Insurgency Sandstorm

poruka: 173
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moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
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11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

za one koji ne znaju, beta 2 traje sve do izlaska, 18.9.


nakon toga ce valjda izdati beta 3 u smislu full igre

uplay: dr.levak | steam: lefty_cro | raptr: leftMD | origin: dr_levakkk | LoL (EUNE): dr levakkk
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Soldier977 kaže...
pirat kaže...

Probao alphu i tražio refund😞


 I? Jesi li opet kupio? 

 Ne,probat ćemo s SCUM-om 

سمندری ڈاکو
16 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Nazire se jako jako dobra igra, još malo poliranja i optimizacije je potrebno, ali dosta bolje u odnosu na alphu.

Koristite blage riječi i jake argumente
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Dodinho kaže...

Nazire se jako jako dobra igra, još malo poliranja i optimizacije je potrebno, ali dosta bolje u odnosu na alphu.

 Mene zanima FPS sa tvojim PC-em?

16 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Cakija_ST kaže...
Dodinho kaže...

Nazire se jako jako dobra igra, još malo poliranja i optimizacije je potrebno, ali dosta bolje u odnosu na alphu.

 Mene zanima FPS sa tvojim PC-em?

Trenutno kada je sve na low (probao sam i druge postavke ali nije neka velika razlika u broju fps-a) je 50-60 fpsa, ali problemi nastanu kod ADS-a ili zoomiranja sa snajperom gdje se javlja stuttering.

Ima još jako puno prostora za optimizaciju, mogli bi kroz narednih par dana očekivati neki veći patch.

Koristite blage riječi i jake argumente
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
1 1 hvala 1
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Novi patch:



Insurgency: Sandstorm Pre-Order Beta 2 Patch Notes - September 6, 2018

Today we are releasing our first full update for pre-order Beta #2! The update contains a lot of critical fixes, improvements and optimizations. We look forward to all of your continued feedback as we continue polishing the game.

The game now offers a lot of ways to customize video settings, so please be sure to fine-tune quality and performance depending on your system specs. In particular:
  • Texture Streaming Pool Size needs to be adjusted depending on your video card. We recommend starting low and increasing to see what your GPU can handle. Setting this too high will cause noticeable hitching because your GPU is overloaded.
  • Shadow Quality as well as Dynamic Shadow Resolution and Cascaded Shadow Map Resolution have a pretty sizeable performance impact, so we recommend lowering these settings as much as possible if you’re experiencing performance issues.
  • Full Screen display mode is really important to ensure you’re getting an accurate depiction of performance. If you are struggling with performance and haven’t already ensured you are in full screen mode as was advised in the last hotfix announcement, we highly recommend you switch to full screen mode as soon as possible.

While there are many new settings to tweak, the ones listed above are particularly useful. If you are still struggling with performance after fine-tuning your video settings and ensuring you’re running in full screen mode, please share the details with us HERE

General Improvements
  • Added South America server region. See “Matchmaking Preferences” in the Play menu to select it.
  • Expanded Video Settings Menu
    • Video Settings are now only applied when the user presses “Apply Changes.”
    • Advanced settings can override Quality settings if changed manually. This change is represented by a blue tint.
    • Added new Advanced options.
      • Super Sampling
      • Ambient Occlusion
      • Anisotropic Filtering
      • Tessellation 
      • Screen Space Reflections
      • Texture Streaming Pool Size
      • Maximum Dynamic Shadow Resolution
      • Maximum Cascaded Shadow Map Resolution

Major Fixes
  • Fixed issue with hit registration which would prevent bullets from dealing damage to an enemy, sometimes resulting in a higher time to kill.
  • Fixed bullets not properly penetrating arms and hands which was preventing them from dealing any subsequent damage to the torso.

