Windowsi se ne žele instalirati na novi disk

poruka: 6
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moderatori: DrNasty, pirat, XXX-Man, Lazarus Long, vincimus
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15 godina
Windowsi se ne žele instalirati na novi disk

 Imam već postojeći disk Maxtor od 200Gb (C i D particija, na C OS) i danas sam kupio novi Caviar Black 1tb. Prepoznao ga je u biosu,napravio sam dvije particije (Computer>Manage),jednu manju za OS.  Najprije sam htio napraviti image postoječih Windowsa (DVD-i sa friško inst. OS-om i programima koje koristim) na novi disk ali nije Htio učitati DVD-e koje imam za backup. Potom sam pokušao instalirati frišku verziju OS-a i nisam mogao odabrati tu particiju. Razlog: Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style.

Kako da riješim taj problem?


Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Windowsi se ne žele instalirati na novi disk

probaj formatirat disk u NTFS

živi danas da ne umres sutra
Moj PC  
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15 godina
RE: Windowsi se ne žele instalirati na novi disk

Već je u NTFSU-u.

14 godina
Windowsi se ne žele instalirati na novi disk

Možda pomogne?


At the "Where do you want to install Windows?" screen hit Shift+F10 to bring up a command prompt.
Type "diskpart" and hit enter.
Type "list disk" and hit enter.
Type "select disk x" replacing x with the number of the disk you want to install Windows to.(Typically you will see a * under GPT for the disk you are having a problem installing to.)
Type "clean" and hit enter. (SEE NOTE BELOW!!!!!)
Type "exit" and hit enter.
Close the command prompt window.
Click Refresh in the "Where do you want to install Windows?" screen.
You should now be able to install windows on the disk that was GPT formatted.

***NOTE*** The clean command will destroy ALL data on the disk you run it on!!! This includes any OEM specific hidden recovery partitions etc. Be absolutely SURE there is NOTHING you need to keep on that disk before running any of these commands. Also this typically converts the disk from GPT back to MBR, you may alternativly use the convert command in diskpart. To read the help in diskpart, type "help commandnamehere" for more info...

Moj PC  
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15 godina
Windowsi se ne žele instalirati na novi disk

Ovo je pomoglo.

Hvala ti puno!

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15 godina
Windowsi se ne žele instalirati na novi disk
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