F1 2012 (Codemasters)

poruka: 1.159
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moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
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16 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Upravo je Codemasters objavio da su potpisali višegodišnji ugovor za F1 igre.


Evo što kaže mali Bernie:


Codemasters has created some of the best and most successful FORMULA ONE games to date. We and the teams work closely with them and look forward to creating more award winning games together in the future.

Codemasters will continue to produce the official FORMULA ONE game for worldwide release; development will remain with the BAFTA award-winning studio team at Codemasters Birmingham. The FORMULA ONE portfolio will be expanded with F1 ONLINE THE GAME™, a free-to-play online management and racing game, which will go live this spring. An additional and all-new FORMULA ONE experience for a family audience is due this holiday season with details to be announced.


Tako da možemo uskoro očekivati više detalja za F1 2012.

Nadam se da će biti još korak-dva veća simulacija u odnosu na F1 2011,bolji AI i će konačno maknuti usrani GFWL iz igre.


A možda ove godine dobijemo i Dedicated Servere za multiplayer.


A prije toga,na proljeće nas očekuje F1 online the game koju ćemo igrati iz browsera.


Sve u svemu očekuje nas još puno F1 iz Codemastersa.






2012 HD Skins

Tires 2012


سمندری ڈاکو
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 5.10.2012 16:23 (pirat).
Moj PC  
11 0 hvala 10
17 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Bernie sve to zna jer doma vozi F1 iz svog GT Omega Racing sica......{#}


Neka naprave štetu na bolidima jer ovo šta smo do sada vidjeli u zadnja dva naslova je loše! Iako im to možda licenca ne dozvoljava.


Jer ako uzmemo obzir kako DiRT3 fino prikazuje oštećenja, a u F1 20xx se nabiješ pun gas i otpadne samo krilo.... Iako imao sam situacija da mi u vožnji otpadne dio krila, imam pukotinu napred u nosu, da mi otpadne retrovizor.. ALi još malo to ispeglat, maknut GFWL itd bit će u redu.....

ššššš - možda su u šumi
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 13.3.2012 16:05 (doktor1).
Moj PC  
5 0 hvala 0
13 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

ja sma cak uspio i kotace shebat jednom ali brijem da sam se nakon cilje ravnine ravno u zid zapeljao za to {#}

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
doktor1 kaže...

Bernie sve to zna jer doma vozi F1 iz svog GT Omega Racing sica......{#}


Neka naprave štetu na bolidima jer ovo šta smo do sada vidjeli u zadnja dva naslova je loše! Iako im to možda licenca ne dozvoljava.


Jer ako uzmemo obzir kako DiRT3 fino prikazuje oštećenja, a u F1 20xx se nabiješ pun gas i otpadne samo krilo.... Iako imao sam situacija da mi u vožnji otpadne dio krila, imam pukotinu napred u nosu, da mi otpadne retrovizor.. ALi još malo to ispeglat, maknut GFWL itd bit će u redu.....

Totalno nebitan dio igre. Ako se misle fokusirati kako će izgledati auto poslije sudara neka odmah prodaju licencu. Ima puno bitnijih stvari na kojima se da poradit, a sitnice kao šteta su totalno nebitne.

17 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
Đapa club kaže...

Totalno nebitan dio igre. Ako se misle fokusirati kako će izgledati auto poslije sudara neka odmah prodaju licencu. Ima puno bitnijih stvari na kojima se da poradit, a sitnice kao šteta su totalno nebitne.

Kako je nebitan dio igre? Poradeći na šteti bili bi i dvoboji napetiji! Zašto? Pa recimo kod naguravanja da ti strada ovjes, pukne guma itd. Da kada sa gumam počneš strugat po nekom rubu, da to ima utjecaja na iste, a ne kao da se ništa nije dogodilo. Da kada te od iza naguze ili ti nekog da se i famozno stražnje krilo ošteti....


I tebi to u F1 naslovu je totalno nebitan dio igre? OK!

