Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

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moderatori: DrNasty, pirat, Lazarus Long, XXX-Man, vincimus
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9 godina
Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Imam temu At the party za skolu u sadasnjem mora biti vremenu kako cu zapoceti kako je najbolje.

9 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Mozeli meni iko sastaviti sastav na teme Body Talk u prezentu,Special events in our town u prezentu,One unfair situation at school u proslom vremen....ako neko moze pomoci bila bi mu jako zahvalna.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 17.4.2015 17:55 (Kosarkasi).
13 godina
Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Ako neko moze da mi napise 2-3 recenice na nasem jeziku ili bar neku ideju o cemu da pisem..


Tema je : Developing preventive child health care

8 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Može neko da mi napiše sastav na temu kritika knjige?
-prvo nešto o piscu
-onda kratko prepričana knjiga
-loše u vezi sa knjigom
-i na kraj moje mišljenje

Bio bih puno zahvalan :)
16 godina
Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Pročitao sam par stranica teme i ne znam bi li se smijao ili plakao. Kako netko može očekivati da će dobiti rad na gotovo i još besplatno? Potrudi se, nauči, razmisli, kreni sam. Ne možeš u 2015 kao osnovno/srednjoškolac ne znati engleski i, još gore, očekivati da će ti netko nepoznat servirati sve.. Same teme su većinom u rangu osnovne škole. Što je došlo do toga da se ne zna složiti sastavak pa barem na hrvatskom i neki loš prijevod pa da ga netko popravi? Upravo zbog takvog načina razmišljanja i odgoja kompletno stanje u državi i je takvo kakvo je. A za 20-30god ćemo vjerojatno i dalje imati političare i premijere koji neće znati niti jedan svjetski jezik..Prijedlog moderatorima je da ovakve i slične teme lockaju.

He who is brave is free.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 22.11.2015 18:44 (Dwyane Wade).
8 godina
Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

mozel neko pogledati imal gresaka HITNOO!!!!

Nowadays, teenagers have changed in comparison with the teens in the past, taking into account eating habits, an active way of life, spending free time and clothes. They are a “technology” generation. For teens in todays’ world mobile phones, internet, music, movies, television and video games are very important. Most teenagers prefer watching TV and playing computer games to reading books. They don’t like reading because watching TV is easier and they don’t have to use their own imagination. Computer games teach but they are also harmful to health. Teenagers prefer to spend free time in front of a computer rather than to walk, play football or go to a swimming pool. Moreover, games transfer them into the world which doesn’t exist. It is very exciting for the youth. They meet with friends in such places as McDonalds. Teens eat there unhealthy food. They eat too much fast food.

    Every teenager needs a balanced diet, appropriate personal hygiene and physical activities in the fresh air, for example, playing a ball, going running, swimming, driving on the bicycle, playing in tennis or walking. This should be for them more interesting than sitting for hours in front of a computer or TV because such a mode of life leads to the improvement of mood, health and physical shape.. Young people choose less healthy kinds of entertainment than sport, putting away bicycles in the corner. They eat too much fast, unhealthy food, which is very fatty and drink too many sugary drinks. This leads to obesity. However, nowadays young people, especially girls, allow themselves to grow fat, or torture themselves with diets,  which leads to various diseases with physical basis like anorexia and bulimia. Young people must not give up food, especially breakfasts because skipping breakfast is a frequent cause of fainting which can cause frequent complications and even leads to death. It is crucial to limit the amount they eat, but only in a reasonable way, if at all possible after the consultation with the dietician. Young people have to remember, that a healthy lifestyle requires appropriate nourishment, but they also must not forget about personal hygiene.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 24.11.2015 19:35 (Domin0 Kill).
8 godina
Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Moze pomoc oko sastava na engelskom jeziku "ME AND SCHOOL" ??

8 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Pozdrav, sutra pisem esej na temu write a story i nemam nikakvih ideja... moze prijedlog?
8 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Mozel meni ko sastavit pismenu na temu A celebration 


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 9.12.2015 19:30 (edoi1820).
8 godina
Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Je li iko moze ako nije problem da mi sastavi sastav o bozicu/ kakvi su obicaji bili prije a kakvi su sada/ kako su se ljudi promijenili i tako...

