Insurgency Sandstorm

poruka: 173
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moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
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13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Tallahassee kaže...
...opet ti, pa iskaces iz pastete viseeee.... bog zna kolko sam igrao Insurgency, ono sto ima vise veze od onoga sto ti spominjes i jos uvjek veci playerbase od Sandstorma.... a htio sam da se ljudi zakace, ali nisu.... sve je krenulo sa pitanjem jel se isplati sandstorm ti provociras iz svinjskog crijeva pubgom....

 ni insurgency standalone (ajmo ga nzavat jedinica) nije imao velik playerbase. I dalje su izdavali nove mape,nocne mape,opcenito oruzja i content.
Tako da....


11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

...kucky odleprsaj u svoju arkadicu.... tamo si cajka.... razbijajte case i sarafite zarulje...

the pussification of todays youth cant handle metal of this magnitude
Moj PC  
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15 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Tallahassee kaže...

...kucky odleprsaj u svoju arkadicu.... tamo si cajka.... razbijajte case i sarafite zarulje...

  E moj Napalme.... 

13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Tallahassee kaže...

Bla bla

Jedini koji na forumu iskače iz paštete si ti. Ima te svugdjem i u glavnom ništa ne valja. 


Insurgency ima vrlo vjeran community i nikad nije problem naći servere. 



Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

koji lik hah.

nego vidio sam da predsjednik nwi-a je izjavio da ce u igru dodavati sve sto ce igraci htjeti, u smislu oruzja/opreme/mapa itd. besplatno

uplay: dr.levak | steam: lefty_cro | raptr: leftMD | origin: dr_levakkk | LoL (EUNE): dr levakkk
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
LeftY_CRO kaže...

koji lik hah.

nego vidio sam da predsjednik nwi-a je izjavio da ce u igru dodavati sve sto ce igraci htjeti, u smislu oruzja/opreme/mapa itd. besplatno

 i jEDINICA tak funkcionirala. brijem da bi sad odma naso server i gejm bez ikakvog problema,isto za Wargame a tamo ima cca 1000 igrača dnevno i to u peaku.
Al vidi vraga,DLC-i jos tu i tamo izadju,kao i pečevi...
Insurgency jedinica mi je najbolje potrosenih 15 eur na steamu ikad s obzirom na content koji je ekipa dodavala...

Tako da te žalopojke kako je igra mrtva/umire ne drze vodu. Uvijek ce imati playerbase.

14 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Decki mislim da je najbolje da odmah prestanete igrat. Kako vam uopce pada na pamet igrat igru koju ne igra bar 100k ljudi. Sramota, stidite se..

Eno atlas igra puno ljudi. Mora da je jebena igra!!!
------ Battlelog ~ UrbanFsk ------
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 4.1.2019 11:20 (Sale_ds).
Moj PC  
5 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Igra je toliko fun zanemarujuci bugove. I player base je malen ali jednako i odlican. Znaci nema fortnite klinaca i ostalih toxic igraca.

Igra sam je nekih 21h od kupnje, i to jucer jedno 6h. Ne sjecam se kad sam zadnji put imao maraton u nekoj igri. 

everyday i'm shuffling...
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
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0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Ide novi update:


chaton  Community Manager about 4 hours ago 

After the successful launch of Insurgency: Sandstorm last month and a busy period over the holiday season, our team would like to give you a brief update on where we are with the game's development and what fans can expect over the coming months.

After the last update on December 21st we gave our team a week off over Christmas and New Year’s to recover and spend some much needed time with family and friends. During this period, however, our community and design teams were spending a huge amount of time reading through hundreds of reviews and comments across Steam, Reddit, YouTube, news sites and more, gathering feedback and prioritising our year ahead.

After reviewing launch and reading your feedback it was clear that our first update needed to focus heavily on quality of life and community features, but also deliver additional content.