ššššš - možda su u šumi
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 13.3.2012 16:46 (doktor1).
14 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Svakako moraju poradit i na sudarima jer su loši skroz. Prvenstveno mislim na duele i razne kontakte veče ili manje Što se tiče sudara pri 300km/h u zid i slično mogu samo napisat mission failed i ja sretan.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Evo maja lista zahtijeva za F1 2012:

  • Helmet cam
  • Telemetrija - ljubiteljima Formule 1 (Bernijeve) važna stvar
  • Boksevi brži od 4,7 sec
  • Ja pritiščem PL (Pit limiter) i kočim
  • Veći učinak slipsteama
  • Ukoliko koristim automatsko mijenjanje brzina, ja svejedno mogu svojevoljno promijeniti brzinu. Zašto? Danas sam vozio Time trail u Silverstonu i nakon kočenja za Cops bolid ostane u 7. i nema momenta na izlasku
  • Karijera s više sadržaja
  • Povratak intervjua iz F1 2010 (ako se sječate onih)
  • Podij


I to je to.

Lets wait and see!

du nat tač prekidač bikoz struja going tu kil!
5 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
doktor1 kaže...
Đapa club kaže...

Totalno nebitan dio igre. Ako se misle fokusirati kako će izgledati auto poslije sudara neka odmah prodaju licencu. Ima puno bitnijih stvari na kojima se da poradit, a sitnice kao šteta su totalno nebitne.

Kako je nebitan dio igre? Poradeći na šteti bili bi i dvoboji napetiji! Zašto? Pa recimo kod naguravanja da ti strada ovjes, pukne guma itd. Da kada sa gumam počneš strugat po nekom rubu, da to ima utjecaja na iste, a ne kao da se ništa nije dogodilo. Da kada te od iza naguze ili ti nekog da se i famozno stražnje krilo ošteti....


I tebi to u F1 naslovu je totalno nebitan dio igre? OK!

I ovako je sve puno nesposobnih bu*dala na MP-u. Neznam kako bi to izgledalo sa takvim oštečenjima. Jedan Rfactor nema dobar model oštećenja, ali zato posjeduje neke druge kvalitete. Moje osobno mišljenje je da je model oštećenja dobar, a da može bolje može. No nikad mi oštećenja nisu igrala ulogu zato što ih se trudim što više izbječ.

15 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
Đapa club kaže...
doktor1 kaže...
Đapa club kaže...

Totalno nebitan dio igre. Ako se misle fokusirati kako će izgledati auto poslije sudara neka odmah prodaju licencu. Ima puno bitnijih stvari na kojima se da poradit, a sitnice kao šteta su totalno nebitne.

Kako je nebitan dio igre? Poradeći na šteti bili bi i dvoboji napetiji! Zašto? Pa recimo kod naguravanja da ti strada ovjes, pukne guma itd. Da kada sa gumam počneš strugat po nekom rubu, da to ima utjecaja na iste, a ne kao da se ništa nije dogodilo. Da kada te od iza naguze ili ti nekog da se i famozno stražnje krilo ošteti....


I tebi to u F1 naslovu je totalno nebitan dio igre? OK!

I ovako je sve puno nesposobnih bu*dala na MP-u. Neznam kako bi to izgledalo sa takvim oštečenjima. Jedan Rfactor nema dobar model oštećenja, ali zato posjeduje neke druge kvalitete. Moje osobno mišljenje je da je model oštećenja dobar, a da može bolje može. No nikad mi oštećenja nisu igrala ulogu zato što ih se trudim što više izbječ.

na MP ima sad ljudi? to na PC?

Dirt 3 -> Dino Bzik
13 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
doktor1 kaže...
Đapa club kaže...

Totalno nebitan dio igre. Ako se misle fokusirati kako će izgledati auto poslije sudara neka odmah prodaju licencu. Ima puno bitnijih stvari na kojima se da poradit, a sitnice kao šteta su totalno nebitne.

