Sildenafil moguci kandidat za lijecenje Alzheimera

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Sildenafil moguci kandidat za lijecenje Alzheimera

S obzirom na prosjek godina korisnika BUG foruma, mozda ova vijest koja nije IT vezana, bude ipak zanimljiva starijo populaciji




Istrazivaci sa Cleveland klinike, na osnovu podataka i istrazivanja istih, pretpostavljaju mogucnost da korisnici Sildenafila, imaju 69% smanjeni rizik od Alzheimer oboljenja.


Inace Sildenafil je poznatiji pod komercijalnim nazivom kao Viagra.


Daljnja klinicka testiranja su potrebna da bi se potvrdila ova pretpostavka:


"Dr.Cheng cautioned that the study does not demonstrate a causal relationship between sildenafil and Alzhemer’s disease. Randomised clinical trials involving both sexes with a placebo control were needed to determine sildenafil’s efficacy, he said."


"Dr Ivan Koychev, a senior clinical researcher at the University of Oxford, who was not involved in the study, said it was “an exciting development” because “it points to a specific drug which may offer a new approach to treating the condition”.


"Prof Tara Spires-Jones, deputy director of the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, said there were several important limitations to consider. “While these data are interesting scientifically, based on this study, I would not rush out to start taking sildenafil as a prevention for Alzheimer’s disease.”


Dr Susan Kohlhaas, director of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Being able to repurpose a drug already licensed for other health conditions could help speed up the drug discovery process and bring about life-changing dementia treatments sooner.

“Importantly, this research doesn’t prove that sildenafil is responsible for reducing dementia risk, or that it slows or stops the disease. The only way to test this would be in a large-scale clinical trial measuring sildenafil effect against the usual standard of care.”



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