Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gasi

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8 godina
Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gasi

S CNN-om sam zavrsio za vrijeme pripreme za invaziju Iraka i cijelog farbanja s WMD-om. Lazu kada zinu, stoga rezultat.

17 0 hvala 4
14 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas

Ne postoji medij koji ni jednom nije kiksao, ali stvarno ne postoji. BBC World News je jedan od najboljih, najutjecajnijih i najgledanijih news kanala u svijetu; i za njih se veže dosta kontroverzi. Al Jazeera, doslovno identična priča. 


Koliko god CNN, BBC World News, Euronews, Al Jazeera imali kontroverzi, svjetlosnim godinama su bolji u kvaliteti od Russia Todaya, Sputnika te Fox Newsa (čiji su odvjetnici rekli da je njihov program za zabavu i da ih ne treba shvaćati ozbiljno?!?).

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 22.4.2022 15:25 (Marko :D).
6 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas
nema do hrt streaming service...jedino kad umreš prestaje pretplata
mnogo mudrosti,mnogo jada...što više znanja, to više boli.
Moj PC  
7 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas
Marko :D kaže...

Ne postoji medij koji ni jednom nije kiksao, ali stvarno ne postoji. BBC World News je jedan od najboljih, najutjecajnijih i najgledanijih news kanala u svijetu; i za njih se veže dosta kontroverzi. Al Jazeera, doslovno identična priča. 


Koliko god CNN, BBC World News, Euronews, Al Jazeera imali kontroverzi, svjetlosnim godinama su bolji u kvaliteti od Russia Todaya, Sputnika te Fox Newsa (čiji su odvjetnici rekli da je njihov program za zabavu i da ih ne treba shvaćati ozbiljno?!?).

Zato pratiš i gledaš sirove podatke koji još nisu ili nikad neće doći do tih tvornica lažnih vijesti.


Preporučam Telegram aplikaciju koju sam počeo korisiti na početku pandemije, a pogotovo sad kad je autocenzura/cenzura zavladala u korporacijskim diktaturama i nemate gdje objektivno pratititi npr. rat u Ukrajini u skoro pa realnom vremenu.

You are like Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch!
14 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas

Može li se Telegram napravit bez broja mobitela (e-mail adresom)? Ne daje mi se broj mobitela tek tako.


Također i na Twitteru ima dosta sadržaja, recimo NEXTA. Toliko dobri da su od strane Bjelorusije proglašeni terorističkom organizacijom. 

6 godina
Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gasi

Netko plaća CNN? Pa to se smeće besplatno uvaljuje sa ostalim programima nešto tipa N1.

10 1 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas
Marko :D kaže...

Ne postoji medij koji ni jednom nije kiksao, ali stvarno ne postoji. BBC World News je jedan od najboljih, najutjecajnijih i najgledanijih news kanala u svijetu; i za njih se veže dosta kontroverzi. Al Jazeera, doslovno identična priča. 


Koliko god CNN, BBC World News, Euronews, Al Jazeera imali kontroverzi, svjetlosnim godinama su bolji u kvaliteti od Russia Todaya, Sputnika te Fox Newsa (čiji su odvjetnici rekli da je njihov program za zabavu i da ih ne treba shvaćati ozbiljno?!?).


Toliko su dobri da ih ekipa sa FOX News rastura po gledanosti.
In prime time, Fox News finished the quarter with an average total audience of 2.554 million viewers, up 3% from 2021, according to ratings data compiled by Nielsen. MSNBC finished the quarter in second place with an average total audience of 1.205 million viewers—down 46%, while CNN finished third with an average total audience of less than a million viewers: 857,000 viewers, down a staggering 56% from 2021.
Go woke or broke...
14 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas

Pa iskreno, to me ni ne čudi. Lažne vijesti šire se puno brže od istinitih vijesti.

15 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas

Marko :D kaže...

Pa iskreno, to me ni ne čudi. Lažne vijesti šire se puno brže od istinitih vijesti.