Optimization & Performance
  • Disabled Nvidia Aftermath as it was a possible cause of some hitching issues. 
  • Improved animation logic processing speed.
  • Moved all character cosmetics to a new mask shader system. 
  • Improved character cosmetic system logic.
  • Scaled particle spawn counts for surface interactions based on the user’s Effects Quality setting.
  • Moved all bullet impact particles to be processed by the GPU instead of the CPU. 
  • Limited the number of bounce effects created on ejected brass to three. 
  • Removed spawning of weapon drop and body fall audio if not audible by the player.
  • Disabled water tracing for anybody not performing foliage interaction. 
  • Updated Security and Insurgent Weapon Cache objectives to use a material swap instead of mesh swap. 
  • Improved light audio spawning.
  • Improved textures for the following:
    • Russian Transport Truck 
    • Large Technical
    • Gunship
    • Support Helicopter
    • Destroyed Support Helicopter
    • Bomber Drone
    • Various small level props
  • Fixed a bug where dying in a vehicle would continuously play a blood impact effect on the ragdoll that reduced performance when exploded.

Gameplay Improvements
  • Player Movement
    • Reduced player acceleration slightly. 
    • Force players into a crouch when completing a slide.
    • Increased prone to standing transition time from 0.65 seconds to 1 second. 
    • Cap player speed to prone speed during the prone to stand transition.
  • Weapon Balance
    • Reduced Light Armor effectiveness slightly.
    • Reduced Heavy Armor effectiveness slightly.
    • Reduced sway caused by stamina loss slightly.
    • Reduced sway speed from suppression. 
    • Melee Bash animation can no longer be used on opened doors.
    • Increased bullet drop slightly for 5.56, 5.45, and 7.62 at long ranges.
    • Increased Ammo Check speed by 40%.
    • Increased free aim recoil slightly.
    • Fixed Laser Sight lasers not displaying correctly for other characters. 
    • Light Carrier no longer gives one extra rocket. 
    • Heavy Carrier gives only one extra rocket instead of two. 
    • Reduced the cooking timer for M83 Smoke grenade from five to four seconds.
    • Increased M84 Flash grenade draw, put away, and throw speeds by 30%. 
    • Bipods now allow for more realistic angles based on the deployed surface height. 
    • Decreased Bipod max pitch.
    • Greased Bolt Upgrade
      • Increased supply cost to three in Versus and Coop. 
      • Increased supply cost to four in Competitive.
    • Mosin Stripper Clip Upgrade
      • Increased supply cost to two in Versus and Coop. 
      • Increased supply cost to three in Competitive.
  • Game Modes
    • All
      • Added Gas Mask to the default Loadout for all classes.
      • Removed drum magazine upgrade in Versus and Competitive.
    • Checkpoint
      • Added Marksman, Breacher, and other unused classes as enemies.
      • Disabled Autocannon Strafe fire support when playing as Insurgents. 
      • Added AK suppressors to Security Commander, Observer, Rifleman and Demolitions classes. 
      • Added Insurgent sidearms to all Security classes. 
      • Added drum magazine upgrades to all classes.
      • Increased enemy AI spawns at the final objective.
      • Improved insertion vehicle navigation paths.
  • Fire Support
    • Gunship and Minigun Support
      • Increased turret angle at which helicopters begin shooting at players, making their initial shots less accurate.
      • Reduced Support Helicopter minigun spread by 10%.
      • Reduced hover time for Gunship from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
      • Reduced hover time for Minigun Support from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
    • Smoke Mortars
      • Reduced round start cooldown from 30 seconds to five seconds to be consistent with Smoke Artillery.
  • Supply Cache
    • Resupplying will now restore a player’s health to the max.
    • Set cooldown for Resupplying to 45 seconds.
    • Added UI element which communicates when Resupplying is on cooldown.
  • Vehicles
    • Set Gunner seat to use the vehicle’s full view rotation. 
    • Set Gunner seat’s aiming to be absolute instead of relative, allowing it to move independently of the vehicle’s movement.
    • Improved collision for bus prop steps to stop players from becoming caught on them.
  • Visual
    • Adjust eye exposure levels when transitioning between the Loadout screen and the game world. 
    • Improved FXAA anti-aliasing quality.

