H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

poruka: 638
čitano: 74.910
moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
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16 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
Gunville na zapadu, gore iza benzinske.
13 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
Kakav masakar sinoc u nekakvom gradicu kraj cranberrya :D
------ Battlelog ~ UrbanFsk ------
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Server PARIS cheater





12 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Sony Online Entertainment postaje Daybreak Game Company... Nadam se da ce nastaviti s radom na igri jer ima velikih potencijala...

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

H1Z1 servers will be coming down at 1:00PM Pacific and will remain down for approximately 2 hours.

Patch Notes:

*Bandages and First Aid Kits no longer heal vehicles when used from the trunk

*Reduced the amount of stacked ammo that can be found in the world.
Finding a full magazine worth of ammo will be very rare.

*Adjusted the amount of durability lost on worn equipment when killed.

*Adjusted the amount of durability lost when firing weapons.

Changed some input mapping data which may reset some edits done to InputProfile_user.xml if they player has edited them.

*Speculative fix for large latencies when players dismount vehicles.

*Fixed additional cases of poison gas persisting after leaving a Battle Royale match.

*Adjusted toxic gas damage. adjusted some server configurations to improve overall server performance.

12 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Kad ce popraviti fiziku auta, ono je katastrofa kad poleti od nicega :D

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

To nije bas trenutacno bitno jer ima jako malo auta i kad se vozi polako vise su sanse da se neces prevrnuti :p  Baze se uvijek mogu srusiti i to su ljudi sada naucili i vise nitko neigra na 1 serveru, uvijek se sele s jednog na drugi. Ako baš naprave nešto teško da se mogu srušiti vrata poput 10 sjekira za 1 vrata/zid to bi bilo super, isto tako da se uvede dmg na vrata i zidove od landmine :)

12 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Byze pls

And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods.
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Sutra 5.2 dolazi wipe! Briše se sve sa chara uključujuči i char :p Što se ne briše je skinovi dobiveni iz battle royala, ticketi, crate i crate keyovi. Wipe dolazi kao dio early accessa i ovo neće biti posljedni. Sutra će biti objavljeni puni patch notes.

12 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Servers will come down at 7AM for approximately 4 hours.

This will include a full server wipe and only allow for one character per server after the patch.

Release Notes

  • Sitting will cancel auto-run.
  • Fixed a bug where players can interrupt equip actions too quickly.
  • Fixed an issue where ammo count could become incorrect if you interrupt a reload action.
  • Objects making noise above or below you in a multi-story building will now be properly attenuated.
  • Added slight zoom to all guns and bows in Iron Sight mode.
  • Lowered sway on .308 rifle while in scoped mode.
  • Fixed an issue with hydration burning too fast when stamina was full.
  • Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause oddities on SLI setups
  • Dropping an item from a world container places it at the players feet instead of the world container origin. The latter would hide it in the world container model.
  • Vehicle stability adjustments – angular damping, moment of inertia, center of mass, tire friction and steering range tuning on the OffRoader, PickupTruck and PoliceCar.
  • Working on getting the vehicles to be more stable and less likely to abruptly roll or flip (this will still be possible on rocks, rough terrain, and player placed objects) but trying to make them more fun and survivable.
  • Fixed /respawn on PvE servers.
  • Fixed self-damage on PvE servers; the players may be the source of damage to themselves without mitigation.
  • Made players names reusable across servers. Names on each server must still be unique.
  • Battle Royale: Cleaned up gas after matches.
  • Battle Royale: gas damage reduced.
  • Fixed certain points of interest not getting reported when players entered.
  • Limited players to one character per server.
  • Recipe Changes
  • The makeshift shovel recipe now requires a metal sheet instead of a metal shard.
  • The storage container recipe now requires more materials.
  • The barbed wire recipe now requires wood planks and more metal shards.
  • The snare recipes now requires more metal shards.
  • The dew collector recipe now requires more wood planks and wood sticks.
  • The ground tiller recipe now requires more metal shards.
  • Bulk Changes - Many bulk changes have been made in an effort to meet somewhere in the middle of realistic and not annoying.
  • Canned food is 25 instead of 100.
  • All instances of water bottles are 25 instead of 50.
  • Backpacks are 150 instead of 600.
  • Military backpacks are 500 instead of 1400.
  • Car batteries 300 instead of 100.
  • Car fuel is 100 instead of 10.
  • Wood logs are 50 instead of 100.
  • Wood planks are 25 instead of 50.
  • Campfires are 50 instead of 100.
  • Scrap Metal is to 25 instead of 5.
  • Metal Sheets are 100 instead of 50.
  • Metal Pipes are 150 instead of 50.
  • Shirts are 50 instead of 100.
  • Jeans are 50 instead of 100.
  • Many melee weapons have had their bulk reduced.
  • First aid kits are 25 instead of 10.
  • All meat is 15 instead of 5.
  • Rifle ammo is 2 instead of 1.
  • Shotgun shells are 5 instead of 1.
  • Arrows are 5 instead of 1.
  • Shirts can now only hold 50 bulk instead of 90.
  • Pants can now only hold 50 bulk instead of 100.
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
9 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Igrate li jos na tom "Red Snow" serveru? Kupio igru pa da vidim gdje se igra haha :D