Resignation of Eason Jordan

In February 2005, Eason Jordan resigned from CNN. The resignation came in response to controversy sparked after bloggers wrote that, at the recent World Economic Forum, Jordan had seemed to accuse the U.S. military of having purposely killed journalists. While Jordan acknowledged his remarks were not sufficiently clear, he denied that this was what he had meant to imply, saying that he had "great admiration and respect for the men and women of the U.S. armed forces".[63]

Jeff Zucker

CNN was criticized for its coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing, after erroneously reporting that a "dark-skinned male" had been arrested in connection with the attack.[64][65][66] In the aftermath of the broadcast, Jeff Zucker – who became president of CNN in 2013 – lauded the coverage, claiming that "CNN shined this week",[67] and boasted ratings success that CNN achieved during the coverage, adding that "viewers respected the network's accountability when it admitted its mistakes".[68] Comedian Jon Stewart criticized Zucker's comments after calling CNN's coverage of the Washington Navy Yard shooting "breathless wrongness", claiming that, "The lesson they take from this is – it doesn't matter how much they betray our trust. We'll keep coming back."[68]

In 2017, Vox described CNN as "treat[ing] politics like a sport" and stated that CNN under Jeff Zucker heavily uses debates to manufacture drama.[69]

Zucker resigned from CNN on February 2, 2022, after previously failing to disclose a romantic relationship with CNN executive Allison Gollust during an internal review into the conduct of former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.[70] Gollust also resigned upon the conclusion of the review later that month, after parent company WarnerMedia released a memo stating that she was one of three top figures that had "violated its official journalism standards and practices".[71]

Hosts and contributorsBrooke Baldwin

During the 2015 Baltimore riots, CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin suggested that veterans were responsible for the unrest, saying soldiers who become police officers "are coming back from war, they don't know the communities, and they're ready to do battle". Baldwin initially pushed back critics, claiming she was just repeating something a city official had told her. She later apologized via Twitter and on-air.[72]

Carol Costello

On October 22, 2014, CNN Newsroom host Carol Costello reported on the audio release of Bristol Palin being assaulted by a man at a get-together in Alaska. Costello laughed and called it "quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio we've ever come across".[73] She was instantly criticized for making fun of a woman who was being physically abused by a man she did not know, as well as for being a hypocrite after recently calling for ESPN to suspend Stephen A. Smith after comments he made about women during the Ray Rice controversy. Costello eventually apologized in a statement to Politico, stating: "Over the past few days, I have been roundly criticized for joking about a brawl involving the Palin family. In retrospect, I deserve such criticism and would like to apologize."[74]

Chris Cuomo
Further information: Chris Cuomo § Andrew Cuomo coverage and termination from CNN

On November 30, 2021, broadcaster Chris Cuomo was suspended indefinitely after the New York Attorney General released new documents showing that he had helped his brother Andrew Cuomo battling sexual harassment allegations. CNN said in a statement that "these documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother's efforts than we previously knew."[75][76] Four days later, CNN fired Cuomo after hiring a law firm to conduct a review of the matter.[77]

Don Lemon

On June 22, 2015, Don Lemon attempted to spark debate by holding up the Confederate flag and a sign with "nigger" written in large capital letters while asking, "does this offend you?" He received immediate criticism for the stunt.[78] It also started a series of memes on the internet, which featured the original screen shot of Lemon holding the sign, the headline "Does this Offend You?" and different images or sayings photoshopped over the sign.[79]

Fredricka Whitfield
Further information: 2015 attack on Dallas police

On June 13, 2015, while discussing the 2015 attack on the Dallas police headquarters, host Fredricka Whitfield referred to the gunman, James Boulware, as "courageous and brave, if not crazy". The comment received immediate backlash and calls for her to apologize. The next day, Whitfield stated on air that she misspoke and in no way believed the gunman was courageous or brave.[80] After the backlash continued, she issued another on-air apology on June 15, saying she terribly misused those words, now understood how offensive it was and was sincerely sorry.[81][82]