Treba mi hitnoo!!

8 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Moze pomoc, potrebam mi je sastav na temu person who i admire, bitno je da je to neka poznata osoba koja je postigla nesta u zivotu i da zadovolji teze
1. Pisacu o tome i tome
2.kratka biografija o toj osobi
3 sta je ona postigla u zivotu
4. Razlog zbog kojeg se divim toj osobi.
8 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Mozete li mi pomoci oko eseja..tema je Life without Tv would be inppssible..molim vas brzo odgovorite
8 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
We all Know that TV is important factor in our life. Althought TV has a lot of good sides, a lot of people claim there are many bad sides of it.

The main advantage is that this allows people to be informed about useful things. For instance; weather News,political questions and so on. In addition TV have got a lot of programmes made for purpose to make people and children laugh and to let them have fun such as comic films, cartoons and soaps. More over TV is full of music programmes and the most Popular one is MTV. In brief TV is more than instrument for watching films, News and so on and so forth.

On the other hand the negative feature of TV is that it is bad for out Health. It can result cancer and other illnesses because of strong radiation. Secondly TV can generate an addiction accordingly those ones who say:"life without TV would be impossible!" Finally, tv is sending misinformations that can be destructive and they can destroy someones life.

Tu sum up TV is allowing us to be informed, to have fun and to listen music. On the other hand TV is bad for our Health , it sending the wrong message and it is making people addicts. To end my essay i would like to say that despite off all advantages world would be a better place without TV and tehnology. People before us survived, why wouldn't we?

15 godina
Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Trebao bih savjet. Prevodim životopis i sada me zanima kako je pravilnije napisati: Secondary school, Middle school ili High school? Ili je u biti svejedno?


EDIT: Gledajući ovo, odlučujem se za High school.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 26.4.2016 10:55 (Izzy).
12 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Izzy kaže...

Trebao bih savjet. Prevodim životopis i sada me zanima kako je pravilnije napisati: Secondary school, Middle school ili High school? Ili je u biti svejedno?


EDIT: Gledajući ovo, odlučujem se za High school.

Secondary education

Middle school je nešto što se na kafi priča

Dok je High school opće prihvaćeno iako nikada nisam bio fan tog izraza.


A true man is not how much liquor he can drink,nor how much asses he can whip,a true man is how he takes care of his family and handles himself in crisis.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 26.4.2016 11:10 (Ikarus01).
15 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Onda pišem secondary education. Hvala. A kako se najbolje izraziti kada želim prevesti Industrijsko - obrtnička škola? Kako bi bilo da napišem Industrial and Trade school? Evo ovdje tako piše ako se uključi prijevod. Pa valjda može?







EDIT: Evo sada gledam kako prevesti riječ elektroničar. U rječniku ne nalazim, a Google prevoditelj ne izbacuje ništa. Ja sam Elektroničar-mehaničar. Ne mogu napisati "electrician" jer ja nisam električar po zanimanju. Znam da se neke riječi ne mogu doslovno prevoditi.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 26.4.2016 11:46 (Izzy).
12 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Izzy kaže...

Onda pišem secondary education. Hvala. A kako se najbolje izraziti kada želim prevesti Industrijsko - obrtnička škola? Kako bi bilo da napišem Industrial and Trade school? Evo ovdje tako piše ako se uključi prijevod. Pa valjda može?




 krivo si me shvatio ovo sekundarno je stupanj obrazovanja,pišu ljudi tako ali je važno ne ispasti prepotentan.Neki pišu high school no mislim da je ovo bolše.

"I attended [ime škole] vocational school where I qualified as a ime titule.


Zeznuto je što se neke stvari ne mogu doslovno prevoditi.Trogodišnje obrazovanje je vocational dok 4 godine high, mislim.

A true man is not how much liquor he can drink,nor how much asses he can whip,a true man is how he takes care of his family and handles himself in crisis.
15 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Evo napisao sam ovako:




Secondary education, vocational school, 2007. - 2010. Industrial and Trade school, Šibenik




Kako ću prevesti elektroničar?

