Battlefield V

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15 godina
Battlefield V

Sad kada si slozim PC do kraja, mogu instalirat i bf4

nekad nabacit koji gejm uvijek mozemo ;)

orign: Chuljina

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Battlefield V
LeftY_CRO kaže...

sa moje frendliste jedino Cyber igra, zar smo jedini da jos uvijek igraju bf?

 Kuky igra, ali on nema prijatelja :)




Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
15 godina
Re: Battlefield V
CyberDemonVZ kaže...
LeftY_CRO kaže...

sa moje frendliste jedino Cyber igra, zar smo jedini da jos uvijek igraju bf?

 Kuky igra, ali on nema prijatelja :)




 Tu si u pravu. Samo Danny i ja igramo BF, pirat štrajka i baci rundu svaka 3 mjeseca, klempo se pojavi ponekad. Anubis na divisionu. Davor na Apexu. 

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 16.4.2019 18:29 (Jack Sparrow).
12 godina
Re: Battlefield V
Jack Sparrow kaže...
CyberDemonVZ kaže...
LeftY_CRO kaže...

sa moje frendliste jedino Cyber igra, zar smo jedini da jos uvijek igraju bf?

 Kuky igra, ali on nema prijatelja :)




 Tu si u pravu. Samo Danny i ja igramo BF, pirat štrajka i baci rundu svaka 3 mjeseca, klempo se pojavi ponekad. Anubis na divisionu.


Davor na Apexu. 


Vratit ću se ja, malo me uzeo Division, a onda i neke druge preokupacije. 

Origin: klemp0, Steam: Klempo, Klempo, Uplay: klemp0
11 godina
Re: Battlefield V
CyberDemonVZ kaže...
LeftY_CRO kaže...

sa moje frendliste jedino Cyber igra, zar smo jedini da jos uvijek igraju bf?

 Kuky igra, ali on nema prijatelja :)




 znaci skupimo se i taman jedva 1 squad napravimo :D

uplay: dr.levak | steam: lefty_cro | raptr: leftMD | origin: dr_levakkk | LoL (EUNE): dr levakkk
12 godina
Re: Battlefield V
red_bull kaže...

Fala bogu imamo svako po dva komada pa se mozemo razbacivat. Jedino ware nema on je dao jedan komad(neznam cega) za Intelov proc..

 Ribica, drago mi je vidjeti da me i dalje sanjas, ali ne moras se brinuti za mene. Ja sam upiknuo 8600k kad je bio 1850kn sto je 10% vise nego ryzen 2600x danas, uz to nabavio 16gb 2133mhz rama koji se na superiornoj platformi clocka na 3000mhz 14-16-16-32 pri 1.32v dok je ekipa sa nakupinama za "standardni" 3000 15-17-17-35 ram davala minimalno 1200-1300kn da im sistem kolko tolko normalno radi. U prevedenom 25% vece performanse za manje para 


Racunica je jasna kao dan, a onima koji ju ne shvacaju fali nesto puno bitnije. 

13 godina
Re: Battlefield V
war3_tft kaže...

 Ribica, drago mi je vidjeti da me i dalje sanjas

Ne znam čemu tebi uopće ukidaju suspenziju, samo imaju posla s tobom.

Za sva pitanja i pomoć, obratiti se preko privatne poruke. :D
16 godina
Re: Battlefield V
war3_tft kaže...
red_bull kaže...

Fala bogu imamo svako po dva komada pa se mozemo razbacivat. Jedino ware nema on je dao jedan komad(neznam cega) za Intelov proc..

 Ribica, drago mi je vidjeti da me i dalje sanjas, ali ne moras se brinuti za mene. Ja sam upiknuo 8600k kad je bio 1850kn sto je 10% vise nego ryzen 2600x danas, uz to nabavio 16gb 2133mhz rama koji se na superiornoj platformi clocka na 3000mhz 14-16-16-32 pri 1.32v dok je ekipa sa nakupinama za "standardni" 3000 15-17-17-35 ram davala minimalno 1200-1300kn da im sistem kolko tolko normalno radi. U prevedenom 25% vece performanse za manje para 


Racunica je jasna kao dan, a onima koji ju ne shvacaju fali nesto puno bitnije. 

 Lik u videu baš i nije točan. Veći ja framerate izvučem s 1600x nego što je on s 2600X, a mene još grafička koči.
11 godina
Re: Battlefield V
191x7 kaže...
war3_tft kaže...
red_bull kaže...