Updated Content
  • Animation
    • Improved body alignment with the ground for characters in prone.
    • Added remaining first person weapon animations for the Uzi including Speed Reload, Foregrip, and Drum. 
    • Improved Grenade Launcher poses. 
    • Improved Grenade poses.
    • Improved Binoculars, C4, mines, and similar item poses.
  • Weapons
    • Added new Compensator for the M45.
  • Customization
    • Female hair, including Covered, can now be used with Headgear. 
    • Added texture layer for Facial Hair. 
    • Reduced “Rare” cosmetic costs from 900 to 600 credits. 
    • Reduced “Very Rare” cosmetic costs from 1800 to 1200 credits.
    • Reduced “Rare” cosmetic camouflage costs from 1000 to 800 credits.
    • Reduced “Very Rare” cosmetic camouflage costs from 2000 to 1500 credits.
    • Assigned Cheap under the Insurgent Eyewear slot to the “Very Rare” category. 
    • Assigned Shades under the Insurgent Eyewear slot to the “Rare” category. 
    • Renamed “Shades” to “Stylish”
    • Removed Track Top Black/Dark Red under the Insurgent Legs slot.
    • Removed Track Pants Black/Dark Red under the Insurgent Legs slot.
    • Replaced Dark Brown Cargo with Brown.
    • Improved material for Bump under the Headgear slot.
  • Audio
    • Added chemical cough voice over for when taking damage from Chemical Mortars.
    • Updated cache rigging audio to be the correct duration of the timer. 
    • Updated all counter attack music.

  • User Experience
    • Fixed an issue where players could sometimes be locked into planting an explosive on an enemy Weapon Cache objective.
    • Fixed “High Speed Low Drag” achievement. 
    • Fixed an occasional crash caused by the movie player during the splash screen sequence.
    • Fixed a crash occurring with the Tactical Map. 
    • Fixed a crash occurring from scavenging weapons.
  • Weapons
    • Fixed AN-M14 Incendiary grenades not showing any effects if they detonated in mid-air. 
    • Fixed third person shotgun hand position. 
    • Fixed PK-AS optic reticle alignment.
    • Enabled post processing on PK-AS optic.
    • Fixed shell in the magazine tube showing for the M870’s empty reload start animation.
    • Fixed floating magazine blocking the player’s camera when using an L85A2 with the Extended Magazine upgrade.
    • Fixed the G36K stock disappearing when using the Extended Magazine upgrade.
    • Fixed audio not playing when deploying a Bipod onto a surface.
  • Fire Support
    • Fixed Rocket Barrage projectiles occasionally bouncing off of terrain.
    • Fixed issue with Support Helicopter’s targeting logic.
  • Voice Over
    • Fixed delayed playtimes for:
      • Fire Support Being Finished 
      • Observer Thanking Station 
      • Helicopter Leaving
    • Reduced time to play Kill Confirmed voice over for Gunship and Minigun Support.
  • AI
    • Improved navigation to the objective during a counter-attack 
    • Improved Vehicle Gunner aiming.

User Interface Improvements
  • Added empty rank badge icon for players who haven’t completed enough placement matches to be ranked in Competitive. 
  • Added Commander and Observer icons in the Tactical Map. 
  • Added Primary/Sidearm toggle button under Binds.
  • Added Advanced option to disable the HUD entirely under Video Settings. 
  • Various tweaks to class icons.