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 5.2.2015 18:03 (metrix.2k).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Wipe je pa neznam gdje čemo, a i nije bitno kada baze ne rade kako treba. Mi uglavnom dodemo na TS pa odemo na server gdje je trenutačno ekipa koja je na ts-u.

11 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Ako ima tko voljan za Battle Royal neka se javi. Uvijek me na kraju sje*** neka ekipa kad sam igram. Moze na PM ili na steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/objectville/

0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Battle Royal se moze igrati samo sa premium kupovinom igre?

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
9 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
pinc123 kaže...

Battle Royal se moze igrati samo sa premium kupovinom igre?

 za sada je free, i ima samo jedan EU server ostali su US

mamice su štrukle pekle. meni nikaj nisu rekle
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Developer je upravo izjavio da ne izlazite iz igre kada ste u podrumu policijske jer se događa da prilikom ponovnog logiranja možete propasti kroz pod.

10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Patch notes:


The backpack frame recipe now requires wood sticks, nails, and metal brackets.

The framed backpack recipe now requires a backpack frame, a spool of twine, and eight pieces of cloth.

The spool of twine rate of appearance has been slightly increased.

Applying an account item to an inventory item no longer resets durability.

Dropping an item from an inspected container now places the dropped item at the players feet, not the origin of the items container.

Fixed durability not being attached to projectiles - thrown spears should now be the same durability as when they were your inventory

Fixed drop spear dupe -you should no longer be able to drop thrown weapons and have them dupe

Adjustments to "heat" generated while crouched. This will allow players to more effectively sneak around zombies.

Exiting from a flipped vehicle should no longer send you below the world.

Vehicles that fall through the world Should now reappear above the world after a small amount of time

Added a ‘ForceSingleGPU’ option to the [Rendering] section of UserOptions.ini. Adding this option set to 1 will disable the games code adjustments applied when it detects you have more than one GPU active (SLI or Crossfire). This may help some users that are having issues get the game running better without needing to disable their SLI/Crossfire setups.

Countdown Timer to patch: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=770&iso=20150210T03&year=2015&month=2&day=10&hour=3&min=0&sec=0&msg=2/10%20H1Z1%20Patch/Downtime

10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Svi koji ste igrali prije wipe-a dobili ste majicu http://i.imgur.com/SAVasKg.jpg   (skin)

10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Sorry što stavljam 3 posta zaredom, ali post bi bio predugacak pa bi ionako zavrsio na 2 posta.


Danasnji patch:



  • Lowered Hip Fire & Iron Sight horizontal recoil.

  • Lowered damage.

  • Improved overall consistency while firing.


  • Increased Hip Fire recoil.


  • Lowered damage per pellet.

  • Lowered horizontal recoil.

  • Lowered pellet count.

  • Slightly increased fire rate.

  • Adjusted pellet spread.

  • Decreased pellet speed.

  • Increased pellet weight.

  • Decreased amount of bleeding caused when hit by shotgun.