Fala bogu imamo svako po dva komada pa se mozemo razbacivat. Jedino ware nema on je dao jedan komad(neznam cega) za Intelov proc..

 Ribica, drago mi je vidjeti da me i dalje sanjas, ali ne moras se brinuti za mene. Ja sam upiknuo 8600k kad je bio 1850kn sto je 10% vise nego ryzen 2600x danas, uz to nabavio 16gb 2133mhz rama koji se na superiornoj platformi clocka na 3000mhz 14-16-16-32 pri 1.32v dok je ekipa sa nakupinama za "standardni" 3000 15-17-17-35 ram davala minimalno 1200-1300kn da im sistem kolko tolko normalno radi. U prevedenom 25% vece performanse za manje para 


Racunica je jasna kao dan, a onima koji ju ne shvacaju fali nesto puno bitnije. 

 Lik u videu baš i nije točan. Veći ja framerate izvučem s 1600x nego što je on s 2600X, a mene još grafička koči.

 Pa tak se desava jer taj video nije tocan, sto je dokazano vec par puta.

13 godina
Re: Battlefield V
CyberDemonVZ kaže...
LeftY_CRO kaže...

sa moje frendliste jedino Cyber igra, zar smo jedini da jos uvijek igraju bf?

 Kuky igra, ali on nema prijatelja :)





Ako je to istina zajebali budu ga na neki nacin posto im je to fetish u zadnje vrijeme da sjebu sve svoje igre 

twice the pride double the fall
9 godina
Battlefield V
Nema potrebe za raspravom opet, zna se da šta je dobar koji cpu i s razlogom su cijene takve kakve jesu.
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Battlefield V

Genijalan video, ako imate vremena pogledajte :D


LevelCap je povezao sve glasine, još od doba BF1, pa do BF: BC3.

Zašto BFV nema materijala koliko bi trebao imati prema prošlim Battlefeldima. Zašto se DICE gubi sa novostima i izdavanjima novih stvari....



Evo, ukratko:

Lik koji je 95% leakao BF1 (AlmightyDaq) kad se još nije ni znalo za njega je malo prije najave BFV rekao da će se raditi o Bad Company 3 naslovu.

Kad je bilo predstavljan BFV, rekao je da je dobio pogrešne informacije, da se ipak istovremeno rade BC3 i BFV i da ipak BFV izlazi prije.

I opet je pogodio dosta stvari o BFV.


Sad su opet počelo izlaziti dosta informacija o BC3....


I najava PlayStationa 5...


Uglavnom, kad se sve poveže izgleda da se dogodilo ovo:

Za vrijeme BF1 je počeo razvoj Bad Company 3 naslova koji je trebao izaći poslije BF1, da razbije monotoniju a i baš lijepo paše u redosljed BF serijala.

Poslije toga se počeo razvijati BFV.


I onda su odjednom pomaknuli BFV naprijed, jako počeli raditi na njemu, s lošim ili nepostojećim planovima. A Bad Company 3, koji je čak godinu-dvije dulje u razvoju, pomaknuli za kasniji izlazak!



Vjerojatno ih je Sony ili Microsoft "nagradio" ako će se uz njihovu konzolu isporučiti i legendarni Bad Company naslov, koji je nekoć i bio konzolaška ekskluziva.

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
Moj PC  
4 0 hvala 1
16 godina
Battlefield V

Ma nek se jebu

Freak Show Inc.
17 0 hvala 1
9 godina
Re: Battlefield V
CyberDemonVZ kaže...

Genijalan video, ako imate vremena pogledajte :D


LevelCap je povezao sve glasine, još od doba BF1, pa do BF: BC3.

Zašto BFV nema materijala koliko bi trebao imati prema prošlim Battlefeldima. Zašto se DICE gubi sa novostima i izdavanjima novih stvari....



Evo, ukratko:

Lik koji je 95% leakao BF1 (AlmightyDaq) kad se još nije ni znalo za njega je malo prije najave BFV rekao da će se raditi o Bad Company 3 naslovu.

Kad je bilo predstavljan BFV, rekao je da je dobio pogrešne informacije, da se ipak istovremeno rade BC3 i BFV i da ipak BFV izlazi prije.

I opet je pogodio dosta stvari o BFV.


