Dirty Bomb

poruka: 151
čitano: 45.583
moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb – Merc Role-Call (Nader, Bush...)

Dirty Bomb: Nader– Merc Role-Call


Dirty Bomb: Bushwhacker– Merc Role-Call

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 28.5.2015 8:06 (njezic).
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - SD Dev playing Dirty Bomb

SplashDamageLTD playing Dirty Bomb (Anti)! Nader is here!!! And we're giving away more keys. (23.4.2015.) 

>> http://www.twitch.tv/splashdamageltd/v/4293234


Join us every Monday & Wednesday for Splash Damage high jinx! (there will be mugs)


UTC/GMT: 17:00 - 21:00
EDT: 13:00 - 16:00
PST: 10:00 - 13:00


UTC/GMT: 17:00 - 21:00
EDT: 13:00 - 16:00
PST: 10:00 - 13:00



Možete online pitati developera sve šta vas zanima i iznjeti svoje primjedbe ili zapažanja. Isto tako možete igrati zajedno s njim na serveru.

Najbolji način da se upoznate s igrom, da vidite kako se optimalno igra s pojedinim likom i detektiraju određene bitne točke na mapama što se tiće objektiva i optimalnih mjesta za pozicioniranje tijekom igre.


Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 6.7.2015 8:26 (njezic).
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Dirty Cups - Test Cup #1

Dirty Cups Test Cup #1 Grand Finals! - dMon vs v586 - Map 1


Dirty Cups Test Cup #1 Grand Finals! - dMon vs v586 - Map 2



Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 6.7.2015 8:27 (njezic).
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13 godina

This weekend we are DOUBLING the XP and Credit earn rates!

More info here http://fal.cn/7vB


Alright, Mercs, its time to make some bank! There's loot to be won here, and this weekend's the time to do it!

Starting at 17:00 UTC on Friday, May 8th and ending at 17:00 UTC on Monday, May 11th, all matches in Dirty Bomb will reward an additional 100% XP and Credits.

Want to hit that next rank as you work towards Ranked Matchmaking? Trying to earn the credits to craft a Loadout card with a shinier skin or unlock one of our latest Mercs (or just saving up for the next one)? Whatever your goal in Dirty Bomb, there's a reason to take advantage.

Start Date:
17:00 UTC, Friday, May 8th
US Pacific: 10:00 AM PDT
London: 18:00 BST
Sydney: 3:00 AM AEST, May 9th

End Date:
17:00 UTC, Monday, May 11th
US Pacific: 10:00 AM PDT
London: 18:00 BST
Sydney: 3:00 AM AEST, May 12th

Event Details:
+100% XP Earn Rate
+100% Credits Earn Rate


  • The XP and Credit boost only applies to Match Rewards. Bonus Credits from ranking up and from completing Daily Missions are unaffected.
  • Additionally, XP earned from some micro-XP events (such as Battlesense) and badges may not be doubled.

    --Team Dirty Bomb--


One great Dirty bomb montage! 



Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 6.7.2015 8:27 (njezic).
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Merc Role-Call (Flelecher) - new merc

Merc Role-Call: Fletcher


Get an inside look at one of the mercenary classes of Dirty Bomb: Fletcher
>> http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/bwhys2/dirty-bomb-merc-role-call--fletcher


Fletcher– Dirty Bomb Merc Role-Call

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 28.5.2015 8:05 (njezic).
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13 godina
The Fletcher Update Patch Notes - 12/05/2015 v4562

The Fletcher Update Patch Notes - 12/05/2015 v45627

Welcome to the latest update to take centre stage in Dirty Bomb. Along with balance changes and a ton of squashed bugs, we also welcome some User Interface upgrades, ‘Chapel’ map updates, experience earn-rate tweaks and of course, our new Merc ‘Fletcher’ joins the crew.


STICKY BOMB!!! The bombs are in town and there is only one guy man enough to handle them. Fletcher, a stylish combat engineer, is hauling his collection of sticky bombs to London along with his detonator to bring the pain…and a whole load of explosions.

‘Quick Play’ Update

 We’ve spent a lot of time making tweaks to the ‘Quick Play’ function within the game. Now when you play, you will only be placed in servers with under a 100ms ping for better connectivity. Plus, we fixed an issue where it would try and match you into ‘Level Locked’ servers, so no more will you fail to connect for this reason. ‘Quick Play’ also takes the average skill-rating of the server into account when placing you to make for a much more balanced and enjoyable experience.