  • Updated Steam API to fix some crashes.

  • Items that had the same placed and dropped item (like landmines) now have a different dropped item. You shouldn’t be able to accidentally drop them and blow yourself up anymore.

  • Lighting has been given a significant overhaul, it should now look better in almost all circumstances. We’re not done yet, but this change should address any lighting problems that effect game play. You will most likely find some lighting artifacts(bright objects or strange glittering effects). We are aware and will address these as they come up. Feel free to report these.

  • Fixed a bug in spawned item accounting that decreased spawn rate over time

  • Objects will retain their orientation during placement mode when they change what surface they are being placed on.

  • Free placed objects (ie, campfires, furnaces, animal traps, etc) cannot be stacked on top of each other.

  • All placed objects can no longer collide with other objects, including player placed objects and static designer placed objects. This means that foundations cannot interpenetrate with other foundations, shacks, buildings, vehicles, roads, or anything else. Free placed objects also can’t interpenetrate with the same objects, excluding the object they are being placed on (ie, still be placed on a road, but not when colliding with a destroyed car).

  • Fixed a bug with socket bound placement objects (ie, stairs on a foundation, barricade on a window, or anything that snaps to a fixed position) that allowed multiple of these objects to interpenetrate each other (a common case was stairs overlapping stairs).

  • Cannot place free-placed objects on rocks and tree stumps

  • Key bindings can now be re-mapped. After selecting an action, press the key to map to that action. Pressing [Esc] will cancel the key bind. Holding [Esc] will clear the currently mapped key. Users cannot bind a key to multiple actions in the same action set. Also added a button to reset all key bindings to default.

  • Collision resist values adjusted for the vehicles to reduce the damage taken from impacts, particularly when landing hard on the suspension and wheels.

  • Lighting system updated.

  • All weather and light sources adjusted with new lighting values. Please report any strange behavior (i.e. flashlights too bright).

Battle Royale

[IMPORTANT]When the match ends, if you don't exit the match quickly, your game client may end up in an unconnected state. We're fixing this for the next update.

  • Vehicle Spawn Counts set to be consistent with survival.

  • End screen now shows your rank and your rewards.

  • Map now displays a “safe zone” ring.

  • Revamped fog movement phases.

  • Adjusted rewards to more align with our final payouts (Excessive payouts previously were for testing purposes, BR is still not ready for the consumption of event tickets and will continue to get updates, thanks for helping us test and polish BR so far!)

  • Removed crate keys from rewards

  • Removed crates from 2nd-4th (1st place will still earn a crate along with all other current awards)

  • Lowered the amount of tickets awarded for 1st-4th

    1st 2 tickets

    2nd 1 ticket

    3rd 1 ticket

    4th 1 ticket

  • Added an Event Ticket reward for 9th-12th

  • Keep in mind these rewards are based on a 48-64 player max BR, the 200 man BR will have a different set of rewards.

13 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Moram se malo pozalit i reci da su dosta unistili igru sa ovim zadnjim doradama.

Pištolj i bilo kakvu pušku nisam vido vec tjedan dana,a skupljanje metaka je odvratno!

Moje misljenje je da igra treba biti brza i dinamicna ,odnosno da u jedan do dva sata mozes skupit vecinu opreme koja ti je potrebna za uzivanje u igri!

Nada se da ce ubrzo promjeniti i dodati vise oružija i metaka te da ce uvest vise BR servera


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 13.2.2015 21:05 (Zodiak).
Moj PC  
1 9 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
Zodiak kaže...

Moram se malo pozalit i reci da su dosta unistili igru sa ovim zadnjim doradama.

Pištolj i bilo kakvu pušku nisam vido vec tjedan dana,a skupljanje metaka je odvratno!

Moje misljenje je da igra treba biti brza i dinamicna ,odnosno da u jedan do dva sata mozes skupit vecinu opreme koja ti je potrebna za uzivanje u igri!

Nada se da ce ubrzo promjeniti i dodati vise oružija i metaka te da ce uvest vise BR servera


 Nekoliko puta su ponovili da im nije u interesu napraviti gun show. Metaka je malo, ali dovoljno ako igraš pažljivo. U jučerašnjem updateu su sje*ali loot, pa ga trenutno uopće nema u niti jednom autu na serverima, no to će ispraviti do sutra ako ne i noćas.