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 26.4.2016 11:58 (Izzy).
12 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Izzy kaže...

Evo napisao sam ovako:




Secondary education, vocational school, 2007. - 2010. Industrial and Trade school, Šibenik




Kako ću prevesti elektroničar?

 eh ne znam, kad vidiš ovu lepezu pamet ti stane


A true man is not how much liquor he can drink,nor how much asses he can whip,a true man is how he takes care of his family and handles himself in crisis.
15 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Napisati ću "Electrician-mechanic". Lako ću kasnije promijeniti ako pronađem odgovarajuću riječ.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 26.4.2016 12:05 (Izzy).
8 godina
Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Mozeli pomoć oko teme Nothing is imposible.Unaprijed hvala :D

12 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Pyledramon kaže...

Mozeli pomoć oko teme Nothing is imposible.Unaprijed hvala :D

 Nothing is impossible everything is easy when you put your mind to it. Boundaries exist only in our minds and most of it is governed by society's view and peer pressure that daunting tasks seem highly unlikely to succeed. However we must rise over such obstacles and say:"Everything is possible, there are no limitations, not even the sky. I too will bang a porn star one day".


Ovo sam nažvrljo u 3 minute. Nadam se da pomaže.

A true man is not how much liquor he can drink,nor how much asses he can whip,a true man is how he takes care of his family and handles himself in crisis.
8 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

Hvala na pomoći kako god  biti će od koristi :D


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 19.5.2016 7:24 (Pyledramon).
16 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Ikarus01 kaže...

 Nothing is impossible everything is easy when you put your mind to it. Boundaries exist only in our minds and most of it is governed by society's view and peer pressure that daunting tasks seem highly unlikely to succeed. However we must rise over such obstacles and say:"Everything is possible, there are no limitations, not even the sky. I too will bang a porn star one day".


 I'm sure you will, especially since porn stars have occasional events you can participate in, and you can only imagine what those events are all about - sex, sex and more sex with (unsuspecting) public. you just have to be at the right place, at the right time, and make all your wishes come true...  


sorry, but i just had to... 

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 19.5.2016 7:34 (wifi).
8 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku

LoL bro <3


14 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Ukradi alijev govor
You have to be odd to be number one
12 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
wifi kaže...
Ikarus01 kaže...

 Nothing is impossible everything is easy when you put your mind to it. Boundaries exist only in our minds and most of it is governed by society's view and peer pressure that daunting tasks seem highly unlikely to succeed. However we must rise over such obstacles and say:"Everything is possible, there are no limitations, not even the sky. I too will bang a porn star one day".


 I'm sure you will, especially since porn stars have occasional events you can participate in, and you can only imagine what those events are all about - sex, sex and more sex with (unsuspecting) public. you just have to be at the right place, at the right time, and make all your wishes come true...  


sorry, but i just had to... 

 Unfortunately no, those events are orchestrated by adult film companies or rather their website sister companies(wow, when I write this it sound kind of weird). It is always the same or similar premise.Guy is walking down the street, suddenly a "wild SUV appears"(I hope for your sake that you do not get the reference) with 1-5 hot babes, all stacked up and gifted down, with a slim waist to boot.With just a few moments of logical deduction, that is when some of the blood returns to your brain, you realize such body proportions are not possible or at the very least are highly improbable.You also realize that those women are not beautiful by "real girl" standards they are mostly hot, and frankly anybody can be hot to anybody with today's make-up and lighting effects. But it seems i have digressed. Those men rarely go into a scene without at least 7-8 inches of "length" , they girth is also something not to be trifled with. Furthermore some of those men appear later on or even before in some other productions clearly showing that they are "in the business". Other example of such claims is that those men are almost always circumcised and clean shaved.

Occasionally there are events of some sorts but that is when there is literally an "open house". That is when some record is being broken or a massive gang-bang as it is colloquially called. Such events are a cesspool of diseases and infections. I am not quite sure about colleges but I believe that no respectable dean especially in the bay of California would ever allow such participance.


Lastly when i wrote that last bit, I was bored and wanted to sound cool KEWL.

A true man is not how much liquor he can drink,nor how much asses he can whip,a true man is how he takes care of his family and handles himself in crisis.
16 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Ikarus01 kaže...

