mislim da je i Linus radio test svega toga, rezultati ko i na tvojim linkovima (nisam otvarao al pretpostavljam o cemu je).
ovakve teme su pune lupetanja, inace se ne bi imali oko cega svadjat.
ono sto je neosporna cinjenica, AMD kartice imaju puno ljepsu starost od nvidije, gdje AMD u startu usere sa driverima ili ih ne "optimizira" i onda sa vremenom dobijes za pola stepenice bolji proizvod.. bitno onome ko kupuje novi hw svake prijestupne (ja), ostalima ne previse.
i opet ti o "lijepom starenju" amd-a i neospornim činjenicama koje nemaju veze sa stvarnošću, pa daj pročitaj testove i vidjet ćeš da si potpuno u krivu
RX 480 and Nvidia’s GeForce GTX 1060 6GB kroz dvije godine:
As expected, new video drivers increase frame rates in most titles, but the differences are often subtle. AMD averages a 2.3% speed-up across our benchmark suite, while Nvidia averages 4.3%.
Fury X vs. the GTX 980 Ti kroz dvije godine:
The GTX 980 Ti is now even faster than the Fury X for the majority of our games. Out of 105 individual benches, the Fury X only wins 26 and ties two. Two years ago, AMD won 29 out of 108 benches, but in many cases its performance was much closer to the GTX 980 Ti’s.
ispitivanje famoznog namjernog degradiranjaperfomansi kroz drivere:
The implication of these findings is only to the good, no matter which GPU you own. AMD or Nvidia, Vega and Pascal cards both show continued expected performance, while Turing’s slightly larger improvements are what we’d expect for a relatively newer architecture