XP Tips&Tricks

poruka: 9
čitano: 4.351
moderatori: pirat, Lazarus Long, XXX-Man, vincimus
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15 godina
XP Tips&Tricks

Evo da i ja budem koristan na ovom forumu. Većina je C/P ali sam se bar potrudio prevesti s engleskog :)


Prebacite se na Welcome screen  - Win + L

Označavanje više fileova koji nisu jedan kraj drugoga  -  Držite CTRL i klikate na fileove koje želite označiti

Preimenovanje više fileova  -  Označite fileove koje želite preimenovati, desni klik na prvoga u nizu, kliknete rename, upisete ime, i ostali ce dobiti to ime

Brisanje fileova instantno, bez prelaska u Recycle bin  -  Kad brišete, držite Shift (Ti fileovi nemogu biti povraceni, dakle pazite)

Taskmanager  -  Ctrl > Shift > Escape

Internet explorer full screen / minimize  -  F11

Internet explorer / mozzila povečanje stranice  -  Ctrl i scrollajte koliko smatrate da je dovoljno

Internet explorer / mozzila otvaranje linka u drugom prozoru  -  Pritisnite shift i kliknite na link

Internet explorer / mozzila, dodavanje web stranice u favorite  -  Ctrl + D

Micanje sata iz taskbara  -  Desni klik na taskbar, > Odznačite show the clock > apply > ok - sata više nema



Saznajte IP adresu

Razgovarate s nekim u nekom messenging programu i zelite saznati ip adresu?

Otvorite notepad i upišite:

@color 09
@netstat -n

zatim spremite tekst (Save as) "GetIp.cmd" (bez navodnika).
Dobili ste vrlo jednostavan alat za prikat IP adrese.
Skriptu možete primjeniti bilo gdje na Internetu(nije nužno da to bude instant messenger,uzeo sam ga samo kao primjer)!




Tko pita, ispadne budala 5 minuta! Ko ne pita ostane budala zauvijek.
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
XP Tips&Tricks

Scrollanje u mozzili  -  Shift + Space prema gore / Space prema dolje

Tko pita, ispadne budala 5 minuta! Ko ne pita ostane budala zauvijek.
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
XP Tips&Tricks

super al ako ja znam sve osim jednog mislim da svi ostali znaju te fore

god work !!

ovo za ip je super to sam si bio napravio pa zaboravio xD

e da s ovom ip forom , pa tu ih ima milju ili mi on baca sve koji su moji kontakti jer piše nešto connected....nemojte mislit da sam n00b nego samo ovo ne kužim

Chuck Norris ne jede med on žvače pčele !! 92% tinejđera sluša turbo folk. Ako si ti među onih 8% koji još uvijek slušaju pravu glazbu kopiraj si ovo u potpis. Da se Facebook server sruši 90% mladih palo bi u tesku depresiju. Ako si u onih 10% koji bi im se smijali stavi ovo u potpis
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 2.4.2009 16:26 (nicash).
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15 godina
XP Tips&Tricks


1. Notepad

Secret - Create a Log File
Instructions - Launch Notepad, Type .LOG on the first line, and then press Enter to move to the next line. On the File menu, click Save As, type a descriptive name for your file in the File name box, and then click OK. When you next open the file, note that the date and time have been appended to the end of the log, immediately preceding the place where new text can be added. You can use this functionality to automatically add the current date and time to each log entry.


2. FreeCell

Secret - Instant Win
Instructions - Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 during game play. Then you will be asked if you want to Abort, Retry or Ignore. Choose Abort, then move any card to instantly win.

Secret - Hidden Game Modes
Instructions - In the "Game" menu choose "Select Game". Enter -1 or -2 to activate the hidden game modes.


3. Shutdown

Secret - Display Hibernate Option on the Shut Down dialog
Instructions - Go to "Start", "Turn Off Computer..." and press either Shift key to change the "Stand By" button to "Hibernate".


4. Solitaire

Secret - Instant Win
Instructions - Press Alt + Shift + 2 during game play to instantly win.

Secret - Draw single cards in a Draw Three game
Instructions - Hold down CTRL + ALT + SHIFT while drawing a new card. Instead of drawing three cards you will only draw one.


5. Pinball
Secret - Extra Balls
Instructions - Type 1max at the start of a new ball to get extra balls.

Secret - Gravity Well
Instructions - Type gmax at the start of a new game to activate the Gravity Well.

Secret - Instant Promotion
Instructions - Type rmax at the start of a new game to go up in ranks.

Secret - Skill Shot
Instructions - Launch the ball partially up the chute past the third yellow light bar so it falls back down to get 75,000 points. There are six yellow light bars that are worth a varying amount of points:

First: 15,000 points
Second: 30,000 points
Third: 75,000 points
Fourth: 30,000 points
Fifth: 15,000 points
Sixth: 7,500 points

Secret - Test Mode
Instructions - Type hidden test at the start of a new ball to activate Test Mode. No notification will be given that this is activated but you can now left-click the mouse button and drag the ball around. While in test mode press the following keys for more secrets:

H - Get a 1,000,000,000 High Score
M - Shows the amount of system memory
R - Increases your rank in game
Y - Shows the Frames/sec rate

Secret - Unlimited Balls
Instructions - Type bmax at the start of a new ball. No notification will be given that this is activated but when a ball is lost a new ball will appear from the yellow wormhole indefinitely. Once this is activated you will be unable to activate other secrets without restarting the game.

6. Nevidljivi folder

Napraviti novi folder, otici na Properties - Customize - Change icon (postaviti praznu ikonu) - ok - Rename - na Numlocku upisati 0160 ili 255 ili 32 - Enter :) dobijas nevidljivi folder bez ikone bez imena. Nemojte ih postaviti puno jer je onda drama kad se ude u My computer - sve prazno a puno foldera.


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16 godina
XP Tips&Tricks

E Red Devil takva tema ti već postoji,i tam je puno više takvih finti stavljeno.

Moj PC  
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15 godina
XP Tips&Tricks

moga si stavi za task menager dva načina otvaranja crlt+shift+esc i crlt+alt+delete hehe sala mala

Bolje biti 100 godina bogataš nego 7 dana siromah
Moj PC  
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15 godina
XP Tips&Tricks

Glupost Totalna.

Procesor: Intel Dual Core E5200 2,5Ghz 2MB L2 Cache Matična Ploča: BIOSTAR G31-M7 TE RAM: 2GB Kingmax DDR2 800Mhz Grafička Kartica: Club3D Radeon HD4550 512DDR3 Hard Disk: Hitachi 320GB 7200 o/min 8MB Monitor: Samsung 923NW 19' Widescreen
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15 godina
XP Tips&Tricks
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
XP Tips&Tricks

Barem si se potrudi nesto korisno  napisat za trud ocjena 3.



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 2.4.2009 22:03 (Bagi).
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