Kako je nebitan dio igre? Poradeći na šteti bili bi i dvoboji napetiji! Zašto? Pa recimo kod naguravanja da ti strada ovjes, pukne guma itd. Da kada sa gumam počneš strugat po nekom rubu, da to ima utjecaja na iste, a ne kao da se ništa nije dogodilo. Da kada te od iza naguze ili ti nekog da se i famozno stražnje krilo ošteti....


I tebi to u F1 naslovu je totalno nebitan dio igre? OK!

Btw..evo što bi meni bile bitne stavke i promjene:


1. Veča sloboda u paddocku,

2. Warm up prije utrke, te krug nakon utrke,

3. Pojačati AI na Legendu kome je preteško ima slabije razine,

4. Mogućnost promjene izgleda vozača,

5. Bolji zvukovi bolida(ovi nisu očajni, ali nisu daleko),

6. Atmosfera, bolji uvodi u utrke itd.,

7. Oficijalna kazaljka za brzine te ostale oficijalne stvari..Championship edition iz 2006 ih je imao nevjerujem da ovi nemogu,

8. Decicated serveri,

9. Detaljniji Carrier mod obavezno što god to značilo,

10. Bolja simulacija vremenskih uvjeta te otežana vožnja za AI i nas po kiši..mogao bih još nabrajati, ali nemrem se sjetit sada baš svega.

11. Slavlje nakon utrke na postolju, povratak intervjua kao iz f1 2010..


Da najbitnije bi bilo da Codmasters uopće ne radi F1, ali to je nažalost sada nemoguće. No ajde f1 2011 je čist ok, ali da je daleko iza svoga vremena po meni je. Sve što igra ima je viđeno 2006 u igri koju je napravio studio Liverpool.



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 13.3.2012 20:37 (Đapa club).
13 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

fali i spricanje sampanjcem :)

Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
MrXleader kaže...

fali i spricanje sampanjcem :)

i bacanje šampanjca sa postolja timu. ;)

13 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
Đapa club kaže...
MrXleader kaže...

fali i spricanje sampanjcem :)

i bacanje šampanjca sa postolja timu. ;)

 podrzaumijeva se :),jos da ima drustvenog zivota sa hostesom i sampanjcem {#}

17 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

A niš neka onda stave da trebamo i pazit na prehranu da nas ne stisne u vrijeme vožnje, kao i treniranje u teretani da budemo u formi sa Renatom Sopek...

ššššš - možda su u šumi
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
doktor1 kaže...

A niš neka onda stave da trebamo i pazit na prehranu da nas ne stisne u vrijeme vožnje, kao i treniranje u teretani da budemo u formi sa Renatom Sopek...

Očekivan odgovor od tebe na moj post..Inače si jako pametan što se svih tema tiče.

17 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
Đapa club kaže...
doktor1 kaže...

A niš neka onda stave da trebamo i pazit na prehranu da nas ne stisne u vrijeme vožnje, kao i treniranje u teretani da budemo u formi sa Renatom Sopek...

Očekivan odgovor od tebe na moj post..Inače si jako pametan što se svih tema tiče.

Ovo je bila šala.


Inače se slažem sa onime šta gore napisao..


Ali GTFO sa takvim ponašanjem!!!

ššššš - možda su u šumi
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 13.3.2012 21:46 (doktor1).
17 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

F1 2012 - Developer Diary #1: Games V Reality


ššššš - možda su u šumi
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 4
14 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Dobro bi došao helemet cam. u 2012.

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
16 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Izgleda da su se napokon riješili GFWL,igra će koristititi Steamworks.{#}

سمندری ڈاکو
Moj PC  
13 0 hvala 5
14 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
pirat kaže...

Izgleda da su se napokon riješili GFWL,igra će koristititi Steamworks.{#}

O čem pričaš? GFWL?

15 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
briatore kaže...
pirat kaže...

Izgleda da su se napokon riješili GFWL,igra će koristititi Steamworks.{#}

O čem pričaš? GFWL?

