Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O izdvojena tema

poruka: 48.485
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moderatori: pirat, Lazarus Long, XXX-Man, vincimus
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16 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE
Ja se ne bunim...😉
Taman prije malo stavio nove Windowse i samo sam cekao neki giveaway ovog programa.
A ovo je ujedno i nova verzija koja radi na Creators Update bez problema.
http://av-gurus.blogspot.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/antivirusna.ekipa | http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDjigibao/videos
9 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE

Ja vise neznam sto drzat. Imam malwarebytes pro, ali hebe sa 100% u task manageru da je to nevjerojatno, onda imam Emsisoft koji upalim svako 3-4 mjeseca i evo sada shadow defender koji izgleda kao da ga je dijete pravilo. Želim imati nešto uz Kaspersky, a sto vise sam neznam.


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 29.4.2017 17:43 (Kresimir4).
13 godina
Re: Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O
NiramX kaže...

Kakva je situacija između CIS-a i WD-a kada su u pitanju isključivo definicije?


Mene nitko ne voli.

16 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE
Kresimir4 kaže...

Ja vise neznam sto drzat. Imam malwarebytes pro, ali hebe sa 100% u task manageru da je to nevjerojatno, onda imam Emsisoft koji upalim svako 3-4 mjeseca i evo sada shadow defender koji izgleda kao da ga je dijete pravilo. Želim imati nešto uz Kaspersky, a sto vise sam neznam.


 Nije SD program koji se treba gledat ili izgledat kao zadnji krik mode.

Najbitnije je da radi kako treba i da je dobar u tome sto radi (za razliku od novog MBAM u sto si se i sam uvjerio).


NiramX kaže...
NiramX kaže...

Kakva je situacija između CIS-a i WD-a kada su u pitanju isključivo definicije?


Mene nitko ne voli.


Mi te volimo!!! 😘😍😘😍


Ja bi reko da je WD bolji od Comodo po definicijama.

http://av-gurus.blogspot.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/antivirusna.ekipa | http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDjigibao/videos
7 godina
Re: Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O


Mi smo tvoji, ti si naš !

😊 😊
7 godina
Re: Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O


Pa jesi imao bliske susrete sa malwerom u zadnjih par godina ?

9 godina
Re: Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O

Nisam, a s nekim teskim malwerom koji mi je ucinio sr4nje na kompu nisam jako dugo, odnosno kada sam imao pentium 2 :p

16 godina
Panda Internet Security 2017 - FREE
http://av-gurus.blogspot.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/antivirusna.ekipa | http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDjigibao/videos
7 godina
Re: Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O


Poput tebe, tako se vecina i ostalih korisnika vrlo vrlo rijetko u real situacijama susretne sa malwerom. Najcesce su sami krivi, u svojim pokusajima da posjeduju nesto besplatno a sto se inace plaća. Ransom je izuzetak.

Nemoj se toliko zabrinjavati odabirom sigurnosnog paketa, vec lijepo uzivaj u radu u tebi bitnim aplikacijama i igrama. Redovito backupiraj svoje osobne podatke ( slike, dokumente ) na cloud i ext hdd, a os je potrosna roba kojeg uvjek lako instaliras ili vratis iz imagea sistema. Kada i ako prihvatis takav stav, onda ti osim defaultnog defendera nista drugo netreba.

14 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE
Kresimir4 kaže...

 Želim imati nešto uz Kaspersky, a sto vise sam neznam.


A koji to Kasperski imaš ???

djigibao kaže...


Ja bi reko da je WD bolji od Comodo po definicijama.

Čak i da je to točno, definicije su kod CIS-a najmanje bitna stavka u zaštiti sistema!

Tko pridodaje neku veću važnost definicijama, taj ne zna mnogo o zaštiti sistema.


1.USB sa winsima



4.Shadow Defender (samo za surf ili isprobavanje programa)

5.Antivirus ( Win.Defender je ok ali ako želiš nešto jače onda BitDefender free ili Avast )



Some people are so poor... all they have is money!
9 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE


16 godina
Kaspersky Internet Security 2018 (a)

 prije nekoliko dana je stigao KIS 2018, ovo su novine u odnosu na 2017


 ostalo je ostalo isto što se tiče GUI-a


whats new


Kaspersky Internet Security provides the following features:

  • Added notification from Web Anti-Virus regarding pages containing adware or legitimate software that can be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data.

  • There is now protection against infection while the operating system is being restarted.

  • Improved technology for counteracting the modification of user files by malware, particularly by encryptors.

  • There is now the capability to navigate from the Licensing window to My Kaspersky portal to view information about the activation code.

  • You can now add a new activation code if the license has expired.

  • You can now add a list of domains for which connections are not controlled by the application.

  • Diagnostics of application installation issues have been improved. Now, when there is a problem with application installation, the application saves the installation logs instead of deleting them.

  • Application Self-Defense during upgrade to a new version has been improved. Now there is protection for not only the current version but also for the newly installed application prior to it being started for the first time.

  • Improved speed for certain installation scenarios, the first startup, and the first update of the application.

