Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ugodni

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Ovo je tema za komentiranje sadržaja Bug.hr portala. U nastavku se nalaze komentari na "Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ugodni".
16 godina
Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ugodni

Ne znam kakva su iskustva drugih firmi ali mi radimo sve prek Teams i radi skoro pa savrseno.

Prije prvog lockdowna smo se pripremili na to da svi idu HomeOffice i imamo 250 ljudi koji su vec godinu dana doma te rade bez izgubljene minute. 

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
3 godine
Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ugodni

Super. Sad će šef, uz Teams/Mail/Whatsapp za komunikaciju, ERP za vođenje skladišta, Jira za zadatke, custom forma za vođenje sati, imati još jednu opciju za uvesti.

Life is meant to die. Accept your fates.
1 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ug
Totalno bespotrebno. Yammer za to njihovo druženje i neobavezni chat, teams za posao, mail klasika. Ne kužim čemu ovo osim da izbace nešto novo reda radi
Tko leti vrijedi, tko ne leti ne vrijedi!
1 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ugodni

Microsoft će taman doradit Teams kada prestane potreba za takvim softverom na ovako masovnoj razini kakva je sada. Preveliki su i pretromi.


0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Re: Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ug
zelenapaprika kaže...

Microsoft će taman doradit Teams kada prestane potreba za takvim softverom na ovako masovnoj razini kakva je sada. Preveliki su i pretromi.


 Microsoft ce taman doraditi Teams i ugasiti ga. Ono to im je neki running gag.

4 godine
Re: Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ug
NEW_MAN kaže...
zelenapaprika kaže...

Microsoft će taman doradit Teams kada prestane potreba za takvim softverom na ovako masovnoj razini kakva je sada. Preveliki su i pretromi.


 Microsoft ce taman doraditi Teams i ugasiti ga. Ono to im je neki running gag.

 Sasvim moguće.

12 godina
Re: Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ug
zelenapaprika kaže...

Microsoft će taman doradit Teams kada prestane potreba za takvim softverom na ovako masovnoj razini kakva je sada. Preveliki su i pretromi.


 Šta fali Teamsu? Ja kao vječiti pljuvač M$-a mu nemam što prigovoriti.

4 godine
Re: Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ug
BlueMax kaže...
zelenapaprika kaže...

Microsoft će taman doradit Teams kada prestane potreba za takvim softverom na ovako masovnoj razini kakva je sada. Preveliki su i pretromi.


 Šta fali Teamsu? Ja kao vječiti pljuvač M$-a mu nemam što prigovoriti.

 Nezgrapan je. Neintuitivan dozlaboga. Loše povezan s ostalim Microsoftovim softverom (Outlook, Sharepoint). Nešto su do sada popravili, nešto pokrali Zoomu (breakout rooms), ali je program i dalje meni loš. Radije koristim Zoom, a koristio sam i Ciscov Webex. Zoom koristim najviše jer ga koristi najviše ljudi oko mene - proveo sam kratku anketu o tome među njima kako se ne bismo natezali oko softvera kojeg ćemo koristiti za komuniciranje. 


Ljudi zamjeraju Teamsu (Microsoftu) preekstenzivno raportiranje aktivnosti korisnika.


The table gives you a breakdown of usage by user.

Username is the display name of the user. You can click the display name to go to the user's setting page in the Microsoft Teams admin center.
Channel messages is the number of unique messages that the user posted in a team chat during the specified time period.
Reply messages is the number of unique reply messages that the user posted in a team channel during the specified time period.
Post messages is the number of unique post messages that the user posted in a team channel during the specified time period.
Chat messages is the number of unique messages that the user posted in a private chat during the specified time period.
Urgent messages is the number of urgent messages that the user posted in a chat during the specified time period.
Total meetings is the total number of scheduled and ad hoc meetings a user participated in during the specified time period.
Meetings organized is the number of scheduled and ad hoc meetings a user organized during the specified time period.
Meetings organized scheduled is the number of scheduled meetings a user organized during the specified time period.
Meetings organized adhoc is the number of ad hoc meetings a user organized during the specified time period.
Meetings participated is the number of the scheduled and the ad hoc meetings a user participated in during the specified time period.
Meetings participated scheduled is the number of the scheduled meetings a user participated in during the specified time period.
Meetings participated adhoc is the number of ad hoc meetings a user participated in during the specified time period.
1:1 calls is the number of 1:1 calls that the user participated in during the specified time period.
Audio time is the total audio time that the user participated in during the specified time period.
Video time is the total video time that the user participated in during the specified time period.
Screen sharing time is the total screen share time that the user participated in during the specified time period.
Last activity is the last date (UTC) that the user participated in a Teams activity.
Other activity tracks when the user is considered active but has a value of zero for chat messages, 1:1 calls, channel messages, total meetings, and meetings organized. Examples actions are when a user opens a channel message post but doesn't reply to it or when a user receives a private message and reads it but doesn't respond to it.

