Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

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12 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Pozz, pokušat cu što bolje znam objasnit situaciju i šta želim.


Imam stari Vipov Hombox router (ja misim da je Huawei B260a). Internet imam preko USB mobilnog interneta (T-mobile). Taj mobilni internet je spojen na moje računalo i djelim internet preko LAN mreže drugima u kući. Problem je što na tom USB u nemogu napravit WiFi hot spot. Pa sam mislio dali mogu iskoristit ovaj stari homebox za to.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Pozdrav, evo mene zanima isto..


Dakle imam internet preko USB-a i jedan router od T-coma koji je podrzavao WIFI, jel mogu nekako spojiti router na komp i da mi sluzi kao hotspot, da mogu u stanu imat wifi za mobitel npr.


Hvala unaprijed ako netko zna! :)

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot
mrbean kaže...

Pozdrav, evo mene zanima isto..


Dakle imam internet preko USB-a i jedan router od T-coma koji je podrzavao WIFI, jel mogu nekako spojiti router na komp i da mi sluzi kao hotspot, da mogu u stanu imat wifi za mobitel npr.


Hvala unaprijed ako netko zna! :)

Prebacis ruter u AP mode i na kompu bi trebao bridgeat lan i ovu vezu od USB-a..
Ne znam jel ovo drugo moguce,ali probaj,guglaj.

@modovi, Sunce se okreće oko Zemlje,ne?
10 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot


Ne vidim u cemu je problem, treba ti VIPov homebox biti otkljucan (mozes traziti od VIPa ili na interenetu za sitne novce se moze kupiti kod) i samo ubacis t-mobile karticu u njega i svi PCiji preko WI-FI od homeboxa se spajaju na internet.

0 0 hvala 0
9 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot
zelio bih otkodirati otključati svoj homebox globesurfer iii imei 354532020410043 email imam sve papire račune i stare garancije , ima li kakve šanse i koji je put ?
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Imate na forumu temu za to, jedan tip otklučava homeboxove besplatno

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Pozdrav, da ne otvaram novu temu.. Dobio sam od susjede stari Vip Homebox ruter telefon i to sve tu, ona to htjela bacit reko nemoj daj meni možda bum uspio to za nekaj iskoristit..  Ruter je neki  " XS Jack T2 " a telefon neki simensov. Izvadio sam ovu staru vipovu karticu iz tog uređaja i bacio pošto je beskorisna, mene sad zanima sljedeće:


1. Kak se taj uređaj dekodira i dal ima neko na forumu ko bi to znao napravit jer bi ja stavio bonbon karticu u njega


2. Jel taj ruter može služit samo ko ruter da lovi signal i daje internet ili može bit i hotspot da se spojim sa mobom na njega?


3. Kak to čudo daje internet van kad ima samo dva utora za kabl od telefona, niš drugo


4. Kak to sve složit kaj sam ja naumio? Ako se nemože, za koju namjenu bi onda mogo iskoristit to ili jednostavno da prosljedim u susjedovu kantu za smeče di je i trebalo završit?

0 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Vjerovatno ti je najlakse i najjeftinije kupiti koristen router u oglasu nego se zezati sa time....

12 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Imam Vipov Hombox. otključan,rumunjski vodatel,  Huawei B260a.

Internet imam , na stanu, preko kabela, optima i mogu se spajati wi fi-em.


Drugog signala  na toj lokaciji nema .

Mislio sam dali mogu iskoristit ovaj  homebox za hot spot.

Pošto sam daleko od Optima rutera.

Spajam se sa mob. MI MAX-om.

U postavkama Huawei B260a sve je na engleskom,

tu se ne mogu snaći pa mi treba pomoć, stavka po stavka, ipak sam prošao 60 god.

a u papirnatim uputstvima nema ništa o hotspotu.



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 30.1.2017 8:48 (kozar).
8 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Spominje li se igdje access point pod wifi?

EDIT vidim da ima access point. Bolje nadji nekog da ti to podesi jer ovako citajuci upustvo je jako tesko... NA licu mjesto to se podesi za par minuta...

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 30.1.2017 9:43 (Torent).
12 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Hvala na odgovoru !!!

