Značenja internetskih smajlića

poruka: 49
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moderatori: DrNasty, pirat, Lazarus Long, XXX-Man, vincimus
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15 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
Red Devill kaže...

jel znate šta znači ovo :3

Cute face.

When you're young you don't mind being pretentious, but it gets a little bit embarassing as you get older - Graham Coxon.
14 godina
Značenja internetskih smajlića

 ‎;* sta znači pak sad taj

14 godina
Značenja internetskih smajlića


Give me some chiken!!!
14 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
P4k1 kaže...

koja je razlika između


8-)   i   8-|

8-) - kao neka faca s naočalama

8-| - kao neki štreber s naočalama

12 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića

to bi i ja voljela znat.. a mislim da to znaci kao :) slicno..

15 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
LEST kaže...

 ‎;* sta znači pak sad taj

 hahahha kao namigne ti i da ti pusu.... {#}

12 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića

To i mene zanima.. Nikako skontati sta znaci taj smajlic.

14 godina
Značenja internetskih smajlića

:'(-Tužno plakanje

:')-plakanje od sreće

Ja sam Plavi zmaj.Form the future!Masa,društvo većina,''normalni'' su ništa bez onih pojedinaca koji ih čine.
12 godina
Značenja internetskih smajlića

(y) - Šta je ovo? Često viđam po fejsu

Ma fixiji su za ekipu u uskim trapericama i naočalama bez dioptrije koji nose šalove u zatvorenim prostorima.
15 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića

Thumbs up iz MSN razdoblja!

Ste videli lepote, ko sredi noci Zapiha veter samote Rosa, reke in morja R.I.P. EnlightenedPhoenix 24.6.2011.
11 godina
Značenja internetskih smajlića

C==========3 sta znaci ovo?

13 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
LittleGirl kaže...

C==========3 sta znaci ovo?

To je isto kao ovo .i. samo u vecim dimenzijama.

I mislim da je to muski spolni organ, barem mi vuce na njega...

16 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
LittleGirl kaže...

C==========3 sta znaci ovo?


15 godina
Značenja internetskih smajlića

evo jedan copy/paste iz tko zna kojeg razdoblja...

"...The basic construction of a smiley:

    Eyes       : ; | =

    Nose       - * ^ (or blank)

    Mouth       > ) o ( <

    Male       :-

    Female       >-

    Infinity       8

The basic smileys:

  :-)    Your basic smiley. This smiley is used to inflect a sarcastic or
     joking statement since we can't hear voice inflection over Unix.

  ;-)    Winky smiley. User just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark.
     More of a "Don't hit me for what I just said" smiley.

  :-(    Frowning smiley. User did not like that last statement or is upset
     or depressed about something.

  :-I    Indifferent smiley. Better than a frowning smiley, but not quite as
     good as a happy smiley.

  :->    User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a :-)

  >:->    User just made a really devilish remark.

  >;->    Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.

Some common Smileys:

    '-)       Wink
    %-<I>       Drunk with laughter
    &-|       Tearful
    &&&&       Pretzels
    (((name)))    Hugs
    ((name)):**    Hugs and kisses
    (::()::)       Band aid
    ****       Popcorn
    :'-(       Crying sadly
    :'-)       Crying with joy
    :'       Crying
    :-"       Pursing lips
    :-#       Lips are sealed
    :-&       Tongue-tied
    :-(       Frowning
    :-)       Smiling
    :-*       Oops!
    :-,       Smirk; Hmmmm
    :-@       Screaming
    :-[       Pouting
    :-\       Undecided
    :-{}       Blowing a kiss
    :-|       Grim, Ambivalent
    :-||       Anger
    :-}       The wine tasted pretty good!
    :-6       Exhausted; Wiped out
    :-9       Delicious; Yummy devilish
    :-B       Drooling
    :-C       Just totally unbelieving
    :-c       Real unhappy; Bummed out
    :-D       Said with a smile
    :-I       Indifferent
    :-o       Wow!
    :-O       Surprised
    :-P       Tongue hanging out in anticipation
    :-r       Sticking tongue out
    :-T       Keeping a straight face
    :-V       Shouting
    :-v       Speaking
    :-w       Speak with forked tongue
    :-X       A big wet kiss!
    :-x       Kiss
    :-Y       A quiet aside
    :(       Frown
    :( )       Can't stop talking
    :)       Smile
    :*)       Clowning, Drunk
    :~/       Mixed up
    :~D       Great! I like it!
    := |       Baboon
    :O       Shocked
    :p       Disgusted (tongue sticking out)
    ;-)       Sardonic incredulity
    ;->       Devilish wink
    ;)       Wink
    @>-`-,--       Rose
    \-o       Bored
    \_/       Glass empty
    \~/       Glass full
    ^       Thumbs up
    ^5       High five
    |-{       Good grief!
    |-I       Asleep
    |-O       Yawning
    |%(       Someone just busted my nose
    =)       Smile
    >-<       Absolutely livid!
    >:-(       Angry
    8-]       Wow! Man!
    8-|       Eyes wide with surprise
    8-O       Oh, my God!
    B-D       Serves you right, dummy!
    o:-)       Angelic

