Mi smo Markovi, Marko je naš !!
Interesantan test (legit?) CCleaner & Defraggler.
All of the following conclusions apply only to the specific scenarios tested.
Clean machines, with no third-party software installed, will likely show significantly less benefit than what
was observed in the tested scenarios. While machines with a very large amount of 3rd party software or
limited hardware resources will likely gain additional benefits, beyond what we observed.
Disk space recovered
On average, CCleaner can recover around 3,400 MB of disk space on the first clean, and then around 600
MB in the week following. If run weekly for a year, this would give an estimated total recovered disk space
of 34,500 MB.
RAM Freed up
Across all four images, the average percentage of free RAM available (out of the machine’s total RAM)
increased from 41% to 56% after using CCleaner and Defraggler. This gives a 14% improvement, which is
a 36% relative improvement.
Boot time
Across all four images, the aggregate boot time was seen to be 53% faster using CCleaner and after
subsequently running Defraggler, 59% faster.
Browser launch times
Across all four images, the aggregate browser launch time was seen to be 5% faster after running CCleaner
and Defraggler. However, the results are sensitive to initial conditions. Likely external influences such as
variable internet latency, initial file fragmentation state & caching state also influenced the results to
increase the error margin in the test results.
Clean up time
Many of the cleaning activities that CCleaner performs can be done manually if the user has sufficient
knowledge and time. A comparison of a manual clean up, by an experienced engineer, to the automated
process in CCleaner, showed using CCleaner is 20 times faster than performing the same clean manually.
Installation time
On average, CCleaner takes 11 seconds to install.
On average, Defraggler takes 8.75 seconds to install.
Installation size
On average, CCleaner’s installation size is 29.55MB
On average, Defraggler’s installation size is 34.57MB.
Memory usage
When installed, CCleaner has an almost negligible impact on idle memory usage, at less than 16MB (which
is approximately 0.2% of the installed RAM on the machines tested).
Idle CPU load
When installed, both CCleaner and Defraggler have an almost negligible impact on CPU usage, when idle.
The additional CPU load was too low to be accurately measured.
-šteta.. ipak PRovski promo. No i placebo liječi. Još samo ono oko matematike, .. za desetak godina bi imao 5 diskova više.. :)))
katastorfa, defraggler nepotreban, cc malware.. naravno da su povezani, smeće.
za desetak godina bi imao 5 diskova više.. :)))
Marko, hocemo mi to deinstalirati vec ili sta?
Marko, hocemo mi to deinstalirati vec ili sta?
Ne još. Ali ako ništa drugo, nisam ga pokretao otkad se to dogodilo.
Marko, hocemo mi to deinstalirati vec ili sta?
Ne još. Ali ako ništa drugo, nisam ga pokretao otkad se to dogodilo.
I prezivio si? Sad kad ga pokrenes oslobodit ce ti 25 terabajta diskova i dodati 4 cpu jezgre...
Marko, hocemo mi to deinstalirati vec ili sta?
Ne još. Ali ako ništa drugo, nisam ga pokretao otkad se to dogodilo.
I prezivio si? Sad kad ga pokrenes oslobodit ce ti 25 terabajta diskova i dodati 4 cpu jezgre...
Ah, što da ti kažem. Borim se, nekako.
.. za desetak godina bi imao 5 diskova više.. :)))
E, to je pravi majner, a ne oni GPU.
Nego, kako netko ubrzati implementaciju Berkeley DB, koja se učitava u RAM rano u boot procesu?
Da, registryu se prisupa iz RAM-a, nema zahvaćanja na disk. On mora biti "keširan", jer bi računalo inače bilo sporije od mrtvog konja.
A sinkronizacija s kopijom na disku se događa poprilično rijetko. I sprema se u barem dvije verzije (.dat datoteke).
Najveći problem s tim registrom je baš to što u slučaju naglog nestanka napajanja (HEP-ovci u slučaju bezupsnih desktopa, ili čupanje baterije laptopa kada se Windowsi zblenu) kod idućeg boota Windowsi izvuku neku od kopija koja nije sinkronizirana sa zadnjim stanjem. I onda bude kmeeee, registry, kmeee...
.. za desetak godina bi imao 5 diskova više.. :)))
E, to je pravi majner, a ne oni GPU.
Nego, kako netko ubrzati implementaciju Berkeley DB, koja se učitava u RAM rano u boot procesu?
CCleaner ti se ucita u pre-boot procesu. Znaci onog trena kad udjes u sobu gdje ti je komp on pocne optimizirati stvari. Dok dodjes do kucista on je vec sve optimizirao. Mislim jednostavno je...
