Farming Simulator 2017

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15 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Razvojni tim Giants Software i izdavačka kuća Focus Home Interactive najavili su novo izdanje Farming Simulator serijala oznake 17, koje na konzole i PC istovremeno stiže krajem ove godine. Najava je donijela samo potvrdu da se na igri radi, no za sve detalje o nadolazećem nastavku morat ćemo pričekati „What’s Next“ event u Parizu kojega organizira Focus Home Interactive.


Big news! @GIANTSSoftware and @FocusHome announce Farming Simulator 17 on consoles and #PC at the end of 2016!




Stižu i novi modeli vozila:

 We've previously announced MF, Challenger, Valtra and Fendt. ;) (at least)

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 22.2.2016 21:25 (ToMisLaW).
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 6
16 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Samo se nadam da ce ubaciti puno vise gameplay sadrzaja, grafika im je sada ok, novi engine, fizike... tako da mislim da u tom smijeru nece ovaj puta ici kao sto su radili sa FS15. Ali stvarno ocekujem vise od forestry-a koji je bio gotovo jedini gameplay novitet u fs15.


Na slici se vide sume i planine u pozadini sto sugerira na forestry (sumarenje) i suncokret kao moguca nova kultura.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 24.2.2016 8:47 (headshot).
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1 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Farming Simulator 2017


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1 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

pomaknuli su datum izlaska sa 27.10.2016 na 25.10.2016



dobit ćemo dva dana prije igru

0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Ova grafika i engine izgledaju super na trailer-u, nadam se da bude tak i u samom gameplay-u

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
David87 kaže...

Ova grafika i engine izgledaju super na trailer-u, nadam se da bude tak i u samom gameplay-u



takva grafika neće biti,to je "CGI trailer"

11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

ako kupim preorder oće li biti moguća aktivacija na steam?

nebi baš bacio ~30€..

Moj PC  
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11 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
bivsi branitelj kaže...

ako kupim preorder oće li biti moguća aktivacija na steam?

nebi baš bacio ~30€..

 za fs2015 aktivacija takva nije bila moguća

8 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Jel probo iko prednarucit 2015? Ja bih narucio 2017 sa sluzbenih stranica, samo ne znam da li igra stigne doma na adresu, da li treba nekakav shipping jos platiti?

0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
rskiller kaže...

Jel probo iko prednarucit 2015? Ja bih narucio 2017 sa sluzbenih stranica, samo ne znam da li igra stigne doma na adresu, da li treba nekakav shipping jos platiti?


sa njihovih stranica dobiješ u digitalnom obliku

12 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Stigao pre-order i na steam

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 2
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

nadam se da ono nisu "nove"teksture 

0 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
Predlazete pre order sa steama, sluzbene stranice ili da se ceka da izađe igrica?
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

sa službene stranice je najsigurnije ali ključ nije moguće aktivirati na steam, zato je bolja mogućnost preko steam-a...

u želji za što kvalitetnijom igrom kupujem preorder ali steam zna dati dobar popust pa je to dvosjekli mač..

ako se dobro sjećam u verziji 2013 su preorder korisnici dobili titanium verziju, a u 2015 "samo" (ako se dobro sjećam) amazon panteru..

ja ću u idućih tri tjedna donijet konačnu odluku, a ako budem kupovo bit će steam verzija svakako


EDIT: sad vidim da je bonus za preorder VOLTRA T-series COW edition, i CHALLENGER MT700 field viper...zanimljivi traktori..

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 14.7.2016 10:10 (bivsi branitelj).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
A kakve prednosti imam ako mogu aktivirat na steam?
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
rskiller kaže...
A kakve prednosti imam ako mogu aktivirat na steam?

 A bogati, odeš na steam i vidiš kakva je ponuda

8 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
Ma mislim pitati da li ima razlika u igri ako je narucim na steam ili ofgicial, ne rszlika u cijeni nego igri.
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

igra j eidentična samo što igre aktiivrane na steam platformi ostaju zauvijek s tobom, tj u slučaju reinstalacije OS instaliraš steam, log-in i sve je na mjestu..automatski update..itd

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
Aha, a ovu ako nor narucim na official site, nemogu izbrisat pa installna neki drugi komp?
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

možeš instalirat opet bez problema samo je tlaka čuvat ključeve a pogotovo ako imaš koji DLC...tu je steam u prednosti jer čuvaš (pamtiš) samo jedan pass

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Farming Simulator 2017
Ok kuzim, hvala vam puno :)
12 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

U novom FS-u ce se moci igrat i sa zenskim likom. Vise na linku.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Nove slike sa FarmCon 16

1 2 hvala 1
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

bivsi branitelj  zasluženo TD jer ovo kao da je malo nadograđeni fs 15 

0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Ovo sa google translateom prevedeno na engleski sa jedne stranice. 


