Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales


Od danas na GOG-u je pre-order za 25.89€.



 Thronebreaker is a single player role-playing game set in the world of The Witcher that combines narrative-driven exploration with unique puzzles and card battle mechanics.
Crafted by the developers responsible for some of the most iconic moments in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the game spins a truly regal tale of Meve, a war-veteran queen of two
Northern Realms — Lyria and Rivia. Facing an imminent Nilfgaardian invasion, Meve is forced to once again enter the warpath, and set out on a dark journey of destruction and revenge.

Main Features:

    Experience an all new 30-hour Witcher Tale with 20 possible world end-states.
    Embark on over 75 thought-provoking side quests — one of the hallmarks of The Witcher series.
    Explore never-before-seen parts of The Witcher world — Lyria, Rivia, Aedirn, Mahakam and Angren.
    Manage resources, recruit and develop units in your very own customizable war camp.
    Build an army and engage in story battles, which twist the game’s rules in wildly unexpected ways.

Additional Features:

    Thronebreaker features over 250 single player tailored cards, as well as 20 brand new cards for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game.
    Each card represents an entity in the game — characters players interact with during open world exploration can become on-hand assets, deployable during battle.
    During each playthrough, players make choices and face their consequences — acting against an ally’s convictions might cause their card to disappear from the deck.
    Mastering the campaign allows unlocking premium animated versions of cards, additional multiplayer avatars, borders, and titles.
    Fully voice-overed dialogues, localized into 11 languages.

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales comes with these bonus items:

    Concept art, including the map of Lyria
    Digital version of GWENT: Art of The Witcher Card Game artbook from Dark Horse. Please note that it contains the cards' original designs, so they differ from their current in-game counterparts
    The Witcher graphic novel "Fox Children" by Dark Horse
    2 in-game GWENT: The Witcher Card Game Player Titles
    2 in-game GWENT: The Witcher Card Game Player Avatars
    5 premium kegs for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
    Official Thronebreaker Soundtrack
    How about more GWENT extras?
    Unlock 20 cards (standard versions) for use in GWENT: The Witcher Card Game and search for their exclusive premium versions during your travels in Thronebreaker.
    Note: Standard versions of the 20 cards can also be crafted directly in GWENT: The Witcher Card Game.
    All the aforementioned goodies — including the GWENT in-game items — will unlock upon Thronebreaker's release. If you already have a GWENT account, please make sure to use the same credentials for this purchase so that these items get added to your GWENT profile automatically.


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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales


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Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Cini se odlicno - RPG sa CCG-om i super pricom, da to je to.

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Koliko vidim priča se odvija neposredno prije Witchera 3?

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales



Evo jos malo Gameplaya! Svidja mi se totalno, jedva cekam da zaigram.

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Jos 16 dana... tko ce docekati.

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

CDPRov Gameplay video s novim detaljima i bitkama:

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Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales


Zadnji sluzbeni trailer - u utorak je igra vani na PC-u.

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Sutra stize!


Preload bi trebao biti vec moguc od ponoci, a igra starta u 13h po nasem vremenu.



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11 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Preorderao odavno. Čeka se...

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Krenulo prije pola sata - jel ima tko srece pa da nije na poslu, da je vec isprobao?

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Prilicno sam zadovoljan igrom - prica, atmosfera,

u duhu Witcher svijeta sa Gwent pustolovinama.


Takodjer i novi Gwent je odlican!


Usput - pirati su vec "razbili" igru, koja nema zastitu - meni nije jasno kako se mogu hvaliti?

Pa dovoljno je kopirati Exe datoteke i pokrenuti instalaciju bez interneta, i igra ce raditi u Single Playeru normalno.


Al svaka cast da se hvale time. Team je inace Hoodlum.

Ovaj put ipak original dobija povlastice, dodatne karte i bacve u Gwentu,

tako da ispadne ako ste kupili igru, ili kupili u sklopu igre Gwent bacve i dodatne karte,

dodje taman na isto - dakle igra ispadne opet "gratis".

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Odigrao i ja sinoć sat vremena, Gwent je totalno drugačiji iz W3, kompleksniji i izazovniji. Priča mi se čini jako dobra, a pročitao sam recenziju Gamespota, kažu da je odličan dodatak Witcher loreu, i da sama igra ima traje preko 20 sati. I da, igra igra izgleda prekrasno na velikom monitoru.

Trenutno igram Ash of Gods, pa čim to odradim bacam se na ovo.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 24.10.2018 8:37 (Paolo Maldini).
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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

IGN dao 9.4:


WCCFTech dao 9:


PCGamer dao 81:


MetaCritic dao 86:


Po meni ce igra samo rasti dolazecim ekspanzijama, kao i sam Gwent, koji je sad dio Thronebreakera,

nije vise u Beta-i i ima 3 ekspanzije karata.


Kao i Magic The Gathering, lako se dodati nove karte i tehnikalije,

te prosiriti samu pricu.


Sinoc sam ogulio dva sata, i mogu reci da me je vec povuklo.

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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Nije nikakav spoiler, ali mene je jako nasmijalo!



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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales


Evo sluzbeno i na Steamu. Za one koji gundjaju i ne zele GOG.


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7 godina
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Zavrsio igru, prvi prolazak, veoma dobro.


Tocno 36h i 36min igre - makar sama igra broji vrijeme drugacije od GOG Galaxy clienta.


Znam da mi fali 1 zlatna skrinja, i do nje nisam mogao zbog nekakvog bug-a, jer mi MPC nije

dao mapu za nju, al znam gdje je tocno, pa cu kroz drugi prohod naci, u sumi kod Elfova je.


Al da sam fulao toliko, ne znam, izgleda da nisam bas sve pregledao do kraja.




Imam pozitivan kraj, a gore u video se mogu vidjeti sve opcije za kraj.


Odlicna prica, puna zapleta i preokreta, jedva cekam drugi prohod.

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