H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

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13 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

jebali vas botovi u WoW-u i slične pizdarije. to su obične skripte koje za cilj imaju donijeti neku osobnu korist onome tko ih koristi. jedina šteta od botova je kada jednog dobiješ u svom timu u WOT-u ili u raidu u WOW-u. uspoređivat broj botova s aimbot/ESP idiotima na FPS i survival igrama nema smisla. onog dana kada me u WOW-u ili Doti neki level 1 lik one shota onda možemo pričati o tome kako je WOW/WOT/Dota ili bilo koja druga server-sided igra puna tzv. hackera.


tu i tamo se pojavi neki ekšli hack za navedene igre, a tu i tamo se pojavi i za njega zna relativno mali broj igrača upravo zato jer nije jednako napisati neki injection/hack za neki DayZ/WarZ/COD ili neki hack za WOW/WOT ili Dotu.

2 1 hvala 0
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Treba mi 1 informacija. Jeli itko kupio ruski key od npr g2play?

9 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
TheThing kaže...

Treba mi 1 informacija. Jeli itko kupio ruski key od npr g2play?

 od g2a ja sam kupio. Sto ti treba?

10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Prijatelj hoče zaigrat pa je gledao ruske ključeve, a inače kupuje kao i ja s g2play i kinguina pa gleda gdje mu je najeftinije.

9 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Pozdrav...na kojem serveru igrate? Nije mi toliko dosadno kolko me ubija kad 4 sata skupljam oruzje i municiju i onda naletim na skupinu od 4 ljudi koji me krknu i tako svaki put


0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
nine kaže...
humb kaže...

h1z1 nije vise sony --i bice p2w ako neuvedu pretplate


imaš možda neki link koji to potvrđuje?

 da link zvan logika koji se dobije evolucijom ,valjda :)


da je ova divizija poslovala sa zaradom sony je se nebi rjesio

a kako od divizije gubitnika pretvorit u dobitak = p2w  kupovina gemova za tamo nesto (aion/swtor/eso itd itd)

ili pretplata/kupovina igre i poslje kupnja gema za tamo nest


opet ispadne P2W ili mozes igrati bez love ali nikad neces moci nist napraviti (sve facebook igre/swtor/lotro/uskoro eos itd)

kao netko koji placa i njega igra tako rec "prati" tj tebi nedaje mogucnost da ga stignes - tera te da platis 


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 23.2.2015 9:26 (humb).
13 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
humb kaže...

 da link zvan logika koji se dobije evolucijom ,valjda :)


logika != fact 

znaš kako se kaže..

the problem with my brain is the left side has nothing right in it, and the right side has nothing left in it.
11 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
nine kaže...
humb kaže...

 da link zvan logika koji se dobije evolucijom ,valjda :)


logika != fact 

znaš kako se kaže..


Sta nije to Zelda? 



Jedna Dota na dan vadi psihopata iz tebe van!
13 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
NoniCRO kaže...

Sta nije to Zelda? 


the problem with my brain is the left side has nothing right in it, and the right side has nothing left in it.
15 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
nine kaže...
NoniCRO kaže...

Sta nije to Zelda? 



šumski put je bio ravan.
9 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

mamice su štrukle pekle. meni nikaj nisu rekle
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
11 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony



Yeeey BR EEU servers!



ovo su jebeno napravili! pogledajte video kako placu hackeri !


Jedna Dota na dan vadi psihopata iz tebe van!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 25.2.2015 8:09 (NoniCRO).
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
NoniCRO kaže...

Yeeey BR EEU servers!


huh možda sad i napokon probam BR... 

nadam se da su popravili i queue counter.. probao sam par puta uletiti, ono position 9, 7 seconds left i to traje 15 min...

the problem with my brain is the left side has nothing right in it, and the right side has nothing left in it.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 25.2.2015 8:33 (nine).
11 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
nine kaže...
NoniCRO kaže...

Yeeey BR EEU servers!


huh možda sad i napokon probam BR... 

nadam se da su popravili i queue counter.. probao sam par puta uletiti, ono position 9, 7 seconds left i to traje 15 min...


OK radi. Samo moras malcice biti uporan. Ja sam danas cijelo vrijeme picio od 8 sati ujutro. prezabavno! Mislim bilo je i prije samo sto sada ne laga radi pinga pa je jos bolje!

Jedna Dota na dan vadi psihopata iz tebe van!
11 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Se isplati ova igra kupiti sada ili bolje cekati F2P?

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
9 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
Endymon kaže...

Se isplati ova igra kupiti sada ili bolje cekati F2P?

 Patchevi su cesti, funkcionalni su, i dosta toga sto je vec u igri nije jos "dostupno" (poput snijega, hordi zombijeva koje su u igri, ali nisu jos aktivne).  Preporucujem ti da kupis posto ce u alphi bit dosta dugo kao i sve igre haha :D

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 26.2.2015 23:22 (metrix.2k).
14 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

ima mozda kakva ekipica da pici h1z1 a da im se mogu pridruzit???