Map Balance & Fixes
  • Crossing
    • Landscape optimization pass.
    • Moved Security Skirmish spawn a bit further back.
    • Moved Security spawns for A and D back a bit on Push Insurgents.
    • Tweaked interior lighting to improve readability.
    • Fixed various terrain bugs.
    • Improved shadows on some level props.
    • Fixed insertion vehicle path on Checkpoint.
  • Farmhouse
    • Made various optimization improvements.
    • Revised Skirmish scenario to make it less of a spawn trap for Insurgents.
    • Particles no longer have a second delay before they become inactive outside players view.
    • Fixed AI being able to see through the crop fields. 
    • Fixed floating issues with roads.
    • Tweaked post-processing to reduce washed-out look and improve contrast.
    • Adjusted placement of dynamic level props.
    • Fixed an issue where Security players couldn't capture objective A in a certain spot on Push Security.
    • Fixed insertion vehicle path on Checkpoint.
    • Improved AI vehicle navigation on Checkpoint.
    • Improved AI’s ability to use cover.
    • Fixed other miscellaneous bugs.
  • Hideout
    • Optimized terrain to lower triangle count.
    • Adjusted playable area to make it feel less restrictive. 
    • Made river near Insurgents Skirmish spawn more shallow.
    • Moved Security spawn closer to the river and relocated D to a different building on Skirmish.
    • Moved Supply Crates closer to faction spawns on Skirmish.
    • Removed a few balconies that were obstructing firing positions.
    • Fixed insertion vehicle path on Checkpoint.
    • Fixed other miscellaneous bugs.
  • Summit
    • Optimized buildings to reduce draw calls.
    • Optimized background rocks and buildings.
    • Modified culling to make it more aggressive at longer range.
    • Made particles despawn more quickly if outside player’s view.
    • Improved HLODs.
    • Switched teams on Checkpoint Security and Checkpoint Insurgents scenarios.
    • Removed roads from the hilltop to make them less navigable for vehicles.
    • Lowered railing on the bridge to improve defensive positions.
    • Improved AI vehicle navigation on Checkpoint.
    • Fixed insertion vehicle path on Checkpoint.
Known bugs
  • If you find yourself with missing cosmetics please just hit the randomise button
Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Od instalacije patcha, sa shadow na low, sve ostalo very High, imam stabilnih 120-140 FPS-a bez stuttringa i laga.

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 2
11 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Soldier977 kaže...

Od instalacije patcha, sa shadow na low, sve ostalo very High, imam stabilnih 120-140 FPS-a bez stuttringa i laga.

 tenks za info, probat cu i ja tako namjestiti pa da vidim kako izgleda jer sad mi izgelda ocajno (low)

uplay: dr.levak | steam: lefty_cro | raptr: leftMD | origin: dr_levakkk | LoL (EUNE): dr levakkk
13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
LeftY_CRO kaže...
Soldier977 kaže...

Od instalacije patcha, sa shadow na low, sve ostalo very High, imam stabilnih 120-140 FPS-a bez stuttringa i laga.

 tenks za info, probat cu i ja tako namjestiti pa da vidim kako izgleda jer sad mi izgelda ocajno (low)

 Info od sinoć:


Stavio sam i SS na x2 - Igra izgleda predobaro i vrtio se 60-80 FPSa.


Ako možeš SS staviti na makar x1.25, vrijedi. Puno oštrije i bolje se vidi u dalj.

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Dakle izbacili su vec sada da se skine cijela igra a ne samo updejt - 47Gb?


Prije 2 dana mi je igra odlicno radila, bez previse trzanja na najvecim detaljima. Odmah je totalno drugo iskustvo igranja.


Svida mi se vecina igre jedino mi je brzina trcanja pretjerana (sto su vidim napisali da su ovim patchom malo usporili).

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
16 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

I meni nakon patcha igra radi puno puno bolje. Još da srede ono učitavanje tekstura na samom početku (igra mi je na SSD-u instalirana) i bit će top!


Vidim se kako ću više igrati ovo nego BFV.

Koristite blage riječi i jake argumente
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

.... koji zvuk ova igra ima, nevjerojatno, cuje se fijukanje srapnela nakon eksplozie granate..... jel to i jedna igra imala do sada?..... vizualno vise nego na mjestu, uopce ne treba vise od ovoga.... oruzja su modelirana fantasticno, meni do sad mozda najljepsa.... gameplay odlican, iako bi malo mogli pojednostavit kontrole....  vidim neke probleme sa high ping igracima (ono kaj se u zadnje vrijeme popularno naziva desync), s obzirom da jedan metak najcesce ubija, situacije poput onih koje sam iskusio frustriraju i mogle bi otjerat igrace.... rokam u lika sa 2 metra rafalno, on se okrene i jednim metkom me rokne.... ovakve stvari se moraju popravit asap, jer velim za hardcore pucacinu, ovo ce kidat zivce mnogima.....

metalni punker
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

New Release Date in December

Dear community, 

Today we are announcing the delay of Insurgency: Sandstorm from its originally planned release date on September 18th 2018. The game will now be releasing for Windows PC on December 12th 2018, and the Pre-order Beta will continue until the release of the game. 