  • Three Different fertilizer levels
    (manure / applying slurry + under plow, verdure incorporated >> green manure and fertilizer spreading / spraying)
  • Plowing is necessary for full increase in revenues (Can be disabled by option)
  • Meadows are maintained with a Grass tines (acting as "fertilization" to increase earnings)
  • Moreover there should be a meadow roller
  • Two new performance crops (sunflower, soybeans), oil radish catch crops for green manure
  • Seeds, fertilizers, feed, etc. must pallet (other sources speak of BigBags) to buy
  • Sowing machines should be able to directly be filled by BigBag / pallet or alternatively as usual by Trigger
  • Train and (portal) cranes are fully operable / mobile
  • Objects with the platform car (Ballcarts) be transported (such as bales, pallets / BigBags, equipment, trunks) can be backed up using tension belts
  • Small objects below a certain weight limit can be directly influenced by the character.
    (D. H. be small tree trunks / branches in the choppers, playing basketball)
  • Lighting has been completely revised (reflections, dynm. Lights etc)
  • "Simulation" of tire pressure (Attachments / weights allow the vehicle to something "in the ground" fall / tire deform)
  • Vehicles default "Multifruit" capable
    (d. H. Filltypes are called "bulk" defined and incorporated into a file - so new fruit can be added easily)
  • Manual engine start and "Stop & Go Pedal" (Power Shuttle) can be activated via the menu option
  • Rent of tractors / equipment is now also possible
  • A MANITOU Telehandler and a JOSKIN Livestock trailer are now also one of the party
  • Animals need now in the base game of water (THANKS, long enough hats lasted!)
  • must be cleaned by FL - Stable contaminated by food residues etc
  • Animals reproduce. (Love is in the air!)
  • Chickens can not be purchased but are from the outset on the farm - eggs can be collected as usual.
  • Vehicles are buying configurable (engine, transmission, FL console, tires, paint and rim color) and can be subsequently converted (twin tires grow etc.) and have only a certain life - after rising maintenance costs and the value drops
  • Silo capacities are limited. Corresponding extensions can be purchased
  • Other new placeable objects are a workshop, Water Tower (from another is also mentioned)
  • Helper drastically revised (see + drive around, pick seeds + fertilizer / manure own gem input either by the Court or the BGA and various outfits for the helpers, Clear status messages Can obstacles)
  • Menu updated! That means in detail: overview Map menu has zoom capabilities (no more hassle when you want to undo a particular device, for example.), Advanced options (particularly well in terms of graphics settings) (Lord Giants has a view with us!)
  • Synchronization in multiplayer significantly accelerated
  • At the modding front of Maya Exporter is probably only officially supported


I još jedan screenshot:


1 0 hvala 2
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Evo, ovdje ima još nekih dodatnih informacija:

The menu has gotten 12 new graphics settings

You can choose between male and female character(s?) with different sets of clothes

You can even name your character.

The AI helpers intelligence is a lot better than in previous games, this means they will avoid obstacles and not drive into trees like they used to do.

You can tell your helper where to refill the seeds,

The helpers will wear different outfits

The helpers status is displayed on your HUD so you’ll always know what they are doing.

The weight will affect the tires air pressure(assuming you see the tires being under a lot of pressure)

You can toggle manual ignition off/on in the menu.

Pigs has been confirmed as the new animal type in the game

You can select whether you want to deliver your animals to the different stables yourself or have the game do it(the game will charge a sum for doing this)

You can transport the animals using the new Joskin RDS 7500 Betimax.

All animals in FS17 can be bred.


From the beginning there will be 4 finished radio channels in the game and you can expand even further with the livestream radio in the game(kinda like ETS2).