We hinted at some future plans in our The Insurgency Legacy Continues blog post back in December, and while we are not yet ready to discuss the full line up of changes for the February update, you can view some confirmed content and features below.


  • Five new weapons including the MP5A5 and MP5A2, which will be available for Security and Insurgent Breacher classes respectively.
  • A new Community Testing Environment right in your Steam Library for easier and more open testing of upcoming updates.
  • Competitive improvements including tiebreaker rounds, leaver penalties, and more.
  • Vote Kick for community servers and additional anti-harassment / griefing measures.
  • Clearer indications around restricted areas, game rules and spawn waves.
  • New cosmetics including Tropentarn camouflage, new gloves, and new eyewear.
  • Some other surprises you might not expect.

In addition to the above, performance and optimisation will continue to be a top priority for us. Players systems and setups vary greatly and it's important we gather as much information as possible. We encourage anybody who is having issues to submit information to our team via the performance discussion and support section of the forums to help us identify and resolve any issues.

We also received a lot of feedback about the in-game community and player behaviour. Our team will be working on various design changes, bug fixes, and other game-based solutions to address or mitigate these issues. However, some of these will require time for us to concept, implement and iterate upon. In the meantime, it is vital that the community aid us and our partners in finding and addressing issues.

As such we have published a new guide detailing the steps you should take if you encounter someone cheating, using game exploits, harassing/abusing players or otherwise griefing, as well as additional documentation regarding Easy Anti-Cheat.

  • Read more: Community Guidelines - Cheating, Exploits and Harassment.
  • Read more: Community Guidelines - Easy Anit-Cheat

Two recurring topics regarding in-game player behaviour were vote-kick and in-game reporting options. Our team take player behaviour very seriously and are committed to improving player experience. Some of the changes in the February update should take steps towards this, however, we would like to take this time to clarify our current stance on the above.

In our previous titles, votekicking itself was abused by some players as a means to harass, grief, and troll, so we’ve had some hesitation about adding it to Sandstorm. However, we’ve heard your feedback and we understand that when used responsibly this can be an effective tool in dealing with disruptive players. As such we’ve decided to add it as an option for community servers. We’ll continue to monitor community feedback on this and other systems and make changes accordingly.

We’ve also seen some requests to include an in-game reporting system to deal with these kinds of players. This is something we have discussed, however, creating and managing such a system with investigations and reviews of every reported player would put a great strain on our development and community management resources. Frankly, we’re unable to effectively monitor every single player’s behavior and support such a system. We would rather focus on creating good community tools and automated systems to deal with these kinds of issues and put our resources toward creating content and improving gameplay. That being said, an in-game reporting system is something we might explore in the future, targeted at the most disruptive players. For now, we ask that players follow Community Guidelines - Cheating, Exploits and Harassment.

As we’ve said before, launch is just the beginning for us. We have a huge amount of post-release content planned for Insurgency: Sandstorm, and are excited to bring the game to consoles this year and to explore additional platforms in the future. We will be sharing a lot more news over the coming weeks, so be sure to subscribe to the NWI newsletter, bookmark our blog and follow @InsurgencyGame across social media to stay up to date with all our announcements.

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 17.1.2019 22:59 (Soldier977).
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13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
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13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
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2 0 hvala 1
13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm

ma nevalja to ništa,nema to playerbase-a...



12 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Soldier977 kaže...

Ide novi update:


chaton  Community Manager about 4 hours ago 

After the successful launch of Insurgency: Sandstorm last month and a busy period over the holiday season, our team would like to give you a brief update on where we are with the game's development and what fans can expect over the coming months.

After the last update on December 21st we gave our team a week off over Christmas and New Year’s to recover and spend some much needed time with family and friends. During this period, however, our community and design teams were spending a huge amount of time reading through hundreds of reviews and comments across Steam, Reddit, YouTube, news sites and more, gathering feedback and prioritising our year ahead.

