svih modova koje ce imati fifa 11 na konzolama

14 godina
RE: Fifa 11
milanji kaže...
ogmix333 kaže...

neće biti port fife 10 nego 11 sa istim game modovima.

kakav genijalac ajde prosvijetli me di si to na to naisao... inace je objavljen clanak i to ovaj


The professor answers questions
News - FIFA 11 (Author: Magister | July 13, 2010)

The site EA Russia Mr Cyril Rita aka Ukaros (product manager) decided to answer visitors' questions forum, with regards to the new football simulator. Below are the most interesting questions and answers.

Question: how fifa is ported NextGen, with 10 or 11?
Answer: with FIFA 10.

Question: NextGen PC will be the same as in the console?
Answer: Yes, exactly like on the PS3.

Question: What will be commentators?
Answer: will Rozanov and Soloviev. Port of comments from the PS3 + dopopolnitelnyemi recording of Russian content (names of players, teams).

Q: Will more news and screenshots from the PC?
A: The only existing at the moment screenshot from the PC did for the producer of the tour on July 19, there will be another announcement, for this and did. Until that date and show hint I can not, then the announcement will not be. Screenshot - render, that is slightly edited the studio, but it's a PC screenshot.

Q: The new information will appear on July 19 or after 21?
A: The embargo until 21 July. Therefore, all new information to the masses go only after the lifting of the embargo.

Q: What are the system requirements to play?
A: I have teh.trebovaniya, but accurate data at this time to voice can not. I can only say that this is about to be dual-core CPU (~ 2,4 GHz), GeForce 8800 video with support for shader 3.

Question: FIFA 11 on the consoles will differ from PC-brother or they will be identical in gameplay?
A: The console version of the game is always at least will go a step forward, otherwise we will fail in sales of console games. But the difference between versions is not as fatal as for FIFA 10 on PC and NG.

Q: I appear in the game the opportunity to be judge and judge matches?
Answer: This is something of a kind of fantasy. We can offer a mode of "Be a spectator, you sit and watch how to play your friends.

Q: Custom Audio System will be available for PC or is it too only for consoles?
The answer: only for the console yet ...


i da te pitam kako moze biti port od fife 11 kad jos nije gotova... biti ce port od 10 s nekim elementima fife 11 i to bez svih modova koje ce imati fifa 11 na konzolama

Imaš pravo milanji to sam ja već preč pa što samo fali fifi 10 ps3?....mislim pa to je najbolja sportska igra na nema veze ako neće biti baš kao fifa 11 ps3

Antonio Boltek
15 godina
RE: Fifa 11

Ma i da bude port od 08-09 sa next gen konzola bilo bi predobro..


Samo da više ne dobijamo onaj jedan te isti poluproizvod kao u zadnjih ohoho godina..

8 bita ispod mora, to je stari bilo fora.. a ne što danas nude nam.. Lijepe kutije i knjige, a za priču kog je brige..što bit će dalje ja ne znam..
Ova tema je sadržajno povezana sa sljedećim temama: FIFA 11 ruši rekorde
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