Zanimljivo je da se ne nudi nikakvo objasnjenje za drasticnu razliku Estonije i Bugarske. Vise sam sklon vjerovati da se radi o nekoj gresci.
Gledao sam krivi graf.
Zanimljivo je da se ne nudi nikakvo objasnjenje za drasticnu razliku Estonije i Bugarske. Vise sam sklon vjerovati da se radi o nekoj gresci.
Gledao sam krivi graf.
Trabantima i Wartburgsima protiv zlih svjetskih elita koje nam hoće nametnuti čišći okoliš!
Hej, pa šta hoćete, Rusi su za nuklearnu opciju - jel ima šta zelenije od toga?
Gledam graf u članku, ne izgleda kao da pada.
Dizel ima svoje nedostatke koji nisu vezani za CO2, nuklearke isto tako.
Žalosno je što još postoje moroni koji puše priče nuklearne industrije kako uranij sam od sebe iskače iz zemlje, rafinira se i skladišti bez ikakvog CO2 otiska.
Jašta, kud ćeš čišćeg goriva od bunker dizela - prokleti zeleni!
Što mislite čime će pola EU na čelu sa Njemačkom pokušati zamjeniti ruski hidrokarbon?
Od slijedeće zime će se kuriti ugljen kao nikad prije uz dvoznamenkastu inflaciju i nestašice kao u 'zlatno doba' komunizma. Sveta Molekula više neći biti problem, a još manje će se spominjati.
Da budem iskren nije me vise niti briga. Stovise volio bi da dodje do nuklearnog rata i da se ova planeta rijesti najveceg parazita, raka, anomalije... - covjeka. Planeta bi dosla k sebi, neke vrste bi opstale, nove bi nastale. Ono kada se ne mozemo dogovoriti u 21 stoljecu kako da cuvamo ovu planetu, vec, eto pokrecemo nove ratove iz cistog hira. Ma neka udari meteor koji ce napravitit 100godisnju zimu. Za bolje i nismo.
Taj tvoj antropcentrizam je čisto praznovjerje i pseudoznanost.
Taj tvoj antropcentrizam je čisto praznovjerje i pseudoznanost.
Hahaha. Dobro si me nasmijao. Trebao si ubaciti jos poneki pojam iz tog tzv. "antropcentrizma" u ovaj sataras od recenice.
Da budem iskren nije me vise niti briga. Stovise volio bi da dodje do nuklearnog rata i da se ova planeta rijesti najveceg parazita, raka, anomalije... - covjeka. Planeta bi dosla k sebi, neke vrste bi opstale, nove bi nastale. Ono kada se ne mozemo dogovoriti u 21 stoljecu kako da cuvamo ovu planetu, vec, eto pokrecemo nove ratove iz cistog hira. Ma neka udari meteor koji ce napravitit 100godisnju zimu. Za bolje i nismo.
Dvadeset godina me ovaj citat tak žulja, i svakim danom je sve očitiji :
Agent Smith : I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.
Što mislite čime će pola EU na čelu sa Njemačkom pokušati zamjeniti ruski hidrokarbon?
Od slijedeće zime će se kuriti ugljen kao nikad prije uz dvoznamenkastu inflaciju i nestašice kao u 'zlatno doba' komunizma. Sveta Molekula više neći biti problem, a još manje će se spominjati.
Neće preko noći, ali hoće kroz 5 godina sigurno. Od ugljena većinom svi bježe, nema šanse da će se njegovi kapaciteti u EU povećavati, kod nas je upotreba ugljena u značajnom padu, a oni koji ga eventualno i povećavaju boli briga koriste li rusku naftu ili ne.
Hahaha. Dobro si me nasmijao. Trebao si ubaciti jos poneki pojam iz tog tzv. "antropcentrizma" u ovaj sataras od recenice.
Baš mi je drago da sam te nasmijao, ali biosfera ovog planeta je vrlo robusna i eonima preživljava masovna izumiranja i kataklizme bez ikakvog vanjskog uplitanja.
Bitno je napomenuti slijedeće:
Čovjek kao vrsta milijunima godina je samo dio biosfere ovog planeta i nikako nije parazit/anomalija/rak te biosfere.
Čovjek kao vrsta nema nikakva bogomdana tj. imaginarna prava/obveze da se brine, čuva ili manipulira biosferom planeta.
Čovjek kao vrsta (srećom) ne može mijenjati globalnu klimu ili biosferu ovog planeta.
1. Čovjek kao vrsta nema nikakva bogomdana tj. imaginarna prava/obveze da se brine, čuva ili manipulira biosferom planeta.
2. Čovjek kao vrsta (srećom) ne može mijenjati globalnu klimu ili biosferu ovog planeta.
1. ne treba imati prava čuvati ali može imati prava uništavati? Zanimljivo.
Ja volim pisati tvz. sprdačina/zaj*bancija stilom, ali vrlo dobro pratim što se zapravo događa i to vas možda malo zbuni, pa ne znate s kim imate posla. To što su vas zaslijepili šarenim lažima i staklenim perlicama nije moj problem, već isključivo vaš.