After reviewing launch and reading your feedback it was clear that our first update needed to focus heavily on quality of life and community features, but also deliver additional content.

We hinted at some future plans in our The Insurgency Legacy Continues blog post back in December, and while we are not yet ready to discuss the full line up of changes for the February update, you can view some confirmed content and features below.


  • Five new weapons including the MP5A5 and MP5A2, which will be available for Security and Insurgent Breacher classes respectively.
  • A new Community Testing Environment right in your Steam Library for easier and more open testing of upcoming updates.
  • Competitive improvements including tiebreaker rounds, leaver penalties, and more.
  • Vote Kick for community servers and additional anti-harassment / griefing measures.
  • Clearer indications around restricted areas, game rules and spawn waves.
  • New cosmetics including Tropentarn camouflage, new gloves, and new eyewear.
  • Some other surprises you might not expect.

In addition to the above, performance and optimisation will continue to be a top priority for us. Players systems and setups vary greatly and it's important we gather as much information as possible. We encourage anybody who is having issues to submit information to our team via the performance discussion and support section of the forums to help us identify and resolve any issues.

We also received a lot of feedback about the in-game community and player behaviour. Our team will be working on various design changes, bug fixes, and other game-based solutions to address or mitigate these issues. However, some of these will require time for us to concept, implement and iterate upon. In the meantime, it is vital that the community aid us and our partners in finding and addressing issues.

As such we have published a new guide detailing the steps you should take if you encounter someone cheating, using game exploits, harassing/abusing players or otherwise griefing, as well as additional documentation regarding Easy Anti-Cheat.

  • Read more: Community Guidelines - Cheating, Exploits and Harassment.
  • Read more: Community Guidelines - Easy Anit-Cheat

Two recurring topics regarding in-game player behaviour were vote-kick and in-game reporting options. Our team take player behaviour very seriously and are committed to improving player experience. Some of the changes in the February update should take steps towards this, however, we would like to take this time to clarify our current stance on the above.

In our previous titles, votekicking itself was abused by some players as a means to harass, grief, and troll, so we’ve had some hesitation about adding it to Sandstorm. However, we’ve heard your feedback and we understand that when used responsibly this can be an effective tool in dealing with disruptive players. As such we’ve decided to add it as an option for community servers. We’ll continue to monitor community feedback on this and other systems and make changes accordingly.

We’ve also seen some requests to include an in-game reporting system to deal with these kinds of players. This is something we have discussed, however, creating and managing such a system with investigations and reviews of every reported player would put a great strain on our development and community management resources. Frankly, we’re unable to effectively monitor every single player’s behavior and support such a system. We would rather focus on creating good community tools and automated systems to deal with these kinds of issues and put our resources toward creating content and improving gameplay. That being said, an in-game reporting system is something we might explore in the future, targeted at the most disruptive players. For now, we ask that players follow Community Guidelines - Cheating, Exploits and Harassment.

As we’ve said before, launch is just the beginning for us. We have a huge amount of post-release content planned for Insurgency: Sandstorm, and are excited to bring the game to consoles this year and to explore additional platforms in the future. We will be sharing a lot more news over the coming weeks, so be sure to subscribe to the NWI newsletter, bookmark our blog and follow @InsurgencyGame across social media to stay up to date with all our announcements.

 da li je update aktivan ili je ovo samo najava?

13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm

ti piše lijepo February update

13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Rocinante2112 kaže...

ma nevalja to ništa,nema to playerbase-a...



 Zadnjih mjesec dana igran samo Insurgency - doduše nije to neko vrijeme puno, nego onako satak na večer, i guštam maksimalno. Igra je fantastična, čak i bolja od jedinice. 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
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15 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Soldier977 kaže...

 šta ti je sa zvukom opet? Neki čudni efekt, kao da imaš virtualizaciju upaljenu.