 Unfortunately no, those events are orchestrated by adult film companies or rather their website sister companies(wow, when I write this it sound kind of weird). It is always the same or similar premise.Guy is walking down the street, suddenly a "wild SUV appears"(I hope for your sake that you do not get the reference) with 1-5 hot babes, all stacked up and gifted down, with a slim waist to boot.With just a few moments of logical deduction, that is when some of the blood returns to your brain, you realize such body proportions are not possible or at the very least are highly improbable.You also realize that those women are not beautiful by "real girl" standards they are mostly hot, and frankly anybody can be hot to anybody with today's make-up and lighting effects. But it seems i have digressed. Those men rarely go into a scene without at least 7-8 inches of "length" , they girth is also something not to be trifled with. Furthermore some of those men appear later on or even before in some other productions clearly showing that they are "in the business". Other example of such claims is that those men are almost always circumcised and clean shaved.

Occasionally there are events of some sorts but that is when there is literally an "open house". That is when some record is being broken or a massive gang-bang as it is colloquially called. Such events are a cesspool of diseases and infections. I am not quite sure about colleges but I believe that no respectable dean especially in the bay of California would ever allow such participance.


Lastly when i wrote that last bit, I was bored and wanted to sound cool KEWL.

 well, actually, i was refering to exactly those kind of events you were talking about, typically record breaking events where it's all about speed and quantity, and not in the least, "quality", if we may even call it as such. but hey, it's a porn star, you can call it sex (of a sort), so mission accomplished (w/ or /wo consequences to your health). i hope you don't expect romanse with a porn star. :-)

12 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
wifi kaže...
Ikarus01 kaže...

 Unfortunately no, those events are orchestrated by adult film companies or rather their website sister companies(wow, when I write this it sound kind of weird). It is always the same or similar premise.Guy is walking down the street, suddenly a "wild SUV appears"(I hope for your sake that you do not get the reference) with 1-5 hot babes, all stacked up and gifted down, with a slim waist to boot.With just a few moments of logical deduction, that is when some of the blood returns to your brain, you realize such body proportions are not possible or at the very least are highly improbable.You also realize that those women are not beautiful by "real girl" standards they are mostly hot, and frankly anybody can be hot to anybody with today's make-up and lighting effects. But it seems i have digressed. Those men rarely go into a scene without at least 7-8 inches of "length" , they girth is also something not to be trifled with. Furthermore some of those men appear later on or even before in some other productions clearly showing that they are "in the business". Other example of such claims is that those men are almost always circumcised and clean shaved.

Occasionally there are events of some sorts but that is when there is literally an "open house". That is when some record is being broken or a massive gang-bang as it is colloquially called. Such events are a cesspool of diseases and infections. I am not quite sure about colleges but I believe that no respectable dean especially in the bay of California would ever allow such participance.


Lastly when i wrote that last bit, I was bored and wanted to sound cool KEWL.

 well, actually, i was refering to exactly those kind of events you were talking about, typically record breaking events where it's all about speed and quantity, and not in the least, "quality", if we may even call it as such. but hey, it's a porn star, you can call it sex (of a sort), so mission accomplished (w/ or /wo consequences to your health). i hope you don't expect romanse with a porn star. :-)

Why is that so wrong.

Didn't you often fantasize as a little boy that a hot babe, big chested princess would find you by your glass jockstrap, that you lost the night before during heavy gaming sessions but had to leave before midnight.

A true man is not how much liquor he can drink,nor how much asses he can whip,a true man is how he takes care of his family and handles himself in crisis.
16 godina
Re: Pomoć oko sastava na engleskom jeziku
Ikarus01 kaže...

Why is that so wrong.

Didn't you often fantasize as a little boy that a hot babe, big chested princess would find you by your glass jockstrap, that you lost the night before during heavy gaming sessions but had to leave before midnight.

 it's not wrong, but right now, i'm too damn old to believe in fairytales. and besides, that kind of girls were never my thing. i was always more of a girl next door kind of guy when it comes to opposite sex. you know, those quiet ones, with no makeup, regular clothes, but something intriguing about them. 

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