The Real World tečaji

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moderatori: DrNasty, pirat, Lazarus Long, XXX-Man, vincimus
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9 godina
The Real World tečaji

Pozdrav, evo ako ima zainteresiranih za zaradit novac na malo drugacij nacin od godina skolovanja i fakultetskih diploma. The Real World je "drustvena mreza" kontroverznog Andrewa Tatea koja pruza 18 nacina za zaradu (ogromnu zaradu, danas gledam, lik je u 24h zaradio preko $25000 preko affiliate marketing tecaja, nerealno je koliko ljudi zaradjuju). Sama skola kosta $50 mjesecno, i mozete prekinut kad god hocete ako vam se ne svidja, ali garantiram, da kad krenete, necete moc stat, pogotovo zato sto cete zaradit vise nego sto sam tecaj kosta, samo treba volje i rada ulozit. Tecaji su rasporedjeni po campusima (ja trenutno ucim affiliate marketing, copywriting i crypto tecaj) i u svakom campusu postoji nekoliko nacina za zaradu, trenutno meni donosi oko $300 mjesecno iz crypto campusa posto profesor govori kad da se sta kupi i/ili proda, a poceo sam u ozujku, znaci tecaj se sam otplacuje, i jos mi ostaje sa strane. Glavni cilj je, naravno, dat otkaz u firmi i potpuno se posvetit tome, to ocekujem do kraja ove godine. Profesori koji predaju su multimilijunasi, tako da, ako netko zna kako zaradit, to su oni. Ako ima zainteresiranih mozete sami pogledat i odlucit na ovom linku  U prilogu slika sa profitima u zadnja 24h jednog campusa.

19 mjeseci
The Real World tečaji

J**o te Tate. Ban.

9 godina
Re: The Real World tečaji

zbog cega? ako se rasprava svodi na medjusobne psovke, onda je sve jasno, daj neki argument

6 godina
The Real World tečaji



Here’s the truth.

Tate being cancelled only put fuel to the fire and he will say this publicly. It’s now a matter of him vs the world. Will you join him or will you not. Will you fight the power or stay on the sidelines. Stay in the matrix or get out.

It’s all quite genious marketing and you feel proud of yourself for going against the grain and giving this guy a chance.

Unfortunately once you enter there are no hyper intelligent like minded individuals. Only a bunch of kids and man children trying to hype themselves up.

In this scheme, Andrew Tate shows up on podcasts to bring in “students” After that he’s gone. He won’t show up on a live and he won’t teach anything. After that he gives the reins to a bunch of guys who don’t know. They do the bare minimum and tell you how to do things you may or may not already know. It’s that simple.

Again, theres no revolutionary information here. Nothing stated that’s outside of the Matrix lol. It’s all already known information. There’s nothing stated that would get him cancelled or put in jail because he doesnt want that. And I wouldnt that for him either. But just know its all marketing. No ones going to kill Tate. He says that to get to you. To make you believe things are bigger than you think they are.

Just as a bonus, Arno is extremly annoying. Here’s a few of his talking points. How to tell a good story. How to be positive. How to live in abundance. All very true but for those who are already well rounded individuals its silly childs play.

I don’t hate tate but I have lost a massive amount of respect for him.



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