11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Nazalost meni igra radi lose. Fpsi su uglavnom tu oko 60, ali izvedba je jako losa, trzucka jako, screen tearing, padovi fpsa. Kada jos pridodamo jako lose animacije i sjeckavo trcanje modela vojnika - za jedan Fps je neigrivo.


Veliki sam fan jedinice u kojoj sam proveo skoro 500 sati igre, dok ovo gasim nakon 20 min kod svakog pokusaja da se navucem. Bilo je tijekom bete razdoblja kada je igra radila fluidno kratko vrijeme i onda se novim updejtom vratilo na staro.


Zbilja neznam dali je to do mog kompa - mozda procesor Ryzen nije optimiziran, dok bi 1070 trebala biti ok... No svakako znam da nisam jedini sa ovakvim prigovorima.

Jako me cudi sto dosta ljudi hvali igru a da nemaju ovakvih problema.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Jack Sparrow kaže...
Soldier977 kaže...

 šta ti je sa zvukom opet? Neki čudni efekt, kao da imaš virtualizaciju upaljenu.

 Nakon ovog videa sam našao grešku. Na kontrolama xonar audio bio mi mix upaljen za mic umjesto line in. 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 25.1.2019 23:01 (Soldier977).
16 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Haremzg kaže...

Nazalost meni igra radi lose. Fpsi su uglavnom tu oko 60, ali izvedba je jako losa, trzucka jako, screen tearing, padovi fpsa. Kada jos pridodamo jako lose animacije i sjeckavo trcanje modela vojnika - za jedan Fps je neigrivo.


Veliki sam fan jedinice u kojoj sam proveo skoro 500 sati igre, dok ovo gasim nakon 20 min kod svakog pokusaja da se navucem. Bilo je tijekom bete razdoblja kada je igra radila fluidno kratko vrijeme i onda se novim updejtom vratilo na staro.


Zbilja neznam dali je to do mog kompa - mozda procesor Ryzen nije optimiziran, dok bi 1070 trebala biti ok... No svakako znam da nisam jedini sa ovakvim prigovorima.

Jako me cudi sto dosta ljudi hvali igru a da nemaju ovakvih problema.

 Imam i ja identićne probleme probao sam i na 1080p i na 1440p na svim postavkama i uvijek isti problemi screen tearing, padovi fpsa.

11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

da, bilo koje postavke uvijek isto. Svakih tjedana dana upalim igru i probam joj dat priliku, isprobavam sve moguce opcije, i onda dode situacija kada vidim protivnika na 10 metara, ispucam u njega rafal i zbog losih performansi i pada fpsa i ostalog ga ispromasujem i poginem - rage quit.


Insurgency jedinica je milina, i jos uvijek jedan od najboljih Fps gameplaya i osjecaja za pucanje, kretnju itd.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Jako cudno je to, moja GTX970 i i5 7600 zavrtu na 90fps na high postavkama. Dosta ovisi o mapi i generalno akciji, smoke zna dropat fps nekad eksplozije itd, mada u prosjeku sve to varira od 60 do 100 fps. Vi imate bolje masine to bi trebalo ic bolje, pogledajte po steam forumu ili redditu malo, mozda je netko otkrio u cemu je problem.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Patch 1.1.1 Released

7 MAR @ 1:38AM
Hi everyone,

Today we released patch 1.1.1 which includes numerous bug fixes and improvements based on the feedback from last week's content update. The full changelog can be found below.

Our team had planned to start working on new features straight after the February content update. However, after reading community feedback, we have decided to dedicate the entirety of March to resolving ongoing issues and making performance improvements before moving onto any new features.

Developers not directly involved with these tasks will still continue to work on new art and level content where possible. Major code-related features will be in the works a little bit longer due to this re-prioritization. Bug fixes and optimization will be the top priority for our team, until we are happy the game is in a more polished state.

  • Fixed a potential crash when cancelling matchmaking search before receiving the first server response.
  • Fixed a crash triggered by interacting with a weapon pickup and firing an RPG at the same time.
  • Fixed a startup crash.