This was one of the hardest decisions our team has ever had to make and not one taken lightly. However, we feel it is in the best interest of the game and our community to spend more time working to ensure we deliver the best possible experience.

During Pre-order Beta 2 thousands of players took to the game and gave us great feedback on dozens of topics. Our small, but highly dedicated team has been working around the clock to respond to and address as much feedback as possible; releasing two hotfixes over the first weekend and a significant patch last Thursday. We’ve already seen your positive feedback, as our team have started to address priority areas such as performance, hit registration, and player movement. 

Despite the game’s improvement, we are acutely aware that not all of you are having the ideal experience we want to deliver. By extending the beta and moving our launch date to December, the additional time will allow us to make significant improvements to the game with continued input from you. The additional time allows us to target a lower minimum system requirement, address more bugs, work on overall polish, gather additional feedback from the community to refine gameplay, and ensure that highly requested community features which may otherwise have had to be added post launch (such as community servers and custom games) are ready for day 1.

The major goals we aim to achieve with this extra time are as follows:
  • Upgrade to Unreal Engine 4.20 and continue optimizing
  • Improve the character models, textures, and animations in the game
  • Improve the “scoped” experience for both high and low-quality scope settings
  • Improve the level visuals, gameplay and optimization
  • Add more cosmetic item variations and a new forearm tattoo cosmetic type which can also be seen in first person
  • Expand in-game server options to include a server browser, community-run server support, and a custom games system allowing users to specially configure games hosted by our server infrastructure.
  • Refine the game to the point it has far less bugs, glitches, visual inconsistencies and other issues.
We appreciate that these improvements may mean you have to wait a little longer; however we feel it is important that we deliver a game that lives up to your high expectations and that Sandstorm can be deemed a true successor to Insurgency. Those of you who have been supporting us during the Pre-order Beta tests will be able to continue playing until the release of the game, and we look forward to more of your feedback.

The pre-order discount will be extended until the new release date and we will continue to grant pre-purchasers instant access to the ongoing beta along with the 10% pre-order discount. The additional 10% loyalty discount for owners of the original Insurgency will continue to run until the end of March 2019.

We thank all of you for your passion and support, and look forward to continuing to test with you over the coming weeks ahead of our launch in December.

New World Interactive
Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 2
11 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Jako dobra odluka. Naime nakon zadnjeg patcha su nesto zbrljali tako da su performanse pale, i takoder neke stvari iz alphe su se vratile - tipka za trcanje nije radila pola vremena itd.


Nisam se osvrnuo na slabe strane ove igre a kojih nema bas malo - jako jako losi modeli vojnika za 2018-tu godinu, lice grozna, animacije modela lose. Grraficki bugovi, cak i na samom Menu-u (oko od modela vojnika blica hh)


Sto se gameplaya tice - prebrzo trčanje, imaš dojam da su svi olimpijski sprinteri, stamine kao da nema. U prvoj verziji igre je bilo dosta sporije i morac reci da je bio gust igrati, bas realan osjecaj bio, npr kao da igram airsoft ili slicno. Mape su bas nakrcane sadrzajima. Zatim neke sitnice npr moraš stati sa sprintom da bi mogao nanisaniti sa ciljnikom, ili pucati. Ovo mislim da nema nijedna pucacina te ogranicava gameplay. Pa nemogucnost prelazenja nekih prepreka itd.


Znao sam upaliti jediniciu jednu partiju nakon Bete i moram reci da mi je bio bolji svaki segment igre, cak i grafika.