Note that a lot of these can be typed without noses to make midget smileys:

    :(       Sad
    :)       Happy
    :*       Kisses
    :[       Real downer
    :]       Gleep (a friendly midget smiley)
    :{       Oh boy, the headmaster!
    :<       What pretences!
    :>       Hmm, let me think
    :D       Laughter
    :I       Hmm, not funny!
    :O       Yelling
    ;(       Crying
    []       Hugs

Here are some less common ones:

    -)       One-eyed
    ,-)       One-eyed, and he's winking
    %-)       User has been staring at a green screen for
          15 hours straight
    %-|       Been working all night
    %-6       Brain dead
    %%:-(       Net flame
    %\v       Picasso
    (-:       Left-handed
    (:-(       Frowning
    (:I       An egghead
    (8-o       It's Mr. Bill!
    *:o)       And Bozo the Clown!
    *<:-)       Wearing a Santa Claus hat
    `:-)       User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning
    ,:-)       User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning
    :-#       User wears braces
    :-$       Mouth wired shut
    :-&       Tongue-tied
    :-(       Boo hoo
    :-(  )       You backed your car over my toe
    :-( )       You stepped on my toe
    :-()       I stubbed my toe
    :-)-8       User is a Big girl
    :-)       Ha ha
    :-))       Double-chin
    :-)8       Wearing bow tie
    :-*       User just ate something sour or bitter
    :-:       Mutant
    :-?       User smokes a pipe
    :-@       I swear; User is screaming
    :-[       Blockhead; Vampire
    :-]       Blockhead
    :-/       Undecided; Skeptical
    :-\       Undecided; Skeptical
    :-`       Spitting out the chewing tobacco
    :-!       Bland face
    :-{       Variation on a theme
    :-}       Variation on a theme
    :-{)       User has a mustache
    :-{}       User wears lipstick
    :-|       Have an ordinary day
    :-<       Real sad
    :->       Hey hey!
    :-0       Orator; No yelling, please!
    :-1       Bland face
    :-6       After eating something sour
    :-7       User just made a wry statement
    :-9       User is licking his lips
    :-C       User is really bummed out
    :-c       Bummed out
    :-D       Big smile
    :-E       Bucktoothed vampire
    :-F       Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
    :-I       Hmm
    :-Q       User is a smoker
    :-S       User just made an incoherent statement
    :-v       Talking
    :-W       Speak with forked tongue
    :*)       User is drunk
    ::-)       Wearing normal glasses
    :~)       User has a broken nose
    :<       Midget unsmiley
    :>       Midget smiley
    :<)       User is from an Ivy League School
    ;-(       Crying
    ;-)       User is so happy, he is crying
    @:-)       Wearing a turban
    @=       Pro nuclear-war
    [:-)       Wearing a walkman
    [:]       A robot
    {:-)       Wearing a toupee; Hair parted in the middle
    }:-)       Wearing a toupee; Hair parted in the middle in
          an updraft
    |-)       Hee hee
    |-D       Ho ho
    |-I       User is asleep
    |-O       User is yawning/snoring
    |-P       Yuk
    }:-(       Bull-headed; Toupee in an updraft
    +-:-)       Religious office holder (pope, priest etc.)
    <:-I       User is a dunce
    =:-(       Real punk rockers don't smile
    =:-)       Smiling punk-rocker
    =|:-)=       Abe Lincoln
    >:-I       Net star trek
    >:)       A little devil
    0-)       Cyclops (scuba diver?)
    3:[       Mean pet
    3:]       Pet
    3:o[       Net pets
    8-)       Swimmer; Wearing sunglasses
    8:-)       User is a little girl
    B-)       User wears horn-rimmed glasses
    B:-)       Sunglasses on head
    C:#       Football player
    C|:-=       Charlie Chaplin
    C=:-)       User is a chef
    d8=       Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat
    E-:-)       User is a Ham radio operator
    g-)       Wearing pince-nez glasses
    K:P       User is a little kid with a propeller beanie
    O-)       Scuba diver; Megaton Man On Patrol!
    O :-)       An angel (at heart, at least)
    X-(       User just died; Net suicide
    C=}>;*{O)    Megasmiley; A drunk, devilish chef with a toupee
          in an updraft, a mustache and a double-chin
    : *>       A cat

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 9.12.2012 19:16 (Jurra).
12 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
gave233 kaže...

(y) - Šta je ovo? Često viđam po fejsu


Plac gore!

Neznam se potpisat..xDD
11 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
Sta znaci ovo *O*
Work hard play harder
14 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
Mislim da je to čuđenje kao ovo :O
My PC Security: ✓ No-AV :) ✓ Windows Firewall ✓ Norton DNS ✓ WOT ✓ Emsisoft Emergency Kit
13 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića
Vuk15 kaže...
Sta znaci ovo *O*

  Isto kao ovo :O

*- oci


11 godina
Re: Značenja internetskih smajlića

-.- znaci pao mi je mrak na oci


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