  • Increased amount of item and cosmetic assets cached in memory during load. This reduces streaming during gameplay.
  • Improved audio bank loading to optimize memory usage, allowing all item banks to be kept in memory. This reduces streaming during gameplay.
  • Increased audio compression for the following audio assets:
    • All character voice over.
    • All physics interactions. 
    • All character movement.
  • Prevented all player character VO from streaming. It is now loaded into memory. 
  • Fixed ragdoll lighting so its attachments are not lit as a group. This should improve ragdoll performance on higher settings.
  • Disabled logging to disk.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s first person hands and dead body could become invisible during gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue where players could be temporarily banned from competitive matches even if they re-joined within the required time limit. 
  • Fixed an issue where hands could also become invisible after respawning when having died in a vehicle. 
  • Fixed an issue where weapons fired in semi-auto would sometimes miss mouse clicks. This will make semi-auto firing much more reliable, especially with higher pings.
  • Fixed armor not mitigating explosive damage.
  • Reduced instances of gunshot audio playing but no bullet firing during full auto mag dumps when fired with high ping. 
  • Fixed an issue where characters at further distances would appear not to be aiming in the correct direction.
  • Fixed certain circumstances where players could appear desync’d for other players. 
  • Fixed an issue with doors becoming desync’d for certain players.
  • Fixed an issue with the 2x Holographic sight showing the holographic material when in ADS and using normal quality scopes.
  • Fixed an issue where normal scope quality materials did not swap correctly. 
  • Fixed an issue where the normal scope clip mask would not map to the correct screen coordinates, causing parts of the weapon to be invisible.
  • Fixed an issue where certain weapons could spawn attachments which they were not compatible with. 
  • Fixed an issue where VoIP from specific users were duplicated. 
  • Fixed an issue with the MG3 and M240B first person aim down sight deploy transitions.
  • Fixed an issue with camo materials for Security torso items. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could equip or draw rocket launchers inside of vehicles. 
  • Fixed an issue where aiming down sights could become broken when spawning and resupplying in both Local Game and Range.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons could appear broken when spawning and resupplying in both local game and the firing range.
  • Fixed an issue where arms could appear broken if entering a vehicle while in a grenade throw pose. 
  • Fixed an issue where no muzzle flash particle was assigned to the MP5A5 suppressor.
  • Fixed MP5A5 getting Compensator recoil reductions when equipping the Suppressor. 
  • Fixed an issue where the ceiling fan prop would disappear when broken. 
  • Fixed an issue where first person tattoos were rendering the third person tattoo. 
  • Fixed an issue with the M240B Extended Magazine box mount not showing up consistently.
  • Fixed an issue where ragdolls would T-pose when killed in a vehicle. 
  • Fixed an issue where ragdolls in a vehicle wouldn’t be removed when a vehicle despawns. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Bomber Drones could dive incorrectly and fly under the map.
  • Fixed an issue where the hand position for some rifles appeared broken in the Loadout menu. 
  • Fixed one-handed base animations for standing movement.
  • Fixed knife-related animations.
  • Fixed lean animation issues.
  • Fixed a bug where bots could equip a legacy hairstyle no longer available ingame. 
  • Fixed an issue where bots could be seen spawning in the air or in the ceilings of buildings.
  • Fixed an issue with the Scoreboard not showing correctly during replays. 
  • Fixed an issue with the map cycle on community servers not selecting levels properly if blank lines or leading spaces were left in the mapcycle text document.

User Experience
  • Created a fallback cosmetics system to ensure that other players do not appear in half-loaded states during slow-loading situations. Please note this only applies to other players and is currently not utilized in spectator. 
  • Updated the competitive leaver penalty to mark players as leavers if they do not rejoin within 120 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
  • Added ingame chat message for leaver penalty to indicate when it's safe to leave a match after another player has left the match.