Lou Dobbs

CNN host Lou Dobbs promoted the false conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.[83][84] His willingness to raise the "birther" issue repeatedly[85] even though CNN itself considered it a "discredited rumor",[86] led The Washington Post's TV critic to remark that this "explains their upcoming documentary: 'The World: Flat. We Report – You Decide.'"[87] The issue had come up in 2008 during the Presidential campaign, and had largely disappeared from the media spotlight until Dobbs picked up the issue again.[88] His statements in support of these conspiracy theories were dubbed "racist" and "defamatory" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[89][90] The controversy led to Media Matters airing ads critical of Dobbs and of CNN,[91] and to Jon Stewart mocking Dobbs on the satirical Comedy Central television series The Daily Show.[92] The New York Times said that Dobbs had "become a publicity nightmare for CNN, embarrassed his boss and hosted a show that seemed to contradict the network's 'no bias' brand."[93]

Reza Aslan

After the 2017 London Bridge attack, CNN host Reza Aslan took to Twitter to call then-President Donald Trump "a piece of shit" and a "man baby" for his response to the attack.[94] In response to his remarks, CNN announced on June 9 that they had severed ties with Aslan and said they would not move forward with season two of the Believer series.[95] Aslan said of the cancellation, "I am not a journalist. I am a social commentator and scholar. And so, I agree with CNN that it is best that we part ways."[95]

OtherJon Stewart's Crossfire appearance

Comedian Jon Stewart appeared on Crossfire on October 15, 2004, and criticized its format and the style of arguments presented on the show. He called hosts Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala "partisan hacks", and asked them to "stop hurting America". Begala argued that the purpose of the show was that it was intended as for debate, to which Stewart responded "To do a debate would be great. But that's like saying pro wrestling is a show about athletic competition" and called Carlson's signature bow-tie an example of "theater". At one point Carlson told Stewart "I think you're more fun on your show", Stewart replied by saying: "You know what's interesting though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show." Carlson later told Stewart that, "You need to get a job at a journalism school, I think", to which Stewart quipped, "You need to go to one".[96][97][98]

Carlson departed CNN in January 2005; the network cancelled Crossfire at that same time. CNN president Jonathan Klein stated that, "I agree wholeheartedly with Jon Stewart's overall premise."[98][99] Carlson said that he had resigned from CNN before Stewart's appearance claiming: "I resigned from Crossfire in April, many months before Jon Stewart came on our show, because I didn't like the partisanship, and I thought in some ways it was kind of a pointless conversation... each side coming out, you know, [raises fists] 'Here's my argument', and no one listening to anyone else. [CNN] was a frustrating place to work."[100][101] Begala remained with CNN after Crossfire's cancellation.

Steubenville High School rape case coverage
Main article: Steubenville High School rape case

Candy Crowley, Poppy Harlow and Paul Callan were criticized for being sympathetic towards the two convicted rapists in the Steubenville High School rape case and for placing very little focus on the victim on March 17, 2013.[102][103][104] During the course of the delinquent verdict, Harlow stated that it was "Incredibly difficult, even for an outsider like me, to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believed their lives fell apart...when that sentence came down, [Ma'lik] collapsed in the arms of his attorney... He said to him, 'My life is over. No one is going to want me now.'"[102][105][106] An online petition garnered over 200,000 signatures protesting the coverage and demanding an apology.[107]

Coverage of the Cleveland kidnapping victims
See also: Ariel Castro kidnappings

On the morning of May 7, 2013, CNN interrupted coverage of the Jodi Arias murder trial with an update of the release of three young women from Cleveland, Ohio who were kidnapped by Ariel Castro between 2002 and 2004. CNN correspondent Ashleigh Banfield appeared to interview HLN host Nancy Grace from a remote location, and it appeared that both were filming from parking lots. The channel graphics later alerted viewers that both reporters were in Phoenix, Arizona. The same cars were noticeable driving behind the two anchors, first behind Banfield and then by Grace. It became obvious that Grace and Banfield were, in fact, sitting in the same parking lot, pretending to be in remote locations when both were actually approximately 30 feet from each other.[108]