Ranked Play Level Cap

 Upon receiving a lot of feedback from players about Ranked Match Making, we decided to reduce the level cap from 7 to 6 to increase the player pool. This will help a lot when searching for a game and should increase the population of ranked play.

Asia Now in Matchmaking

 That’s right! Now when you want to go into a game, it is not just Europe, North America and Australia you can choose from, we have now added Asia into the Matchmaking system to give you a better and lag-free experience.


Full Breakdown

General Balance


•Reduced third person crouching animation speed to better match the first-person view changes
As well as providing more accurate feedback, this also goes a little way to counter the crouch-spam complaints players have been having

•Spending more time in the air (wall jumping) after a Long Jump, it now reduces the recovery time when landing as intended
This reverts a recent change that was introduced when optimising the movement system and should encourage a little more advanced movement

•Reduced collision box of all thrown Grenades so they more accurately fit the model
Grenades can now fit through smaller gaps and bounce of geometry more realistically, fixing a common frustration of many players

•Made C4 easier to disarm by increasing the range of the tools and the size of the C4 detection box
This is also improves the priority system when both Help-Up and Disarm are available options

•Increased the explosive damage required to insta-gib to 150 (from 120)
This is to reduce the occurrence of explosive insta-gibs, which will now only be awarded for point-blank hits with powerful explosives such as Frag Grenades


Experience System


•Increased the XP given for support actions and general ability usage
This is to balance out XP earn rates amongst the Mercs and also encourage more use of these abilities

•Significantly increased XP given for completing or reversing objectives
This is to better reward players who focus on objectives over combat, as they were previously being under represented

•Removed Battlesense XP awarding
The XP system is intended to be an obvious award and incentive for positive actions and Battlesense was too obscure and misunderstood to be fulfilling this function. With the above two changes, overall XP earning should remain about the same.





•Increased health to 110hp (from 100)
This is to help her better fulfill her role of clearing out defensive positions which often requires her to expose herself to incoming fire

•Reduced movement speed by ~2.5%
Matching / compensating for the slight increase in health

•Increased maximum Grenade Launcher Nade count to 5 (from 4) and reduced cooldown time per Nade to 7s (from 8)
These changes are to partially compensate for the two below, but also makes her a little more effective at clearing out defences

•Reduced velocity of grenade launcher projectiles by ~30%
Grenade Launcher 'Nades maintain a similar trajectory but now travel slower, giving victims a little more time to react

•Increased grenade launcher grenade fuse time to 1.7s (from 1.4s)
This is to compensate for the slower travel time, still giving them a similar overall range

•Martyrdom can no-longer be cancelled by gibbing Nader before it detonates
Previously Martyrdom became largely useless at close range and was not immediately obvious or easily explained

•Martyrdom detonation time increased to 0.9s (from 0.7s)
To give players a little more time to escape since they can no longer cancel it by gibbing Nader




•Frag Grenade throwing velocity reduced by ~25%
Frag Grenades maintain a similar trajectory but now travel slower, giving victims a little more time to react

•Added a team-coloured trail to Fragger's Grenades
This will make them easier to spot and also help players know where Fragger is throwing them from




•Heartbeat Sensors throwing velocity reduced by ~25%
This keeps all smaller thrown grenades at a consistent speed & trajectory, making them easier to learn




•Switching between movement states now has a greater impact on weapon spread, with slightly better rewards for crouching and greater penalties for jumping.
Jumping spam in combat has been an on-going issue we've wanted to resolve without making the game feel sluggish or unresponsive. This should make jumping and firing less effective while also giving a slight additional spread benefit to crouching and other states.

•Reduced sniper scope sway when moving
In recent updates scope sway was increased, but has now been dramatically reduced.


K-121 Machine Gun


•Increased minimum starting spread by ~10%
This is to reduce initial tap-fire and burst accuracy which is currently making this MG the most accurate auto in the game

•Added ammo-crates and bombsite markers to Overground Execution level
•Continued optimization work on Underground and Trainyard
•Rebuilt lighting and fixed numerous bugs on the Tutorial level
•Rebuilt lighting and audio-maps on all levels
•Secondary generator can no longer be cycled once the EV has reached the barricade on ‘Bridge’
•Redesigned first attackers spawn to fix spawn camping issue on Chapel