  • Improved notification that appears if you disable the System Watcher component. The notification now contains a more detailed description of the consequences of disabling the component, especially regarding the resultant lack of protection against encryptors.

  • The procedure for displaying notifications has been improved.

  • The application now waits a longer amount of time before displaying a notification about outdated databases and application modules when the computer wakes from sleep mode.





Protection against cryptors (malware that encrypts user files) has the following limitations:

  • The Temp system folder is used to support this functionality. If the system drive with the Temp folder has insufficient disk space to create temporary files, protection against cryptors is not provided. In this case, the application does not display a notification that files are not backed up (protection is not provided).

  • Temporary files are deleted automatically when you close Kaspersky Internet Security or disable the System Watcher component.

  • In case of an emergency termination of Kaspersky Internet Security, temporary files are not deleted automatically. To delete temporary files, clear the Temp folder manually. To do so, open the Run window (Run command under Windows XP) and in the Open field type %TEMP%. Click OK.

  • Protection against encryptors is provided only for files that are located on data drives that have been formatted with the NTFS file system.

  • The number of files that can be restored cannot exceed 50 per one encryption process.

  • The total volume of modifications to files cannot exceed 100 MB. Files with modifications that exceed this limit cannot be restored.

  • File modifications initiated via network interface are not monitored.

  • Files encrypted with EFS are not supported.

  • You must restart the computer to enable protection against encryptors after Kaspersky Internet Security is installed.

14 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE
Kresimir4 kaže...


 Mislim da ti niš dodatno uz KIS ne treba...možda AdGuard ili uBlock Origin na browser!


Jedino uradi backup važnih stvari na vanjski disk i osiguraj si zadnju Windows instalaciju na USB ( za svaki slučaj ).


Vidim da KIS ima neka ograničenja u zaštiti od cripto-malwera ( Totalov post iznad ) pa možda da razmisliš o VoodooShield-u koji odlično štiti od takve vrste malwera!


Some people are so poor... all they have is money!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 30.4.2017 17:17 (andi.cro).
9 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE

Imam od pocetka adblock plus i noscript i ukljuceno mi je browseru da me upozorava na sumnjive sajtove, a kis web protection sam iskljucio jer mi je previse.

14 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE

Trebao bi napraviti upravo suprotno. Postavi si uBlock Origin ili Adguard umjesto ABP-a i uključi Kasperskyjev Web Protection. Preglednici nisu toliko dobri u otkrivanju malwarea i phishinga kao i antivirusi tj. kompanije koje se time bave.

9 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE

Zasto su oni bolji od abp?

14 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE


  • manje opterećuju računalo
  • ne usporavaju surfanje internetom
  • automatski ažuriraju filtere
  • učinkovitiji su


Osim toga, klik.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 30.4.2017 19:11 (Marko :D).
9 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE

ajme tko ce sada opet onaj filter postavljat muka mi je :)

14 godina
Re: Shadow Defender - FREE

Ako postoji opcija za exportaj, pa u uBlock Origin samo importaj. 

16 godina
Re: Kaspersky Internet Security 2018 (a
total kaže...

 prije nekoliko dana je stigao KIS 2018, ovo su novine u odnosu na 2017

 ostalo je ostalo isto što se tiče GUI-a


whats new


Kaspersky Internet Security provides the following features:

  • Added notification from Web Anti-Virus regarding pages containing adware or legitimate software that can be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data.

  • There is now protection against infection while the operating system is being restarted.

  • Improved technology for counteracting the modification of user files by malware, particularly by encryptors.

  • There is now the capability to navigate from the Licensing window to My Kaspersky portal to view information about the activation code.

  • You can now add a new activation code if the license has expired.

  • You can now add a list of domains for which connections are not controlled by the application.

  • Diagnostics of application installation issues have been improved. Now, when there is a problem with application installation, the application saves the installation logs instead of deleting them.

  • Application Self-Defense during upgrade to a new version has been improved. Now there is protection for not only the current version but also for the newly installed application prior to it being started for the first time.

  • Improved speed for certain installation scenarios, the first startup, and the first update of the application.

  • Improved notification that appears if you disable the System Watcher component. The notification now contains a more detailed description of the consequences of disabling the component, especially regarding the resultant lack of protection against encryptors.

  • The procedure for displaying notifications has been improved.

  • The application now waits a longer amount of time before displaying a notification about outdated databases and application modules when the computer wakes from sleep mode.





Protection against cryptors (malware that encrypts user files) has the following limitations:

  • The Temp system folder is used to support this functionality. If the system drive with the Temp folder has insufficient disk space to create temporary files, protection against cryptors is not provided. In this case, the application does not display a notification that files are not backed up (protection is not provided).

  • Temporary files are deleted automatically when you close Kaspersky Internet Security or disable the System Watcher component.

  • In case of an emergency termination of Kaspersky Internet Security, temporary files are not deleted automatically. To delete temporary files, clear the Temp folder manually. To do so, open the Run window (Run command under Windows XP) and in the Open field type %TEMP%. Click OK.

  • Protection against encryptors is provided only for files that are located on data drives that have been formatted with the NTFS file system.

  • The number of files that can be restored cannot exceed 50 per one encryption process.