Sad su opet počelo izlaziti dosta informacija o BC3....


I najava PlayStationa 5...


Uglavnom, kad se sve poveže izgleda da se dogodilo ovo:

Za vrijeme BF1 je počeo razvoj Bad Company 3 naslova koji je trebao izaći poslije BF1, da razbije monotoniju a i baš lijepo paše u redosljed BF serijala.

Poslije toga se počeo razvijati BFV.


I onda su odjednom pomaknuli BFV naprijed, jako počeli raditi na njemu, s lošim ili nepostojećim planovima. A Bad Company 3, koji je čak godinu-dvije dulje u razvoju, pomaknuli za kasniji izlazak!



Vjerojatno ih je Sony ili Microsoft "nagradio" ako će se uz njihovu konzolu isporučiti i legendarni Bad Company naslov, koji je nekoć i bio konzolaška ekskluziva.

 Kad izlazi ?

13 godina
Re: Battlefield V

To su glasine, ni ne znamo dal' to postoji, kamoli kad izlazi :D


Ali, krajem 2020.

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
13 godina
Battlefield V

Ta mi priča sa Playstation 5 ne drži vodu.
Imala bi smisla da plejka izlazi krajem ove ili početkom sljedeće godine.
S obzirom da Battlefield izlazi svake dvije godine, taman se izlazak plejke poklapa sa regularnim sljedećim nastavkom.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Battlefield V
C64 kaže...

Ta mi priča sa Playstation 5 ne drži vodu.
Imala bi smisla da plejka izlazi krajem ove ili početkom sljedeće godine.
S obzirom da Battlefield izlazi svake dvije godine, taman se izlazak plejke poklapa sa regularnim sljedećim nastavkom.


Ali, ako je stvarno lova u pitanju + znaju da će prodati nekoliko milijuna komada igre.... Možda ih nije bilo teško nagovoriti da promijene planove.

A možda Bad Company 3 ni ne postoji :D

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
16 godina
Re: Battlefield V
CyberDemonVZ kaže...

Genijalan video, ako imate vremena pogledajte :D




Ako je ovo istina, onda bi puno stvari imalo smisla.

Čak se šuškalo prije ovih vijesti da će support za BFV biti 3 godine, da će pauzirati malo iduće naslove bla bla bla...

Ako ga pak toliko dugo razvijaju moglo bi biti to ok, mada mi žao BFV koji je ispao žrtvena ovčica...


Iskreno, tako i tako PC koristim za plaćanje računa kako me gejmanje pustilo, ako me ne primi ponovi bmk za sve to skupa....


11 godina
Battlefield V

... napravio mali experiment, izazvan zeljom za igranjem BF-a.... instalirao BF4, meni zadnji dobar BF, kojeg imam u rukama preko 1000h a i ima jos ekipe i servera.... zakljucak sam donio nakon 5 minuta igranja - ko vinska musica koja leti od zastave do zastave na conquestu, camperi snajperi na rushu, tenkovi, zrakoplovi picde materine.... bilo je dobro dok se nije imalo nesto drugo, dosadno do bola i nemam ni najmanju zelju da to i dalje furam.... nije do zenski sa protezama, gay menadjera ili ea.... neka u tom svijetlu i bad company 3 izadje, bit ce potop jer je ovo sve samo jedno te isto ponavljanje vec skoro 20 godina.... FO BF!....

the pussification of todays youth cant handle metal of this magnitude
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 1
14 godina
Battlefield V

Isto sad instaliraj ut99, quake, cod 2 4... dosadno, toliko puta izigrano.


Teško je vratiti onaj feeling koji si imao dok si igrao, poboljšavao se i rasturao na koncu. Svaka igra ima svoje vrijeme, kasnije je to isto vrijeme pregazi i sjećaš se kako je bila super, ali je nitko ne igra. Mislim igra, uvijek netko igra, ali zanemarivo koliko ljudi priča, e bf3 je najbolji ili bc2.

I sam tvrdim da su to sjajne igre, ali ne pada mi na pamet opet to ić igrat, jer je dosadno. I taj fenomenalni bazaar je dosadan, kako i ne bi kad sam tisuće sati sjedio u uličici u hgliču i kidao clueless chickene.