Osobno nemam problem s pronalaženjem pušaka, pošto tu i tamo uleti Worn letter na zombiju, pa se nađe pokoji pištolj, tu i tamo ubijemo nekoga te preuzmemo njegovu opremu. Opreme ima, samo se ne treba razbacivati.

šumski put je bio ravan.
14 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
Zodiak kaže...

Moram se malo pozalit i reci da su dosta unistili igru sa ovim zadnjim doradama.

Pištolj i bilo kakvu pušku nisam vido vec tjedan dana,a skupljanje metaka je odvratno!

Moje misljenje je da igra treba biti brza i dinamicna ,odnosno da u jedan do dva sata mozes skupit vecinu opreme koja ti je potrebna za uzivanje u igri!

Nada se da ce ubrzo promjeniti i dodati vise oružija i metaka te da ce uvest vise BR servera



ne, upravo suprotno, ovakav tip igre ne treba biti brz i dinamičan,

osim toga, napravi sam oružje...


očito ovo nije igra za tebe...

napokon dočekao DNF i Diablo 3
10 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Da unaprijede anticheat iako su rekli prije par dana da im je to največi prioritet zasada, a na jednoj poznatoj stranici citeva pise da igra uopce nema anticheat, ali eto... i naprave da su baze otpornije te da za svaki udarac trosi 2% energy to je već druga igra. Tu bi mogao skupljati sve i biti siguran sve dokle imas jako dobru sagradenu bazu.

14 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

Na kojim serverima igrate? Da li je točno ako ja jednom serverom lootate da to isto nećete imati na drugom serveru bez obriza na loot wipe? 

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
Jim Carrey kaže...

Na kojim serverima igrate? Da li je točno ako ja jednom serverom lootate da to isto nećete imati na drugom serveru bez obriza na loot wipe? 

 Da, svaki server je poseban HUB i svaki lik je zaseban, ne samo da neces sharati iteme, nego ces ih morati i ponovo otkrivati. Jel se jos nekom dogadja da igra ima abnormalno dug loading time kad se logate na starog lika? I meni i ekipi s kojom igram se to cesto dogodi. .

11 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
D3ViL kaže...

 Da, svaki server je poseban HUB i svaki lik je zaseban, ne samo da neces sharati iteme, nego ces ih morati i ponovo otkrivati. Jel se jos nekom dogadja da igra ima abnormalno dug loading time kad se logate na starog lika? I meni i ekipi s kojom igram se to cesto dogodi. .


Meni nema toliko dugi ali malo duzi ponekad bude, ali nije bitno na kojeg charactera se loginam. I vrlo rijetko se to dogodi.

Jedna Dota na dan vadi psihopata iz tebe van!
16 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
NoniCRO kaže...


Meni nema toliko dugi ali malo duzi ponekad bude, ali nije bitno na kojeg charactera se loginam. I vrlo rijetko se to dogodi.

 Ma dobro random bugovi i problemi u alfi nista cudno. Meni se desava iskljucivo na starom liku, prvo sam mislio jer sam se izlogovao u gradu pa je dodatan stres zbog ucitavanja tekstura, ali isto je i u sumi, livadi etc. I kao sto rekoh nisam jedini jos dva lika s kojima igram su imala isti problem. Ali kada napravim novog ide sasvim normalno.
Jesu ispravili bug s ne spawnanjem loot-a u automobilima?

10 godina
H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony

h1z1 ili dayz? sta da uzmem :/

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony


šumski put je bio ravan.
12 godina
Re: H1Z1 Zombie MMO by Sony
toma20 kaže...

h1z1 ili dayz? sta da uzmem :/

 DayZ svakako... H1Z1 je graficki, fizikom i gameplayom iza DayZa i to je to. Kupi DayZ sad kad je jeftin, jer kad ude u Betu na kraju godine bit ce skuplji. A H1Z1 ces svejedno moc igrat F2P, nema smisla davat novce za njega.

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