The Audio Critic- časopis za inteligentne i one koji se takvima osjećaju!
The Audio Critic is the only consumer publication on the subject of audio that really takes objective evaluation of audio components seriously. That means exhaustive laboratory measurements and double-blind listening tests, which are provable and accountable, in addition to the usual subjective listening impressions, which are by definition unprovable.
No wonder that graduate engineers, EE professors, and other high-level professionals always speak of The Audio Critic with respect, even though it isn't terribly technical, whereas they just laugh at the tweako/weirdo audiophile magazines. Obviously, anyone can publish an audio magazine, in print or on the Web; there's no law against it, but pitifully few are qualified.
A po čemu bi taj TAC bija referentan po tom pitanju? Pretpostavljam zbog toga jer ti puše u jedra.
Između ostaloga zbog ovoga (čitaj samo boldano, ako ti je ostalo previše):
The Audio Criticis the only consumer publication on the subject of audio that really takes objective evaluation of audio components seriously. That means exhaustive laboratory measurements and double-blind listening tests, which are provable and accountable, in addition to the usual subjective listening impressions, which are by definition unprovable.
A posebno zbog ovoga (jebemu, ovdje je sve boldano paš' morat' sve pročitat'):
No wonder that graduate engineers, EE professors, and other high-level professionals always speak of The Audio Critic with respect.
Dakle, ljudi koji znaju nešto, pače, mnogo iz svoje profesije iznimno cijene TAC. Svi ostali - svi koji su povezani u lopovsko-prevarantku mrežu - ga mrze. A mrze ga zato što piše istinu.