Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francuskoj

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Ovo je tema za komentiranje sadržaja Bug.hr portala. U nastavku se nalaze komentari na "Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francuskoj".
7 godina
Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francuskoj

Zar nije on negdje prije u nekom intervju pričao kako je na nekom putovanju FBI htio podmiti jednog od njegovih programera da ubaci backdoor tj da u kod stavi ulaz Amerikancima da mogu gledati i raditi što žele u njohovoj aplikaciji.


Živimo u bolesnom svijetu.

23 1 hvala 8
14 godina
Re: Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francus
Ako nećeš milom, ide silom. Demokracija
15 godina
Re: Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francus
Mislis ako nece milom, ide demokracijom...
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 25.8.2024 18:02 (jocommb).
16 godina
Re: Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francus
Znao je za tjeralicu, nije tajna.
Da mu možda ruski FSB nije previše za petama, pa je u francuskom zatvoru našao safe haven?
4 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francuskoj

FSB vec vjerojatno ima pristup Telegramu. Durov je bio u Azerbaijanu u isto vrijeme kada i Putin te tko zna sta je tamo bilo, dovoljno je pogledati tko sada brani Durova, a za druge Ruse ih boli kuki. Te zasto bi uopce branili Durova i Telegram kada su htjeli blokirati Telegram par puta, znaci ima se neka korist.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 25.8.2024 19:40 (ivanzu).
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 1
6 godina
Re: Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francus
Hm, zar nije pobjegao (otišao) iz Rusije zato što su isto to htjeli od Telegrama kao i Francuzi, probijanje kriptiranja. Isto su mu Ruske vlasti prigovarale radi terorista koji chataju na Telegramu. Čisto sumnjam da Rusi imaju pristup, ali misliš možda je neka maskirka na djelu 🤔
9 godina
Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francuskoj



Ill just leave this here :)

“Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them.”
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
9 godina
Re: Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francus
NickChase kaže...

Zar nije on negdje prije u nekom intervju pričao kako je na nekom putovanju FBI htio podmiti jednog od njegovih programera da ubaci backdoor tj da u kod stavi ulaz Amerikancima da mogu gledati i raditi što žele u njohovoj aplikaciji.


Živimo u bolesnom svijetu.

I onda i dalje postoje ljudi koji smatraju da je X(Twitter) sad bez cenzure i da mozes objavljivat sta hoces bez posljedica 

“Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them.”
6 godina
Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francuskoj

“I just remembered that in 2018 a group of 26 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists, and others, condemned a Russian court's decision to block Telegram. The West made other similar statements.


They said all this because as of July 1, 2018, the Yarovaya Law began to operate in Russia requiring telecommunications operators to store records of telephone messages and Internet traffic of their clients for six months, as well as keys to decrypt users' correspondence and provide them to the FSB of Russia upon request. Thus, there were legislative questions for Telegram on this basis that many other countries also had in connection with the technical parameters of its encryption system.


All these Western NGOs called on the Russian government to stop questioning Telegram's work. They appealed to the UN, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the European Union, the United States, and other governments with a request to resist Russia's actions and to protect the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and privacy. In addition, they called on Internet companies to resist unfounded and illegal demands that violate the rights of their users. They demanded that the Russian government guarantee the rights of Internet users to publish and anonymously view information on websites emphasizing that any restrictions must be sanctioned by the courts and fully comply with the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights. At the same time, Durov remained free all this time [in Russia] continuing to develop Telegram.


I am publishing a screenshot of all the Western professional organizations that spoke out then including their collective appeal. Do you think they will appeal to Paris this time around and demand Durov's release, or will they swallow their tongues instead?

5 0 hvala 4
8 godina
Re: Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francus
encoding kaže...

“I just remembered that in 2018 a group of 26 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists, and others, condemned a Russian court's decision to block Telegram. The West made other similar statements.


Dobar pristup, istrazivacki, znatizeljno. Sada da je napraviti analizu ovih organizacija i tko su najveci financijeri, dosta stvari bi bilo jasnije :)

16 godina
Re: Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francus
Hazzard From da Hood kaže...



Ill just leave this here :)




We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
16 godina
Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francuskoj

Sad bi se vi dopisivali, a da političati ne znaju šta pišete. Pa ne može to tako.

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Re: Osnivač Telegrama Pavel Durov uhićen u Francus
jocommb kaže...
Mislis ako nece milom, ide demokracijom...

Ne uvijek, u Siriji je demokraciju pomela nekakva vrlo osebujna sila.




Baš šteta, kad vidiš kako fino i mirno danas žive ljudi u Iraku i Libiji itd.

AMD,........is that Epyc or what?
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