Tako i sad taj bf4 kojeg se sjećaš kao superironog tada, a sad možda nije tako.


bf5 je pokazatelj kud idu s bf franšizom, dumb down sheme, sa hrpom dodanim karafeka i mehanika koje ne rade prvih 3-6mj, i hrpom obećanja koje ne znaju/neće složit.


ako bc3 nastavi tako, onda mislim da je bf dead. Bf5 je nakon par mjeseci, kao i bf1 pokazao brojem igrača što ljudi misle o njemu, a tek kad bude 5-10e onda će gorit serveri.


Kompa probaj ignoriraj autora, pomaže.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 22.4.2019 21:44 (fila2208).
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Battlefield V
....cod 4?.... and now something completely different ....igra koja je uvjek instalirana na kompjuteru, kao da je dio windowsa.... nema mjeseca da ne bacim bar jednu partiju....
the pussification of todays youth cant handle metal of this magnitude
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Battlefield V

Ovako treba


Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
4 0 hvala 1
12 godina
Battlefield V

Battlenonsense ispravan kao i uvijek:


Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
4 0 hvala 1
16 godina
Re: Battlefield V
Soldier977 kaže...

Ovako treba



Da si fulao sa faustom šta bi onda izvukao?


12 godina
Re: Battlefield V
mrfloyd kaže...
Soldier977 kaže...

Ovako treba



Da si fulao sa faustom šta bi onda izvukao?


 Ja nikad ne fulam 


Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
16 godina
Battlefield V

Sutra stiže novi patch.
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 1
10 godina
Battlefield V

Kad će nova mapa? 

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Battlefield V
BeLLicus kaže...

Kad će nova mapa? 

 Kažu pa dobili ste Firestorm koji je kao 4 mape. 


A DICE da je pametan napravio bi CQ na toj mapi, barem na 2 ili 3 djela.

15 godina
Re: Battlefield V
Friday kaže...

Ma nek se jebu

 Redovito to oni obave na tajland sa transičima. Bolje bi bilo da žene preuzmu rad na bf-u bila bi muškija igra.

kradem mine iz minskog polja
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 29.4.2019 21:27 (dery).
16 godina
Battlefield V


Patch notezZz:

Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 3 Trial by Fire Update #3

Hello, Battlefield™ V players, and welcome to the second April update, rolling out on April 30th, 2019!

This update contains improvements over a wide variety of features, such as tweaks to vehicles, soldiers, and weapons. We’ve also improved Firestorm in several ways. Additionally, there are many other additions that will be enabled through the upcoming Tides of War missions.

Thank you for playing and see you on the battlefield!

Jaqub Ajmal Producer, Battlefield V (Twitter: @jaqubajmal)


Fixed the Valentine Autoloader Specialization, which was unintentionally active even if it wasn’t selected. After this change, Valentine Mk VIII tanks without the Specialization will see a 10% decrease in rate of fire.

Fixed the position of the muzzle flash from the gunner positions of multiple vehicles.

Updated the smoke screen effect for the Panzer 38t and Staghound. The smoke now lasts longer and has more potential for creative use.

Made the vehicle equipment smoke a bit more useful by increasing the area of smoke by roughly 15-25%.

Improved the visual effects for the 20mm cannon on the Panzer 38(t) and Staghound which now have a red or yellow tint depending on if they are HE or AP rounds.

The bleed out state is no longer triggered if players choose to redeploy while they are in the top gunner seat of the Staghound.

Fixed a bug with the Mosquito MK VI third person crosshair showing the incorrect missile count if the user fired them all, then switched to first person, and once again back to third person.

Tank Turret speed revision: The heavy and medium tanks have had their base turret speed increased and the power of the upgrade has been reduced from 125% turn speed to 115%. We felt that the base turret speed was too slow, so players were effectively required to pick the turret turn speed upgrade to be competitive. By making this change, we enable more diverse builds without sacrificing the physical feeling of the turrets. This change also applies to AA tanks and tank hunters. Tanks should find that they are now more able to brawl with infantry at close and medium ranges.

The Ju 88C’s spotting camera can now be resupplied.

The Blenheim now has 500 and 1000lb bombs instead of 250 and 500lb bombs. This change should make the Blenheim more potent as a bomber and a better match for the Ju 88. Additionally, the extra 40lb bomb upgrades are now mounted to the fuselage centerline, allowing for more precise bombing runs.