Redditor controversy

On July 2, 2017, then-President Donald Trump posted a video on Twitter depicting him repeatedly clotheslining and punching WWE owner Vince McMahon on the ground during WrestleMania 23. The clip had been edited to place a CNN logo over McMahon's face. Two days later, CNN published a story entitled, "How CNN found the Reddit user behind the Trump wrestling GIF", which labeled Reddit user "HanAssholeSolo" as the creator of the viral video. In the article, political reporter Andrew Kaczynski explained the process that allowed the organization to discover the identity of the user.[109]

After the publication of the article, the user posted an apology to CNN, including apologies for previous Reddit postings that could be taken as well as containing racist, anti-Islam, and anti-Semitic language and imagery on the Reddit group /r/The_Donald. Immediately afterwards, his apology was locked and deleted by the subreddit's moderators[109][110][111] while the user deleted his Reddit account.[112][113] After confirming the identity of the Reddit user, HanAssholeSolo expressed his unwillingness for his name to be released to the public. In response, CNN stated that they would not reveal his name, as he was "[a] private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."[109]

Prominent right-wing users on social media subsequently accused CNN of blackmailing the user, using a hashtag, #CNNBlackmail, that was heavily pushed by Julian Assange, as well as various right-wing online activists and conspiracy theorists.[114][115] Kaczynski responded by stating that CNN's statement was "misinterpreted", and that the user said that he was not threatened prior to his apology.[116] Meanwhile, Madison Malone Kircher of New York magazine opined that CNN could have avoided the internet vigilantism if the network had simply published his identity, as is common in similar situations, criticizing their decision to "protect" the user.[117]

CNN's decision to withhold the user's name was also criticized by William Grueskin, a professor at Columbia University. Grueskin argued that the user was neither an abuse victim nor a confidential witness nor a juvenile. Meanwhile, Indira Lakshmanan of Poynter Institute said that it was more likely that, out of fear, the user begged CNN to have his name withheld.[118] Kirsten Powers, a commentator at CNN, also criticized CNN's decision, asking in a USA Today article: "What about the people he routinely dehumanizes and degrades online?".[119] Powers also wrote on Twitter that "people do not have a 'right' to stay anonymous so they can spew their racist, misogynist, homophobic garbage".[120]

Coverage of the January 2019 Lincoln Memorial confrontation

On March 12, 2019, lawyers of Nick Sandmann, who was involved in the January 2019 Lincoln Memorial confrontation, filed a lawsuit on his behalf against CNN, seeking US$275 million in damages,[121] for allegedly "vicious" and "direct attacks" towards Sandmann. On January 7, 2020, the lawsuit was settled. The terms of the settlement have not been made public.[122][123]

Coverage of the Kenosha unrest
See also: Kenosha unrest

On the night of August 26, 2020, CNN displayed a video caption during a news report showing a building engulfed in flames during the Kenosha unrest that read "Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting".[124] Conservative and Republican users on social media criticized the caption, including Eric Trump, son of then-President Donald Trump.[124]

Propaganda allegations on Expo 2020 coverageIn July 2021, CNN made an announcement that it will be the official broadcaster for the Expo 2020 Dubai, which was to be inaugurated in October 2021.[125] Consequently, the news media initiated a "Dubai Now" vertical, covering the city's progress. Human rights group Freedom Forward

Predivna istina...

14 godina
Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gasi

Linkat ću samo ovo:


Previše toga ima. Toliko toga da cijeli članak ne bi stao u jednu forumsku poruku. Kao što sam rekao; pogrešnog izvještavanja, krivih mišljenja voditelja ima na svakoj televiziji. Ali Fox News je sasvim druga galaksija...

