Nekako mi teško zamislit kako Bretoni skaču okolo i viču LFM need healz0r
Navodno izlazi već sljedeće godine, a tek sad prve konkretne vijesti o igri. Valjda će stić sve ispolirat.
Samo da ne bude bugovit kao Skyrim
Edit : evo i prve slike
Fine su slicice... Za jedan MMO prihvatljive
Ma totalno nepotrebno, jos ako ce se naplacivat promasaj.
Ma totalno nepotrebno, jos ako ce se naplacivat promasaj.
Ako bude besplatan bice dobar
Još malo informacija o PvP-u, borbi, guildama i questovima:
Nikad nisam bio toliko skeptičan za neku igru kao za TES Online. Zanima me koliko (i što) su sve žrtvovali iz SP serijala.
Samo da ne diraju skill sustav uvodeći predefinirane klase.
Bilo bi mi žao da iz tako jakih temelja ispadne prosječni MMO.
Što sve TES Online nudi fanovima SP serijala, kao i ostalim igračima (WOW i SWTOR usporedbe, opet):
TES jednostavno nije za multiplayer...
Pc gamer je saznao kako će izgledati sustav borbe u TES:Online
Imat ćemo 6 slotova,prva dva će biti za oružije koje koristimo onda sljedeća 3 slota ovisi o klasi koju smo odabrali
i zadnji slot će biti neki specijalni spell opet ovisi o klasi
Izgleda da će sustav borbe biti dosta slićan kao u Guild wars-u 2
Intervju sa E3:
Još jedna odlična vijest je da na igri radi Matt Firor,tip koji je izmislio i razvio DAoC-ov RvR sistem tako da ova igra ima jako puno potencijala,nadam se da neće ukakat .
The game takes place 1,000 years before Skyrim in the era just before Tiber Septim unifies Tamriel. There are three different factions: the Evenhart Pact (Dark Elves, Nords, Argonians), the Daggerfall Convenant (Breton, Redguard, Orcs) and the Aldmeri Dominion (Altmer, Bosmer, Khajiit). Cyrodiil has been crushed, run over by the combat and the king has made a dark pact with Molag Bal, raising an army of the undead. The story is that Molag Bal has stolen your character’s soul and you are on a quest to get it back. That’s going to mean a lot of soulless people running around.
One of the things that will likely rub on the souls of Elder Scrolls fans like sandpaper is that the game is meant to be played in third-person. Trust me, it’s ok. The combat is pure action-based with a minimalist HUD that only shows what you need to see. You can bring up your health, stamina and magicka at any time and your skill bar can be shown, too, but they aren’t there when they don’t need to be.
The combat is pure action, with a priority on blocking and dodging. The game looks very much like you expect The Elder Scrolls universe to appear, but the third-person view allows for a different aesthetic for the attacks. When blocking, a projection of a shield appears in the direction you are protected. Successfully stopping an attack will often leave your enemy open to a strong finishing attack. You can charge your basic attacks by holding the button, accompanied by a typical glowing effect. It’s different than what you’re used to, but it works.
Zenimax Online didn’t want to change the core principles of the universe and its progression. Every character can sneak and play multiple roles in battle, leaving things open to broader party options. You can take on things solo, but there are a variety of different ways to engage in the game’s more interesting content. Given that this is an Elder Scrolls game, you can follow the critical path straight through, or drift off toward a Point of Interest that appears on your compass. Along the way you’ll find other travelers, and if they are in trouble and you assist, you’ll be richly rewarded with full XP and loot. There is a strong current of community running through the design.
Dungeons will come in a variety of flavors. There will be instances for party play, others will be “heroic lairs” for those looking for a true challenge and a robust slate of endgame content for huge raids. There are also public dungeons, which are non-instanced and a perfect time to help out those in need. All of the NPCs are fully voiced, and there are player consequences within quest lines.
The example we were shown was the player character sent back in time to discover the means to kill an ancient foe. Near the end, there was an optional objective to save a prisoner. Should you do so, that person’s descendant will be waiting for you when you return back to your own era. While this seems fairly minor, it does open up some possibilities for grander rewards.
There is also a PvP component planned. We were shown a huge battle of 150 (ed note. WUT! CG.) player characters from all three factions fighting over a resource on the larger map. Territory control will be dynamic, allowing the factions to invade other territories and defend their holdings.
Evo napokon ofišl stranica
Podcast episode 43: Hands-On with ESO
Interested in what The Elder Scrolls Online is like? Click the play button and find out.
We take over 2+ hrs and TELL YOU, after we played the game for over 3+hrs!
Izgleda zanimljivo, defintivno su dobili moju pažnju, ali vidijet čemo što če nakraju ispasti od ovog mmo
Stvarno mi nije jasno što su ovi debili iz Bioware radili kada sw:tor grafički izgleda katastrofa prema TES:O
Ovi bi mogao biti prvi MUMORPEGER koji cu igrat. Predobro izgleda
Herojsko rejdanje koliko vidim će biti baš za mene.
Meni su sve njihove igre imale MMO štih sam je falilo više ljudi. Koliko znam svi tvorci mmo su muku mučili s bugovima, a ako je itko poznat po bugovitosti u single player igrama onda je to Bethesda.
Ja znam da jedva čekam ovo jer sam dosta upoznat s pričom.
Meni su sve njihove igre imale MMO štih sam je falilo više ljudi. Koliko znam svi tvorci mmo su muku mučili s bugovima, a ako je itko poznat po bugovitosti u single player igrama onda je to Bethesda.
Ja znam da jedva čekam ovo jer sam dosta upoznat s pričom.
Bethesda ne radi na TES:O nego zenimax online,kao što bioware nije radio SW:tor mmo nego bioware austin.
Ako su Rift i GW 2 mogli doči ispolirani na tržište onda če se valjda i oni potruditi i napraviti dobra alpha i beta testiranja.
Nadam se da su svi developeri shvatili da nemogu pustit nedovršen proizvod i očekivati da če se igraći strpiti dok oni to sve isprave
pogotovo ako če mmo biti na pretplatu.
Bethesda ne radi na TES:O nego zenimax online,kao što bioware nije radio SW:tor mmo nego bioware austin.
Ako su Rift i GW 2 mogli doči ispolirani na tržište onda če se valjda i oni potruditi i napraviti dobra alpha i beta testiranja.
Nadam se da su svi developeri shvatili da nemogu pustit nedovršen proizvod i očekivati da če se igraći strpiti dok oni to sve isprave
pogotovo ako če mmo biti na pretplatu.
Moj bed očisto nisam bio dobro informiran. Ja mogu pretprijeti u bugove ako će igra imati sličan feel kao skyrim i još uz to dodaj multi i čišćenje dungeona plus toliku slobodu u kreiranju klase koje želiš igrati.
Koliko sam vidio likovi im i dalje izgledaju kao Škoro. Valjda će uspjet dat malo života animacijama rasa.
Vec sam polagano izgubio nadu za mmorpg zanr,samo da ne bude sve instancirano i da bude pravi "meaningful" pvp i ja zadovoljan.
GW2 ispoliran? ne znam za tebe ali ja sam s tom igrom imao ogromnih problema pogotovo sto se tice fps-a dok su sve druge nove igre isle bez beda na high koje su graficki izgledale 15 puta bolje a sta se tice TES online-a nema zmajeva i nema flying mountova to mi je dosta da je nikad ne zaigram...
Izgleda da nece biti mirror rase (a nadam se i klase) sto je super