ni insurgency standalone (ajmo ga nzavat jedinica) nije imao velik playerbase. I dalje su izdavali nove mape,nocne mape,opcenito oruzja i content.
Tako da....
ni insurgency standalone (ajmo ga nzavat jedinica) nije imao velik playerbase. I dalje su izdavali nove mape,nocne mape,opcenito oruzja i content.
Tako da....
...kucky odleprsaj u svoju arkadicu.... tamo si cajka.... razbijajte case i sarafite zarulje...
E moj Napalme....
Bla bla
Jedini koji na forumu iskače iz paštete si ti. Ima te svugdjem i u glavnom ništa ne valja.
Insurgency ima vrlo vjeran community i nikad nije problem naći servere.
koji lik hah.
nego vidio sam da predsjednik nwi-a je izjavio da ce u igru dodavati sve sto ce igraci htjeti, u smislu oruzja/opreme/mapa itd. besplatno
koji lik hah.
nego vidio sam da predsjednik nwi-a je izjavio da ce u igru dodavati sve sto ce igraci htjeti, u smislu oruzja/opreme/mapa itd. besplatno
i jEDINICA tak funkcionirala. brijem da bi sad odma naso server i gejm bez ikakvog problema,isto za Wargame a tamo ima cca 1000 igrača dnevno i to u peaku.
Al vidi vraga,DLC-i jos tu i tamo izadju,kao i pečevi...
Insurgency jedinica mi je najbolje potrosenih 15 eur na steamu ikad s obzirom na content koji je ekipa dodavala...
Tako da te žalopojke kako je igra mrtva/umire ne drze vodu. Uvijek ce imati playerbase.
Igra je toliko fun zanemarujuci bugove. I player base je malen ali jednako i odlican. Znaci nema fortnite klinaca i ostalih toxic igraca.
Igra sam je nekih 21h od kupnje, i to jucer jedno 6h. Ne sjecam se kad sam zadnji put imao maraton u nekoj igri.
Ide novi update:
After the successful launch of Insurgency: Sandstorm last month and a busy period over the holiday season, our team would like to give you a brief update on where we are with the game's development and what fans can expect over the coming months.
After the last update on December 21st we gave our team a week off over Christmas and New Year’s to recover and spend some much needed time with family and friends. During this period, however, our community and design teams were spending a huge amount of time reading through hundreds of reviews and comments across Steam, Reddit, YouTube, news sites and more, gathering feedback and prioritising our year ahead.
After reviewing launch and reading your feedback it was clear that our first update needed to focus heavily on quality of life and community features, but also deliver additional content.
We hinted at some future plans in our The Insurgency Legacy Continues blog post back in December, and while we are not yet ready to discuss the full line up of changes for the February update, you can view some confirmed content and features below.
In addition to the above, performance and optimisation will continue to be a top priority for us. Players systems and setups vary greatly and it's important we gather as much information as possible. We encourage anybody who is having issues to submit information to our team via the performance discussion and support section of the forums to help us identify and resolve any issues.
We also received a lot of feedback about the in-game community and player behaviour. Our team will be working on various design changes, bug fixes, and other game-based solutions to address or mitigate these issues. However, some of these will require time for us to concept, implement and iterate upon. In the meantime, it is vital that the community aid us and our partners in finding and addressing issues.
As such we have published a new guide detailing the steps you should take if you encounter someone cheating, using game exploits, harassing/abusing players or otherwise griefing, as well as additional documentation regarding Easy Anti-Cheat.
Two recurring topics regarding in-game player behaviour were vote-kick and in-game reporting options. Our team take player behaviour very seriously and are committed to improving player experience. Some of the changes in the February update should take steps towards this, however, we would like to take this time to clarify our current stance on the above.
In our previous titles, votekicking itself was abused by some players as a means to harass, grief, and troll, so we’ve had some hesitation about adding it to Sandstorm. However, we’ve heard your feedback and we understand that when used responsibly this can be an effective tool in dealing with disruptive players. As such we’ve decided to add it as an option for community servers. We’ll continue to monitor community feedback on this and other systems and make changes accordingly.