Games for windows live.

Nothing lasts forever
14 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Igeam na PS3...u čem je kvaka s tim?

0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: F1 2012 (Codemasters)
briatore kaže...

Igeam na PS3...u čem je kvaka s tim?

ak igras na ps3 onda ti nije ni bitno!

to ti je kao sto za battlefield3 treba origin tako za f-1 treba TO.

14 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Ma čist me zanimalo, volim biti upućen i u društvu mladih gospođa ukrućen.

0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Interview sa Steveom Hoodom.


Q: So, what do you think of the new Codemaster Racing label, and the publsher's new focus?

Steve Hood: I think it's probably the right thing to do, because I think too many companies try to be the jack of all trades, master of none. I think Codemasters have been very strong in the racing genre, and I think adding Formula 1… the take on Formula 1 we've had showcases that we're willing to do something a little more serious, an in-depth game, and do Formula 1 justice. We've kind of broadened our horizons within racing, and the company has definitely tried other genres and sometimes not been successful, for a multitude of reasons. So I have no problems with them focusing on this area for some time. But I don't think that ever discounts us from in the future adding another brand to the Codemasters stable.


Q: I guess this must be fairly beneficial for you….

SH: I think so. I think it's just them saying, "We've been particularly successful in this area". They've tried a multitude of things over here [gestures off to the side], and for a number of reasons… Unless you want to be a big player and put a lot of money into some of the other genres they've tried, then you can't get a foothold. Is it worth being a bit-part player over there when you could invest more into this side [racing] and expand that? Considering I'm on that side of the fence, then yeah, it's a massive bonus for us.


Q: RaceNet seems to tie-in heavily with the growing idea of games as a service. If you look at what Elite has done for first-person shooting, could this do a similar thing for racing?

SH: I definitely think so. I think it gives us far more options. At least the company is focused on making this side of the business a success, whereas previously a lot of the senior execs would have to overlook a number of different types of games. It means that we can specialise a lot more in something that we've been successful in and expand in that area. Whereas we couldn't make RPGs at the same time as doing racing games and be sure that the different teams would start with the right people, whereas now we can. And if you're coming to work at Codemasters, at least for the next few years you know the kind of genre that you want to work on. So we can get those specialists in there.

Q: Do you talk a lot with the other teams, like the DiRT guys, for example?

Yeah, a fair bit, and there's a lot more of that to come, a few more meetings. Because now we're getting to the point where as a company we're talking about what we're going to be doing in the future, in terms of technology. We need to get closer together again in terms of what we're doing with the physics engine, because we took their original stuff, that they'd used on the rally games, and converted some of that to work with Formula 1. But obviously it was built without Formula 1 in mind, and the things we would want to do with it, including the editor. So we've had to spend time modifying that for our needs. Whereas it would be better if we could put all of our requests into the melting pot at the start, and the central technology team can work on that and say, "Here you go guys!". Then when we've got a problem we can phone them up and say, "Hey, how do you get around doing… ah, that's how you do it!" Because at the moment we've started to diverge away from them. We share the technology, but a lot of the tools are custom-made per project.


Q: On a technical level, what have been the big hurdles for F1 2012?

SH: I'd say there have been two big hurdles, one of which is the updates to the physics engine that we wanted to do…


Q: You mentioned that. What's going on there?

SH: Well, we closed 11 out without a physics programmer, which is a bit of a problem on a racing game! We've got a really strong guy now who's looking into that. He's made some significant changes, along with some other programmers, to the physics engine. The nitty gritty of it is that we've changed the way the aero is working, we've changed the way the suspension is working - and the suspension and tyres are critical to feel of the car. Previously you might have been bouncing over the kerbs or driving along and the tyres weren't always in contact with the ground, they didn't come back down quick enough. But now when you update the suspension, it sounds a bit weird, but it's almost more compliant. The wheels are in contact with the ground a lot more and you suddenly get a lot more feedback. They're doing the right things, which means when it gets sent off to other departments, like the audio team, they're getting the correct inputs to their system. When you start to slide we can play the audio at the right point and you think, "Ah, I'm pushing the envelope here now". Previously, it wouldn't [work like that], they'd get these weird numbers and go,"When do we start putting in the screeching noise?"

