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Dakle ubuduće bi se mogla očekivati garancija od 5 godina na nove nuklearne reaktore? O, to će sigurno privući osiguravateljske kuće i toliko potaknuti izgradnju da nukelarke strelovito skoče sa 10% na 10,5% globalne proizvodnje el.energije
A što ćemo dotle s ovih 200 do 400 koje tek treba raszšljerafati i počistiti u idućih 15-20 godina? Tko će to financirat i napravit... dobra vila Zvončica?
"As of January 2023, there were 440 nuclear reactors in operation worldwide as shown in Fig. 1. Among these reactors, 298 units, accounting for nearly 65% of the total, have been in operation for over 30 years, and approximately 26% of them have surpassed 40 years of operation. At present, there have been 201 reactors that have been permanently shut down. Based on information from the IAEA, it is projected that 200 to 400 reactors may be decommissioned by 2040. This projected decommissioning demand has created a significant need for decommissioning market. Two business forecasting companies predict that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the global nuclear decommissioning service market will be 14.8% and 13.8%, respectively from 2022 to 2027. Furthermore, the US decommissioning market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2022 to 2030. The Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance (RIMA) program in the UK has also predicted that robotics will be necessary to cope with any potential manpower shortages during the peak period of nuclear decommissioning operations, which is expected to take place between 2023 and 2035."
Mislim, od tih do sada ugašenih 201 reaktora (komercijalnih, ne računajući otprilike toliko brojne vojne i eksperimentalne koji čekaju Godota ili katastrofu), sanirano je nekih 17, koliko se sjećam...
ali hajmo veselo trčkarati po Suncem okupanom zlaćanom travnjaku razbacujući cvijeće iz košare dok okolo nas skakuću Bambi i Bijeli Zeko prdeći šarene duge, dok okrutna realnost vreba iza ugla s bejzbol palicom u rukama