Veća od najveće: u Kini otkrivena nova najveća vje
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ne kužim ovo "otkrivena". znači da je bila pokrivena prije? je li to obavio onaj tuta bugarin christo?
Postoje razni dizajni s raznim prednostima i nedostacima, za razne uvjete. Što je turbina veća, logično da hvata i više vjetra i daje više energije.
Gigantske trokrake mlatilice su se do sada pokazale kao najoptimalniji univerzalni dizajn za većinu uvjeta (ako gledaš i troškove i kompliciranost izrade i održavanja), iako imaju svojih slabosti.
Pogledaj i ovaj post:
Potrebe za skladištenjem mogu se reducirati na više načina:
1) Postojeća postrojenja mogu biti optimizirana kao cjelina
The increase in energy output from a given installation may seem modest — it’s about 1.2 percent overall, and 3 percent for optimal wind speeds. But the algorithm can be deployed at any wind farm, and the number of wind farms is rapidly growing to meet accelerated climate goals. If that 1.2 percent energy increase were applied to all the world’s existing wind farms, it would be the equivalent of adding more than 3,600 new wind turbines, or enough to power about 3 million homes, and a total gain to power producers of almost a billion dollars per year, the researchers say.
And all of this for essentially no cost.
2) Vjetroturbine klasičnog dizajna mogu biti poboljšane pri izradi
Although the cost of the enhanced parts will probably be higher, the reduced cost of repairs and less downtime has increased the amount of energy produced. This increase exceeds the additional costs, and we are proud to say that our innovative technologies have helped reduce overall costs by 14-22%.
3) Postoje noviji provjereno efikasniji dizajni koji mogu iskorištavati veći raspon vjetrova, kao npr. toroidalni, uz još neke pogodnosti kao veća gustoća, smanjenje buke, manje održavanja, još više enviro-friendly, itd...
There are numerous benefits of this configuration. First, substantial research of the toroidal shape has demonstrated the efficiency of this configuration due to a substantial increase in wind speed especially nearest the sides of the core tower. The unique shape allows for a large volume of wind to be funneled from three sides (top, bottom, and laterally), not just one, towards the rotors in the hollows of the tower. Second, the rotor pairs operate independently from rotors on other levels which allow each rotor pair to face directly into the wind at its particular altitude. Third, because each pair is independent from other pairs, the tower can produce a portion of its overall capacity when wind conditions and maintenance activities warrant. For example, if the wind is moving sufficiently fast to generate power at the level of the higher modules but not at the lower modules, the higher module rotors can still operate and produce electricity thereby increasing the tower's overall “capacity factor”—i.e., actual energy output per year compared to the potential maximum. Partial production is also a significant advantage to reduce maintenance costs because the tower can still produce some power while a subset of rotors is being fixed.
3a) Čak i vjetrova orkanske snage.
I za sve to uopće ne treba nuklearna fizika niti nova golema katastrofalna industrija.
Postoje razni dizajni s raznim prednostima i nedostacima, za razne uvjete. Što je turbina veća, logično da hvata i više vjetra i daje više energije.
Gigantske trokrake mlatilice su se do sada pokazale kao najoptimalniji univerzalni dizajn za većinu uvjeta (ako gledaš i troškove i kompliciranost izrade i održavanja), iako imaju svojih slabosti.
Pogledaj i ovaj post:
Potrebe za skladištenjem mogu se reducirati na više načina:
1) Postojeća postrojenja mogu biti optimizirana kao cjelina
The increase in energy output from a given installation may seem modest — it’s about 1.2 percent overall, and 3 percent for optimal wind speeds. But the algorithm can be deployed at any wind farm, and the number of wind farms is rapidly growing to meet accelerated climate goals. If that 1.2 percent energy increase were applied to all the world’s existing wind farms, it would be the equivalent of adding more than 3,600 new wind turbines, or enough to power about 3 million homes, and a total gain to power producers of almost a billion dollars per year, the researchers say.
And all of this for essentially no cost.
2) Vjetroturbine klasičnog dizajna mogu biti poboljšane pri izradi
Although the cost of the enhanced parts will probably be higher, the reduced cost of repairs and less downtime has increased the amount of energy produced. This increase exceeds the additional costs, and we are proud to say that our innovative technologies have helped reduce overall costs by 14-22%.
3) Postoje noviji provjereno efikasniji dizajni koji mogu iskorištavati veći raspon vjetrova, kao npr. toroidalni, uz još neke pogodnosti kao veća gustoća, smanjenje buke, manje održavanja, još više enviro-friendly, itd...
There are numerous benefits of this configuration. First, substantial research of the toroidal shape has demonstrated the efficiency of this configuration due to a substantial increase in wind speed especially nearest the sides of the core tower. The unique shape allows for a large volume of wind to be funneled from three sides (top, bottom, and laterally), not just one, towards the rotors in the hollows of the tower. Second, the rotor pairs operate independently from rotors on other levels which allow each rotor pair to face directly into the wind at its particular altitude. Third, because each pair is independent from other pairs, the tower can produce a portion of its overall capacity when wind conditions and maintenance activities warrant. For example, if the wind is moving sufficiently fast to generate power at the level of the higher modules but not at the lower modules, the higher module rotors can still operate and produce electricity thereby increasing the tower's overall “capacity factor”—i.e., actual energy output per year compared to the potential maximum. Partial production is also a significant advantage to reduce maintenance costs because the tower can still produce some power while a subset of rotors is being fixed.
3a) Čak i vjetrova orkanske snage.
I za sve to uopće ne treba nuklearna fizika niti nova golema katastrofalna industrija.
Da, ali ovo je interesantno jer mozes imat i doma u vrtu, doslovno svako kucanstvo 1-2-.... koliko ti treba za osobne potrebe
Sad sam pogledao video... nešto slično, solarno-vjetroviti toranj/instalaciju već x godina nudi i jedna južnokorejska kompanija, zaboravio sam kako se zove projekt.
A i samo sunčevo zagrijavanje može pokretati konstantnu struju vjetra, čak i noću; tzv. solar updraft tower.
Jedan takav je uspješno testiran u Španjolskoj još 1980tih.
A tu je i ideja za tornadoelektrane

Naravno, sve to nije baš za kućnu upotrebu. Pretpostavljam da si mislio na fiksnu vjetroturbinu na početku videa.