Glavna stvar je da srede peformanse sto vjerujem da budu ako su je sa onim patchom bilo super. Animacije i modeli vojnika najkriticnije, te brzina trčanja.

Nadam se da ce uspjeti srediti ove stvari pa da imamo jednu dobru modernu pucacinu










Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Haremzg kaže...


Sto se gameplaya tice - prebrzo trčanje, imaš dojam da su svi olimpijski sprinteri, stamine kao da nema.  Zatim neke sitnice npr moraš stati sa sprintom da bi mogao nanisaniti sa ciljnikom, ili pucati. Ovo mislim da nema nijedna pucacina te ogranicava gameplay. Pa nemogucnost prelazenja nekih prepreka itd.

 ...sam si sebi dao odgovor, s tim da nakon duzeg trcanja jos ti sam efekt zadihanosti daje do znanja da ce ti nisanjenje bit otezano.... kaj se prelazenja nekih objekata tice, tu se slazem, trebaju one grmove napravit prolaznima.... grafika mi je nebitna, iskreno, osobito modela vojnika, a i u igri izgledaju puno bolje nego u meniju, kretnje su sasvim ok.... puno mi je bitnije sto su mape fakat odlicno napravljene i izbalansirane za oruzja koja su ti na raspolaganju u igri. Tako da je taktika najbitniji dio ove igre, element koji sve manje igara danas ima, osobito onih sa konstantnim respawnom.... commander/observer mi je pregenijalan koncept, fakat se moze cuda napraviti ako ekipa zna upotrijebiti taj tandem i ako ih igraju pametni igraci.... i onda onaj zvuk kad a-10 strejfa....

metalni punker
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm


Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Insurgency: Sandstorm Beta 2 Patch Notes - September 13th, 2018

We are releasing an update today to address issues and make some improvements since last week’s patch. If you are still struggling with performance after running the game in full screen with fine-tuned video settings, please share your issues with us HERE.