The Blenheim's .50 caliber gun upgrade has been replaced with a nose mounted .50cal gun firing high explosive rounds. The HE rounds are more effective against heavy aircraft and have explosive damage against infantry on the ground. This change allows the Blenheim to function as a heavy ground attack plane when specialized.

Fixed the bomb camera not looking at the proper target position when using the Blenheim's AT mine drop.

Swapped the position of the AP rounds and the land mines for the 38t. The AP rounds are now in the center of the tree and can be equipped with either gun type.

Added an AP cannon tracer for 20mm AP rounds.

The crater impact has been reduced from the FlaK 38.

Players that are using the top gunner position should no longer take as much damage from explosions that are hitting the vehicle, but not directly the top gunner position.

Improved tank shells to also do damage to certain bushes.

Hull gunner position has been added to the Flakpanzer IV.

Reduced AA damage to fighters by 20%.

Lowered the audio volume of tanks that are very close to the player.

Improved the explosions and impact effects from airplane machine guns and cannons.

Weapons, Gadgets, and Specialization Fixes
The Lattey sights are no longer missing a part of their scope on the Sten when using the default skin.

The cooldown for the Syringe no longer breaks when entering/exiting a vehicle.

Removed an unintended delay when switching between the primary weapon and sidearm.

The Syringe should now always be visible when performing a revive.

M30 Drilling: It is now possible to change the firing mode during the first half second of a reload.

Switching firing modes and switching to secondary weapons with a controller is now more responsive.

Changed the way camera recoil works. When firing, weapons are now allowed to go a bit more off center. The true point of aim will follow the weapon and is not fixed to the screen center. (This change note was mistakenly included in earlier update notes, the actual change has been implemented for this update.)

SMGs and assault rifles: Changed the way dispersion increases while firing in ADS. The second, third, and sometimes fourth (for low rate of fire weapons) are now more predictable while later shots are less predictable. We also shortened the time it takes for dispersion to decrease when no longer firing. This means short bursts are a bit more effective, while long bursts or mag dumps are a bit less effective. (This change note was mistakenly included in earlier update notes, the actual change has been implemented for this update.)

Added more sounds for hitting objects with melee weapons such as wood surfaces and vegetation.

Increased smoke thickness slightly and made coverage more even for regular smoke grenades.

Fixed a bug that in rare cases would make placed gadgets and called in supply drops suddenly disappear.

Improved netcode for bullet trajectories to prevent tracers and the actual bullets from being out of sync when playing Firestorm, as well as other netcode improvements that could previously cause inaccuracies between the client and the server.

Fixed a bug that caused the M30 Drilling barrel to disappear after firing the Panzerfaust and switching back to the M30 Drilling.

Fixed an audio issue for bayonet charges that in some cases could get stuck.

The Revolver MK VI was missing one of its bullets in the chamber when doing a reload while swimming in water. This has been fixed.

The Urban Blue skin no longer affects the extended magazine size visually on the ZK-383.

Players no longer get damaged by AA fire if the projectile detonates close by on a teammate.

Improved the animation when the player uses the bipod on the Bren Gun.

Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause weapons to not auto-reload after spending all the bullets right after having exited a vehicle.

AT Mines now also do damage to vehicles if the vehicles trigger them while being upside down.

Improved explosive damage to do more consistent damage to moving targets. This makes damage more predictable in scenarios such as using Dynamite against a vehicle that is moving at high speeds.

Made shooting through barbed wire more consistent.


Soldier Fixes
Landing Roll Update

During the past few months, we’ve received a lot of feedback from players about the landing roll feature introduced in Battlefield V. More specifically, the frustration of not having any control over it, to the point where players would just do their best to avoid a vault over obstacles that would result in a landing roll.

With this update, we are giving players full control over the landing roll with the goal to make it an interesting choice when traversing the world. This means:

Landing rolls aren’t tied to vault anymore. They can be triggered from a simple fall by pressing the crouch button when hitting the ground.

Players can trigger a landing roll if they hit the ground from a high enough fall. However, attempting a landing roll after a fall from a height that would normally be deadly will not be possible (Yep, Twisted Steel’s bridge falls are still deadly! Aim for the water instead.)

A landing roll reduces fall damage by 40HP.

The first-person landing roll animation has also been updated.

To balance out the heavy landings against the landing rolls, we’ve also made the animations a lot shorter. This means you will now recover much faster from a heavy landing fall.