3 4 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas
Ja ne branim FOX News a ti braniš neobranjivo...
14 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas

Ha?! Ne branim CNN; sam si linkao njihove kontroverze. Ja sam ti samo linkao kontroverzu jednog drugog TV kanala; čisto za usporedbu. I kao što rekoh, ni jedan news TV kanal nije bezgrešan, svi imaju putra na glavi, samo neki imaju više, drugi manje.

13 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas
Da imam neprijatelja kupio bi mu mjesec dana pretplate na ovaj otrov 🤣
Moj PC  
2 1 hvala 0
4 godine
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas
Marko :D kaže...

Može li se Telegram napravit bez broja mobitela (e-mail adresom)? Ne daje mi se broj mobitela tek tako.

nemoj ni slucajno davati broj, samo ti jos fali da otkriju sve tvoje vojne tajne

14 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas

Ha, gle, broj čuvam za sebe. Zato nikada ne dobivam spamerske pozive, prodajne agente ili čak pozive s čudnih brojeva iz raznih zemalja. Čak me ni pred izbore ne pitaju za koga ću glasat. 

16 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas
Marko :D kaže...

Može li se Telegram napravit bez broja mobitela (e-mail adresom)? Ne daje mi se broj mobitela tek tako.


Također i na Twitteru ima dosta sadržaja, recimo NEXTA. Toliko dobri da su od strane Bjelorusije proglašeni terorističkom organizacijom. 

Mislim da se ne može, ali zar prvi put daješ broj? Valjda si dosad dao taj broj barem nekoliko stotina puta. Ono malo banci, malo telekomu, malo doktoru, malo poštaru/dostavljaču, malo prijateljima, itd. Tvoj broj je javna k*rva već godinama, a ti se sad uspaničio oko nekog Telegrama. Koji je usput malo sigurniji od Vibera ili Whatsupa. Jesi njima isto dao broj?



Twitter je za k*rac ima nekoliko godina. Gledam ga onako letimično, jer zna im nakratko promaknuti pokoja informacija. Inače brži su na obaraču od Billy the Kida.

You are like Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 23.4.2022 0:04 (memulica).
13 godina
Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gasi

U nekom normalnom idealnom svijetu novinari bi trebali polagati nekakvu zakletvu (kao u medicini) da ce svoj posao/izvjestavanje obavljati objektvno, dok bi se emisije u kojima iznose svoje misljenje ili propagandu trebale tretirati drugacije. U gradu u kojem zivim, indirektno sam upoznat sa nekim od tih ljudskih mizerija i bave se ucjenama ljudi i unistavanjem njihovih obitelji laziranjem prica. 


CNN je unazad nekoliko godina leglo otpada. Drago mi je da se neki njihov ogranak (CNN+) gasi jer su dno dna. Ljudima je dosta seksizma, rasizma, netolerancije, iskljucivosti, wokeizma, lazi, a u zadnje vrijeme i svim srcem promocije  LGBTQERTUDHF vrijednosti , trans mentalnih poremecaja i pedofilije usmjerene na najmladje uzraste. 


300 milijuna USD im je otislo u vjetar. Na njihovu zalost, jedini koji ih moze oziviti je Trump.  

Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 1
11 godina
Re: Patnje mladog Warnera: HBO cvjeta, CNN+ se gas
Marko :D kaže...

Ha, gle, broj čuvam za sebe. Zato nikada ne dobivam spamerske pozive, prodajne agente ili čak pozive s čudnih brojeva iz raznih zemalja. Čak me ni pred izbore ne pitaju za koga ću glasat. 

imaš jednostavnije rješenje - eregistar ne zovi i ne moraš skrivat ništa

ja dajem broj telefona svugdje i svima, već je najmanje deset godina kod mene i također nikakvih nepoželjnih poziva nema

a čak se nisam upisao u taj registar, tak da je to kod tebe možda lagani oblik hipohondrije u pitanju 

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 23.4.2022 10:42 (picajzla0707).
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