Evo ti primjer jedne funkcije, samo zamisli da si već importovao 'tweets_df' DataFrame, (inače je elegantnije i bolje kad funkcija ima return):
# Define count_entries()
def count_entries(df, col_name='lang'):
"""Return a dictionary with counts of
occurrences as value for each key."""
# Raise a ValueError if col_name is NOT in DataFrame
if col_name not in df.columns:
raise ValueError ('The DataFrame does not have a ' + col_name + ' column.')
# Initialize an empty dictionary: cols_count
cols_count = {}
# Extract column from DataFrame: col
col = df[col_name]
# Iterate over the column in DataFrame
for entry in col:
# If entry is in cols_count, add 1
if entry in cols_count.keys():
cols_count[entry] += 1
# Else add the entry to cols_count, set the value to 1
cols_count[entry] = 1
# Return the cols_count dictionary
return cols_count
# Call count_entries(): result1
result1 = count_entries(tweets_df, 'lang')
# Print result1