If you're getting fundamental problems like that... F1 is on the edge of performance, so these things can become very apparent to the user, because you're doing such high speeds. Now it changes so that the car just feels… I wouldn't say more alive, because that makes it sound skittish, but more in contact with the ground. You are driving a car now, it's really on the road.


Q: It's funny how it boils down to... well, what could be considered quite small details.

SH: Yeah. The problem is, sometimes those things come across as if it's just for the elite, but everybody will feel that their car is easier and more consistent to drive, which is exactly what they want.


Q: Even if they're not necessarily aware of it.

SH: Yes. If they played the games back-to-back they'd all migrate to 12, I'm sure. They wouldn't have a preference anymore. Some people are saying they prefer 10, some say they prefer 11. I tend to find that the hardcore with the steering wheels prefer 11 when they've got their own setups on it, and the people who are less consistent prefer 10 because it was over-gripped and over-tyred to get around some other issues that we've got. But we can get rid of that and the cars are a lot better, which also plugs into how the AI drivers drive. They don't need to drive with any driving aids. In almost every racing game the AI drivers have to drive with traction control and ABS. We can turn all those things off now, because the car is doing what we'd expect it to do.


Q: So the driving aids were there to help the AI drivers get around the holes that the players deals with?

SH: Yeah. In most racing games the AI drivers are very brutal, lamping the throttle on, which is how most players are driving. When we get the data, almost everybody has ABS and traction control on, which is fine - but as far as we're concerned you start to lose some of that wonder of coming out of a corner and the back starting to break loose. It's not a drifting game, Formula 1, but you want that [sense of] I've gone over the edge… and I've just quickly caught it. To see the AI doing that in front you, when you're following them, is cool. And it's just one of those subtle changes to the physics engine that we spend a lot of time on, that impact audio, impact AI, impact the feeling of driving in the wet and how the cars look when they bounce of the kerb. It's pretty cool.


Q: What's going on with the weather in F1 2012?

SH: So, I can't reveal too much at the moment. But the weather system we did for the 2010 game was, I think, pretty cool, because we were adding weather to Formula 1 - and that mixes the races up. So it's pretty obvious that you want to put something like that in. We always felt that most racing developers shy away from that, there's almost this unwritten rule amongst all developers that [whispers] "Yeah, we won't do wet weather. If you won't do it, we're not going to do it!" So we just thought, let's do this. Let's get weather working in the game, which would be awesome, and have it dynamic so it can change during the race. And that was cool, but what do we need? Do you just stay there, with that weather system, and let someone else eventually catch up and do it? Or do you just keep pushing the boundaries?

So, we're doing the things that you would expect to see in real life, in a race, that would change. I can't really say more, but we'll reveal it. It was kind of an ambitious target that we thought might drop into a future game, but the programmer has been a bit of a star, and he's managed to get it up and running. Which means there's more work for the artist to do so that it integrates and works properly across all the different modes. But it'll be pretty sweet!



Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 6
12 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

jel se znaju mozda system requirements,oce li biti krug zagrijavanja..??

edit:kad ce se moc igrat to iz browsera..??

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 28.4.2012 14:44 (tomislavivic).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Drugi dio interviewa sa Steveom Hoodom.


Q: You've said before now that you're not particularly driven by sales. If that's the case, what kind of criteria do you set for yourself to determine whether your games are successful?