The new map will have several 4 lane roads(2 lanes on each side)

We got a new brand and that's Manitou with a telehandler

We can now STRAP down our cargo on our trailers so no more bales falling off(YAY)

Big bags are a thing, you can transport them using a frontloader or a trailer

In the presentation the MF 8700 and Fendt 900 Vario was shown.

You’ll be able to make adjustments to the machines before buying them(Engine, Transmission, Color and rim color) and if you wanna make some changes you can do so at a workshop

You can also rent the machines for 1/10 of the regular price(not sure for how long)

You can also buy twin tires for many of the MF tractors

They also added a few new placeable objects like Silos, Workshops, Machine halls

You need to buy more silos because there is now a storage limit on them

The tending of the fields has been made more complicated, you need to plow after the 3rd harvest each time so harvest 1+2+3 then plow, harvest 1+2+3 then plow, harvest 1+2+3 and repeat, if you don’t the yield from the harvest on that field will be decreased by 10%(hopefully more depending on difficulty)

there is also 3 different levels of fertilization.(EDIT: should add 30% per time you fert)

Sunflower is a new crop(they will always face the sun) Soybeans are a new crop as well and radish has been added as a cover crop(acts like fertilizer when plowed/cultivated) and we can now spread manure,slurry, fertilizer on grass.

The lighting has been overhauled and the lights on the vehicles has been improved and they will even stay turned on if you leave the vehicle

Also a new smartphone app has been made that you can link to a dedicated server, where you can group chat, and possible see how your fields are looking etc


for picture go here:


From Karvon


Simple animal menu: Cleanliness, water, straw, grass, silage, Mixed ration

Pick up objects with your “hands” wood, basketballs etc

You have to clean up areas that your animals mess up

Vehicle maintenance costs goes up after 600 hours and the sale value decreases(individual hour counter, for each vehicle?)

Colorblind mode(yay)

Train can be activated via the menu, after that you can TAB to it and control it

You can also control the crane at the yard


Update: 03:00 am 24/07

When you start a new career, you cans till choose between Easy, Medium and Hard but besides affecting fruit prices and initial credits and loan they also affect how many of the features are active like manual ignition, plowing after the 3rd harvest etc these can still be manually enabled/disabled

You can place a map marker on the map

Sound like we can make our helpers deliver crops to a selling point(need official confirmation for this)

More different trees(now more “hexagon” tree trunks)

Grooming the fields(acts like fertilizing)

MP synchronization speed should be faster


Update: 15:18 24/07

Agrarteam Franken

Stop & Go can be enabled/disabled in the menu(not sure who this works)

in the info menu(aka the “pda”) you can now zoom in on the map

Chickens can no longer be purchased, they are instead on the farm by default meaning you’ll have x amount of chickens on your farm that you can still collect eggs from

Some of the new graphics setting are, Texture settings, anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering and amount of dynamic lights

The location of where you want your helper to collect slurry can be selected

Lights(including turn signal) has been improved greatly and will now reflect on the tractors paint

Engine sounds has been improved

All vehicles are multi crop ready which means all you have to do is input the crop info into an xml file and you are good to go

Front linkage is “deactivated”(removed?) when using a frontloader

We can “flip” bales using our hands, and we can handle wood pieces up to a certain seize

Animals needs water

You need to clean up after you animals in the stables using a frontloader with a shovel

The livestock's food composition has been extended

When you buy a stable, you can buy animals as well and have them spawn there directly(for an extra sum) or go collect them yourself

Animals multiply by feeding them

When you buy a tractor you can edit the horsepower, color, rim color, whether you want frontloader attachement on it, wheels, wide tires, twin tires(Hopefully row crop, Jeytav)

If you plow and fertilize 3 times you can increase the yield to 200% instead of 100%

When in the info menu(new pda from fs15) the game won't “pause”

There is a new small woodchipper

You can load the train with logs using the crane at the train station

Big bags are a thing and you can either fill you seed tanks using a trigger OR open the lid on the seeder and fill it by holding the bad over the seeder

There is a mixed ration big bag that you can buy from the store, so you no longer have to save up for a lot of expensive equipment to feed your livestock mixed rations

Grass and trees look more realistic

0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

Video iz FS17 koji prikazuje pritisak u gumama:


1 0 hvala 1
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

5 0 hvala 1
11 godina
Farming Simulator 2017

odlične novosti!


nemogu dokučit čemu služi oznaka ispod brzine kretanja? potrošnja?

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