Nove Max Payne 3 Slike

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15 godina
Nove Max Payne 3 Slike

evo stvari koje su objavljene u casopisu edge koji je isprobao igru.


- Rockstar Vancouver “been involved with Max since the beginning”

- Rockstar London, Rockstar Toronto and Rockstar New England are helping Vancouver

- “We love Max and we want to continue to do right by him,” said Art Director Rob Nelson, “That’s the biggest challenge for us: the decisions we come to have to make sense for him.”

- James McCaffrey returns as Max for Max Payne 3.

- Max Payne 3 is set eight years after the events of Max Payne 2. Payne is done working with the NYPD and is now working for rich clients as a private security contractor in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

- Max Payne was forced out of New York and the game will explain why.

- Max is not "not the booze-soaked hulk we’d been led to expect".

- Edge was shown a demo where the wife of Payne client Rodrigo Branco’s wife is kidnapped by the Commando Sombre street gang. Max must deliver the ransom to get her back. Max has partnered up with a guy named Passos. In this mission, Max has a full head of hair.

Max meets the gang in a football stadium to exchange the ransom. Shots are suddenly fired and Max is struck, which is when his health icon in the bottom right goes red.

The mission features Max making his way through the stadium, through broadcast rooms and snipers. Max has been equipped with a “high -powered rifle”.

The action is “fast and brutal,” says Edge, filled with “glass smashes, blood spurts, furniture collapses”.

- According to Nelson, the game is “always playing with time in the story,” with it going ‘backwards and forwards” using “aggressive editing”.

- The comic book frames are back but in a different style. Rather than static frames, Rockstar is using in-game footage that shows an animated collage of action.

- Pain pills are back.

- Max’s “classic narration,” is back.

- According to Edge, MP3 doesn’t feel like a “standard corridor shooter.”

- Bullet-cam is in and provides a “bloody full-stop to every encounter”. Bullet-time is also back. He can dive in any direction and reacts to the environment, Max even “thrust[s] out a hand or shoulder to absorb the impact”.

- A cover system is in and the controls are similar to Grand Theft Auto IV and Red Dead Redemption.

- Rockstar has “put a lot of attention on AI reactions, making sure that the force of the bullet feels right”. Enemies will duck even for "near-misses".

- It's a wheel-based selection system for weapons.
- Max can carry three weapons at once. Max dual-wield two single hand guns and Edge notes an “almost sensual attention to detail” when he fires.

- Max will be using pistols, sub-machine guns, rifles, sniper rifles and more.

- There will be multiplayer.

- Environments are fully destructible

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 2
16 godina
Nove Max Payne 3 Slike

Sve se bojim da ce Rockstar zas*ati cijeli Max Payne. Zasto je Remedy uopce isao prodavati Max Paynea?

Time is what happens between mistakes
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 24.4.2011 4:39 (D4RKL1NG).
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Nove Max Payne 3 Slike
Ajde da vidimo koji vam je nastavak Max paynea draži
8 Max payne
20 Max payne 2
Promišljanje je posao mnogih; odlučivanje pak samo jednoga.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 24.4.2011 11:03 (explorer 4).
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Nove Max Payne 3 Slike

Max Payne...


Makar je dvojka imala još bolje "ušminkanu" mjuzu,

ali jedinica je ona sirovo dobra.

Gigabyte Superman, ASRock Kryptonite
15 godina
Re: Nove Max Payne 3 Slike
explorer 4 kaže...
Ajde da vidimo koji vam je nastavak Max paynea draži

  meni su oba najdraža :)

15 godina
Nove Max Payne 3 Slike

Evo još tri nove slike

1 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Nove Max Payne 3 Slike

Jel bi to radilo kod mene?

p4 3.0 ghz

1 gb ram

geforce210   1gb 

0 2 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Nove Max Payne 3 Slike
Jack Black kaže...

Jel bi to radilo kod mene?

p4 3.0 ghz

1 gb ram

geforce210   1gb 

Pokrenuo bi vjerojatno zbog grafe, ali gubio bi vrijeme i zivce jer bi stekalo kao ludo (pod broj 1 procesor je za kur**, a i graficka je za {#})... ukratko, jakooooo lose bi radilo


BTW igra ce sigurno doci za PC ili se jos ne zna?

Ne stavljajte ruku u ventilator dok ventilator radi. Upozorenje na klimatizacijskom uređaju
15 godina
Nove Max Payne 3 Slike

100% ce doc za pc potvrđeno je.

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 2
14 godina
Re: Nove Max Payne 3 Slike
mar123 kaže...

100% ce doc za pc potvrđeno je.


Piracy lives forever!!!
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