AMD legacy 12.6 Multi GPU fix driveri

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17 godina
AMD legacy 12.6 Multi GPU fix driveri

Za sve vlasnike Radeona serije HD4000 i ranijih, posebno X2 kartica, radosne vijesti. Forumaš kevsamiga1974 ispravio je tzv "multi GPU clock bug" koji se manifestira u nemogućnosti da oba GPU-a u 2D modu rade na 2D taktu i naponu, već su "zaglavljeni" u 3D modu. Zbog toga temperature ionako vrućih X2 kartica nepotrebno rastu i dok ne koristimo 3D aplikacije.


Dotični bug "uveden" je s Catalyst 12.3 driverima i nije uklonjen ni u, za seriju HD4000 i ranije, finalnim 12.6 driverima, na čijim temeljima su nastali i ovi ispravljeni driveri. Slučajno sam danas naletio na thread, stvar je svježa, no čini se da je kevsaminga1974 odradio ono za što AMD očito nije mario.




Driveri su samo za x64 verziju Viste/7 i pri instalaciji prijavljuju da su nepotpisani. Isprobao sam ih, instalacija nešto duže traje, a po instalaciji installer javlja da je bilo pogrešaka - no nije. Nakon restarta po pokretanju se srušio "Windows desktop manager", no nakon još jednog restarta sve je u redu, taktovi i naponi su kakvi bi i trebali biti. Dalje još nisam stigao testirati.


Evo i FAQ:


12.6 Legacy Driver Reloaded

Windows Vista/Windows 7 x64


Q. What is this I have just downloaded ?

It's the last available legacy driver from AMD for HD2000-HD4000 series cards but without some bugs or a half assed install. Despite much tinkering and a worn out hard drive testing, I managed to pull it off.


Q. What ?

Well since Catalyst 12.3 the powerplay GPU clocks on multigpu cards such as the 4870x2 and 5970 (maybe 3870x2 too) got broken on the 2nd GPU. I have solved that problem and at the same time allow you to use the last available 12.6 driver for DX9/DX10.1 cards.

I have restored the crossfire performance for legacy cards which fell during the start of the 12.x series drivers. BC2 is now 60fps again. (4870x2) BC2 on 12.6 unmodified (same system) is 38FPS.

I have solved GPU assisted movie transcoding to work again which got broken since 11.10 (mediashow espresso, powerdirector, A's video converter)

I have solved the IE/Firefox 2D GPU html canvas problems that has affected the entire 12.x series on legacy cards with the exception of 12.6, but 12.6 by itself gives crappy crossfire performance on legacy cards. IE/firefox microsoft browser test drive speed reading test was a slideshow and didn't seem to be drawing using the GPU at all, but rather the CPU.

I have made all catalyst control centre item toggles all play nicely without getting stuck at enabled or disabled across boots (eg, HydraVisonDM running despite unselected) and game profiles are tested working as well. I think the missing tab problem is doesn't occur as well.

I have restored AVIVO which went missing in 12.6 legacy package, and didn't work on 12.1+, it installed, it just wasn't there in CCC.

I have restored ATI tray tools functionality that got removed around 12.2.

I have bundled everything so no need to hunt any extra packages, including Catalyst Application Profiles 12.7 CAP 3. One clean driver install of everything.

Old OpenGL games such as Cities in motion and polynomial work once more.

I have changed the branding to reflect legacy cards, and the branding in CCC.

I have changed version numbers to reflect the modifications.



You will get a requester about unsigned drivers which can be safely continued, I couldn't avoid this issue since I don't work for ATI to re-sign the modifications.

I am using these drivers myself....

These files contain nothing malicious, it is a driver repack done by me out of sheer frustration and trial and error for users of legacy cards.




A legend says that Chuck Norris was intended to be included as a wonder/unit in Civ4 but was removed due to a seemingly irreparable bug that allowed his creator to defeat UN in less than one turn.
Moj PC  
5 0 hvala 5
17 godina
AMD legacy 12.6 Multi GPU fix driveri

13.1 Reloaded driveri, u svjetlu izlaska novih 13.1 legacy drivera. Više o svemu čitajte na

A legend says that Chuck Norris was intended to be included as a wonder/unit in Civ4 but was removed due to a seemingly irreparable bug that allowed his creator to defeat UN in less than one turn.
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1 0 hvala 3
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