General Improvements
  • Video Settings Menu
    • Added Low, Medium, and High overall quality preset buttons that let players overwrite all settings and instantly apply them. 
    • Added Auto quality preset button which runs a brief benchmark on the player’s system and applies suggested settings.
Gameplay Improvements
  • Game Modes
    • Respawn the defending team when an objective is captured in Push.
  • Player Movement
    • Slightly increase time player is frozen in place during door kicking.
    • Slightly increased weight of the following:
      • Light Armor
      • Heavy Armor
      • Light Carrier
      • Heavy Carrier
      • AT4
      • RPG-7
      • M3 MAAWS
      • Panzerfaust 3
    • Peeked open doors will open and close much further now when run into.
  • Weapon Balance
    • Underhand grenade lobs (right click) now apply more upwards force. 
    • Players can now only equip one IED or C-4.
    • Players can now only equip one rocket launcher. 
    • Reduced smoke grenade detonation time to three seconds.
    • Improved projectile speed for the Smoke Grenade Launcher upgrade. 
    • Set arming distance for Explosive Grenade Launcher grenades to five meters (0.1 seconds in the air). Before this point, the grenade will not explode, but will still deal damage to whatever it impacts.
    • Improved FOV transition when zoomed in and becoming obstructed or unobstructed while using Low Quality scopes.
  • Visual
    • Fixed characters glowing in certain environments.
  • AI
    • Reduced zero times on bots so they get on target faster. Now averages 5 seconds at max range, 2 seconds at close range.
    • Bots can now lean out from cover and fire at enemies.
  • Spectator
    • Switch to a static fixed camera instead of a free-roam camera if there is no one left to spectate on a player’s team.
    • Switch to next available living player if spectating a dead player for more than two seconds.
Major Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with bullets where damage dealt could fluctuate from intended values, improving reliability of bullet damage calculation.
  • User Experience
    • Fixed being able to vault through unbroken windows.
    • Fixed formatting and strings for loading screen scenario and gameplay rules. 
    • Fixed an issue preventing ragdolls from showing up correctly when a player ejected a dead body from a vehicle seat. 
    • Fixed an issue where vehicle acceleration audio was not heard correctly by any player other than the driver of that vehicle. 
    • Fixed bus prop window not using the correct glass particle on break.
    • Fixed issue where destroyed vehicles wouldn’t destroy the characters upon exploding.
  • Stability
    • Fixed a rare server crash related to the Gas Mask.
    • Fixed a crash caused by AI path-finding in a Local Game.
    • Fixed a potential crash caused by render targets.
  • Weapons
    • Improved reliability of Gas Mask animations playing in first person. 
    • Fixed an issue where incorrect explosives would be removed when downgrading the Ammo Carrier.
    • Fixed Smoke Grenade Launcher 40mm grenade not disappearing after exploding.
    • Fixed the handguard disappearing from the player’s weapon when using a Smoke Grenade Launcher on the AKM. 
    • Fixed an issue with Security Demolitions bots dropping broken M4A1s.
    • Fixed an issue where it would be possible to deploy a Bipod on another player.
    • Fixed player’s view not aligning correctly when entering a vehicle turret. 
    • Fixed an issue where equipping a grenade launcher would not allow a player to also equip a launcher. 
    • Fixed an issue where a magazine could be scavenged from the same weapon that was picked up.
    • Fixed an issue where players could have two Primary weapons by picking up a weapon while using their underbarrel grenade launcher.
  • Fire Support
    • Helicopters can no longer take damage from friendly players.
    • Fixed an issue where pilot and gunner ragdolls were not destroyed when a helicopter crashed.
    • Fixed helicopters exploding in mid air if they were hit by a second rocket while already in their spinning state.
  • Voice Over
    • Fixed an issue where the Support Helicopter would continue playing voice over after it began to crash. 
    • Fixed an issue with the “Incoming Rocket” VO response that prevented it from playing reliably. 
    • Fixed an issue where the “Suppressed by Sniper” VO response would play if the shooter was too close to the player.
  • AI
    • Fixed an issue where bots would sometimes not engage players properly based on the weapon they were carrying. 
    • Fixed bots with custom class cosmetics not working correctly.
  • Characters
    • Fixed an issue that caused the left hand to float with the weapon.
User Interface Improvements
  • Updated loading screen images.
  • Improved Scoreboard with new style and formatting improvements including new rank badges.
  • Added Current Objective display at the top of the Scoreboard.
  • Added Current Objective pop up on the left side of the screen when leaving a spawn area.
  • Added fading for Lesson hint pop ups and Current Objective pop ups.
  • Compass will now show when accessing the Comms or Fire Support radial menus.
Updated Content
  • Animation
    • Improved third person reload animations. 
    • Added third person fire select animation.
    • Added weight shifting based on movement for third person.
    • Improved third person sprint animations for knives and grenades. 
    • Improved third person look animations for binoculars, knives, and explosives excluding launchers.
  • Weapons
    • Added animations for deploying and undeploying the “Bipod Foregrip” upgrade.
    • Improved Mosin texture.
    • Improved all foregrip textures. 
    • Improved binoculars overlay.
  • Customization
    • Improved “Buzz Cut” facial hair cosmetic appearance. 
    • Improved “Mutton Chops” facial hair cosmetic appearance. 
    • Improved “Hoodie” cosmetic texture masks. 
    • Improved textures of Security character faces.
    • Improved textures of all Torso and Legs cosmetic items.
  • Textures & Props
    • Updated Fire Support call in confirmation marker.
    • Increased the size of tile bullet impact decals.
    • Improved bus prop windows smoothing for reflections.
Map Balance & Fixes
  • Farmhouse
    • Fixed several terrain and road misalignment issues.
    • Fixed decal bugs. 
    • Fixed various dynamic prop issues.
    • Fixed various LOD issues.
    • Fixed various light issues on props.
    • Fixed a stuck spot/exploit.
    • Fixed Insurgent vehicle spawn on Skirmish.
    • Improved the lighting of various interiors.
    • Removed the restricted area from the balcony at objective A on Push Insurgents.
    • Made improvements to AI to have bots use cover more effectively.
    • Improved bot navigation.
    • Made various performance improvements.
    • Made various visual improvements.
    • Fixed miscellaneous bugs.
  • Summit
    • Revised Push Security scenario to improve balance.
    • Added a new alleyway near Push Security objective C to improve flanking opportunities for Security.
    • Moved objective A to the pool area and relocated the Security spawn on Firefight East.
    • Fixed various LOD issues.
    • Fixed a corner rock exploit.
    • Fixed Insurgent Fire Support mortars and rockets not landing in the correct location. 
    • Fixed Supply Crates not becoming active on Checkpoint.
    • Improved bot navigation.
    • Made various performance improvements.
    • Made various visual improvements.
    • Fixed miscellaneous bugs.
  • Hideout
    • Moved Security Supply Crate on Skirmish.
    • Fixed bots spawning on a rooftop unintentionally.
    • Tweaked post-processing to reduce brightness.
    • Made improvements to AI to have bots use cover more effectively.
    • Improved various decals.
    • Made various performance improvements.
    • Made various visual improvements.
    • Fixed miscellaneous bugs.
  • Crossing
    • Added one-way exits for Security Checkpoint starting spawn.
    • Replaced destroyed fuel trucks with various other props. 
    • Added better protection for objective B cache on Checkpoint Security. 
    • Changed objective F to a capturable objective on Checkpoint Security.
    • Added a balcony to the final objective building for Checkpoint Security.
    • Improved bot navigation.
    • Made improvements to AI to have bots use cover more effectively.
    • Made various visual improvements.
    • Fixed several terrain issues. 
    • Improved the lighting of various interiors.
    • Fixed road misalignment issues.
    • Fixed weapon cache overlapping with furniture on Push Security.
    • Fixed a spawn camping issue on Push Insurgents. 
    • Fixed a small seam in the playable area.
    • Replaced broken bus prop with updated version on Firefight West.
    • Fixed miscellaneous bugs.




