Još od prošle godine znamo da da je novi America's Army u razvoju,i do sad smo dobili svega par slikica,a
jučer je objavljeno na službenom twitteru da se možemo prijaviti za betu i iskušati sreću da nas izaberu pa da igramo zadnji build novog AA nastavka.
Veća slika.
“This model is roughly 70 million triangles, while the in-game version is between eight and fifteen thousand. With so many triangles, I can push and pull the surface more like clay than the traditional modeling approach to tweaking individual points. This way I can sculpt in stitches and wrinkles in clothes, pores on a person’s face, scratches in plastics, etc. Things normally reserved for creating in the painted texture, I can create in the model and transfer later, which leads to faster and more realistic texture painting.”
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