16 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Vidim tema je malo zamrla, pa da potaknem raspravu o novoj money grab odluci developera vezanoj za Battle Royal.
Developer je odlucio da za vrijeme ALFE ubaci monthly subscription za Battle Royal u vrijednosti od 7$ (omogucava neogranicen pristup modu u 30 dana) drugi pristup modu je preko ticketa koje je "moguce" naci ingame ili kao nagradu za dobar placement u samom modu. Do sada je "veci" dio igraca dobijao tickete za placement, ali po novom kriteriju samo PRVI od 150 ljudi ce biti nagradjen ticektom za Battle Royal i nagrade dobija iskljucivo prvih 10 igraca. Sto znaci 140 ljudi ce platiti ticket da bi kao nagradu dobilo nista a 149 nece dobiti niti novi TICKET!

  • 1st: 1x Unique Red Battle Royale Shirt, 1x Elite Bag, 1x Mystery Bag v2, 1x Airdrop Ticket, 1x Event Ticket
  • 2nd: 1x Elite Bag, 1x Mystery Bag v2, 1x Airdrop Ticket
  • 3rd: 1x Elite Bag, 1X Mystery Bag v2
  • 4th-10th: 1x Mystery Bag v2

Ali nije problem samo u tome, vec sto je sam Battle Royal ne dovrsen, pun cheatera, bugova i propusta. 1/5 puta ce vam se desiti da u startu dok padate padobranom propadnete kroz teren i umrete prije nego dotaknete tlo, 1/5 puta ce vam se desiti random "you have been disconnected" poruka gdje vam je jedina mogucnost CTRL ALT DEL i ubijanje procesa, 1/5 puta ce vam se desiti da se spawnate van mape u pocetnom Ready UP periodu i umrete prije nego je match uopce poceo i developeri ocekuju da vi za to placate!



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 20.3.2015 17:51 (D3ViL).
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
13 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

update na temu "placanja":


"Hello H1Z1 players, We've listened to your feedback. It came through loud and clear. From our perspective we've been really super clear about our plans from even before day 1 regarding this. What's also clear though is that you expect more from us in terms of quality level so that's what we're going to do. We'll focus on bugs, awesome new stuff and adding a ton of features to BR and our main game to make you feel like you're more than happy to pay for it. Only then will we charge for it. Smed"





Moj PC  
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10 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Imam pitanje igru sam zadnji put igro 26.1 i dns udem i vidim pun k* zombija kako cu utec od njih 

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

ubiti ih ili non stop bježati. ali najbolja solucioja je ne igrati sam.

Steam account: OutOfSp4c3 Solarna energija nije nešto što može postati popularno preko noći.
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
Joe Cavallo kaže...

ubiti ih ili non stop bježati. ali najbolja solucioja je ne igrati sam.

 ja sma igro s fredom al isto opet samo ih je vise zasto su uopce to i stavili?

15 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Jel igra tko battleroyal da igramo skupa dosadno mi samome

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
9 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Mogli bi bacit koji... da bar dodjem do 10-tog mjesta :D

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Novi update težak 550 Mb:


New Crates in the account item list will glow and have an exclamation point until mouse over or if the notification is clicked.
Medicine now restores a minor amount of health
The number of zombies has been increased.
There is a new "Feet" slot on the character loadout where players can equip workboots. Additional shoes will come soon.
Zombies do slightly more damage to players and have a greater chance inflict bleeding
Zombies do less damage against vehicles
Punji sticks no longer damage players inside vehicle
Stamina is reduced by a lesser amount when jumping
The recipe for ground tamper now requires metal sheets, nails, metal brackets, and branches.
Hitting players, animals and Zombies with the torch will now set them on fire.
Currently the only way to escape the fire is to wait (5 seconds for players, 20 seconds for zombies and animals)
.308 Rifle Scope zoom brought from 5x to 3.4x.
.308 projectile mass and drag decreased
Equates to better accuracy at range
The bullet land effects on most material types has been drastically improved for visibility.
Missed shots will be much easier to spot for both the shooter and the target.

Restraints – FIRST PASS:

Handcuffs and Handcuff Keys can now be found in the world. Handcuffs may be used to restrain another player. Handcuffs must be placed in any of your weapon slots: Primary, Secondary or Tertiary. Left-Click mouse while aiming at another player who has his "hands up" (Default: F2 key). If you try to handcuff a player who doesn't have his hands up, you will be disappointed.
When you are restrained, clicking your mouse-button will cause you to struggle to get out. As it stands now, your chance to struggle increases each time you attempt to get out so the more you try, the better your chances.
To be set free from restraints, your savior must be wielding an item. For handcuffs, it’s a handcuff key. When they click you with the key, you’ll be set free and they will take possession of the cuffs.
This system is a first pass and we will be improving it in the upcoming updates. Look forward to new ways to remove restraints, new items to restrain people with, additional items to use on other players, etc...