Link za feedback:

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 14.9.2018 9:28 (Soldier977).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
14 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

kad će ovo van? 


vdiim radi se punom parom i to mi se sviđa, bude to. sjajna igra za ekipu koju je privukla jedinica sigurno će jedva docekat ovo 

Kompa probaj ignoriraj autora, pomaže.
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
fila2208 kaže...

kad će ovo van? 


vdiim radi se punom parom i to mi se sviđa, bude to. sjajna igra za ekipu koju je privukla jedinica sigurno će jedva docekat ovo 



odgodjeno je nazalost jer igra uzasno radi, al bez obzira na odgodu, beta traje sve do izlaska igre

uplay: dr.levak | steam: lefty_cro | raptr: leftMD | origin: dr_levakkk | LoL (EUNE): dr levakkk
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm
Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm
Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Sinoć probao malo da vidim kakav je bio patch i ostao sam oduševljen. Ljudi su sredili optimizuaciju perfektno. Na max postavkama mi je lockano na 144 Hz bez imalo stutteringa. Svaka čast.

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Soldier977 kaže...

Sinoć probao malo da vidim kakav je bio patch i ostao sam oduševljen. Ljudi su sredili optimizuaciju perfektno. Na max postavkama mi je lockano na 144 Hz bez imalo stutteringa. Svaka čast.

 Baš me čudi na tvojoj konfiguraciji  

13 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
MRSKI kaže...
Soldier977 kaže...

Sinoć probao malo da vidim kakav je bio patch i ostao sam oduševljen. Ljudi su sredili optimizuaciju perfektno. Na max postavkama mi je lockano na 144 Hz bez imalo stutteringa. Svaka čast.

 Baš me čudi na tvojoj konfiguraciji  

 Ha ha ha, naglasak je bio na to da nema stutteringa 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
13 godina
Insurgency Sandstorm

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Insurgency Sandstorm
Soldier977 kaže...

 Dama koja je igra bolje Sandstrom ili WW3?

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