Steve Hood: Personally, there are two distinct strands for me. One is, is it making money for the company so everyone can remain in their job, including myself. But the primary focus for me has always been, do I think it's a good game? It's nice to hear when people come up and say, "I really enjoyed playing the game, it would be great if you could put this in it as well", and people are having a conversation about the content of your game. That's brilliant, because I spend every waking hour thinking about this game. But what I really care about, at the end of the day, is my perception of it. If I don't think it's good enough and somebody else is telling me it's brilliant, I go, "That's really nice, but it could be better." That's all I care about. I think F1 10 and 11 were good, but not good enough. And I think they're far off what we should be doing and what we will be able to achieve.

Q: Do you think this game, F1 2012, will be the one to hit that standard? I guess you may not know until you're finished. Or do you think you'll always be chasing that goal, never completely happy?

SH:The components are starting to come together now. I know what all the different features are, and how they're working in their own branches, if you like. For example, things that the A.I. guys have been doing in their branch of the field, that's brilliant – but I haven't yet had them together in one complete package that you'd expect to get as a game. But they're all showing promise – the weather, the feel of the physics.

There are guys who are slaving away on the car handling all the time with the physics programmer. They'll think it's at a really good state of play – "This is brilliant! This is as good as we can get it!". Then I'll sit down, do a lap with it and say, "This is shit! We've got to do better than that". It must be massively frustrating for them, I'm sure, working with me. But then they'll play around, and they might find something – "Oh, we could do this as well!" If I'm playing it and I'm saying, "That is good"... I rarely like things, so if I do like it then I think we're heading in the right direction. And it is better this year, definitely.

Q: You've clearly put a lot of thought and energy into what makes a good F1 game. Is there anything that you simply can't do at the moment, due to the limitations of current consoles?

SH:The most obvious thing that you always encounter, the ceiling is always memory. A good example is – and not that many people picked up on this – in 2010 and 2011 we built the 15-man pit crew. They reside in the garage, they can run out, put their own kit on – they've got their own animations and different roles in the team, which is great because it looks cool visually, even though you only make pit-stops if you're doing the longer races. It's only brief, anyway – they're there for three seconds while they're changing the tire. But we thought that would be cool. I was sick of playing racing games where you drive into the pits and there's nobody there! Or just some static mechanic with an oily rag where you get, [makes mechanical noise] "There, we've changed your tyres!" That's just rubbish!

So we wanted to the pit-stop stuff, which I think looks really cool, and you can make nice cinematic dev diaries out of that, so it's worthwhile. But there are two pit crews, if you like, or garage crews - one of which is there when you're in practice and qualifying. They sit in the garage the whole time, milling around or working on a car and putting it down on the jacks. But that's not the crew that's used during races - it switches to type 2, which is the pit crew. In practice and qualifying you can't drive into the pit lane and have a quick tyre change from the crew outside and drive off; you always have to get wheeled back in again, because it's a completely different crew.

You can't have both in [the game] at one time, and that's a memory limitation – we can stream them in an out. Immediately, with more memory, we'd be able to do that. But as developers you quickly eat that up anyway, because the pit crew would probably get more detail and more textures on them, in the same situation.
f12011 k -

Q: So do you see that ever getting into a game, one day? I can imagine that a lot of people would like to see that, but at the same time all the detail elsewhere is also increasing...

SH:Exactly. I think it's a sacrifice worth making, because for the vast majority wouldn't know, and it doesn't matter. If you know that you can only be wheeled back into the garage, you're just going to have to use a few more seconds of your time to do that! It's not a real problem.

Other things would be probably be more detailed samples for all the other cars in the race. You could use the engine samples, rather than simplifying them for the AI cars. But there's also processing involved in that. The performance in draw distance and stuff, we could always improve that, I think. And in the future I'd want to switch us to 60 frames per second, rather than 30.

Q: We've talked about that before with previous games. Did you consider doing that for this time around?

SH:No, because it would be too much of a sacrifice to make on this gen – going for double the frame rate when you've got 24 cars and the weather system, and all the other stuff. There are so many processor-intensive things that are going on. Other developers just say, "We'll strip all that out, and we're going for 60, and it's this environment only and it's very controlled". Whereas we go, "Well, everything's dynamic, you drop rubber on the track, you cut through the water, and we care about all these little bits and pieces". There are a lot of things being simulated, and also the tracks look pretty nice with all the detail put in them.