  • Added Extended Magazine upgrade to the MP5A2 for Security Coop. 
  • Melee damage is no longer reduced when hitting armor.

Map Balance & Fixes
  • Hideout
    • Fixed an exploit near objective D on Checkpoint Security where a player could hide inside a rock. 
    • Tweaked exposure to make it less dark while looking at a bright light source.
  • Farmhouse
    • Addressed spawn camp issue at objective A Insurgent spawn on Push Security.
    • Fixed an exploit where players could go on top of the farmhouse building.
    • Fixed an exploit where players could leave the playable area.
    • Fixed an exploit near objective B on Push Security.
    • Tweaked exposure to make it less dark while looking at a bright light source.
  • Refinery
    • Reduced landscape layer usage to improve performance.
    • Reorganized various HLOD clusters to improve performance.
    • Fixed an exploit near objective B on Push Security.
  • Precinct
    • Addressed spawn camp issue at objective A Insurgent spawn on Push Insurgents.
    • Tweaked restricted area at objective A Insurgent spawn to address potential spawn camp issue.
    • Addressed spawn camp issue at objective C Insurgent spawn on Push Security.
    • Addressed spawn camp issue at objective D Insurgent spawn on Push Security.
    • Fixed various minor exploits.
  • Summit
    • Added potential fix for stuck player issue near A objective on Push Insurgents.
    • Tweaked exposure to make it less dark while looking at a bright light source.
    • Fixed various minor exploits.
  • Crossing
    • Fixed restricted area at objective A Insurgent spawn on Push Insurgents.
    • Addressed spawn camp issue at Security spawn on Skirmish.
    • Addressed spawn camp issue at objective C Security spawn on Push Insurgents.
    • Tweaked exposure to make it less dark while looking at a bright light source.
Known Issues
  • Looking down while kicking a door may show the top of the leg mesh.
  • Insertion drivers might not always show for all clients.
  • Certain unicode steam names might show as [Player Name] on the loading screen
Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm
Patch 1.1.4 Released
Insurgency: Sandstorm - New World
Hi everyone,

Today we are releasing our next patch: Patch 1.1.4. Our team has been focused the last two weeks on optimization and bug fixes based on your feedback. Today's patch includes fixes for jittering scopes, incorrect restricted areas on the Tactical Map, improvements to our AI’s vision cone/perception logic, and much more.

More changes are in the pipeline and coming soon, including broader optimization improvements and new server browser features. Bug fixing and optimization are still our top priority for the next few weeks. Later on however, we are planning to add new content including a new map, two new weapons, and a new official game mode. While we can’t reveal specific dates or info, we can say we will be releasing more details in the coming weeks.

We’d also like to say we’ve decided to take a community-first approach to Sandstorm’s post-release content development. We will soon be polling the community to identify on which areas, features, and content players feel our team should focus. As always, we will continue scouring the forums and monitoring social media for community feedback. All of these channels of community to dev communication are of course still important and taken into account. We encourage players to continue provide constructive feedback for our team by following our community posting guidelines.

See our changelist summary below:

  • Decreased memory usage of various animation sequences.
  • Optimized animation blueprint sequence usage.
  • Optimized HDD read times with .pak file ordering.
  • Extended blueprint nativization to additional assets.
  • Fixed potential hitches introduced by Scoreboard background logic changes.
  • Optimized AI logic, reducing game thread usage by 15%
  • Disabled wind shader and blood pool spreading effects on low effect quality.
  • Optimized fire barrel particle LOD distances.

