Ovo je vrh, majke mi.
Kao primjer takve prakse, ističe se upravo Xiaomi, koji je odbio poslati Xiaomi 12S Ultra model DxOMarku, tvrdeći da su izgubili vjerodostojnost te da su njihova testiranja postala pristrana. Guichard je, naravno, negirao te tvrdnje, a DxOMark je samostalno kupio Xiaomi 12S Ultra, koji je na njihovom testu postigao nekoliko bodova manje od prošlogodišnjeg Mi 11 Ultra modela.
I onda odluče zadržati profesionalnost i objektivnost i uređaj koji ima IDENTIČNU telefoto kameru ocjene u kategoriji zoom daleko lošije od prošlogodišnje verzije.
U usporedbi sa Mi 11 Ultra ovaj novi model ima gotovo identičnu ultrawide kameru i identičnu telefoto kameru, dok je glavna daleko bolja na novom uređaju. Prema DxOMarku to je dovoljno za korak u nazad.
U lowlight uvjetima Mi 11 Ultra dobije bolju ocjenu. Za video kod Mi 12S Ultra napišu "High-level video quality" i druge pohvale i onda dobije debelo lošiju ocjenu od Mi 11 Ultre.
Mi 11 Ultra je vrhunski uređaj, ali po pitanju fotografije Mi 12S Ultra je još korak naprijed.
GSM Arena:
So, with the Auto Night mode on, the 12 Ultra's main camera low-light photos are very likely the best ones we've seen from a phone. Dynamic range is super wide, highlights are well contained with point light sources remaining well defined without burning everything around them, while shadows are also nicely developed and detailed. And throughout the tonal range, detail is sharp and crispy and a step up from the already excellent Mi 11 Ultra.
With the hardware on the ultrawide camera essentially the same, it's no wonder we're getting similar images to what the previous phone was capturing. The Mi 11 Ultra's ultrawide does have some pretty noticeable distortion left over even after correction, and there's no such thing on the 12S Ultra.
One point worth making here is that this new camera is superior at out-of-focus area rendition than the one on the Mi 11 Ultra, and that was already among the best at this particular thing. The 12S Ultra has more bokeh, and it's better bokeh - backgrounds are smoother, and bokeh balls are larger, rounder, and less busy. Pretty nice stuff.