Spominje se ,  ja sve skinuo sa WLAN settings:



WLAN Basic Settings
Name SSID(Service Set Identifier): Enter a character string up to 32 characters as the name for your wireless local area network(WLAN).
SSID Broadcast
Enabled: The gateway broadcasts the SSID and other devices can detect and connect to it.
Disabled: The gateway disables broadcasting and hides the name of your network.
AP Isolation
When it is "On", stations can connect to the gateway, but can not visit each other.
When it is "Off", stations can connect to the gateway and visit each other.
Country | Channel
IEEE 802.11g/b divides ISM band into multiple channels, and the number of channels varies with different countries. You should set the same numbers of channels or select "Auto" to set up connection.
802.11 Mode
54g Auto: It is for the widest compatibility.
54g Performance: It is for the best performance of the 54g devices.
54g LRS: It can be compatible with the 802.11b/g compatible devices.
54g Only: It specifies that only the 802.11g devices can connect to the gateway.
802.11b Only: It specifies that only the 802.11b devices can connect to the gateway.
Wireless Interface:
hombox B260A

SSID Broadcast:
AP Isolation:
Country: Current: HR
Channel: Current:11
802.11 Mode:



WLAN Advance Settings

  • 802.11 Authentication
    Open System: You can authenticate successfully with a SSID, whether it is valid or empty.
    Shared Key: The WLAN clients who have the same WEP key with wireless gateway can pass the authentication and access the wireless network.
  • Encryption Mode
    No Encryption: Your wireless network is open to everyone without authentication and encryption, and this option is not recommended.
    Wireless Equivalent Privacy(WEP): It is a 64-bit or 128-bit encryption method with user configurable fixed keys.
    Wi-Fi Protected Access(WPA): It is a 256-bit encryption method with keys changing automatically.
    WPA2: It is the securer version of WPA with implementation of the 802.11i standard.
  • WPA Pre-Shared Key
    Enter the Pre-Shared key as a plain text (ASCII) pass-phrase of at least 8 characters.
  • Key Rotation Interval
    It is used to specify the key update interval and is expressed in seconds. If it is 0, the function is disabled.
  • Network Key
    Enter 5 ASCII characters or 10 hexadecimal digits for a 64-bit key; enter 13 ASCII characters or 26 hexadecimal digits for a 128-bit key.
  • Current Network Key
    The default WEP key for data encryption. You had better set the same default key for AP and clients.

Wireless Interface:     hombox B260A(80:B6:86:EE:A7:42)     802.11 Authentication:     Open     Shared     Encryption Mode:     NO ENCRYPTION     WPA-PSK     WPA2-PSK     WPA-PSK|WPA2-PSK     WEP     


WPA Encryption:      TKIP      AES      TKIP+AES      WPA Pre-Shared Key:Key Rotation Interval:
WLAN Bridge
  • Preamble Type
    Long | Short: Set whether short or long preambles are used. Short preambles improve throughput but all clients in the wireless network must support this capability if selected.
  • Max Associations Limit
    Set the associations that the wireless gateway supports. The value ranges from 1 to 32.
  • Mode
    Access Point: It is used to enable access point.
    Wireless Bridge: It refers to the Wireless Distribution System(WDS).
  • Bridge Restriction
    Enable: Select it to enable wireless bridge restriction. Only those listed in "Bridges" can be granted access.
    Disable: Select "Disable" to disable wireless bridge restriction. Any wireless bridge(including those listed in Bridges) can be granted access.
    Bridges: Enter the peer wireless MAC addresses of a wireless bridge that is part of the Wireless Distribution System(WDS).The MAC address should be in the form of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
Preamble Type:       Long       Short      Max Associations Limit: Mode:      Access Point Wireless Bridge    Bridge Restriction:      Enable      Disable    Bridges:Peer MAC Address
  • MAC Restrict Mode
    Disabled: The MAC restrict function is disabled. Any WLAN client tries to join the network is not restricted by the MAC address.
    Allow: The WLAN clients whose MAC addresses are listed in the form are allowed to connect to the gateway.
    Deny: The WLAN clients whose MAC addresses are listed in the form are restricted to connect to the gateway.
  • MAC Addresses
    The following are allowed or denied clients with the specified MAC address in the form of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
MAC Restrict Mode:      Disabled      Allow      Deny      MAC Addresses:
8 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Evo generalno ako ti moze sta pomoci. Pod wan setings stavi na automatski sve sto moze...

Pod wlan setting stavi mode na access point, ssid kako zelis da ti se mreza zove  pod security stavi na open. chanel stavi na neki izmedju 3 i 11....Probaj ovo....

12 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Hvala na pomoći !

Za sada neznam sigurno dali može ići to što ja želim, ali nikako nemogu podesiti.