We’ve also seen some requests to include an in-game reporting system to deal with these kinds of players. This is something we have discussed, however, creating and managing such a system with investigations and reviews of every reported player would put a great strain on our development and community management resources. Frankly, we’re unable to effectively monitor every single player’s behavior and support such a system. We would rather focus on creating good community tools and automated systems to deal with these kinds of issues and put our resources toward creating content and improving gameplay. That being said, an in-game reporting system is something we might explore in the future, targeted at the most disruptive players. For now, we ask that players follow Community Guidelines - Cheating, Exploits and Harassment.
As we’ve said before, launch is just the beginning for us. We have a huge amount of post-release content planned for Insurgency: Sandstorm, and are excited to bring the game to consoles this year and to explore additional platforms in the future. We will be sharing a lot more news over the coming weeks, so be sure to subscribe to the NWI newsletter, bookmark our blog and follow @InsurgencyGame across social media to stay up to date with all our announcements.
ma nevalja to ništa,nema to playerbase-a...
Ide novi update:
After the successful launch of Insurgency: Sandstorm last month and a busy period over the holiday season, our team would like to give you a brief update on where we are with the game's development and what fans can expect over the coming months.
After the last update on December 21st we gave our team a week off over Christmas and New Year’s to recover and spend some much needed time with family and friends. During this period, however, our community and design teams were spending a huge amount of time reading through hundreds of reviews and comments across Steam, Reddit, YouTube, news sites and more, gathering feedback and prioritising our year ahead.
After reviewing launch and reading your feedback it was clear that our first update needed to focus heavily on quality of life and community features, but also deliver additional content.
We hinted at some future plans in our The Insurgency Legacy Continues blog post back in December, and while we are not yet ready to discuss the full line up of changes for the February update, you can view some confirmed content and features below.
In addition to the above, performance and optimisation will continue to be a top priority for us. Players systems and setups vary greatly and it's important we gather as much information as possible. We encourage anybody who is having issues to submit information to our team via the performance discussion and support section of the forums to help us identify and resolve any issues.
We also received a lot of feedback about the in-game community and player behaviour. Our team will be working on various design changes, bug fixes, and other game-based solutions to address or mitigate these issues. However, some of these will require time for us to concept, implement and iterate upon. In the meantime, it is vital that the community aid us and our partners in finding and addressing issues.
As such we have published a new guide detailing the steps you should take if you encounter someone cheating, using game exploits, harassing/abusing players or otherwise griefing, as well as additional documentation regarding Easy Anti-Cheat.
Two recurring topics regarding in-game player behaviour were vote-kick and in-game reporting options. Our team take player behaviour very seriously and are committed to improving player experience. Some of the changes in the February update should take steps towards this, however, we would like to take this time to clarify our current stance on the above.
In our previous titles, votekicking itself was abused by some players as a means to harass, grief, and troll, so we’ve had some hesitation about adding it to Sandstorm. However, we’ve heard your feedback and we understand that when used responsibly this can be an effective tool in dealing with disruptive players. As such we’ve decided to add it as an option for community servers. We’ll continue to monitor community feedback on this and other systems and make changes accordingly.
We’ve also seen some requests to include an in-game reporting system to deal with these kinds of players. This is something we have discussed, however, creating and managing such a system with investigations and reviews of every reported player would put a great strain on our development and community management resources. Frankly, we’re unable to effectively monitor every single player’s behavior and support such a system. We would rather focus on creating good community tools and automated systems to deal with these kinds of issues and put our resources toward creating content and improving gameplay. That being said, an in-game reporting system is something we might explore in the future, targeted at the most disruptive players. For now, we ask that players follow Community Guidelines - Cheating, Exploits and Harassment.
As we’ve said before, launch is just the beginning for us. We have a huge amount of post-release content planned for Insurgency: Sandstorm, and are excited to bring the game to consoles this year and to explore additional platforms in the future. We will be sharing a lot more news over the coming weeks, so be sure to subscribe to the NWI newsletter, bookmark our blog and follow @InsurgencyGame across social media to stay up to date with all our announcements.
da li je update aktivan ili je ovo samo najava?
ti piše lijepo February update
ma nevalja to ništa,nema to playerbase-a...