Session Stats Session stats are now visible on the Death screen.

For H1Z1:

Zombies Killed
Wildlife Killed
Recipes Discovered
Minutes Survived

For Battle Royale:

Players Killed
Vehicles Destroyed

Body Sim

Body Sim: Players now have endurance. Endurance will reduce over time on its own and sprinting will reduce it more. When endurance is low the player will begin to feel tired or exhausted, causing them to slow down in movement. You can restore endurance by resting in a bed. NOTE: You can only rest in a bed when you're feeling tired or exhausted.
Body Sim: Resting in a bed will give you a Well Rested effect, which initially restores 15% health and all endurance. It also gives you a brief increase in sprint speed and health regeneration.

Body Armor

A new equipment slot has been added named Chest Armor. To make use of this slot, two new recipes can be learned:
Wooden Body Armor
Plated Body Armor

To get started discovering the recipes, look for duct tape, which appears in commercial and industrial areas. This armor will mitigate damage when struck in the chest. The plated armor is more effective than wood armor. Damage is absorbed based on the attack type. Damage mitigation effectiveness from least to most:

Gun damage (Least)
Piercing/slashing melee
Blunt melee
Punching (Most)

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 9.4.2015 18:20 (TheThing).
10 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

kad ide f2p ?

ili su to "ispustili" iz naziva prilikom promjene vlasnika ?


0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
zmaz kaže...

kad ide f2p ?

ili su to "ispustili" iz naziva prilikom promjene vlasnika ?


 Kad igra bude gotova tj. kad izadje iz alphe, bete itd

Steam account: OutOfSp4c3 Solarna energija nije nešto što može postati popularno preko noći.
15 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
zmaz kaže...

kad ide f2p ?

ili su to "ispustili" iz naziva prilikom promjene vlasnika ?


 Isplati se dati 70kn i uzivati u igri battle royal pre dobar

10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Novi patch težak 357 Mb:

Release Notes

    Added a recipe for a sleeping mat. This can be placed and rested on. Currently it is using a mattress model while a custom model is in the works. This is not a spawn point like in Rust
    The Police Car has an upgraded interior for an enhanced driving and passenger experience in first person.
    Well Rested duration has been doubled
    Fixed issue with not being able to pick up handcuff keys
    Very Tired and Exhaustion no longer slows down your movement. It only drains stamina at increased rates
    You can now rest on the firehouse cots
    Rest timer reduced to 20 seconds
    Fixed issue where you can use a mansport backpack skin on a military backpack. You can only skin other mansport backpacks now
    Health drain from Dehydrated and Starving has been slightly increased
    The white T-shirt now has the correct icon
    Your character will start breathing heavier the lower your stamina gets. NOTE: Animations will come soon
    Added Molotov Cocktails. Hint: recipe involves moonshine
    Player speed is now reduced while moving in water.
    Battle Royale: Emotes should now work again


    There is now an extra tab in the center part of your inventory window that says: “Group”
    You can check the “Do Not Group” to prevent notifications and will auto-decline invites.
    If you are not in a group then “Disband” and “Kick” are disabled.
    If you are in a group and not the leader then “Invite” is disabled and “Kick” says “Quit”
    Type somebody’s name and hit invite and they will receive a notification
    Your group members names over their heads will be in green.

Bee Boxes

    You can now discover the recipe for and, build, and place bee boxes. After being placed, the bees will immediately get to work. Over time they will create up to five full honeycombs. These can be taken out and eaten, but are more useful if empty bottles are used to collect honey from them. When honeycomb and empty water bottles are both in the bee box, the honey will drain into the bottle after a short period of time. This will produce not only a bottle of honey, but also wax as a byproduct.
    Honeycomb will continue being produced until there are either five honeycombs or ten honey bottles inside of it.
    If you damage a bee box, the bees will retaliate.

What can you do with all this bee stuff?

    Honeycomb – Eat it, keep it in the bee box to drain the honey from it.
    Honey – Eat it for gains to endurance, stamina, and energy. Honeycomb gives the same resources but at a lower value than raw honey.
    Dressed Bandages – Combine five bandages with a bottle of honey to create dressed bandages. These bandages heal for a bit more and a bit longer than bandages alone.
    Wax – Make candles. The candles can be placed, and after lighting them they will burn for a couple of days. They have a few different models that it switches between so you can see them melting down over time.

10 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

jel igra itko? vidim da je tema mrtva,ako netko hoce neka me doda na steam rmfctoma

Moj PC  
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