  • Fixed a startup crash that was reported by some players.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where restricted areas were not being displayed correctly on the Scoreboard and Tactical Map.
  • Fixed an issue with Binds menu under Settings where cancelling a key assignment from a conflict would show the new key being bound anyway, even though it didn't actually change.
  • Fixed an issue where scopes would jitter while idle.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicles could despawn after 2 minutes even if they had not been entered yet.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would immediately throw an equipped grenade if they opened the Comms Menu. 
  • Fixed an issue where looking up and shooting would allow you to bipod inside a wall.
  • Fixed an issue where you could pick up a third rocket from Supply Crates.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons with initial trigger delays, such as LMGs, could occasionally continue playing their weapon audio even if the weapon was no longer firing. 
  • Fixed an issue where translucent geometry could be shown with jittering artifacts. 
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong weapon would sometimes be highlighted when switching weapons rapidly.
  • Fixed an issue where the third person character legs could appear as “locking” at the knee joint if the player was looking down while moving.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could occasionally be permanently flagged as being within a spawn zone.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible for the player to obtain infinite magazines by continuing to Scavenge them in Local Play.
  • Fixed an issue with Eyewear cosmetics when wearing the Covered Hair option. 
  • Fixed an issue where a player would sometimes see a floating cube in Local Play when putting on a Gas Mask.
  • Fixed an issue where voice over would continue to play even if the player had been shot in the head.
  • Fixed an issue where camera movement from weapon idle animations could play in vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s Gas Mask could be visually replaced by their weapon. 
  • Fixed an issue with the Gas Mask animation not playing when spectating.
  • Fixed an issue where scopes on the G36K would clip with the camera when using Aim Down Sights with a grenade launcher attached.
  • Fixed an issue where scopes on AKs would clip with the camera when using Aim Down Sights with a grenade launcher attached.
  • Fixed an issue where the Browning HP Extended Magazine upgrade could be visible during speed reloads. 
  • Fixed an issue with missing first person animations for the Browning HP’s extended magazines.
  • Fixed an issue where blood pool spreading would not occur properly in some instances.
  • Fixed an issue where crawling in certain directions with a grenade or pistol equipped could cause strange wrist rotations.
  • Fixed an issue where Heavy Armor groin plates could clip with the player in the Loadout menu. 
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s feet could clip into the bed of the Checkpoint Security transport truck while seated.
  • Fixed an issue where decals were not always being cleared from dismembered limbs.
  • Fixed an issue with the blood pool spreading and scaling effect. 
  • Fixed an issue where ammo was not showing during the first person Makarov reloads.
  • Fixed an issue where AI enemies would use fallback cosmetic outfits if they changed class while still alive.
  • Fixed an issue with LMGs using the incorrect third person empty reload animation.
  • Fixed an issue where the Gas Mask could clip with the player’s camera when dying while wearing it. 
  • Fixed an issue where a radial menu (Comms, Fire Support) could remain visible if open when the player was killed.
  • Fixed an animation weighting issue with third person MG3 and M240B lids during reloads.
  • Fixed an issue where the insertion truck driver and suicide bomber AI could occasionally be seen with duplicated cosmetics.
  • Fixed an issue where Insurgents planting an explosive on a weapon cache would not show the proper IED model in third person.
  • Fixed clipping issues with beards and certain Head options.
  • Fixed clipping issues with Combat Goggles Eyewear option. 
  • Fixed clipping issues with Three Hole Facewear option. 
  • Fixed clipping issues issue with the Patrol Headgear option. 
  • Fixed clipping issues issue with various T-shirt cosmetics. 
  • Fixed clipping issues with the Track Top Torso.

User Experience
  • Motion blur is now its own dedicated setting and is no longer influenced by the player’s chosen quality preset.
  • To help improve the spectator/replay experience, switching from free roam to first person will now attempt to go back to the player you were previously watching.

Visual Improvements
  • Added new flailing death animation for ragdolls. Shooting a flailing ragdoll in a vital organ will stop it from flailing and is seen as a humane act appreciated by most nearby players.
  • Improved the blood puddle decal.
  • Decreased blood pool sizes.
  • Made improvements to prone transition animations. 
  • Added dedicated third person reloads for the MP5A2 and MP5A5.
  • Added new animations for drawing and holstering pistols while prone.
  • Decreased size of the Insurgent Heavy Carrier backpack slightly. 
  • Added chin straps to the Bump Headgear option. 
  • Improved animations for characters with weapons equipped in vehicles.