We look forward to the feedback on this feature update and hope to see some creative use of the landing roll combined with the other traversal mechanics!

Other Soldier Updates

Disabled the vault fail hand reach animation (triggered when the obstacle is too high) when the player is moving with enough speed. This will reduce the amount of cases where players trigger that animation when not intended.

Players can now be revived after getting killed in a vehicle while playing Firestorm, Combined Arms, and multiplayer.

Suppression no longer delays the activation of passive healing.

Reintroduced a healing effect that will only be visible at the edges of the screen when the player is currently healing from any sources (passive healing or pouch healing). This improvement is less intrusive than our previous implementation, but, as always, we’re open to feedback.

Improved how soldiers hold their weapons while parachuting to decrease the risk of the weapon clipping through the body.

The grenade throw animation is now played if players decide to throw a grenade while also having a deployable gadget currently selected.

Improved the position of sidearms in the soldier’s hand when transitioning into the laying down on their back.


Maps and Modes
General – Fixed a visual glitch that allowed trees and bushes to stretch weirdly when a tank fired close to them.

General – Added collision to the artillery gun that is used in Rush, Frontlines, and Airborne so that players are no longer able to get under it and defuse it without being seen.

Fjell 652 – Fixed an issue where planes could fly outside of the combat area.

Aerodrome – Fixed a spawn point that was placed inside a box in the hangar area.

Aerodrome – Players should no longer be able to fall between the edge of the hangar and the larger crates, where they would get stuck.

Hamada – Added additional supply stations where they were missing (e.g. German HQ).

Devastation – Players should no longer able to get up on the building near Flag D on Conquest.

Devastation – Some fixes for floating objects.

Devastation – Fixed some areas where players could get on top of buildings that were not intended for gameplay.

Narvik – Fixed a floating snow pile.

Panzerstorm – The supply stations on Domination and Team Deathmatch are now pre-built.

Arras – Removed a debug asset.

Combined Arms – Improved the extraction areas visual border walls.

Combined Arms – On Desert Declaration, the vehicle AI will now properly aim at the player with the machine gun near the extraction zone instead of firing into the ground.

Combined Arms – The AI will no longer clip through the vehicles.

Combined Arms – Fixed a bug that could cause an AI enemy to be positioned outside of the combat area on the Market Sweep mission.

Combined Arms – Made performance improvements.

Fixed an issue that was causing some trees to fall over in slow motion when destruction was activated.

Practice Range – Fixed a missing rock texture near the vehicle section.

Practice Range – The front gunner seat machine gun is now usable in this mode.

Battle of Hannut Grand Operation Balance Changes

Made balance tweaks based on feedback and telemetry.

Adjusted spawn points so that the player wouldn't spawn too far away from the flag.

Increased the chance of fog.

Airborne (Panzerstorm)

Added some bushes on the upper fields to better conceal players that jump out of airplanes early.

Breakthrough (Panzerstorm)

Added trenches and trees around the village in the first sector to protect the infantry against tanks.

Removed the tank Resupply Station from the point.

Reduced tanks on both sides slightly.

Moved some of the attacker tank spawns to the side.

Shortened the retreat distance between sector 1 and 2.

Added more bushes and trees between the defender HQ and the A flag on the last sector.

Rush (Arras)

Increased the combat area in sector 1 and 2 to allow a bit more flanking on the left and right side.

The field guns in the first sector can't be rebuilt anymore once fully destroyed.

Adjusted the defender spawns in the second sector to improve balance.

Removed a field gun in the second sector that pointed directly at the attacker spawns.

Increased infantry cover for attackers to both A points in sector 1 and 2.

Hannut Grand Operations adjustments

Adjusted combat areas to shorten the retreat of the defenders on Panzerstorm.

Adjusted and unified the Resupply Station placement across all modes on both maps.

Added additional supply stations on Arras.

If the attackers win on Day 2, they will now receive 30 additional tickets in Rush during Day 3.


Improved the Victory screen.

Fixed an issue that was letting players leave and rejoin a game through their squads.

Players are now able to use weapons and gadgets while in the Schwimmwagen passenger seat if they entered it while being in water.

Fixed a bug that would sometimes make it look like a dead player was crawling or being still alive while prone.

Increased the number of armor plates that a soldier can carry from three to five.

Fixed a bug that would cause a weapon to be unintentionally fired after reviving someone.