Izvor https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-analytics-and-reports/user-activity-report


Who can see reports


People who have the following permissions:


Global admins: We recommend that only a few people in your company have this role. It reduces the risk to your business.

Exchange admins

SharePoint admins

Skype for Business admins

Global reader

Reports reader

Teams Service Administrator

Teams Communications Administrator



Which activity reports are available in the admin center


Depending on your subscription, here are the available reports.

Email activity

Email activity for US Government

Mailbox usage

Office activations

Office activations for US Government

Active Users

Active Users for US Government

Email apps usage

Email apps usage for US Government

Forms activity

Forms activity for US Government

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice activity

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice activity for US Government

Microsoft 365 groups

Microsoft 365 groups for US Government

OneDrive for Business user activity

OneDrive for Business user activity for US Government

OneDrive for Business usage

OneDrive for Business usage for US Government

Microsoft 365 Apps usage

Microsoft 365 Apps usage for US Government

SharePoint site usage

SharePoint site usage for US Government

SharePoint activity

SharePoint activity for US Government

Skype for Business Online activity

Skype for Business Online conference organized activity

Skype for Business Online conference participant activity

Skype for Business Online peer-to-peer activity

Yammer activity
Yammer activity for US Government
Yammer device usage
Yammer device usage for US Government
Yammer groups activity report
Yammer groups activity report for US Government
Microsoft Teams user activity
Microsoft Teams user activity for US Government
Microsoft Teams device usage
Microsoft Teams device usage for US Government


Activity Reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center - Microsoft 365 admin | Microsoft Docs


Izvor: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/activity-reports?view=o365-worldwide


Outlook + MS Teams sličica u prilogu.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 7.2.2021 15:20 (zelenapaprika).
12 godina
Re: Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ug
To za prikupljanje podataka znam i ne opterečujem se previše s tim. Svi rade isto. Zoom mi je bolji za konferencije ali Teams je bolji za organizaciju rada, pogotovo ako je taj rad usko vezan uz Office. Sin preko Teamsa ima online nastavu i sve to super funkcionira na poprilično slabim tabletima. Ta online nastava je puno kompleksnija (razredi, predmeti, testovi, video ispitivanja, prezentacije...)
Da je savršen, nije. A da je dobar, meni definitivno da. Snašao bi se ja na bilo čemu no pitanje je bi li se snašla djeca a pogotovo učitelji.
1 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Re: Potpuno nova Microsoftova platforma Viva za ug
BlueMax kaže...
To za prikupljanje podataka znam i ne opterečujem se previše s tim. Svi rade isto. Zoom mi je bolji za konferencije ali Teams je bolji za organizaciju rada, pogotovo ako je taj rad usko vezan uz Office. Sin preko Teamsa ima online nastavu i sve to super funkcionira na poprilično slabim tabletima. Ta online nastava je puno kompleksnija (razredi, predmeti, testovi, video ispitivanja, prezentacije...)
Da je savršen, nije. A da je dobar, meni definitivno da. Snašao bi se ja na bilo čemu no pitanje je bi li se snašla djeca a pogotovo učitelji.

 Za ovo zadnje treba priprema. A za to nije bilo vremena. Srećom, na internetu postoji puno tutoriala kako koristiti Teams.

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