  • AI
    • Reduced AI vision cone from 180 degrees to 124 degrees to better match human vision.
    • AI can no longer hear footsteps from players who are prone or crouched.
    • Reworked AI’s “Investigation” logic. They should now search an area more extensively and for longer.
    • Fixed AI ignoring molotovs or burning cars as a dangerous area if someone has died there recently.
    • Set AI hearing distances to match that of a player’s. AI can now hear a player’s running footsteps from 20 meters and sprinting footsteps from 35 meters.
    • Helicopter gunners can now see players seated inside vehicles.
  • Voice Over
    • Added suppression voice over triggered specifically by suppression from Fire Support.
    • Reduced minimum suppression requirement for explosion and Fire Support lines.
    • When getting a tinnitus effect from an explosion, a player’s suppression level will increase to 75%. This was previously set to 35%.
  • Improved hitboxes for the Insurgent Heavy Armor groin plate.

Map Balance & Fixes
  • Crossing
    • Fixed an issue where players could enter objective A’s capture zone outside the intended area on Push Security.
    • Fixed a spot within the objective A capture zone on Push Security where the player would stop capturing.
    • Fixed a spawn camping issue at Security objective B spawn on Push Security.
    • Fixed an issue where Security could destroy Insurgent weapon cache objective from too long of a distance on Skirmish.
  • Summit
    • Tweaked HLOD clusters at market area to improve performance.
    • Fixed a spawn camping issue at Insurgent spawn on Firefight East. 
    • Added extra cover for Security leading to objective A on Push Security.
    • Expanded restricted area slightly for Insurgent objective A spawn on Push Security.
    • Fixed spawn camping issue at Insurgent objective B spawn on Push Insurgents.
    • Fixed an issue near objective D on Checkpoint Security where a player could get stuck vaulting inside of a rock like some kind of rock morphing person.
    • Fixed an issue where a player could get stuck after vaulting over a table near objective E on Push Security.
    • Fixed an issue where shutters would vanish at long distances and expose players inside objective B on Firefight West. Some details in the environment vanish or “cull” when not seen for optimization purposes, but the culling for these shutters was previously too aggressive.
  • Hideout
    • Reduced terrain layer usage to improve performance.
    • Fixed a spawn issue where players would sometimes spawn on top of each other at Insurgent objective A spawn on Push Insurgents.
    • Fixed an issue where Insurgents could destroy the final weapon cache objective from too long of a distance on Push Security.
Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Free Weekend On Steam  tko nije probao sad je pravo vrijeme....

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 18.6.2019 9:37 (Cakija_ST).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Jučer je došao patch sa hrpom fixeva, novom starom mapom Ministry iz prvog Insurgencya i sdva nova oružja od kojih je jedno naša puška VHS-2!!

0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Igrao sam Betu prošlo ljeto, ali napravio sam refund zbog očanih performansi.


Sada sam igrao free vikend i natukao 12 sati i kupio. Sjajan posao su napravili i još rade. Sjajni devovi.

Koristite blage riječi i jake argumente
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

..... glavno da sam ja bio babaroga .... ALI steta, da, steta da je ovako ispalo.....

the pussification of todays youth cant handle metal of this magnitude
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 30.9.2019 15:31 (Tallahassee).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Tallahassee kaže...

..... glavno da sam ja bio babaroga .... ALI steta, da, steta da je ovako ispalo..... gospon Sparrow??????......

 Ali realno, ovo je neka normala za ovakav naslov. Oko 2000 aktivnih igrača je ok, uvijek se brzo nađe game.


Evo igara istog/sličnog žanra za usporedbu.

Koristite blage riječi i jake argumente
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