Fixed a glitch that would enable players to bring a weapon from the lobby into the Firestorm match.

The danger ping time duration has been increased from 7 to 10 seconds.

The health of soldiers when in the man downed state has been increased from 200 to 300.

Rebalanced the amount of XP given to be more generous to make it fairer compared to the amount of XP given in other modes.

Players can now revive squad mates that died in vehicles.

Changed the color of the spotting flare radius circle on the mini-map so that players won’t confuse it with an objective area.

UI/HUD/Options/Assignments/Other changes
Fixed an issue that would cause the soldier stance icon to sometimes overlap with itself.

The squad disarm scoring event text no longer shows brackets.

Combined Arms now has matchmaking functionality.

In Combined Arms, tool tips no longer show when you’re spectating a squad member after you’ve been killed.

In Combined Arms, zoom functionality for the mini-map has been enabled.

Tides of War: The chapter rewards screen now takes you to last reward that you’ve unlocked.

Vehicles associated with career rank now also unlock when playing Firestorm if the criteria has been met at the end of round screen.

Fixed an issue where players could purchase the same weapon multiple times if they spammed the buy button.

In Combined Arms, the Panzerfaust can now also be equipped in the second gadget slot, and not only the second one.

Class ranks in the menu no longer shows “0 XP TO NEXT RANK” if the player has already reached max class rank.

The player’s selected loadout from “My Company” is now properly working in Combined Arms.

In Combined Arms, destroyed tanks will no longer show as active tanks on the mini-map.

Confirmation sounds have been enabled in the Vehicle Specializations menu when players unlock or equip them.

Fixed a bug that would sometimes make kill confirmed sound effect and UI indicator to not appear after having killed many enemies in a quick succession.

Fixed a bug that in some cases would trigger the “kill confirmed” sound effect even though the enemy was only hurt.

Fixed a rare issue where players sometimes would incorrectly get a 50 points driver assist.

Players are now dealt damage and are killed by the enemy if they get caught in a vehicle getting destroyed while the exit animation is playing, instead of it looking like the player had an accident.

Added a camera shake slider in advanced gameplay options that allows players to scale the strength of shakes between 50% and 100% (default is 75%). You can find this setting under Advanced Gameplay Options.

The end of round statistics screen no longer shows “Best” if the score of that category is 0.

Increased the visibility of critical messages while in-game, making them easier to read.

Changed the opacity values of the medals and dog tags that the player has not obtained yet, on the player profile page. This will make it clearer which are unlocked, and which are not.

Did you know that many Swedish pizzerias sell a pizza with grilled chicken, banana, peanuts, and curry sauce? A much better choice than pineapple pizza.

Made multiple crash fixes and stability improvements.

PC-Specific Improvements
Fixed a bug that could sometimes result in mouse input lag after players alt-tabbed the game or switched to windowed mode.

In Firestorm, players will now be able to initiate matchmaking even in the case that they had previously joined a squad in Firestorm and then left it.

In Firestorm, players will no longer not be able to matchmake if they had previously played with a squad and the squad leader had quit the game mid-round.

Fixed a rare flickering issue that could occur on the Narvik deploy screen.

The hotkey for using the X2 500lb bombs now shows the correct key binding when using the Mosquito FB MKVI.

In Origin when playing Battlefield V, the Richpresence statuses of your friends are now shown in the localization setting that you (and not your friend) have set.

Xbox One-Specific Improvements
The Stuka B-1 Nitrous Specialization activation has now been correctly mapped to the left D-pad button as shown in the user interface. It was previously incorrectly set to the right D-pad.

Player feedback
As always, we value your input, and we want you to reach out to us with feedback. For general feedback, please use our Battlefield V section on the Battlefield forums or comment on this thread. Should you encounter any issues or bugs we recommend that you report them on our Battlefield V – Answers HQ forum.

You can also reach out to our Battlefield multiplayer producer David Sirland and Battlefield LIVE producer Jaqub Ajmal on Twitter if you have any further topics that you would like us to write about in future blog posts.You can reach them on Twitter @tiggr_ and @jaqubajmal. Also, you can reach Jaqub on Weibo: @jaqub.

We hope to see you on the battlefield and we look forward to the journey that Battlefield V will take us on through the Tides of War!

David Sirland and Jaqub Ajmal, on behalf of the teams at EA and DICE.
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