World of Warships

poruka: 2.882
čitano: 544.304
moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
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14 godina
World of Warships


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14 godina
Re: World of Warships

use “SANTA2023” code to receive one of following gifts:

New players:
15 days of premium account
VIII Bismarck
1,000,000 credits
A set of basic upgrades

Recently active players:
5 days of premium account
1 container A huge gift from Santa

Players who have been inactive for 30 days or more and have Tier V or lower ships:
15 days of premium account
VIII Bismarck In its best configuration
1,000,000 credits
A set of basic upgrades
Commander with 10 skill points

Players who have been inactive for 30 days or more and have Tier VI ships or higher:
15 days of premium account
X Yamato
*Compensation is 875,000 Free XP if you already own the Yamato
2,000,000 credits
A set of basic upgrades
Commander with 10 skill points
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