  • The total volume of modifications to files cannot exceed 100 MB. Files with modifications that exceed this limit cannot be restored.

  • File modifications initiated via network interface are not monitored.

  • Files encrypted with EFS are not supported.

  • You must restart the computer to enable protection against encryptors after Kaspersky Internet Security is installed.


Puno lipih stvari imaj taj Kaspersky, jesu sve te opcije po difoltu ukljucene i namjestene kako treba ili ih korisnik treba dodatno namjestavat?

Na ovoj slici dole "Low Restriction" ovi svi procesi su oznaceni sa X, to znaci zabrana ili?

Da li je medju njima i Powershell?


http://av-gurus.blogspot.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/antivirusna.ekipa | http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDjigibao/videos
9 godina
Re: Kaspersky Internet Security 2018 (a

Vjerujem da je kao prije, ako imam kis 2017, mogu koristiti kis 2018?

16 godina
Re: Kaspersky Internet Security 2018 (a
djigibao kaže...
total kaže...

 prije nekoliko dana je stigao KIS 2018, ovo su novine u odnosu na 2017

 ostalo je ostalo isto što se tiče GUI-a


whats new




Puno lipih stvari imaj taj Kaspersky, jesu sve te opcije po difoltu ukljucene i namjestene kako treba ili ih korisnik treba dodatno namjestavat?

Na ovoj slici dole "Low Restriction" ovi svi procesi su oznaceni sa X, to znaci zabrana ili?

Da li je medju njima i Powershell?


 kod web antivirusa treba u advanced settings uključiti opciju check if the website.... (slika br.2), i kod slike br.3 (detect other software....) je isključena


a što se tiče low restricted grupe, defoultno je postavljeno uglavnom na ask, a start na alow, to sam izmjenio jer nema smisla da program pita za npr delete nwkog kritičnog windows servisa i naravno zabranio izlaz na interent


je i powershel je isto protected application

 a evo i još jedan dio slika da se vidi  kako je postavljeno

uglavnom, sve kritilno i osobno je zabranjeno osim starta di mora pitat može li se pokrenit


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 1.5.2017 8:21 (total).
9 godina
Re: Kaspersky Internet Security 2018 (a



Vjerujem da je kao prije, ako imam kis 2017, mogu koristiti kis 2018?

13 godina
Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O

Jel imao neko problema s "initialpage123" pi*darijom?

Prilikom instalacije jogurt verzije solidworksa, trebao sam koristiti i daemontools uz koji se instaliralo i ovo sranje i sad ga se nikako rijesiti.

Napravio sam deinstalaciju u control panelu, AV nista ne nalazi, resetirao chrome na tvornicke postavke (nije bilo ni u ekstenzijama) i nikako se rijesiti.

14 godina
13 godina
Re: Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O

 Naletio sam na taj tutorial al kad sam vidio koliko dodatnih downloada ima sam odustao..izgleda da nema druge

Hvala kolega pokušat ću s tim!

14 godina
Ultimativna antivirus tema - P&O

Poskeniraj i očisti sa AdwCleanerom i reinstaliraj browser!

Naknadno možeš još poskenirati i sa MBAM-om u kojem uključi detekciju i brisanje PUP-ova te prođi i sa Hitmanom i KVRT-om da budeš ziher 

Some people are so poor... all they have is money!
8 godina
16 godina
GlassWire for Android

Jel netko vec isprobao (@Marko :D)






Why did we make GlassWire for Android?
We wanted a similar network monitoring application for our own Android phones but we were shocked to find a lot of the data usage apps we tested sent quite a bit of data over the network themselves.

We worked long and hard to create this first version of GlassWire for Android that’s 100% free with no in-app purchases or ads.

GlassWire for Android makes it easy to keep track of your mobile carrier data usage and WiFi Internet activity.

Key features:

  • See a live graph of what apps are currently using your carrier data, or slowing your Internet connection.
  • Instantly know every time a new app accesses the network and begins using your data.
  • Go back in time with GlassWire’s graph to see what apps wasted your data earlier in the week or month.
  • GlassWire’s data alerts help keep you under your data limit. Get alerted before you reach your carrier data limit to avoid costly overage fees.
  • GlassWire reveals unusual network activity from unknown apps or malware that could be violating your privacy or spying on you.
  • GlassWire counts your mobile carrier data (Edge, 3G, 46, 5G, LTE, CDMA, UMTS, GSM, GPRS, mobile hotspots) and shows you detailed usage statistics on GlassWire’s “Usage” screen, along with your WiFi data. See your mobile phone provider data for AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-mobile, Virgin, Vodafone, Orange, EE, 3, Swisscom, Telia, Movistar, O2, and all others.
  • See data usage for different apps like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Pokemon Go, Netflix, Youtube, Instagram, Pandora, Spotify, Pinterest, Whatsapp, Skype, Kik, and any other apps you use.
http://av-gurus.blogspot.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/antivirusna.ekipa | http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDjigibao/videos
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 3.5.2017 20:40 (djigibao).
14 godina
Re: GlassWire for Android

Nisam, ali baš ću ga instalirati da vidim kako radi. 

vrh stranice