Čista energija zadovoljava rekordnih 38 posto glob

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Re: Čista energija zadovoljava rekordnih 38 posto
Feudalac kaže...
Al crane:

“Uspješna demonstracija prototipa nije gotova stvar za praktičnu implementaciju??”

Naravno da nije. Kolika je cijena naprave? Koliko često se dopunjava? Od kuda? Postoji li kamion za dobavu iz kojeg možeš dotankati amonijačni generator? Koliko je kašnje generatora, radi li na minus 10 ili 15 i kako? Koji su uvjeti za smještaj amonijaka, hoću reći ide li to u podzemnu garažu? Koliko zaista košta kilovat generiran na ovaj način? Geopolitika - gdje će se proizvoditi amonijak, jesu li to opet nestabilne bliskoiszočne, sjevernoafričke diktature?

Evo "zeleni manijače" , kad ti se Germani (Nijemci+Englezi) već ne sviđaju, možda će ti Semiti, Nordijci i Mongoloidi biti više po volji...

GenCell Energy, a leading Israel-based manufacturer of fuel cell energy solutions, today announces that the Company has successfully completed an advanced testing period of its innovative experimental GenCell A5 off-grid power solution based on alkaline fuel cell (AFC) technology at the site of an active Emergency Communications System (ECS) station outside Reykjavik, Iceland operated by Neyðarlínan ohf, the state-owned Icelandic telecom provider that operates 112, the National Emergency Number, the National Tetra Telecommunication Service and the Icelandic Maritime Service.  The off-grid power system, installed in a compact container housing the ammonia cracker integrated with the AFC generator, has successfully completed an important milestone of running 1500 continuous working hours in inclement weather conditions including sub-zero temperatures (-10⁰ C) compounded by heavy rains and strong winds.  The experimental GenCell A5 combines the advantages of low temperature fuel cell with the ability to operate on liquid ammonia fuel., one of the most effective carbon-free hydrogen carriers, offering clean power with only water, nitrogen and heat as by–products. GenCell's A5 off–grid solution has been designed to provide ultra-reliable power performance and high efficiency in these harshest weather conditions, using economical and widely available liquid ammonia.
GenCell Energy Successfully Deploys its Revolutionary A5 Off-Grid Solution for Satisfactory 24/7 Powering of a Neyðarlínan ohf Emergency Communication System (ECS) in Iceland (prnewswire.com)

GenCell Energy announced that the Company has successfully completed an advanced testing period of its innovative experimental GenCell A5 off-grid power solution based on alkaline fuel cell (AFC) technology at the site of an active Emergency Communications System (ECS) station outside Reykjavik, Iceland operated by Neyðarlínan ohf, the state-owned Icelandic telecom provider that operates 112, the National Emergency Number, the National Tetra Telecommunication Service and the Icelandic Maritime Service. The off-grid power system, installed in a compact container housing the ammonia cracker integrated with the AFC generator, has successfully completed an important milestone of running 1500 continuous working hours in inclement weather conditions including sub-zero temperatures (-10° C) compounded by heavy rains and strong winds. The experimental GenCell A5 combines the advantages of low temperature fuel cell with the ability to operate on liquid ammonia fuel., one of the most effective carbon-free hydrogen carriers, offering clean power with only water, nitrogen and heat as by–products. GenCell's A5 off–grid solution has been designed to provide ultra-reliable power performance and high efficiency in these harshest weather conditions, using economical and widely available liquid ammonia.
GenCell Energy Successfully Deploys its Revolutionary A5 Off-Grid Solution for Satisfactory 24/7 Powering of a Neyðarlínan ohf Emergency Communication System in Iceland | MarketScreener

The GenCell FOX is the first fuel cell solution to overcome the limitations of the current hydrogen infrastructure by creating hydrogen-on-demand from ammonia, the world’s second most-produced inorganic chemical. More than 200 million tons of ammonia are produced each year and distributed globally via pipelines, tankers, and trucks, making it readily available and inexpensive. By creating hydrogen-on-demand from ammonia, the GenCell FOX provides zero-emission fuel cell power at a lower cost than diesel generators.
GenCell creates off-grid power for telecom operators - Developing Telecoms

The GenCell FOX™ is an evolution of the GenCell A5™ and has been developed specifically to provide power for operators’ radio networks. GenCell has successfully completed a series of rigorous field tests of the FOX in various weather conditions with a number of operators. GenCell will be offering operators a limited number of pre-launch projects for deployment in 2022, and it will be available for full commercial deployment in 2023.
GenCell Launches Revolutionary Off-Grid Ammonia-to-Power Solution for Mobile Operators - GenCell - Fuel Cell Generators (gencellenergy.com)

Svi smo čuli da će milijun majmuna koji lupaju o milijun pisaćih strojeva na kraju reproducirati cjelokupna Shakespeareova djela. Sada, zahvaljujući Internetu, znamo da to nije istina. - R. Wilensky
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