Nego, kako netko ubrzati implementaciju Berkeley DB, koja se učitava u RAM rano u boot procesu?
Da, registryu se prisupa iz RAM-a, nema zahvaćanja na disk. On mora biti "keširan", jer bi računalo inače bilo sporije od mrtvog konja.
zbunjuješ CC gurua.. :) pa valjda on zna, jer CC kaže da ubrzava i održava, piše tako u promo materiijalu. Na stranu to što je malware :))))
+ zato je poželjno, kod izmjena postavki sysa ili nadogradnji (pa i običnog rasporeda icona desktopa) restartati win. Tad se stanje ažurira (i eliminira sreću i hep kao faktor dok CC .. ne znam, nešto dobrog radi i tad.. mora biti nešto..).
+ zato je poželjno, kod izmjena postavki sysa ili nadogradnji (pa i običnog rasporeda icona desktopa) restartati win. Tad se stanje ažurira (i eliminira sreću i hep kao faktor dok CC .. ne znam, nešto dobrog radi i tad.. mora biti nešto..).
Eh, kad bih uspio nekako povezati CC i tarot linije, mislim da bih se poprilično obogatio.
Ovako kompajliram Linux kernel po peti put danas.
CCleaner ti se ucita u pre-boot procesu. Znaci onog trena kad udjes u sobu gdje ti je komp on pocne optimizirati stvari. Dok dodjes do kucista on je vec sve optimizirao. Mislim jednostavno je...
Ovo neka inovacija ?
Nisam u toku, no što drugo očekivati od tako jake i odgovorne firme, samo dobroga i još više dobroga.
Bravo piriform !!!
"Oj, Klineru, ko udari na te, Marko će mu zadat aperkate"
.. + obavezno nakon optimizacije optimizirati defragglerom.. ubojiti tandem :)
koji marko, mustaša? Kako će mu se sad firma zvati, djeluje mi nespreman za promjene..
Ja sam isto mlad i bez formalnog IT obrazovanja
-zvat ćemo te mladene.. a njega gađati kamenom-čizmama čimveć.. :)
evo jos bloata koji od pentiuma napravi i7, od 320gb hdd napravi 512gb ssd i sl.
evo jos bloata koji od pentiuma napravi i7, od 320gb hdd napravi 512gb ssd i sl.
Ma ja sam se preporodio otkad ga koristim.
Pa nemam ga na kompu dosta dugo, ali to ne znači da neću koristiti portable verziju kad mi zatreba. 😄
To su bili dani!!!
Ja sam imao norton system works na Windows 95 :) na pentiumu 133
Je da je to satralo ionako spor pc, ali meni ko klincu je sve to super izgledalo!
A summary of the CCleaner incident
Avast said that 2.27 million users had installed the tainted CCleaner versions, but that the malware collected only basic information, such as computer names and domain data.
The company later discovered that this first-stage infostealer was built as a mass-probing tool meant to identify computers on the internal networks of major tech and telecommunications companies, such as Google, Cisco, Oracle, Intel, Akamai, Microsoft, and many others.
Avast says that attackers deployed a second-stage payload to only 40 of these computers found on these highly sensitive networks.
Avast, Cisco Talos, and Kaspersky said that a (suspected Chinese) cyber-espionage group named Axiom was behind the hack of CCleaner's infrastructure.
Avast detects third malware strain
But yesterday, speaking at the SAS conference in Cancun, Mexico, Avast says it detected evidence of a third malware strain.
This new strain was found on four computers of Piriform employees, Piriform being the company behind the CCleaner app, which Avast bought in July 2017.
These infections went back to April 12, 2017, and Avast believes it was used to scout Piriform's network in preparation for the main hack that was to come over the summer.
Third malware strain is named ShadowPad
The name of this malware is ShadowPad —a multi-purpose and modular malware framework that comes with many plugins which provide various functionality, such as backdoor features, keylogging, and data exfiltration.
ShadowPad was first spotted by Kaspersky researchers in August 2017 on the servers of NetSarang, a South Korean software maker. According to Kaspersky, an unidentified cyber-espionage group injected ShadowPad in NetSarang's software and was using the malware as a backdoor into infected networks.
Avast says it found ShadowPad log files on the four infected Piriform computers. The log files contained encrypted keystrokes, meaning attackers deployed ShadowPad's keylogger plugin.
They also found ShadowPad plugins that could steal passwords from local apps, but also other tools that could download additional ShadowPad plugins.
.. a sad će nam marko objasniti, da cc nije ... :)))
.. a sad će nam marko objasniti, da cc nije ... :)))
Naravno, CCleaner v5.33 je zaražen, ostali nisu. Daj dokaz da je zadnja verzija zaražena.