Tražim dalje !


0 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Trazi nekoga da ti to podesi... Niej to nista komplikovano ako znas sta radis. Par minuta posla....

13 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Da li možda netko zna kako postaviti kućnu mrežu na Air live routeru u koji je ukopčan Tele2 internet stick (na OS Windows 10).

Sve je do sad uredno radilo (nisam ja slagao - onaj tko je slagao više nije dostupan), a kako sam resetirao router, izgubila se mreža.

Sad se jedino mogu spojiti na internet ako stavim stick u laptop .... pa mi fali wi-fi, da mogu spojiti više uređaja (mobitele).


0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Hvala torent.

Ma moja generacija ti nezna ni uključit PC.

Pa zar nigdje nema uputstva za podešavanje ?



0 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Pa napisao sam ti upustvo a upustvo kako da podesis to sto ti hoces bas na tvom uredjaju ces jako tesko naci jer je to na slicnim uredjajima manje vise isto....

12 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Da za nekoga ko ne uči !

Samo Security Settings ima 7 stavaka

Advanced Settings ima 6 stavaka

Wlan Settings ima 5 stavaka, a ti si to opisao kao par tipki.

8 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot
kozar kaže...


WLAN Basic Settings
Name SSID(Service Set Identifier): unesi ime kako zelis da ti se zove bezicna mreza
SSID Broadcast Enabled
AP Isolation OFF
Country | Channel stavi neki broj izmedju 3 i 11. Vjerovatno ti je tu padajuci meni
IEEE 802.11g/b....
Wireless Interface:
Name(SSID): hombox B260A promijeni ako zelis kao sto napisah gore

SSID Broadcast:
AP Isolation:
Country: Current: HR
Channel: Current:11 neki izmedju 3 i 11 po zelji
802.11 Mode: auto



WLAN Advance Settings

  • 802.11 Authentication
    Open System: sada ostavi open pa kasnije kad proradi mozes dizati na neki visi nivo sigurnosti...
  • Encryption Mode
    No Encryption: ...
WLAN Bridge
  • Preamble Type
    Long | Short: Set whether short or long preambles are used. Short preambles improve throughput but all clients in the wireless network must support this capability if selected.
  • Max Associations Limit
    Set the associations that the wireless gateway supports. The value ranges from 1 to 32.
  • Mode
    Access Point: It is used to enable access point.
    Wireless Bridge: It refers to the Wireless Distribution System(WDS).
  • Bridge Restriction
    Enable: Select it to enable wireless bridge restriction. Only those listed in "Bridges" can be granted access.
    Disable: Select "Disable" to disable wireless bridge restriction. Any wireless bridge(including those listed in Bridges) can be granted access.
    Bridges: Enter the peer wireless MAC addresses of a wireless bridge that is part of the Wireless Distribution System(WDS).The MAC address should be in the form of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
Preamble Type:       Long       Short      Max Associations Limit: Mode:      Access Point Wireless Bridge    Bridge Restriction:      Enable      Disable    Bridges:Peer MAC Address
  • MAC Restrict Mode
    Disabled: The MAC restrict function is disabled. Any WLAN client tries to join the network is not restricted by the MAC address.
    Allow: The WLAN clients whose MAC addresses are listed in the form are allowed to connect to the gateway.
    Deny: The WLAN clients whose MAC addresses are listed in the form are restricted to connect to the gateway.
  • MAC Addresses
    The following are allowed or denied clients with the specified MAC address in the form of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
MAC Restrict Mode:      Disabled      Allow      Deny      MAC Addresses:

 Ostalo nista ne diraj. pod Wan settings stavi sve na auto i ako imas igdje da biras stavi na acces point umjesto bridge ili client moda

12 godina
Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

Hvala torent, stvarno VELIKO HVALA NA TRUDU!!!!


Sve sam uradio po spisku, OK.

E, a sad kako spojiti i gdje vidjeti dali radi.

Moram doma sve urediti.

Upalio wi-fi , dali se negdje na ruteru vidi dali je spojen na internet.



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 2.2.2017 13:26 (kozar).
0 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Stari Vip homebox router za WiFi hotspot

E to ne znam jer nisam tu an licu mjesta. Router ti je barijera kako da se izrazim izmedju tvoje kucne mreze i vanjske mreze. Ovo sto sam ti napisao je za podesavanje kucne bezicne mreze a kako ide na vanjsku mrezu to stvarno ne znam.

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