Ovo je vijest od jučer:
Brussels has given the green light for the EU to burn more coal over the next decade as it tries to end the use of Russian gas and oil. Coal is the most carbon-intensive fuel but the European Commission said the EU would use 5 per cent more than previously expected over the next five to 10 years as the bloc tries to replace Russian energy imports. More nuclear power would also be used, a senior commission official said, as the EU unveiled its plans to beef up its energy infrastructure and become less reliant on Moscow.
Brussels has given the green light for the EU to burn more coal over the next decade as it tries to end the use of Russian gas and oil. Coal is the most carbon-intensive fuel but the European Commission said the EU would use 5 per cent more than previously expected over the next five to 10 years as the bloc tries to replace Russian energy imports. More nuclear power would also be used, a senior commission official said, as the EU unveiled its plans to beef up its energy infrastructure and become less reliant on Moscow.
Hahaha. Dobro si me nasmijao. Trebao si ubaciti jos poneki pojam iz tog tzv. "antropcentrizma" u ovaj sataras od recenice.
Baš mi je drago da sam te nasmijao, ali biosfera ovog planeta je vrlo robusna i eonima preživljava masovna izumiranja i kataklizme bez ikakvog vanjskog uplitanja.
Bitno je napomenuti slijedeće:
Čovjek kao vrsta milijunima godina je samo dio biosfere ovog planeta i nikako nije parazit/anomalija/rak te biosfere.
Čovjek kao vrsta nema nikakva bogomdana tj. imaginarna prava/obveze da se brine, čuva ili manipulira biosferom planeta.
Čovjek kao vrsta (srećom) ne može mijenjati globalnu klimu ili biosferu ovog planeta.
No neka si ti nama objasnio zašto su tisuće provedenih studija evidentno pametnijih i školovanijih stručnjaka od tebe u krivu (a bogami i očiti pokazatelji).
“We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide.”
That’s the word from Sir Robert Watson, the chair of a massive multinational research effort to survey the impact of human development on the natural world.
In the most comprehensive effort undertaken to date, some 145 expert authors from 50 countries working with another 310 contributing authors spent the last three years compiling and assessing changes in global biodiversity over a 50-year period for a study conducted under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
They found there are now 1 million species that are threatened with extinction; that more than one-third of the world’s land surface and 75% of all freshwater resources are devoted to crop or livestock production; that 60 billion tons of renewable and non-renewable resources are extracted globally every year; that land degradation has reduced the productivity of global land surface area by 23% and roughly $577 billion worth of crops are at risk from pollinator loss annually; and, finally, that up to 300 million people are at increased risk of floods and hurricanes because of the loss of coastal habitats.
“The overwhelming evidence of the IPBES Global Assessment, from a wide range of different fields of knowledge, presents an ominous picture,” said Watson in a statement. “The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever.”
The abundance of native species on land has fallen by 20%, with the losses coming in the last hundred years. Currently 40% of amphibians, 33% of coral and a third of all marine mammals are threatened with extinction, while 10% of insects and 9% of all domesticated breeds of mammals used for food and agriculture had gone extinct by 2016. Another 1,000 breeds of animals are currently threatened.
“Ecosystems, species, wild populations, local varieties and breeds of domesticated plants and animals are shrinking, deteriorating or vanishing. The essential, interconnected web of life on Earth is getting smaller and increasingly frayed,” said Settele, in a statement. “This loss is a direct result of human activity and constitutes a direct threat to human well-being in all regions of the world.”
The main causes of these changes to plant and animal life are increased usage of land and sea for cultivation and food production; exploitation of animal life for human industry; climate change; pollution; and inter-species competition with a foreign species.
“For decades we have been monitoring the increasing levels of anthropogenic carbon dioxide as it moves from the atmosphere into the abyssal ocean,” said Robert Key, a research oceanographer in atmospheric and oceanic sciences (AOS) at Princeton who is a co-author on the paper. “While expected, it is none the less remarkable that we can now document a direct influence of that process on carbonate sediments. It will be really interesting to see if we can further support this result with new data generated by autonomous floats in the Southern Ocean.”
“The rate at which CO2 is currently being emitted into the atmosphere is exceptionally high in Earth’s history,” he said, “faster than at any period since at least the extinction of the dinosaurs, and at a much faster rate than the natural mechanisms in the ocean can deal with, so it raises worries about the levels of ocean acidification in future.”
Ja volim pisati tvz. sprdačina/zaj*bancija stilom, ali vrlo dobro pratim što se zapravo događa i to vas možda malo zbuni, pa ne znate s kim imate posla. To što su vas zaslijepili šarenim lažima i staklenim perlicama nije moj problem, već isključivo vaš.
Ovo je vijest od jučer:
Brussels has given the green light for the EU to burn more coal over the next decade as it tries to end the use of Russian gas and oil. Coal is the most carbon-intensive fuel but the European Commission said the EU would use 5 per cent more than previously expected over the next five to 10 years as the bloc tries to replace Russian energy imports. More nuclear power would also be used, a senior commission official said, as the EU unveiled its plans to beef up its energy infrastructure and become less reliant on Moscow.
Kad si čekić, svaki problem ti izgleda kao čavao.
This isn’t a theoretical problem, it’s one which is having very real consequences. Analysis has shown that the most straightforward way to implement a phase-out of Russian gas is to boost clean energy investments beyond what the European Commission has proposed so far.