Dok bug piše "Starshipov pokusni let obavljen gotovo u cijelosti uspješno", ostali pišu:
"SpaceX Starship launch failed minutes after reaching space"
Bug piše: "Tamo je uspio kontrolirano sletjeti, a jedino što u njegovom slučaju nije prošlo prema planu bilo je paljenje motora za usporavanje netom prije slijetanja – pa je signal izgubljen, a 70-ak metara visok prvi stupanj rakete vjerojatno nekontrolirano pao u Atlantik."
Ostali pišu:
"But the rocket's Super Heavy first stage booster, though it achieved a crucial maneuver to separate with its core Starship stage, exploded over the Gulf of Mexico shortly after detaching"
Bug piše:
"Glavni stupanj Starshipa nastavio je svoj put na jugoistok, prema finalnoj destinaciji u Indijskom oceanu. Na kraju planiranog leta svemirski je brod obavio i manevar jedrenja na trupu ("belly flop") te na taj način kontrolirano ušao u atmosferu."
Ostali pišu:
During hypersonic re-entry, the upper stage withstood howling plasma and hellish temperatures for several minutes before breaking apart at an altitude of 65 kilometers, instead of making a high-speed belly flop into the southern Indian Ocean as planned.
Meanwhile, the core Starship stage boosted further toward space, but a few minutes later a company broadcaster said that SpaceX mission control suddenly lost contact with the vehicle.
About eight minutes into the test mission, a camera view tracking the Starship booster appeared to show an explosion that suggested the vehicle failed at that time. The rocket's altitude was 91 miles (148 km).
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