Jedno od pravila uvedeno zadnjim patchem-razlog za trajni ban:
3. Too many accounts on the same IP: A user should not, under any circumstance, be running more than a single Pokemon account from their phone (or other nefarious devices) at once. Users will be banned when 3 or more accounts are running at once on the same IP - unless they're just standing around doing nothing, or just hatching eggs by walking.
Zanima me zasto to pravilo uopce postoji i sta time postižu?
Šta kada se nas hrpetina(a to radimo svakodnevno),spoji na free mrežu u gradu?Jedan IP,puno korisnika!
Koji bullshit. cesto igram ja na svom mobu, napravim hotspot za curu da i ona moze i tu i tamo bi se zakacio i frend pa prema ovom svi popijemo ban.