Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

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15 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Danas je izbačen prvi teaser video od nekoliko sekundi, a predstavljanje igre je najavljeno za preksutra - 12.06.2015.



Prvi E3 trailer i prve informacije o novom PES-u


E3 Gameplay trailer:





Službene informacije:


Fresh Gameplay: Exciting advancements reaffirming the PES series as having the very best gameplay.


  • Advanced Collision System – The physicality of the modern game has been realised in PES 2016with a significantly improved collision system, calculating how players interact and creating a unique outcome depending on the type of impact.

  • Aerial Strength– With the new physicality system, aerial battles are a completely unique experience this year. Use the left stick to battle the opposition or disrupt a larger, more powerful, player; or find the best position to make the header/volley.

  • 1v1 Control– In PES 2016 the 1v1 player control have been enhanced, offering a wide range of movements within the existing control structure. Response times have been improved, allowing players to manoeuvre in tight situations. This also benefits the upgraded feint moves that allow sudden directional change that can cause defenders to lose their balance. The 1on1 situations now offer a great leap in exciting table-turning outcomes. Just as the real pitch offers opportunities for those brave enough to perform, in PES 2016 players can pull off precise action, manoeuvre flexibly and pull away from the defender. Technique and timing can see a defender lose his balance, and creates great chances just as you pictured.

  • Perfect Defence – Performing a tackle at the perfect time will powerfully shove the player out of the way to secure the ball. The ball will immediately be yours, creating direct turnarounds and counter opportunities.

  • Intelligent Player AI – 2-3 player combination play will be available via the improved concept of team strategy, which depends on the type of tactic you set for your team. Players are no longer reliant on manually triggering a one-two, with teammates intelligently running off passes into space.

  • Goal Keeper ID– In a bid to improve quality and add unique individuality in performance, new goal keeper parameters have been added that vary in Catching, Clearance, Collapsing and Deflecting. This adds character to the players, who you can count on catching the ball rather than punching, or are better at stopping close range shots.

  • Celebration Control – New for the series, players have full control over goal celebrations to maximize their excitement when scoring! Prompts appear after a goal to trigger a trademark celebration, or unique actions at the press of a button.


Fundamental Changes: New significant improvements across key modes and features.


  • New Master League– The famous and hugely popular Master League enjoys a total revamp, allowing users to immerse themselves in the managerial world of soccer. Every element has been redesigned or reworked, from the vibrant and involving menus to the new and exciting player transfer system,PES 2016 see one of the series most integral modes redefine the single-player experience.

  • New Visuals– Incorporating the many advancements of the Fox Engine, the visuals have seen a huge upgrade. See the rain splash as players slide in to win possession, or the turf kick up as you strike the ball into the top corner. New night-time lighting and real turf textures are among some of the many improvements.

  • Dynamic Weather– For the first time in the PES series, dynamic weather has been introduced, with the chance of rain starting during the game. Combined with the ever more realistic ball physics, the rain changes how the game can be played with passes speeding up, and less skilled players likely to struggle with trapping. The defender taken by the 1-on-1 will also be more likely to slip and fall due to incorrect studs or blades. This feature is applied to all offline modes including the Master League, and is an important element to decide the outcome of the match.

  • Human Motion– Seeking to humanize player movement, 3x new animations have been added to bring the in-game superstars to life. Goalkeepers have seen an abundance of save animations added, while outfield players shoot, pass, dribble and tackle with incredible variety depending on the situation. Players complain when a foul isn’t given, or lament a teammate when a pass isn’t made when in open space. The new 1v1 control also benefits from this, with players being able to fool their opponents with shimmies and feints that can result in causing the opposing player to lose his balance and fall in the wrong direction!

  • New Ball Physics– The past few years has seen the series make huge advancements in ball physics, and for PES 2016 new levels of realism have been reached. Each spin, bobble and ricochet has been calculated using real ball physic data, helping keep every moment in every game unique and unpredictable.


Quality Improvements – Many important elements are upgraded per fan feedback.


  • myClub– Since the launch of the mode in PES 2015, myClub has been updated on a weekly basis, and has been further improved based on user feedback for PES 2016. The enhancement will introduce player level systems, and players exclusive to the mode. Use GP acquired through matches or myClub coins to experience realistic club management combined with players to strive to be stronger in your squad. Choose the manager, consider coaches, and build the strategy based on what you aim with your team. Build Your Team, Create Your legacy!

  • Dynamic Wide Camera Angle– The new angle gives you a larger field of vision, allowing you to better plan and adjust your players to compete in aerial battles, or see the intelligent runs being made thanks to Intelligent Player AI. Depending on where the ball is on the pitch, the camera will tilt and pan accordingly to make sure the user has the best view possible during the match.

  • Commentary – New commentators have been introduced for both UK and Germany, with Peter Drury and Marco Hagemann joining the PES team. A wealth of new lines and specific stories have been recorded dedicated for Master League, responding to player transfers, player growth and team performance.

  • PS4 Image Importing– Edit mode is synonymous with the PES series, and further updates have been made to this hugely popular mode. PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®3 users are now able to import images into the game, thus perfectly replicating any team kit or emblem the user wishes – including managers.


šumski put je bio ravan.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 18.6.2015 14:00 (dreammaker).
Moj PC  
10 0 hvala 5
14 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Ufff, izgleda mi ovako super na prvu, nadam se da neće razočarati ove godine jer vrijeme je da fifa ima konkurenciju. Jedva čekam vidjeti što su napravili.


