Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

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15 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
Netko radi što zna, a netko zna šta radi LOL EUW: slinA
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
13 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Nadam se da ću ući u betu, nekako sam oduvijek htio igrati te "kartaške" igre. Jedino se sjećam Pazaak-a u KotOR-u.

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15 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Hello Hearthstone players (and members of our gracious community still trying to get into the beta)!

Thank you for stopping by to read this important closed beta test update. At the start of the beta, we mentioned that we would reset information at some point, wiping all progress and cards in the process. We built this into our plan as we knew going into the beta that a number of cards were likely to emerge as overpowered and we also knew that we‘d make significant adjustments to the reward system and overall game progression. So, as part of the effort to level the playing field and also prepare our players’ accounts for the release version of our progression system, we made the decision to schedule a one-time wipe of all beta participant accounts. We have just about reached the point in closed beta where we’ll be doing this wipe, and thus wanted to share what that will mean for you, what to expect on the day of the wipe, and what will happen immediately afterwards.

A wipe? What’s a wipe?

If you are participating in the Hearthstone closed beta test, your progress will be reset. This includes your gold, experience and class levels gained through play, arcane dust quantities, cards unlocked through progression, and your medal ranking in Ranked Play mode. When you load up the game afterwards, it will be as if you were starting in Hearthstone as a new player. You’ll have to play the introductory missions once more and show Illidan just how prepared he is! (Spoilers: He’s not.)

When is the wipe happening?

We’re getting ready to release a pretty major beta patch to Hearthstone, and the wipe will coincide with that patch so we can closely monitor testing with the implemented updates.

A patch! What’s in the patch!?

We’ll announce details of the patch in a separate blog, so stay tuned!

I spent real money in Hearthstone! Is that going away!?

No way! As we mentioned in the earlier blog, any money you spent in Hearthstone will be reimbursed as gold, so you will be able to repurchase the same number of packs and Arena tickets you bought previously without additional investment. For each card pack purchased with real money, you’ll get back 100 gold. Each Arena entry will get you back 150 gold. Please note that any packs you purchase after the wipe will be different than the ones you had previously, so it is unlikely that you will receive the same cards again.

A couple examples:

Tim bought the €2.69 (£1.99) bundle for 2 packs during the beta. After the wipe, he will receive 200 gold (100 gold per pack x 2 packs.)
Janet bought the €44.99 (£34.99) bundle for 40 packs during the beta. She also bought 3 Arena entries. Janet will receive 4450 gold (100 gold x 40 packs + 150 gold X 3 Arena runs) after the wipe has been completed.

Like all gold, the reimbursed gold credit can be spent on either packs or Arena tickets. So if you bought a pack bundle previously, and would prefer to use your gold credit towards Arena entry, that’s available as an option.

Did you know: Getting back a lot of gold and need to buy a lot of packs at the same time? You can buy mass quantities of packs with gold by double-clicking on the brown “1 Pack” button in the store!

I helped test the store and got a Golden Gelbin Mekkatorque card! Is he wiped too?

Your good friend Gelbin will be waiting for you as soon as you complete the Illidan introductory mission. As soon as you’ve completed that mission you will receive the “Beta Hero” quest reward which will grant you Gelbin, as well as the gold credit for any purchases made prior to the wipe.

Will there be any wipes in the future?

We don’t anticipate any further wipes. This goes for both the Hearthstone beta and after the game’s official release. Any progress made during the beta after the wipe will be retained through the release of Hearthstone, such as new cards you obtain, levels that you gain and ranks you achieve. Basically, you’ll now be able to keep your stuff.

Wait, how will this work for Korea, Taiwan, and China? Closed beta hasn’t even started there yet!

Korea, Taiwan, and China will not be wiped. The wipe only applies to the beta participants currently playing in the North American and European beta tests.





EDIT: 27.9.2013

The wipe in closed beta is very important to us, and marks a pretty big milestone that we hope a lot of you can be excited about. 

First off, wipes aren’t super fun. In fact, they are negative fun. We chose to wipe in the closed beta at this point so we can impact as few people as possible. We understand that wiping data in Hearthstone may cause some frustration for people, but we anticipated having to do this since day one. Wiping will allow us to balance classes and carefully monitor that balance with a bigger player pool.

A bigger player pool? What? Well, after the wipe and patch that goes with it, we’ll be on different hardware than we were before. I’ll spare you the boring behind-the-scenes details, but we were limited in the amount of people we could invite to the first part of closed beta just due to these hardware limitations. With this patch and wipe, we’ll be making some serious transitions into hardware that can accommodate a larger pool of players. TLDR: Brace yourselves, the opt-ins are coming. 

It’ll be a process—the gates won’t swing wide open right away, since we still need to make sure this hardware can hold up to the punishment we’re about to inflict upon it. However, as we invite more players to the closed beta test, the feeling of “hey, he’s in closed beta now and I’m not so he has a big advantage!” will diminish greatly since those players that have that small amount of play time “benefit” will soon be in the vast minority.

Netko radi što zna, a netko zna šta radi LOL EUW: slinA
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 27.9.2013 11:17 (AmonZero).
Moj PC  
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11 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Znači, open beta kuca na vrata :) 

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 26.9.2013 23:30 (Glogić).
Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
13 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Annemoj me hebat, na skoro svim sam imao 15 plus lvl...

