"Southern Islands (SI) is a 40nm family, and from early information, it looks to be a hybrid between Evergreen and Northern Islands. The architectural details are quite slim now, but it looks like ATI took the uncore from NI and put the shaders from Evergreen on it. Think of it as taking the parts that were done and available, and putting them together."
"In any case, ATI will likely have a fully refreshed lineup before Nvidia has its Fermi GF100 GTX4xx line fully out the door. It looks like this fall's GPU battle will be more of a howitzer versus pen knife match rather than a duel."
"ATI’s next-generation family includes chips code-named Cozumel, Ibiza and Kauai chips, which are actually southern islands."
Za ovo nisam ni znao.
Prema ovome govoreći Souther Islands izlazi prije nego što nvidia postavi cijelu ergelu svojih novih proizvoda, tko kupuje uskoro možda mu se isplati pričekat trun. (nagađam da će refresh biti oko 6-7mj.)
(što se tiče ovog drugog teksta, Global Foundries i TSMC su napustili 32nm, Southern Islands će biti rađen u 40nm)
I nešto što sam našao na techpower-up forumu:
"Despite the 40nm process, three key features that will be based on Evergreen have been put on steroids. Please observe bellow:
- 40nm Process
- 2400 Stream Processing Units (1)
- 256 Texture Address Units (2)
- 128 ROPs (Rasterization Operator Units) (3)
AMD plans to differentiate this re-fresh line from the past HD 4890 naming sceme due to its architectural changes. So don't expect the name HD 5890.
Though we will see an improvement in Tessellation, it?s not highly emphasised in Southern Islands (SI). You can look for this feature being greatly improved in code name Northern Islands.
ATI Code Name called ?Hecatoncheires? is something that will feature a series of technological advancements never heard of in the GPU industry. You will never find any information about this special architecture due to is being extremely top secret."
- ovo teško moguće da će napravit, mislim sad će odjednom sa 80 ROP-ova preći na 128 malo sutra... Sigurno neki fanboy.