User Interface

•Improved ‘Play’ button flow
•Melee weapons no-longer count towards 'Favourite Weapon' in the front end, as everyone knows you run faster with the knife...
•Improved appearance of friends interface
•Added 'Objective Specialist' icon and text to appropriate Mercs in their Profile screens
•Reworded "Casual Match" to "Quick Play"
•Added Case count to the Loadouts tab
•Added deployable status indicators to the Ability HUD
•Added level progression to the front-end player avatar
•Disable play button when in lobby or matchmaking
•Adding shorter version of match start and end music for execution mode
•Improved FEL-IX Sniper Rifle audio and fixed some bugs
•Initial ambience pass on the Overground Execution level
•Added place-holder Commander VO lines to Overground
•Updated logic for team shuffle by public skill rating to give better matches
•Added support for shuffling teams as admin
•Updated daily missions involving XP to account for XP system changes


Notable Bug Fixes

•Fixed some issued with the Loadout Card Trade Up screen
•Fixed issue's regarding graphics settings not being correctly maintained between updates
•Fixed profile screen layout so it's consistent with other screens
•Fixed Help-Up audio not playing
•Fixed missing third-person reload sounds for Shotguns
•Fixed bug with numerical keys not functioning when a Vote was called
•Fixed auto-barks not playing when players were revived
•Fixed issue with projectiles dealing double damage on actors they have collided directly
•Fixed issue with cooldown being (unintentionally) lost when cancelling some abilities
•Fixed wrong audio attenuation settings for Airstrike, Artillery Strike and Frags
•Fixed lots of bugs regarding public skill rating and retrieval
•Fixed grenade not exploding if fully cooked in hand
•Fixed knife attack impact audio
•Fixed turrets being deployable through doors or thin walls
•Fixed player accepted sound not playing on matchmaking in frontend
•Fixed issue with returning carryables teleporting deployables
•Fixed Execution not displaying overtime text in overtime
•Fixed players being stuck on the friends screen when kicked from a party





Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 15.5.2015 8:38 (njezic).
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Gameplay

Dirty Bomb - Online multiplayer | Chapel | Defend Side | 28.04.2015. 

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 6.7.2015 8:28 (njezic).
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Dishing the Dirt #2

Dirty Bomb | Dishing the Dirt #2

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 6.7.2015 8:28 (njezic).
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - gameplay mix

Great mix again form this man <<ragnak>>

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 6.7.2015 8:29 (njezic).
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Open Beta - June 2nd!

Open Beta - June 2nd!



It’s finally time! On Tuesday, June 2nd, Dirty Bomb will enter Open Beta! No more access keys, no more buy-in, no more raffles, no more sign-ups; anyone in our service area that wants to play Dirty Bomb can download it through the Steam client and play for free!


t’s taken a long time to get here. Over the last few years, we at Splash Damage and Nexon have been working hard to make Dirty Bomb a shooter that rewards skill and coordination above all else. With five maps designed for the classic Objective style gameplay, a dozen unique mercs and more, Dirty Bomb is an FPS like none other.


And Open Beta is just the start of things. We have more features, more maps, new ways to play and, of course, plenty of new Mercs coming as Dirty Bomb’s Open Beta rolls on. Keep an eye on our Twitter feed, Facebook page and Twitch stream[www.twitch.tv] to stay up to date on everything to come to PC’s most fast-paced and difficult FPS!


-- Team Dirty Bomb --


Dirty Bomb: What is Dirty Bomb?

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 2.6.2015 7:22 (njezic).
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Dirty Bomb Merc Role-Call (Kira)

Kira - Dirty Bomb Merc Role-Call

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 16.6.2015 8:54 (njezic).
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Dirty Bomb Merc Role-Call (Rhino)

Rhino – Dirty Bomb Merc Role-Call

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 16.6.2015 8:54 (njezic).
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Live channels on Twitch
Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 1.6.2015 3:35 (njezic).
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10 godina
Dirty Bomb

Moze neko dat key

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13 godina
Re: Dirty Bomb

Sutra počinje Open Beta.Samo ćeš trebati skinuti preko steam-a.

13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Danas počinje open beta

Open beta starts today! ;)


***No more access keys, no more buy-in, no more raffles, no more sign-ups; anyone in our service area that wants to play Dirty Bomb can download it through the Steam client and play for free!




Live stream

Dirty Bomb and Splash Damage will be streaming Monday thru Thursday from 7pm – 9pm GMT


Tomorow 18:00 GMT - first Open Beta stream!!!




Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 2.6.2015 11:06 (njezic).
Moj PC  
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16 godina
Dirty Bomb

Yes yes, ovo je upravo prešlo u open betu i dostupna je svima prek steama. Ukratko, igra ima svojih fora oko mehanike, ali je jako vjerna duhu starih Splash Damage igrama kao Enemy Territory i Quake Wars i drži se nekih core principa sa naglaskom na Stopwatch game mod. Definitivno igra koja zahtjeva nešto više timske suradnje i nikako nije just another random FPS, ima tu i malo dubine u mehanici i teamplaya. Naravno da nije savršeno jšo sve, ipak je u beti, ali i u closed fazi je bilo dosta domaće ekipe po serverima tako da bi bilo zgodno probat i neki HR ili regionalni community okupit. Nas desetak uredno pegla već neko vrijeme pa se javite koji put za neki game.


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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - open beta info
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16 godina
Dirty Bomb

Ovo je neloš pregled stvari koje se nude:http://dirtybomb.nexon.net/news/2396/dirty-bomb-open-beta


also i Giveaway se pojavio već.

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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - kodovi za Mercove

HCL - Zaigrajte Dirty Bomb u open beti, dijelimo kodove za Mercove

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - New-Player Tips & Tricks!

7 New-Player Dirty Bomb Tips & Tricks!

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 6.7.2015 8:30 (njezic).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Dirty Bomb

Odigrao 3 sata sviđa mi se gameplay. U 3 sata uspio doc do 30k currency-a koji je potreban za neke druge merc-ove. U svakom slučaju ugodno iznenađenje. Imao sam problema s fps-om al koristeći ovaj config http://pastebin.com/9V7t6XRK# imam  od 60-120 fps-a. Ako ko ima volje za neki co op play slobodno se javite na steam   

Steam:Cakija_ST POE: cakija123
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 6.6.2015 15:01 (Cakija_ST).
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb

Kada stavim cfg i stavim da bude Read-only na ShooterEngine dobijem Fatal error!,jel zna neko kako to da rijesim.

Address = 0x4067ba   (filename not found) [in D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Dirty Bomb\Binaries\Win32\ShooterGame-Win32-Shipping.exe]
Address = 0xdf7800   (filename not found) [in D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Dirty Bomb\Binaries\Win32\ShooterGame-Win32-Shipping.exe] 



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 6.6.2015 20:31 (nubator).
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Croatia

Steam group "Dirty Bomb - Croatia"

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 1
15 godina
Dirty Bomb

Nikad čuo za igru, jučer počel - danas ovisnik!

StariGad_HR @battlefield StariGAD#2592 @ Diablo 3
Moj PC  
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16 godina
Dirty Bomb

CRO grupa u kojoj su svi osim Hrvata ?

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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - CRO grupa
Čux kaže...

CRO grupa u kojoj su svi osim Hrvata ?

Biti će ih, tek sam jučer otvorio grupu, a napravio sam odmah invite za sve svoje prijatelje sa steama koji u pravilu imaju ogroman broj sati u Brinku i polako se prebacuju na Dirty Bomb.

Ukratko, grupa je analogija grupi Brink - Croatia, koja je počela kao isključivo naša grupa, međutim mi imamo premalo igrača koje interesira takav tip igre pa sam je otvorio za sve i kasnije radio selekciju na one koji su aktivno igrali Brink.

Danas ta grupa ima 650 članova, 50-tak ih ima od 1000-3000h sati Brinka, a neki su nabili i 5000h sati! 

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 6.7.2015 8:39 (njezic).
13 godina
Dirty Bomb - Epic Kills Contest 2

Vidim da je na Nexon forumu u toku natjecanje za Epic Kills 2 Contest



Pa evo par zanimljivih uradaka od kojih su neki stvarno fascinantni...

Play Dirty | Dirty Bomb Montage by JPB | Epic Kills Contest 2


Born 2 Frag :: INF3RN0 :: Dirty Bomb


Guilte's Dirty Bomb Competitive Frag Movie


[Dirty Bomb] Fatality - Epic Kills 2 Contest 2015 entry  


This ain't the end // Dirty Bomb Montage


Dirty Bomb - Aura


Dirty Bomb Epic Kill Contest


Dirty Bomb Blitz: A Kills Montage


Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 17.6.2015 7:48 (njezic).
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb: Sparks – Merc Role-Call

Dirty Bomb: Sparks – Merc Role-Call <<Splash Damage>>

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 15.6.2015 23:55 (njezic).
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Dirty Bomb - E3 2015 full trailer

Dirty Bomb - E3 2015 full trailer

Steam profile --}} http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003793260
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 17.6.2015 7:47 (njezic).
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