Zadnjih mjesec dana igran samo Insurgency - doduše nije to neko vrijeme puno, nego onako satak na večer, i guštam maksimalno. Igra je fantastična, čak i bolja od jedinice.
Nazalost meni igra radi lose. Fpsi su uglavnom tu oko 60, ali izvedba je jako losa, trzucka jako, screen tearing, padovi fpsa. Kada jos pridodamo jako lose animacije i sjeckavo trcanje modela vojnika - za jedan Fps je neigrivo.
Veliki sam fan jedinice u kojoj sam proveo skoro 500 sati igre, dok ovo gasim nakon 20 min kod svakog pokusaja da se navucem. Bilo je tijekom bete razdoblja kada je igra radila fluidno kratko vrijeme i onda se novim updejtom vratilo na staro.
Zbilja neznam dali je to do mog kompa - mozda procesor Ryzen nije optimiziran, dok bi 1070 trebala biti ok... No svakako znam da nisam jedini sa ovakvim prigovorima.
Jako me cudi sto dosta ljudi hvali igru a da nemaju ovakvih problema.
Nakon ovog videa sam našao grešku. Na kontrolama xonar audio bio mi mix upaljen za mic umjesto line in.
Nazalost meni igra radi lose. Fpsi su uglavnom tu oko 60, ali izvedba je jako losa, trzucka jako, screen tearing, padovi fpsa. Kada jos pridodamo jako lose animacije i sjeckavo trcanje modela vojnika - za jedan Fps je neigrivo.
Veliki sam fan jedinice u kojoj sam proveo skoro 500 sati igre, dok ovo gasim nakon 20 min kod svakog pokusaja da se navucem. Bilo je tijekom bete razdoblja kada je igra radila fluidno kratko vrijeme i onda se novim updejtom vratilo na staro.
Zbilja neznam dali je to do mog kompa - mozda procesor Ryzen nije optimiziran, dok bi 1070 trebala biti ok... No svakako znam da nisam jedini sa ovakvim prigovorima.
Jako me cudi sto dosta ljudi hvali igru a da nemaju ovakvih problema.
Imam i ja identićne probleme probao sam i na 1080p i na 1440p na svim postavkama i uvijek isti problemi screen tearing, padovi fpsa.
da, bilo koje postavke uvijek isto. Svakih tjedana dana upalim igru i probam joj dat priliku, isprobavam sve moguce opcije, i onda dode situacija kada vidim protivnika na 10 metara, ispucam u njega rafal i zbog losih performansi i pada fpsa i ostalog ga ispromasujem i poginem - rage quit.
Insurgency jedinica je milina, i jos uvijek jedan od najboljih Fps gameplaya i osjecaja za pucanje, kretnju itd.
Jako cudno je to, moja GTX970 i i5 7600 zavrtu na 90fps na high postavkama. Dosta ovisi o mapi i generalno akciji, smoke zna dropat fps nekad eksplozije itd, mada u prosjeku sve to varira od 60 do 100 fps. Vi imate bolje masine to bi trebalo ic bolje, pogledajte po steam forumu ili redditu malo, mozda je netko otkrio u cemu je problem.
Patch 1.1.1 Released
Jučer je došao patch sa hrpom fixeva, novom starom mapom Ministry iz prvog Insurgencya i sdva nova oružja od kojih je jedno naša puška VHS-2!!
Igrao sam Betu prošlo ljeto, ali napravio sam refund zbog očanih performansi.
Sada sam igrao free vikend i natukao 12 sati i kupio. Sjajan posao su napravili i još rade. Sjajni devovi.
..... glavno da sam ja bio babaroga .... ALI steta, da, steta da je ovako ispalo..... gospon Sparrow??????......
Ali realno, ovo je neka normala za ovakav naslov. Oko 2000 aktivnih igrača je ok, uvijek se brzo nađe game.
Evo igara istog/sličnog žanra za usporedbu.