Sad nije više Poison Ivy,sad je Venom Ivy !
Ima li neko jeftinu stranicu za premium edition da se kupi?
Ova Nvidijina akcija da se uz GTX 970 dobije W3 + B:AK kod nas ne vrijedi, jelda?
will I be able da igram na 4K ? ili cu morati spusti res. na 2560x1600 ?
Još je veći problem što su recenzije pisali najgori i najneobjektivniji novinari gorepomenutih portala, tako da sad ne znamo je li AK odličan ili prosjek.
Još 4 dana
..još jedan Stage demo...
"After Arkham Knight, Batman has been perfected — and the end result is the best game of this console generation"
Malo ga je pretjerao s ovim best of the generation, ali opet mi je drago pročitati ovakvo mišljenje

Na tih 45 GB još računaj day one patch od 3.5 GB
Meni je stigao sinoć.
Ja sad kupija na kinguinu premium edition za 30€, kljuc dosa isti sekund.
Meni krenio preload. 33,7 gb skida.

kod nas je to oko 1-2h ponoća :D
Launch trailer:
Promjena minimlanih postavki, (vezano uz ADM probleme)
WB Games lead community admin Yorick made the announcement via the game’s forum last night, simply stating that, with regards to the minimum requirements, “The minimum specs for Batman: Arkham Knight for PC have been adjusted and are listed below.” This was followed by the news that there have been some issues with the game’s performance on AMD graphics card systems:
“We also want to note that there are some known issues with the performance of Batman: Arkham Knight for PC owners using AMD graphics cards. We are working closely with AMD to rectify these issues as quickly as possible and will provide updates here as they become available. We thank you for your patience in this matter.”
- OS: Win 7 SP1, Win 8.1 (64-bit Operating System Required)
- Processor: Intel Core i5-750, 2.67 GHz | AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 GHz
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2 GB Memory Minimum) | AMD Radeon HD 7950 (3 GB Memory Minimum) , (prije 7870)
- DirectX: Version 11
- Network: Broadband Internet connection required
- Hard Drive: 45 GB available space
Batman: Arkham Knight PC suffers AMD card issues, system requirements updated
U novim driverima vlasnici SLIa neće biti presretni:
*** [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] With a 4K display, a TDR occurs after the in-game resolution is toggled and the application is exited. [200116725]
*** [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Heavy flickering occurs in game after Alt+Tab if SLI is enabled. [200116723]
*** [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Severe stuttering seen, especially in indoor scenes, when the game is running at 4K resolution and NVIDIA Gameworks settings are turned on. [200116722]
*** [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Random flickering occurs in the game if SLI is enabled. [200116717]
*** [GM206, SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Stuttering occurs and performance drops after shadow quality settings are toggled. [200116694]
Stigao key konačno a Harley Quinn DLC će sutra stić.
Koliko uopće DLC-ova planiraju izdati?
Jel može neka igra izać a da nema problema sa amd driverima? Ovo stvarno prelazi svaku mjeru, vidim da su stavili 3 gige vrama pod min za amd znači veselim se slideshowu ala AC:Unity.
Ma radit će i sa 2GB AMD karticama! To oni iz predostrožnosti i da se opravdaju ukoliko bude problema jer postoji mogućnost da će na nvidia karticama istog ranga kao AMD igra radit osjetno bolje; ni prvi ni zadnji put.
Jednostavno ne vjerujem da će biti neoptimizirano smeće poput Unitya!
Ako X1 može vrtit 1080p/@30 na istim postavkama moraju to radit i neke GTX 660 / 7870 kartice
A verzija sa konzola izgleda odlično, (još je na slikama prisutna kompresija):
No možda nas i Rocksteady iznenadi pa bude potrebna GTX 970 za ugodno igranje na 1080@30...