That's always been the focus of the company, to do that, but when we do flick up to the next one, to the next engine we're using, you almost have a choice to go 30 or 60. And I want to do 60 for the racing games.

Q: That's at the top of your wishlist?


Q: I guess the problem is, once you've made that jump you're stuck with it. Once people are used to getting 60, if you ever want to drop back to 30, people won't go with that.

SH: Absolutely. But I think that should be the choice for a given team. I'm not sure that anybody [at Codemasters] would say, "We're going to run at 30 and the F1 team is going to do 60". But at least there is a choice, whereas there hasn't really been one in the past. And I don't think we'd want to drop down again. For me, in the racing game, considering what we've learned over the time of working with Formula 1, we can now do a really good job with the resources we've got available. The power of the machines will ultimately dictate what we've go for.

Q: This series has received a very warm reception from critics and the gaming public alike. Sometimes gamers get a bit twitchy about games that enter an annual development cycle, but you don't seem to be getting that reaction. How do you feel about working on a once-a-year series?

SH: I think generally there are a lot of sports games where, once you reach a certain level of quality, people are almost happy to accept the next title coming out, or are willing to purchase that. If people start criticising you for releasing every year, you're not living up to the standard of expectation. If you're delivering a sub-par game, they think, "Don't bother releasing one this year! Leave it another year and then launch when you're happy with it!" I think things like FIFA, certainly in recent years, has now reached that real premium quality, and they can release every year. But that's predominantly – in my world, anyway – built around multiplayer. All my friends are talking about it: "Shall we get it on the day of release?" "Oh, ok then." Whereas you could easily play the same game long after, with something like FIFA. For the modes I play anyway.

But Formula 1 does shift from season to season. A team will come in, they'll be a renaming, or Kimi Räikkönen will come back to the sport. That's a compelling reason to get the game alone, regardless of doing other feature improvements. Formula 1 will change itself again. It was going to be F1 13, but it'll be 14 now, where the change engine regulations and turbos come back into Formula 1. That's going to be awesome! Just to get Formula 1 cars with turbos in, it'll be such a big sea change. If someone has 13 and they're holding off - they're thinking "Ah, I'll just skip it a year" – turbos will come out, they'll be talking about it on TV all the time, they're thinking, "Shit, my game's really old. I better get the new one!".

So there are in-built motivators for us, but it's also about us giving people decent, compelling reasons to come across. That's ultimately our job, and I don't think that's just about shoving 15 new features in the game every year, otherwise you quickly end up with 250 features and you can't manage them. But there's a still a lot of work for us to do to really, really hit that premium game, and I think we're well on the way to doing that.

F1 2012 will be released on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 this September.

سمندری ڈاکو
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0 0 hvala 3
16 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Na E3 drugi tjedan će sretnici moć probati F1 2012,a mi ćemo se morati zadovoljiti hrpom videića.{#}


Codemasters will unveil the new Circuit of the Americas track as F1 2012 receives its world premiere at E3 in Los Angeles next week. Attendees to the show will be able to drive on the new circuit, based in Austin, Texas, months before the FORMULA ONE teams take to the track for the 2012 FORMULA 1 UNITED STATES GRAND PRIX™ in November.


Evo i par prvih screenshota

سمندری ڈاکو
Moj PC  
4 0 hvala 8
13 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

Izgleda obečavajuće jedva čekam da izađe nova igra. Grafika zasada više, manje ista, ali siguran sam da su poradili na puno bitnijim stvarima. Meni je najbitnije da se težina Legend bude puno teža nego dosada.

3 0 hvala 0
12 godina
F1 2012 (Codemasters)

znaju li se sistemski zahtjevi i oce li moja konfa bit dovoljna za fluidno igranje na med..??

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