Moj PC  
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15 godina
Re: Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
Glogić kaže...

Znači, open beta kuca na vrata :) 


11 godina
Re: Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

A ponadal sam se :D U meduvremenu sam procital da nije. Idu wave-ovi, mozda mi se posreći, al čisto sumnjam :)

11 godina
Re: Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Neki bug, nemogu kliknut "end turn" tako da svaki put moram cekati da mi istekne vrijeme :(

GTA Balkan http://gta-balkan.com
15 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
Netko radi što zna, a netko zna šta radi LOL EUW: slinA
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 28.10.2013 20:51 (AmonZero).
Moj PC  
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11 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Prodaje li itko key!! Ili da mi posudit da probam igru .. nikako da dobim key :(

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Jel se zna datum kada izlazi ovo kod nas u open betu??

Nebo je granica.
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Nezna se datum. Ali Blizzard dijeli mnogo key-va i polako testira svoje servere da malo veći promet tak da vjerujem da bi ubrzo mogla doći open beta.

Netko radi što zna, a netko zna šta radi LOL EUW: slinA
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

wopaaaaaaa :)

He who dares, wins
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

i ja dobio danas...

Bolje je znati malo i temeljito nego mnogo i površno.- I. Kant
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

odigram pola tutoriala, samo što me kasnije disconnecta i ne da mi ući više. Valjda su im serveri dolje. 


P.S. ako netko instalira i zapne na "installing battle. net" neka napravi ovo https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/enabling-windows-secondary-logon-service

He who dares, wins
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Evo mene zanima gdje bih moga ugrabiti jedan key da probam i jel trebam za to imat vec stari battlenet ili napravim kada dobijem key?

Hvala unaprijed :D


If you do not turn on to politics, politics will turn on you
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Ja opet ništa. Bio se prijavio ja 2 giveaway-a. Danas ih dijelili i opet šipak {#}

Kak je krenilo neću ni igrat igru do open bete.



Prijavit se možeš za betu na battlenetu (u opcijama od svoh račuan imaš) ili sudjeluješ u različitim giveaway-ima koje rade određeni web portali.

Možeš imat stari battlenet za aktivaciju ključa.

Netko radi što zna, a netko zna šta radi LOL EUW: slinA
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 16.10.2013 20:18 (AmonZero).
Moj PC  
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11 godina
Re: Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
AmonZero kaže...

Ja opet ništa. Bio se prijavio ja 2 giveaway-a. Danas ih dijelili i opet šipak {#}

Kak je krenilo neću ni igrat igru do open bete.


Ja sam se pomirio da neću upast u betu i bok. Na stream giveawayima visio, prijavio se za dosta beta, pričekat open i igrat, nema druge :)) 

15 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

ja sam prijavio 25 accountova a dobio na 2  {#} (16 000 prijavljenih za 1000 keyeva). Ono statistički da mi je vjerojatna šansa da dobim key. Jedan aktiviran za sebe, drugi čeka ponude


Zaslužio već 2 packa i 200 golda, uskoro arene 

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 20.10.2013 20:35 (acca).
1 1 hvala 0
15 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Warlock rush deck u areni huh {#}

1 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Imam key viska ko se prvi javi njegovo !

Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 1
15 godina
Re: Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
Zaba88 kaže...

Imam key viska ko se prvi javi njegovo !

Eto me!!!


Jeberštaub and Mudalo, they are out there!!!! They only appear to be unreal, to the untrained eye!
14 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Ak neko ima viska key i voljan je dati odlicno bi mi dosao, zelio i ja i frend probati :)

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 23.10.2013 0:26 (scarface797).
Moj PC  
0 2 hvala 1
16 godina
Re: Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
AmonZero kaže...

Ja opet ništa. Bio se prijavio ja 2 giveaway-a. Danas ih dijelili i opet šipak {#}

Kak je krenilo neću ni igrat igru do open bete.


Ja zaključio ajd da se prijavim na neki giveaway, i danas zateknem mail od blizzarda sa keyem. Ipak ima šanse za nas opt-inove :)


Malo sam probao, zabavno, iako suxam {#}

13 godina
Re: Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
Zvekan kaže...
Zaba88 kaže...

Imam key viska ko se prvi javi njegovo !

Eto me!!!


sorry zvekan al jedno 10 ljudi mi se javilo prije tebe u inbox

12 godina
Re: Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Bilo bi dobro kad bi se nasao jos neki key viska :)   Ako meni uleti javim

11 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

igram već par dana i moram reć da je priest bolesno OP. ima hrpu jakih spellova, ali ono sto ga baca over the top je Mind Control - najbolesnija karta u igri. znaci, za 8 mane faceless manipulator i assassinate, u jednoj karti!

0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Mozete li postati ovdje neke malo vece give-awayove tako da mi koji nemamo key uspijemo dobiti? Hvala!

LoL acc THCJoshi
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

Znaci svaki dan ide wave ali od keya ni k :(

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft


Upravo mi stigao, jbg prijatelju, nekom svane drugom plane.

LoL acc THCJoshi
Moj PC  
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