Nova igra Obsidian Entertainment-a je Fantasy RPG i smeštena je u svet Pillars of Eternity igre, međutim, osim lore-a ova igra ne deli više ništa sa PoE već je nešto sasvim novo, tj igra se iz prvog lica (otprilike kao TES ali ne postoji opcija za treće) i ima ogroman otvoren svet za koji kažu da će biti spektakularan, raznolik i veći od onoga u Skyrimu.
Važno je naglasiti da je igra "Next-Gen only" ali neće doći na PS5, tj bar ne day one, već dolazi na Xbox X/S i PC jer je Obsidian sada pod palicom Microsoft-a. Oni koji imaju pretplatu na Microsoft game pass dobiće igru free day one.
Igra je oko 3 godine u razvoju, preciznog datuma nema, ali se pominje kraj 2022.
Avowed - Reveal Trailer:
Jedna slika navodno iz igre
Informacije koje znamo do sada:
- Avowed will be "fully open world" and much larger than Skyrim, but not necessarily in total size. The world will be "denser" and "more contrasted"—which presumably means diverse.
- The main setting will be The Living Lands region of Eora, which is a northern frontier not seen directly in either Pillars of Eternity game.
- There will be a "big focus" on world reactivity, lighting, and next-gen AI systems.
- There will be a real-time weather system.
- Character creation is supposed to be very advanced and detailed.
- Mod support is planned.
- The world will have lots of factions, but they won't be similar to Skyrim's factions.
- You will be able to enlist the help of companions, but it is supposedly very different to how it works in Obsidian's other recent RPG, The Outer Worlds.
- The game will feature boss battles that happen on a very large scale.
- Two large cities are being planned, with smaller settlements dotting the map and large areas of wilderness.
- Creatures and wildlife will be based on Pillars of Eternity lore but will make new additions.
- "Dynamic presentation of dialogue"—whatever that might mean.
- Obsidian wants to make it possible to kill anyone in the game, similar to how Morrowind let players terminate the main plot by killing certain key characters.
- Around 100 people are working on the game currently, and it's been in development for two years with seven months of pre-production.
- The target release window is late 2022 or early 2023.
Moj komentar, prvo kao igrač, jeste da me je najava ove igre ekstremno obradovala jer je srednje-vekovna fantasy tema broj 1 za mene, no kako imam čudne kriterijume te ne volim izometrijske igre, ovakvih RPG igara ima jako malo. Drugo, takođe vidim da Obsidian na neki način imitira Bethesdu i definitivno želi taj deo kolača (love) zbog ludačke popularnosti Skyrima, a kad se samo setim kakav je Fallout New Vegas bio i kakvi su ga sjajni elementi krasili deluje mi da ova igra može sabiti a mi dobiti "TES pre TES-a", bar da kratimo vreme do orginala koji nažalost neće tako brzo.
Na ovom forumu me nije dugo bilo, odlučio sam se vratiti kao "nov", a kako volim da analiziram igre koje mi se sviđaju do najsitnijih detalja i ako bude volje od strane drugih članova naravno, spreman sam podeliti te informacije.
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