Isprobali smo HTC One

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15 godina
Isprobali smo HTC One
Xperia Z ::: next: HTC One / S4
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12 godina
Isprobali smo HTC One
"..But its annoying as fuck and makes the phone feel shitty. A quad core (octa chip but its still only quad anyway) phone with 2 GB DDR3 RAM running Jellybean 4.2 should not even have the word "lag" in its dictionary. The S4 doesn't only lag, its slower than the One in switching between apps, returning to home, taking photos and I've had 3 random reboots in a week. That's how horrible Touchwiz and the billion gimmicks stuffed into it are. It also only has 8.6 GB of free space. You can add a billion GB SD card but your apps will still only have less than 8 GB for everything, which is pathetic. Even purchased movies can't be moved to SD. Don't tell me about root and shit as that's not the point here. I can unlock and root in 10 mins and do whatever I want with it, but an overwhelming majority of people don't know jack about it and will never do it or even try it. I got the S4 (not happy with it at all) and my cousin got the One. Tested both at length and.. I'm now waiting for the One to become officially available in India in a few days and I'm returning the S4 for it."
7 1 hvala 0
15 godina
Isprobali smo HTC One
koja je razlika izmedu developer modela i onog koji se nudi kod nas? ovaj developer bi me izasao 580$ a to je sweet sweet deal :p
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15 godina
Isprobali smo HTC One


I kaj nam ovaj video govori?

Da su i S4 i One odlični uređaji i svatko odabere koji mu najbolje odgovara.


Samo ne kužim onu žensku u žutom koja tvrdi da je S4 bolji jer ima swipe keyboard, a nema pojma da i One ima swipe... :)
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 10.5.2013 10:17 (nsoul).
2 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Isprobali smo HTC One
Blade18 kaže...
koja je razlika izmedu developer modela i onog koji se nudi kod nas? ovaj developer bi me izasao 580$ a to je sweet sweet deal :p

u biti nema razlike, developer edition vec ima otkljucan bootloader, dok "obican" otkljucas za par minuta... a prica je ta da su kao u americi, mislim kod AT&T operatora zabranili ili onemogucili otkljucavanje bootloadera pa je htc onda izdao taj developer edition.

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