New Mouradd Riffie: Please also rule that the commentators are new and more active !! Because that makes the game more boring, no matter how good the game is ..

Pro Evolution Soccer: You might have a nice surprise waiting for you on June 12th!

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 10.6.2015 17:15 (Tommy_123).
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1 2 hvala 0
11 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016



Nadam se da će sada na E3 staviti neki gameplay...

1 0 hvala 0
10 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Nadan se da su sredili pucanje unutar 16m, jer udarac i golmanova reakcija izgledaju ka slow-motion... I opcije za kameru također trebaju sredit. Ovogodišnje su katastrofa, ili su preblizu ili predaleko

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 10.6.2015 21:20 (VinceNeil).
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11 godina
Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Faca Neymara skroz fulana ali zato je grafika odlična.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 10.6.2015 21:26 (The_K).
15 godina
Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
The_K kaže...

Faca Neymara skroz fulana ali zato je grafika odlična.

 Nisam mogao pronaći riječi kojima da opišem mišljenje o teaseru dok nisam pročitao tvoj post. U potpunosti se slažem.

šumski put je bio ravan.
14 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
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14 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
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15 godina
Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2016


Link na trailer radi preglednosti.


Prvi post je ažuriran sa linkovima za trailer i teaser.

šumski put je bio ravan.
14 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Nisam oduševljen, u nekim trenucima igrač klizi dok puca i ubacuje, pa šta je to, isto neke animacije su katastrofalne. sve mi se više čini da fox engine nije za nogomet.

Moj PC  
2 1 hvala 0
15 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016


PES 2016 Reveal Trailer Analysis  [48:13]

šumski put je bio ravan.
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Za sada niti smrdi nit mirise... isti 2015.
Moj PC  
0 2 hvala 0
11 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Đaba im i sve licence i po meni ista grafika i gameplay ako kontrole i dalje budu kasnile

Moj PC  
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16 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Interesantno, leti trava, neymar šamara korner zastavicu... ma gdje su to samo vidjeli?  Inače, sam travnjak mi izgleda vrlo interesantno...

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 12.6.2015 21:16 (movie).
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

A tek pjesmica na pocetku trailera...hehe malo provokacije ne skodi

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 12.6.2015 23:43 (barcafan12).
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9 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
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10 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

@Dreammaker odličan reveal trailer analysis Asima i Bryanta. Preporučam svima da pogledate jer ima stvarno zanimljivih stvari koje ne možeš primjetit dok ne zaustavljaš kadar po kadar

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 13.6.2015 11:47 (VinceNeil).
Moj PC  
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11 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Miriše da su konačno uspjeli kompletirati proizvod do kraja i da sami jedva čekaju rujan.

Origin ID: AnchorMan86
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Ne izgleda loše, puno je fluidnije i od 2014 i 205.


Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
11 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Golman gori nego na Fifi15

Moj PC  
1 1 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
Vladitor kaže...

Golman gori nego na Fifi15

 Golmani su katastrofa, lopta ponovno nema tezinu nego samo odleti prema golu, mreze standardno katastrofa. POkrete igraca necu niti komentira, bas su losi, jednostavno ne usporedivo sa fifom i njihovim fluidnim pokretima.
14 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

I jedna i druga igra su čiste arkade koje ne liče na nikakvu simulaciju, tako da nema smisla ni uspoređivati uopće. Gameplay FIFA-e propada zbog Ultimate Team-a, sve dok milijuni igrača igraju taj mod i ne mogu se od njega odvojiti ne mareći za gameplay, EA Sports neće promijeniti ništa, lova sjeda na račun.

A PES eto već par godina napreduje samo sitnim koracima pa i dalje nije ni blizu one igre koja je to nekada bila nažalost.


Nadam se da će se ove godine nešto promijeniti, ali ne očekujem neko čudo. Po onih par sličica FIFA-e, vidljivo je da igra grafički apsolutno ništa nije napredovala, sve izgleda isto kao i prije, nadam se da neće i gameplay ostati isti. Počelo me to opako podsjećati na CoD serijal prije par godina. A ovaj trailer PES-a, vidi se neki napredak u odnosu na PES 2015, ali opet nije me previše oduševilo.

Blaugrana al vent, un crit valent, tenim un nom, el sap tothom, BARCA! BARCA! BARCA!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 13.6.2015 20:52 (antimadridista).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016



Video od 15ak minuta sa gameplayem od novog PES-a i sa njihovim community managerom koji objašnjava novitete u igri.

šumski put je bio ravan.
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
14 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Pa meni ovo izgleda sasvim solidno, vidi se napredak u odnosu na PES 2015.

Blaugrana al vent, un crit valent, tenim un nom, el sap tothom, BARCA! BARCA! BARCA!
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Pošto sam ove godine nakon 3-4 serijala prešao sa Fife na Pes moram priznati da ovo izgleda dosta bolje od PES 2015. Gameplay fluidniji i po meni malčice ubrzan, taman na onu brzinu na kakvu treba. Čini mi se da ova lik u videu spominje da su konačno maknuli button delay.. što je odlično. Vidi se da su poradili na grafici, gameplay po kiši izgleda fenomenalno. Meni za sada sasvim zadovoljavajuće, ima tu još dosta stvari koje se trebaju popraviti ali def. da KONAMI grabi prema naprijed. 

1 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Nevjerovatno kako su neymaru usrali facu a na coveru igre je

14 godina
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Pa neznam, u samom gameplayu Neymar izgleda odlično.

Blaugrana al vent, un crit valent, tenim un nom, el sap tothom, BARCA! BARCA! BARCA!
Moj PC  
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